Beach Hacks That Will Maximize Fun and Reduce Aggravation


02 September 2021


Beach Hacks

Vacation days at the beach areas should always be fun and stress-free. Losing vulnerable items, sunburned kids, and sand all over your beach items, but to name a few, can ruin your beach day. To ensure that you achieve the most of your day, assuming everything goes out as planned, try out these beach hacks that will maximize fun and reduce aggravation.

1. Pack your beach bag the previous night

There is nothing worse than delaying your beach trip simply because you are looking for every item that you may need for the beach. Ensure that you put everything in place the night before; to save time. You may be lucky to be among the first beachgoers, allowing you to pick a good spot on the beach.

2. Don’t forget a good beach umbrella

2. Don’t forget a good beach umbrella

A good beach umbrella is one of the few items you don’t realize how much you need until you go without it. Beach umbrellas shield you from extreme sun rays, provide a cool shade and add extra style to your beach excursion. Choose a beach umbrella that you can afford and suits your every need.

3. Make use of a mesh bag

To avoid bringing beach sand home with you, you can use a mesh bag to carry your kid’s toys and beach gear. As you return the toys and beach gears in the mesh bag after use, excess sand falls out on the beach rather than in your car or your house.

4. Bring along a fitted sheet

To prevent filling your beach towel with sand, use a fitted sheet that prevents blowing sand from invading your space. Lay your fitted sheets upside down, place a heavy object on the four corners to act as anchors, then pull the sheet up and stretch tightly.

5. Hide and protect valuable items

Valuable items like keys, money, and phones must be kept safe from theft, getting lost, and damaged. Use the “diaper trick” when you want to go swimming. You can wrap your valuables in a diaper then, fold the diaper as if it’s dirty. You can store your phone in a plastic bag or a pool pouch to prevent damage from sand and water. Also, you can tie your keys around a wine cork or a floating chain, especially if you are swimming with them to prevent sinking into the water.

6. Pack baby powder

There is no fun in wiping wet sand off yourself at the end of your beach day. However, you can use some baby powder to remove sand from parts of your body where sand is still sticking. First, you need to air dry as soon as you get out of the water, then apply baby powder. Baby powder absorbs excess moisture on your skin, making it easier to brush off the sand.

7. Start your day on a heavy breakfast

7. Start your day on a heavy breakfast

You may carry food to the beach but end up throwing it away because it’s filled with sand. To avoid this, ensure that you eat a heavy breakfast before heading out. You can pack some drinks and light snacks instead of something more substantial.

8. Carry an inflatable kiddie pool

For those parents with newly mobile babies, you can bring a small inflatable kiddie pool to the beach. If you are not careful, babies can move just enough to get away from you, making your day less enjoyable. You can put your baby into the inflated pool with some toys to keep them contained and still entertained.

9. Bring along a couple of balloons

9. Bring along a couple of balloons

At the beach, ears get blocked and need to be cleared. To do this, blow a balloon to clear your ears. It is also easy for the little ones to grasp this concept.

10. Avoid carrying heavy stuff to the beach

Instead of carrying a heavy chair down to the beach, upgrade it to a foldable chair that can also be carried like a bag pack. This opens up another hand to carry other things rather than making trips to and from the beach.

To maximize summer fun, use these simple hacks to enjoy your day at the beach. Make sure to carry an inflatable kiddie pool for your baby, if you have one, so that you may also get the most out of your fun in the sun.

