How can I use an RSS feed reader for business? 5 great ideas


13 July 2021


RSS feed reader

You’re here because you’re searching for that hidden weapon. The one secret that will give you a definitive edge over other companies in your line of work.

Behold the RSS feed reader. It’s not flashy. It can, in fact, be a little bit confusing, if you only have memories of them in the early 00s.

But it’s true. An RSS feed reader can make all the difference for your business.

What is an RSS feed reader?

What is an RSS feed reader?

Or maybe you’re not familiar with RSS. Here’s a crash course.

RSS is a protocol, which was developed early in the Internet’s youth as a way for users to have an easy way to access numerous sites simultaneously. Basically, every website and blog would have an RSS feed embedded in their code, which can then be accessed by an RSS feed reader.

Add any feed to your reader and then receive its content as soon as it’s posted. It’s that simple and was the chief way to stay connected and on top of development during the blogging craze.

Is it going to help my business grow?

Is it going to help my business grow?


RSS readers have grown by leaps and bounds from where they started. For one, they now support all types of media files and formats, ranging from YouTube to podcasts. You’re able to cast your net wide – excellent for performing monitoring and research.

Not to mention how RSS feed readers have added tools, filters, and integrations that now place them firmly in the category of productivity tools. Depending on which RSS feed reader you have, you are in the perfect position to streamline your company’s journey to success.

How to use it for business?

How to use it for business?

a. Monitor your brand

To many, monitoring public opinion regarding their brand begins by opening their social media for a quick scroll down mentions and DMs. Maybe retweet something funny. That’s it. Smaller companies are particularly guilty of thinking ‘we’re small, so nobody’s really talking about us.’

It’s a fact many customers share their impressions of a business without tagging the businesses in their discussions unless it’s a direct complaint. Follow the breadcrumbs no matter how infrequent or small they are through RSS. Here’s what you can achieve with Inoreader as your RSS reader:

  • Create Google Alerts for important branded keywords and migrate them to Inoreader. This way you get the benefit of Alerts without the ineffective mail delivery.
  • Create keyword searches on social media, Twitter for instance, and subscribe to them via Inoreader, so you’re instantly updated when posts mention you.
  • Subscribe to important trade sites and set triggers to receive alerts whenever an article pops up that mentions your brand.

b. See what competitors do

The same principles as above apply here. Users can shift their attention easily to direct competitors in a heartbeat with minimal effort. You don’t have to change much in your monitoring approach, but it can also be wise to subscribe to your competitors’ newsletter, website, and social media.

The goal here is to monitor not just what’s said about your competitors, but also keep a close eye on every possible move they make. If you’re a considerably smaller fish in the pond, it’s smart to know when the market leaders are going to make an announcement, release a product or start a new campaign. That way you can time important marketing pushes on your part during the empty slots in their calendar.

Besides, your competitors are live case studies on the viability of campaigns and marketing ideas.

c. Follow influencers and bloggers

I mentioned trade publications above and the importance of checking for coverage of your brand, but there’s also another important category of sources you shouldn’t neglect. I’m talking about influencers and bloggers. These are the people that are somewhere between your target audience and industry systems.

They’re vehicles for promotion with varying degrees of influence. Some showcase what resonates with your ideal customers and others have economic power thanks to the size of their audience. Influencer marketing is still here for the time being and it’s a truly interesting phenomenon as it allows you to see firsthand what connects with your audience.

Influencers and bloggers thrive on their relatability to their followers. RSS feed readers are made for this exact purpose – follow blogs, newsletters, forums, and now a variety of media formats.

d. Discover new topics

RSS readers have made a sharp turn towards assisting their user base in finding relevant material, not just consuming it. After all, will you ever leave your RSS reader, when you keep on finding new and new feeds to explore? However, this functionality is not just created for leisure. It’s perfect for research purposes.

Inoreader has invested a lot into their discovery features. The very thing you encounter when you make your account is the discovery zone. You have several main branches of topics that further divide depending on how narrow your interests run. Each topic and subtopic is populated by the most subscribed-to RSS feeds in the reader’s database.

Furthermore, you have a lot more flexibility in how you explore suggestions thanks to the Sort by Magic feature, while the browser extension simplifies subscriptions to new RSS feeds and grants easy access to recent updates.

e. Learn more about your customers

Really, through the right blend of branded and non-branded keyword monitoring (we touched on both above), you arrive at a fuller, more fleshed-out profile of your ideal customer. You experience your customers in relation to your brand, which is essential in improving the ever-fragile brand-customer relationship. But more importantly, you get to experience them in their own environment. If you follow the current crop of successful influencers, then you know quite a lot.

