Landscape Edging in Sandy/Beach Areas

Published on: 24 April 2018 Last Updated on: 29 May 2021
Landscape Edging

Landscape edging can further add to the beauty and utility of your beach home. You might think that with a yard made of sand instead of grass you’re stuck with no options. Forget that train of thought because you had a multitude of possibilities with your sandy landscape and plenty of reasons to edge your yard.

Benefits of Landscape Edging :

Regardless of the soil or grasses composition of your yard, landscape edging provides many benefits, including:

  • a crisp, manicured appearance to your yard and home
  • increases curb appeal
  • adds value to your yard and home economically
  • creates a root barrier to stop the spread of invasive grasses and reeds
  • helps prevent erosion
  • provides a contrast to the yard and your home

Edging can help create paths, direct traffic flow in the yard, and set aside yard areas for special uses. You can create planting areas or a patio area with a combination of small hard materials for the main area and larger materials for the edging.

Design Materials :

The main advantage of sand is its neutral color goes with everything. Whether black, cream, or white sand, it works with any color contrast you choose.

That leaves you open to a number of design materials including brick, fencing, glass, pavers, plastic, potted plants, stone, tile, wattle, or wood.

Your choice depends on the look you want to achieve. Separating the yard from beach sand dunes with slat wood fencing provides a traditional look. Most wood edging lasts about ten years before needing touch-ups or replacement.

Concrete comes performed or you can create a custom form and pour your own design. This lets you create a look no other yard has. Creating your own forms lets you add materials to dress up the concrete pavers. Add small river stones, seashells, sand dollars, beads, or small tiles.

You can lay or stack large stone or brick. This forms either a low curb edge or a low wall.

Plastic or resin dividers come in many designs from faux stones to fencing. Choose wisely and in-person to check the plastic’s quality. The cheaper plastic edging looks just that.

To achieve an organic look with sturdy materials, create a wattle fence. Wattle consists of weaving the saplings of pliable trees together. Dogwood and willow make popular choices.

Another choice that mixes organic and inorganic materials, potted plants, delineate lawn areas while adding life to a sand-covered lawn. Try potted seagrasses, potted palms, or potted palmetto trees. Both the pots and plants add color.

You can get numerous other ideas on websites like Pinterest. You’ll also find installation ideas.

Installation Tips :

Set the edging in place firmly. You may need to dig a shallow space for each. Fit it inside the shallow, then re-pack the dirt around it.

Installation varies based on use. Use the following a depth/height guide:

  • lawn or garden divider – use a trenched edge or ditch with a V-shape;
  • mowing strip – use flat, wide materials level with the ground so lawn mower wheels can easily skim over them
  • capture mulch – keep mulch in place using a solid material that extends four inches below ground and two inches above
  • beautification – use any height that provides the desired aesthetic.

You can create an attractive lawn with sandy soil as the base. Create interest and divide space using landscape edging.

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Kylie :

Outside of writing for EverythingBackyard, I love to spend all the time I can outdoors and find every excuse to leave my house. I write about everything from backyard DIY projects to gardening. If you can’t get a hold of me I am probably on a trail or a boat.

Lucia Patterson is the woman behind TheLegalGuides, a blog solely focused on legal guides, tips, and advice. Lucia loves essay writing and blogs at EssayWritingGuides from her college days.