Bonus: Try out reading our exclusive guide on top expensive beachfront homes.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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How to Improve Your Motivation

When you are trying to complete a task or meet a goal, motivation may be what is needed to help you succeed. If you find it hard to stay motivated, this is okay, however. There are things you can do to improve it. Keep reading for more advice to up your motivation. Check out The Few Processes To Improve Your Motivation: 1. Think About What You Want to Accomplish Before you start working towards a goal, it is important for you to think about what you want to accomplish and what this will mean for you. For instance, if you are trying to save enough money to go on vacation, you should ponder how many hours you will have to work, how long it will take before you have saved enough, and what the money will cover. You may want to consider how you will feel after you go on vacation as well. Are there additional goals that you would want to work for after meeting this one? 2. Break Down Goals Into Smaller Ones After you determine what you want to accomplish, this is when you should write down what steps it will take to complete the task or goal. You will be able to work through these steps more easily than trying to complete your entire goal at once. When you are able to break it down into more manageable steps, there is a better chance that you can stay motivated to meet the mark. As you complete the smaller goals you set for yourself, this may be able to boost morale and guide you to keep moving towards your overall goal. If you want to learn more about motivation, look at this link: This site should be able to inform you further on how to increase yours. 3. Celebrate When You Succeed Another aspect of staying motivated is to celebrate when you succeed. You must be able to give yourself a pat on the back when you come closer to meeting your goals or once you have met an important goal. You may choose to reward yourself with a day off or your favorite dessert; it’s up to you. Additionally, you can determine what reward you want to give yourself ahead of time, which might be able to keep you motivated throughout your day or task. For instance, if you know you have a big project at work to complete, you can decide that you would like to go out for a steak dinner after work. This might give you the incentive you need to work harder and keep working to finish on time. 4. Walk Away If Necessary If you are having a hard time meeting your goal or you lose focus, it is okay to walk away for a bit. You should take breaks when necessary and be sure that you aren’t burning yourself out. When you work too hard without stopping or you overextend yourself, this could cause you to be unable to complete your goal and could harm your mental health as well. 5. Keep Adapting Besides just being able to know when to walk away, you should try your best to keep on adapting. If something you are doing isn’t working or if it doesn’t seem to be a good use of your time, you should change the way you are approaching the situation. Make sure you are paying attention to what is working and what is not. This can help you stay motivated and allow you to meet your goals. Conclusion If you find that you have a difficult time staying motivated, this doesn’t have to be a permanent issue for you. It is possible to change this behavior, with a little bit of thought and effort. You can break down your goals into smaller tasks, reward yourself when you do a good job, and take a breather if necessary. It may take a bit of trial and error to determine what works best for you. Be sure to take your time and keep at it. Read Also: Easy Ways To Live A Healthier Lifestyle Smoking and Other Negative Lifestyle Habits You Need to Kick to the Curb This Year 10 Best Lifestyle Entrepreneurs Of All Time In 2021