Where do they hang out online? What’s important to them? How do they talk? What inspires them in their day-to-day life? What needs does your product meet? What motivates them to buy specifically from you? All these are questions you can answer. All from Inoreader’s dashboard.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Critical traps to avoid in your warehousing

It is not incorrect that the success of your e-commerce business is deeply tied to the functionality of your warehouse. Choosing a warehouse to a large extent would determine how well your business turns out especially in terms of logistics. However, we easily fall into some critical snares when making our warehousing decision. Thus, it would be immensely helpful to examine some of those things we do wrong when procuring a warehouse. Many of us don’t bother to physically check the warehouse first: Granted, it is impressive the digital transformation our world has faced, so much can be done and sold online. But it could eventually turn regrettable procuring a warehouse say from just what you saw and read about it online. This amount to punishable negligence and possibly gross misplace of trust. Always take out time to physically investigate the warehouse and see for yourself the brick-and-mortar life situation before getting the warehouse. You should be ensuring first hand that it meets some basic requirements like spaciousness, hygiene, equipment and more crucially the security. A visitation to the facility gives you an encompassing knowledge of how the facility runs on the ground. It would give you a more accurate perspective or judgment of how the employees are their capacity, reliability and all that. Some of us make the mistake of owning a warehouse that doesn’t match our needs: Keep in mind that you are not necessarily getting that website just because it is the prevailing trend. Rather, you are basically getting that website because you crucially need it. Therefore it is utterly paramount that the warehouse precisely matches your needs. You should be asking yourself what sort of fulfillment you would be delivering and what kind of facilities will best get the job done. You should not forget that a B2C warehouse wouldn’t capably handle the needs of a B2B warehouse. Therefore when making your warehousing decision, ensure that the execution, the volume, the operation process of the warehouse are all compatible with your business needs. The location is fundamental: When making your choice of warehousing, the location should be one of the first criteria that come to mind. It would be a terrible mistake to choose the wrong location for your warehousing. This majorly plays out in your logistics needs. How close is the warehouse to your customers? How about its proximity to your manufacturers or suppliers? You must find the ideal location that balances your logistic needs at minimal cost and time. This is crucial to the success of your business. Many of us end up paying too much: This is a common predicament we all battle, overinflated warehousing fees. From your cost of initial set up, storage cost, picking and packing cost all the way to your inbound handling cost, you must make sure that you are paying for top value and every dollar you spend is well served. In some cases, we get overcharged storage fees; this is even more devastating when we hold on to excess inventory which we are terribly struggling to sell. So it is good to clearly identify what we are paying for and have a precise documentation in place. If you have your own insurance policy, it would help you spend less though. Knowing some of these things you shouldn’t be doing with your warehousing puts you in a better position to make more accurate and efficient decisions. This would save you avoidable cost and mishaps on the long run. Read Also: Ship Packages Often? Why You Need A Courier Broker! Important Things To Consider When Packaging Your Product Best Essential Tips While Renting A Warehouse In Mumbai