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Residential Roofing Company

Why You Must Use A Residential Roofing Company For Your Home

Asphalt roofing is a type of residential roofing that is being used in 80% of The Homes that you will get to see all over the United States. However, this might look very attractive to the eyes, but it is essential to give and keep in mind that you will have to replace it after some time. If you want to reduce the frequency of the replacement of the roof of your home, then there are certain measures you have to take for that. The solution for this is to work with professional roofing companies, and it is going to bring multiple benefits along with it as well. What Are The Advantages Of Taking The Help From Residential Roofing? In this article, we will discuss why you should use a residential roofing company for your home. Keep on reading to find out more information below about longrun companies.  1. Quick The first major benefit of working with a residential roofing company is that they are going to get the job done real quick. Whenever you are looking for a quick roof replacement, then you can get in touch with them, and they will get the service done within a few hours instead of weeks or days. Nothing is that you cannot reside in your home when the roofing replacement is going on, and you need to find some other place to live for some time.  However, that is not going to be a problem for you whenever you get in touch with a professional residential roofing company because they will get the job for a few hours. You only need to be out of your house so everything will return to normal.  2. No Damages Commonly, many times different areas of houses get damaged whenever they are getting the residential roofing replacement job done because the companies are not professional now.  And another benefit that you are going to get when you get in touch with a professional residential-looking company is that they are not going to damage your property. There is no damage cost that you have to face, and there is no additional money that is going to go into repair, especially when you are getting your roof replacement done by my professional company.  3. Warranty  You never know when things can go wrong, then that is why you need to make sure that the service that you are getting is covered by a warranty. The warranty ensures your residential roofing cost remains under the budget.  Usually, every service covers the roofing work under warranty. Before taking the services, always go through the warranty papers' terms and conditions. And ask about the extension policies of the terms and conditions. A professional residential roofing company is always going to provide you with a warranty that you can claim, and they are going to make sure that they will go the extra mile to provide you with the quality materials and the quality roofing that they are installing in your home.  4. Safety Then it's the benefit of working with a professional company, they're going to get the job used securely, and there is no risk. You cannot get this job done by yourself because it is a dangerous thing to do, especially when a ladder is involved.  Working with professional residential roofing companies is always going to be a breeze because there are going to be no accidents involved. Breakable residential roofing is causing serious trouble for homeowners. Through residential roofing, you can minimize the chances of any sudden coming accidents.  5. Upgrade The Roof Quality Residential roofing is more like a new warranty on your roof. Even if you want a new roof makeover, this will also be a great choice. Your residential roofing will save the roof of your house and give your roof a stunning makeover. Often the roof areas are getting destroyed due to heavy rainfall or snowfall. So the best way to recover the roof's health is to call professional residential roofing services, and that’s all. Your roof quality, along with the look both getting upgraded. Your residential roofing is going to enhance the quality of your roof along with the outstanding look. So if you want to upgrade the look of your house, this will be a pretty smart shortcut process. Wrapping Up: Residential roofing and commercial roofing are different. Residential roofing requires minor touch-ups as regular residential places do not have any protective layer. But the residential places require top-to-bottom roofing constructions to protect the area from snowfalls and rain. Additional: 5 Myths about Roofing Services to Avoid Roofing Painting Contractor Leads: Ask Before Hiring One The Top 4 Health Benefits That You Can Get From Wall Soundproofing! Everything You Need To Know About Metal Roofing: Pros, Cons, And Costs