take break

Taking A Break from Your Relationship

Whether you’ve decided to take a break, spend a little time apart, or are otherwise separated from your partner, you’re currently, hopefully temporarily, single. No matter what words you used or how you went about setting up the arrangement, it sucks. There is hope, though. Taking a break – or even fully breaking up – doesn’t have to be the end of your relationship. It’s normal for relationships to go through rocky stages. To make the break work to your advantage, take it as an opportunity to self-reflect and figure out where your relationship went wrong and how to fix it. Why Taking a Break Works: Taking a break is usually the best thing you can do for your relationship.  If either of you is feeling stifled or aren’t feeling like the relationship is going anywhere, chances are you need some space for personal reflection and growth. Even though the goal is likely to get back together, you both need space to figure out your own life. Taking a break gives you that space, however, if you don’t take the time to improve yourself and reflect on how you got to this point, you’ll be right back where you started. Keeping the No Contact Rule: When you agree to take a break, you should set guidelines. The first is how long you two will maintain no contact. This one is going to be hard. You need to not contact your ex–period. No stalking Instagram and leaving likes on all the photos, nor vague posting on Facebook about the breakup while tagging your ex in the comments. It hurts, but it’s for the best. You’re taking a break because you need a bit of breathing space. Talking to one another – even if it’s just social media interactions – won’t give you the space you need. Sticking to the no contact rule is your best bet for making the break temporary. If you didn’t set a limit on the no contact rule before your break became official, give it at least a week, then send a simple message. “Thinking about you a lot this week.” or “Hope you’re doing all right!” is just a casual check-in. If you know your partner had exams or something big going on during that time, you can ask about that. Then just let it be. The no-contact rule is to make the break stick and not just have it feel like a continuation of your relationship. It’ll force self-reflection and growth alone – but not necessarily apart. Follow the Guidelines: Taking a break is only going to work if you follow any guidelines you set up. When in doubt, ask yourself if it’s something you would do while still dating your ex. Don’t sleep around or go out on dates, unless you both said it was going to be okay. Even then, it can make things awkward if you patch things up with your ex and get back together. Don’t start any long-term flings or relationships – it’s not fair to you, your ex, or your new partner. This is the time for you. Reconnect with your hobbies, visit family and friends, and respect the rules you set with your ex. Breaking them will almost guarantee you won’t be getting back together anytime soon. Reflect: While you’re not likely enjoying your newfound singleness, you should still take the time to reflect on everything that’s happened leading up to this. Chances are you’ve both made mistakes, you both have areas of your life that could use improvement. Focus on yourself and becoming a better person in this time. Don’t do it for your ex, do it for yourself. You want to become a better person to help your life become better. If it has the side effect of winning back your ex, all the better. This will also have the benefit of showing your ex you have the ability to grow and change and accept that it takes both of you to make this relationship work. Understand, though, that not all breaks are made equal and not all relationships are destined to continue. Try to use the experience to become a better person and maybe find a friend in your ex-partner. The most important part is to respect your ex’s boundaries. A short break isn’t the end of the world – nor is a break that ends up lasting longer than originally thought. Take advantage of your single status to grow and become a better person and it won’t be a waste of time, no matter how it ends. Read also: 5 Ingredients Of A Healthy Relationship: Is Your Relationship Healthy?

New Language

Tips to Help You Learn a New Language in a New Country

If you’re living in a new country or visiting for a long period of time and don’t know the language, it can make some of the simplest tasks a lot more challenging, but it’s also one of the best ways to learn a different language as you’ll be forced to practice every day. While a study conducted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology found that those who hope to achieve proficiency similar to that of a native speaker should start learning before they celebrate their 10th birthday, that doesn’t mean you can’t become proficient enough to communicate well. Whether you just bought one of the new homes in Miami and you’re coming from a place outside the U.S., or you’re an American in Spain, following these tips can help you learn the language faster than you might imagine. Exchange Lessons with a Foreign Friend: Odds are, there is someone, and probably many people, who are living in the area that would like to learn your native language, which makes it easy to exchange lessons. Look for notices on community or hostel bulletin boards, or simply make it known to everyone you meet that’s what you’re hoping to do. Once you find the right person, plan to get together a few times a week to practice conversation and exchange lessons. It doesn’t cost a thing and you’ll learn a more realistic version of the language, including slang, something that you probably won’t get from a textbook. Watch Local TV: During your spare time, don’t binge watch Netflix in your native language, instead, go for something more local. If you listen to lots of realistic conversations in television shows and movies, over time, you’ll learn how to speak the language in a more natural way, and you’ll be much better equipped to follow real-world conversations too. Even if you can’t watch with subtitles, simply listening and taking note of certain vocabulary is a great way to tune into the local dialect. Hire a Tutor: One-on-one tutoring is a good way to get customized lessons from an expert who has experience teaching the language. You’ll learn things that will actually be useful, and it may be easier for the tutor to work with your schedule, making it more convenient too. Of course, this option isn’t free, but it may be invaluable. Surround Yourself with Native Speakers: While it may be tempting to hang out primarily with others that speak your language, it’s certainly not the best way to learn it quickly. If you need a roommate, look for one who is a native speaker, which can do wonders for your fluency. Practice: Practicing is obviously a must. The more the better. Download an app on your phone so you can practice at any time and in any place. Aim to do it every day, then try practicing what you’ve learned with the locals. Read Also: Moving To Another Country Alone: How It Can Change Your Life Best Uses Of Micro Learning Based Training