4 Tips To Maintain Your Fleet

Efficient fleet management is critical for transportation-dependent enterprises. Whether you run a delivery service, a logistics company, or any fleet-based business, keeping your cars in top shape is critical to success. A well-maintained fleet increases not only operational efficiency but also safety, downtime, and unexpected repair expenses. Fleet maintenance costs are estimated to cost only 15-40% of total production costs, making it a worthwhile investment for businesses. In this article, we will delve into the complexities of fleet maintenance and look at a variety of tactics for keeping your cars running smoothly, increasing their lifespan, and minimizing potential problems. If these vehicles are not maintained, a transmission shop may be the next stop for all these vehicles and end up being more costly. 1. Develop a Personalized Maintenance Schedule The core of successful fleet management is a planned and tailored maintenance schedule. Each vehicle in your fleet has distinct characteristics, usage patterns, and levels of wear and tear, demanding a tailored solution. Inspections and maintenance checks on a regular basis Inspections on a regular basis are the first line of protection against potential problems. Implementing daily pre-trip inspections allows drivers to detect and report any visible abnormalities with important components like brakes, tires, lights, and fluid levels. Furthermore, scheduling periodic comprehensive inspections performed by professional technicians provides a full review of the overall health of your fleet. Commit to Preventive Maintenance The foundation of fleet longevity and cost control is preventive maintenance. By following a preventive maintenance program, you can address and repair minor concerns before they become severe breakdowns. Fleet oil changes, filter replacements, tire rotations, belt and hose inspections, and overall system checks are common preventative maintenance jobs. Preventive maintenance not only decreases the danger of unexpected breakdowns, but it also improves the overall reliability of your fleet. Make Use of Technology CMMS software has emerged as a vital tool for streamlining fleet maintenance activities in the digital age. These advanced systems aid in the tracking of vehicle maintenance history, the scheduling of impending tasks, the monitoring of spare parts inventory, and the streamlining of communication between drivers, mechanics, and fleet management. With real-time data at your fingertips, you can make educated decisions, optimize maintenance tasks, and guarantee that nothing slips through the cracks. 2. Empower Drivers with Training Drivers are the front-line guardians of your fleet's health. Properly trained drivers not only make the roads safer but also play an important part in extending the life of your vehicles. Comprehensive Defensive Driving Training Defensive driving classes are vital for providing improved skills and knowledge to your drivers in order to minimize accidents and mitigate hazards. This type of training stresses hazard identification, effective space management, and defensive driving techniques. Drivers actively contribute to the preservation of cars and the safety of other road users by lowering the likelihood of crashes. Techniques for Efficient Driving Fuel expenditures account for a sizable amount of fleet expenses. You may significantly decrease operational expenses and contribute to environmental sustainability by encouraging fuel-efficient driving practices. Training drivers to avoid harsh acceleration and braking, maintain steady speeds, and reduce idle time can result in significant fuel savings. Load Management Expertise Drivers should be educated on the need for good load management. Excessive strain on tires, suspension systems, and brakes can result in rapid wear and poor fuel economy. On the other hand, ensuring adequate weight distribution and adherence to load limitations contribute to improved safety and performance. 3. Prioritize Tire Maintenance Tires are an important component of fleet performance, and they require careful care. Tires that are well-maintained not only save gasoline but also improve vehicle control and overall safety. Tire Inspections on a Regular Basis Implement a tire inspection program to check for indicators of wear and damage and correct inflation on a regular basis. Tires that are underinflated or overinflated can cause uneven wear patterns and greater fuel consumption. Regular inspections allow for the timely detection of tire concerns, allowing for immediate corrective action. Rotation and Alignment of Tires Tire rotation is necessary to ensure that all tires wear evenly. Rotating the tires on a regular basis helps to extend their lifespan, lowering replacement expenses. Wheel alignment is also important for tire longevity and vehicle performance. Misaligned wheels can cause uneven tire wear and reduce fuel efficiency. Tire Replacement on Time Replace tires when they approach the end of their recommended service life or show considerable wear. Investing in high-quality, long-lasting tires may have a greater initial cost, but it pays off in the form of longer-lasting, more reliable tires that contribute to improved fuel efficiency and lower maintenance costs. 4. Use Telematics for Better Fleet Management Modern telematics technology provides a wealth of data for monitoring and optimizing fleet operations. Proactive Vehicle Maintenance and Diagnostics Telematics systems give real-time information on a variety of vehicle aspects, such as engine health, fuel efficiency, and performance measures. Fleet managers can discover possible faults before they escalate by closely monitoring this data, allowing for preventive maintenance and avoiding costly breakdowns. Fuel Efficiency and Route Optimization Telematics can aid in route optimization, minimizing wasted mileage, and lowering fuel expenditures. Efficient route planning reduces vehicle wear and tear, contributing to total fleet longevity. Driver Behavior Evaluation Telematics allows for the monitoring of driver behavior such as excessive idling, speeding, and aggressive driving. Fleet managers may decrease vehicle wear and tear, assure safer driving practices, and potentially lower insurance costs by recognizing and correcting problematic driving patterns. Final Thoughts Vehicle fleet maintenance necessitates a diverse approach that includes regular inspections, preventative maintenance, driver training, tire care, and data-driven management via telematics. You may ensure the best performance and longevity of your fleet by following the tactics provided in this detailed handbook. Consistent fleet maintenance not only increases operating efficiency and lowers repair costs, but it also benefits your brand's reputation and customer happiness. Remember that a well-maintained fleet is not a cost; it is a strategic investment that will fuel your company's success and growth in the long run. Read Also: What Does Elon Musk Have In His Vehicle Fleet? 5 Essential Tips For Hiring Prom Limousine Denise Hamet Discusses Trends in Creative Transportation Strategies  