Tree Grates

How to Expand Tree Grates

Trees are an essential component of any great urban landscape. They not only add a touch of beauty to a property but also help urban dwellers by providing cleaner air, cool down buildings and their surroundings, and providing a natural carbon sink. Trees can affect both the micro and the microclimates of an urban area, making them an integral part of any city’s transformational plan. If you want to transform your urban property into an enduring beauty, it’s time to start planting the best trees. However, while trees will work great for your landscape, they have to endure a harsh environment that can cause lasting damage. Trees have to withstand car accidents and vandalism, increasing microclimate temperatures, paved surroundings, exposure to de-icing salt, wind, and the reflecting glare from buildings. This is where tree grates come in handy. If you have an urban area or property you would like to landscape, this article explores the role of tree grating, types of grates, and how to expand these installations. Introducing Tree Grating in Urban Landscaping A tree grate is a ubiquitous feature in most cities but most people don’t give these landscaping features a lot of thought. This is despite the fact these installations play a critical role in protecting trees from abrasion caused by bustling urban life. The landscaping installation protects roots that would otherwise become exposed and vulnerable to damage. The grating provides an ideal pit where roots can thrive without any dangers from pedestrians, exposure to glare, de-icing salt, and other harmful materials. Tree grilles create a greater surface area for natural or supplemental irrigation. These root coverings also facilitate better air circulation within the covered space. Tree grating protects the soil, the rooting system, and sometimes the trunk. If trees are left to grow without this physical protection, they might not withstand the harsh urban environment. While most people enjoy the beautiful landscaping, they don’t make any efforts to protect these trees. Other reasons to install tree gratings include: Enhanced aesthetics: You can choose a tree grate that increases the visual appeal of your landscape. Most of the products on the market are visually appealing and are designed to improve curb appeal. These installations are easy to customize to suit your landscaping needs. Improving safety: Grates also protect pedestrians against injuries that would be caused by exposed roots. Landscaping maintenance: Maintaining a green landscape is not easy due to litter build-up from trees. However, grates help by preventing weed build-up around the tree and also make it easier to maintain the area around the trees. Diverse styling options: You can choose grates in multiple sizes, shapes, materials, and designs. This makes it easier to find that perfect grating system that suits your landscape. Flexibility: The best grates for your trees should accommodate the tree’s growth. Expanding the tree grates is an important step in maintaining your green landscape. This gives room to your trees to thrive at their different stages of growth. You can choose grates for your trees from different materials including cast iron tree grates, natural stone, steel, recycled plastic, concrete tree grates, and other materials. When choosing any tree grilles, consider: The durability of the material Theft and vandal-resistance ADA (Americans with disabilities act) compliance Ease of customization Eco-friendly materials Ease of installation and expansion The versatility of the tree grills for different tree species. Steps to Expand a Tree Grate When designing and installing a tree grate, it’s important to appreciate that the tree will continue growing. This necessitates changes to the tree grille to accommodate such growth. If a tree grate is not expandable, it might cause more harm than good to the tree. For this reason, always assess how expandable any tree grille is before you buy it. The best tree grills are easy to expand by removing the inner center rings. This means you can continue expanding the grates as the tree continues to grow. When shopping for a grate, look for one designed for expansion. Here are the steps for expanding a tree grate: Check the rate of the tree’s growth and identify the grate rings you should cut.  Depending on the material, use a portable hard wheel grinder with an abrasive wheel (aluminum oxide) to cut off the marked rings.  Cut through with the wheel on thin areas of the grate casting For thicker areas of the grating, (including casting edges or areas with heavy support ribs) cut halfway through the casting with the grinder. Use a heavy hammer to remove the marked areas and they should break at the core line. Before applying the sharp blow, ensure there’s sufficient support behind the casting.  Continue the process for all the grates and leave enough room for the tree trunk to grow. Final Thoughts Using trees for landscaping has both functional and aesthetical purposes. Tree grates are crucial for green landscaping as they protect your trees against physical damage. These installations fuse aesthetics with function to add visual appeal to an area while also protecting tree roots, managing floodwater and maintaining beautiful, neat and safe sidewalks. With time, you should expand these grates to allow more room for tree trunks’ growth. Read Also: How to Safely Prune Your Trees Create A Stunning Outdoor Space With These Residential Landscape Lighting Tips 5 Essential Tips to Designing a Beautiful Front Yard Garden