social responsibility of business

Why Your Business Should Care About Social Responsibility

You’ve got enough to worry about trying to make your business a success without having to worry about saving the world as well, right? Wrong. Research shows that incorporating socially responsible policies into your business model can help your business to thrive. From inspiring customer loyalty to attracting investment, social responsibility has huge business benefits. Plus, you can’t beat that warm, fuzzy feeling you get from doing your bit to help the world. In our modern digital society - where consumers have access to both company records and the fast-moving social media grapevine – social responsibility matters more than ever before. Not only do many consumers prefer to buy from ethical companies, they often insist on it. And this demand is going nowhere. Brands need to embrace social responsibility and put it at the heart of their business to have any chance of earning the kind of reputation today’s consumers want. Read on to find out exactly why your business should care about social responsibility. What are the benefits? Making social responsibility a key part of your corporate citizenship policy can have far-reaching effects for your business. Commit to better environmental practices and you’re likely to cut costs as you reduce your waste and save on energy bills. Devote time to helping a charity and you’ll create no end of positive press and PR opportunities. The list goes on and on. Other top benefits include: Better marketing and brand recognition More credibility and customer loyalty More satisfied employees (and that makes for increased productivity) Facilitation of innovation and development through collaboration Increased sales and a boost in profits More opportunities to secure external investment Easier regulatory relationships with local authorities and the law A great reputation and business longevity The chance to leave a meaningful legacy and inspire the next generation How can my business be more socially responsibility? When creating your corporate social responsibility policy, you need to start by identifying the values that are important to your business. Think about your purpose and what you believe in. You should also think about what means the most to your customers. Your policy should cover a range of issues from the environment to charitable donations and, crucially, include an implementation and reporting plan. You could have the best policy in the world but if you don’t carry it out, it’s meaningless. You’ll find loads of useful information on the GRI website. They empower businesses around the world to create socially responsible and sustainable business models. Key policy areas to consider include: Charitable giving Social responsibility often involves working to support a charity or worthy cause. Ideally, you should choose a cause that aligns well with your business and that your stakeholders and employees will be enthusiastic about. Take shoe brand, TOMS. Their One for One campaign helps provide shoes to people in need. For every pair of shoes purchased, they donate a pair – over 75 million at the last count. A great example of a charitable cause that has meaningful synergy with a brand. Collaborative brand partnerships Putting competition aside and partnering up with another brand to work collaboratively can have a huge impact. By sharing resources and expertise, partnered brands can achieve far more than they would alone. And all sides stand to gain when the collaboration has charitable aims. The pre-competitive partnership between luxury online retailer Yoox and fashion brand We Are Handsome is a prime example. Their Yoox Loves the Reef project sees them team up to produce and sell an exclusive line of swimwear and activewear to support the conservation work of the Great Barrier Reef Foundation. Carbon emissions In the face of climate change, more and more businesses are looking to play their part and reduce their carbon footprint. Brands like L’Oréal have even committed to going fully carbon neutral and the hope for the future is that other businesses will follow suit. Begin by identifying your carbon emissions and then look at ways of reducing them. This could include boosting the energy efficiency of your operations, reducing travel miles in your supply chain, investing in sustainable packaging, and offsetting unavoidable emissions.  A wide range of brands from IKEA to Unilever are collaborating to fight climate change in the We Mean Business coalition. Human rights Socially responsible businesses should, at the very least, make sure that no part of their supply chain uses unethical labor practices, wherever that might be in the world. On top of that, the most socially conscious brands take active steps to improve the lives of their workers. Sourcing Fair Trade goods, investing in sustainable solutions for local communities, and treating workers fairly and with respect are of vital importance to consumers nowadays. And they’re willing to pay more to shop from a brand with great human rights credentials. M&S are one brand leading the way here, with a range of projects designed to ensure they have a positive impact on human rights and wellbeing. The M&S Global Community Programme aims to help one million people from their supply chain communities build livelihoods and conserve the environment over the next seven years. Read More : Influencer Marketing Tool To Move From Local To Global Market Top 4 Reasons To Outsource White Label PPC For Your Business How To Choose Best VOIP For Small Business 5 Marketing Tips To Help Grow Your Business On Instagram Investing In Machinery For A More Productive Business