Home Safe

Top 10 Effective Tips to Keep Your Home Safe

A burglary occurs every 18 seconds in the United States. These statistics are scary! Even safe neighborhoods experience crime from time to time, so you need to be prepared. The good news is that there are several ways you can go about making your home safe. Some may require that you purchase equipment while others may not. The more you can thwart a burglar's plans the safer your home will be. Here are ten tips that will help you to keep your home safe: 1. Change Your Locks: Did you just buy a new home? Don't be so excited to get the keys that you forget to change all the locks. No matter how wholesome the previous homeowners may seem, you never know who is unscrupulous and who isn't. You also never know who they may have given a key to in the past. It could have been a distant relative, a nanny, a house cleaner, or a handyman to name a few. The point is, you don't know if a shady character doesn't have a copy of the keys to your new home. The best thing to do is to hire a locksmith to change the locks. 2. Get An Alarm System: Sure, you may not want your home to feel like a high-security vault, but it is never a bad idea to be prepared for the worst. There are literally dozens of safety systems you can choose from. This makes it more likely that you will find something that is within your budget. There are also some security systems that you can install yourself. However, if you do get a high-tech security system the security company will have to install it for you. Once you have installed your security system put a security sign in your front yard or place security signs in your windows to deter criminals. If you think that an advanced security system is something you will not be able to afford, you can always go for robust roller shutters. Roller Shutter People are leading installers in Sydney that state that installing these on windows and doors can be a simple, yet time-tested and effective way to keep burglars out of your house and maintain safety. 3. Vacation Wisely: Criminals like to target homes when people go on vacation. Protect your home when you are away by setting timers on your television and your lights. These timers make it easy for you to have your lights and your television on at specific times. When criminals think someone is home, they are deterred from committing crimes. 4. Get Smart: These days you can monitor your home from anywhere using smart security cameras. Some of these cameras are so tiny the average person might miss them, and you can control them from your smartphone or tablet. Smart lights should also be a major part of your security plan because you can turn them on or off whether you are just down the road or in another country. 5. Exercise Mail Control To Keep Your Home Safe: If you are going to be away for a while, then it is usually a good idea to get a friend or neighbor to take your mail and any delivered packages off your front porch at least once per day. If your front porch or doorway is flooded with mail it is a dead giveaway to criminals that no one is home. You can also go to your local post office in Gainesville FL and explain that you will be away for a period of time and ask them to hold all your mail. 6. Rethink Your Landscape : Did you know that the landscape edging of your home can either deter or attract criminals? Overgrown bushes and untrimmed hedges can provide places for thieves to hide so that neighbors and passersby cannot spot them. Trim bushes and hedges to at least three feet in height. Plant thorny bushes near your windows with gravel nearby, so that it is easier to hear footsteps. The more you can make it difficult for criminals to gain entry the more secure your home will be. 7. Motion Detector Lighting: Motion detector lighting shines the spotlight brightly on anyone who may try to get onto your premises. As soon as an intruder moves so does the light. You should install motion detector lights at the back and the front of your home, for added protection you can add them to the sides as well. One of the many benefits of this kind of lighting is that it saves on energy since it is only activated when it detects motion. 8. Get A Video Doorbell: You can get a video doorbell to keep your home secure. A video doorbell will let you see who is at your door before you open it. Astonishingly enough many thieves ring your doorbell to get a feel for who is home or not before attempting a burglary. A doorbell camera will give you the upper hand should a thief decide to rob you. Installing Rodann door chimes is also another security feature you can use. The chimes will alert you when anyone is within a certain distance from your door. 9. Get A Dog: With all the high-tech security systems mentioned so far, getting a dog may seem like a low tech way to safeguard your home from intruders. However, if you can get a dog then do so, since burglars tend to avoid homes with dogs. When a thief wants to rob a home, they want to be in and out as quickly as possible and a barking dog attracts too much attention and is an unnecessary complication. 10. Watch What You Post On Social Media: Social media has become a place where you can share the daily happenings of your life with family, friends, and neighbors. However, if you go on vacation or are away for a weekend it is not a good idea to announce your absence from home on social media. This is especially true if you don't know everyone in your network. Announcing you are away and posting pictures of your getaway is an announcement for anyone with bad intentions that you will be far away should they decide to break into your home. Final Thoughts Keeping your home safe is essential for your peace of mind. If you are vigilant about finding ways to protect your home, you are likely to succeed in keeping criminals out. Keeping thieves at bay is often a matter of combining common sense with technology. If you would like more lifestyle tips please visit our website. You are sure to find helpful tips for making your life better. Read Also : 5 Tips To Safeguard Your Home From Intruders 5 Ways A Home Maintenance Plan Can Prevent Disaster Relax In Style In The Comfort Of Your Homes