Sox Compliance As A New Business: Where Are The Pitfalls

Published on: 07 December 2023 Last Updated on: 26 July 2024
Sox Compliance As A New Business

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) of 2002, a United States federal law, fundamentally changed the landscape of corporate governance, financial reporting, and auditing for public companies. For new businesses and startups, particularly those eyeing a future public offering, understanding and complying with SOX is crucial. Non-compliance can lead to severe penalties, including financial fines and reputational damage. This article aims to shed light on the importance of SOX compliance and how emerging businesses can effectively navigate these regulations.

Understanding The Basics Of SOX Compliance

SOX was enacted in response to major corporate and accounting scandals, to increase transparency and accountability in corporate governance. For new businesses, the journey toward SOX compliance begins with understanding its key provisions. This includes implementing internal controls over financial reporting, ensuring the accuracy of financial statements, and maintaining proper records. Although SOX primarily applies to publicly traded companies, it sets a benchmark that can benefit all businesses in terms of risk management and operational efficiency.

Common Pitfalls For New Businesses In SOX Compliance

New businesses, particularly those in the process of rapid growth or planning for an IPO, can easily overlook the intricacies of SOX compliance. One common pitfall is underestimating the scope of internal controls required. SOX mandates a robust framework for internal controls, which can be a complex undertaking for businesses without a dedicated compliance team. Another challenge is keeping up with the evolving nature of SOX regulations and how they apply to different aspects of the business, from IT systems to financial procedures.

Key Areas Of Focus For SOX Compliance

Area of Focus Description Importance for Compliance
Internal Control Systems Develop and maintain robust internal controls over financial reporting Essential for accurate financial disclosures
Financial Recordkeeping Keep accurate and detailed financial records Critical for transparency and auditing
Management Certification Ensure that CEOs and CFOs certify the accuracy of financial statements Required for legal compliance
Auditor Independence Maintain the independence of external auditors Important for unbiased financial reporting
Reporting Requirements Adhere to all SOX reporting requirements, including regular audits Mandatory for public companies

This table highlights the key areas of focus for businesses aiming to comply with SOX, outlining their importance in the compliance process.

Building A Culture Of Compliance

For new businesses, integrating a culture of compliance from the outset can be a strategic advantage. This involves not only setting up the necessary processes and systems but also ingraining ethical practices and transparency in the company’s culture. Training employees on the importance of SOX compliance and regularly reviewing and updating compliance strategies are crucial steps in building this culture.

Implementing Ongoing Compliance Training And Awareness Programs

An important aspect of maintaining SOX compliance for new businesses is the implementation of ongoing training and awareness programs. Compliance is not a one-time effort but a continuous process that requires regular updates and education. Businesses need to ensure that their employees, especially those in finance, legal, and management roles, are regularly trained on SOX requirements and the implications of non-compliance. Awareness programs can help in keeping staff informed about the latest developments in SOX regulations and internal control methodologies. These training sessions can also serve as a platform to reinforce the company’s commitment to ethical practices and legal compliance. By investing in education and awareness, businesses can foster a more informed and vigilant workforce, which is crucial in identifying and addressing compliance-related issues proactively.

Leveraging Technology and Expertise

Utilizing technology solutions like compliance software can significantly ease the burden of SOX compliance. These tools can automate and streamline various aspects of compliance, from tracking financial transactions to generating compliance reports. Additionally, seeking guidance from legal and financial experts who specialize in SOX can provide valuable insights and help avoid common pitfalls.


For new businesses, especially those planning to enter the public market, SOX compliance is not just a legal obligation but a foundation for building a trustworthy and sustainable business. By understanding the essentials of SOX, focusing on key compliance areas, fostering a culture of compliance, and leveraging technology and expertise, emerging businesses can navigate SOX regulations effectively. This proactive approach not only ensures legal compliance but also sets the stage for long-term operational success and credibility in the market.

Additional Reading:

Barsha Bhattacharya is a senior content writing executive. As a marketing enthusiast and professional for the past 4 years, writing is new to Barsha. And she is loving every bit of it. Her niches are marketing, lifestyle, wellness, travel and entertainment. Apart from writing, Barsha loves to travel, binge-watch, research conspiracy theories, Instagram and overthink.

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Fishing Business

7 Ways To Earn More From Your Fishing Business

While being a professional fisherman could be a fun and fulfilling job, it could also be quite a challenging one. This is mostly because the job of actually catching fish is difficult enough, add to that the logistical challenge of selling your wares in the market, then you have quite a dilemma in front of you. If you want to make the most out of your fishing boat, you will need a set strategy. Here are 7 ways to earn more from your fishing business. 1. Establish A Cannery If you have the budget, it is a good idea to establish a cannery. One of the best things about having a cannery of your very own is the fact that you will stand to earn a lot more from the fish that you catch. When you establish a cannery it is very important that you plan it out as efficiently as possible. It is important that you have a facility for canning. In this case, it is a good idea to build it as near to the docks as possible. It is also a good idea to invest in canning machines to ensure that your product is as sturdy as possible. Of all the canning machines you could purchase, the automatic can in the machine is by far the most important piece of equipment a cannery could have. They not only speed up the canning process but also ensure that all your canned goods are properly sealed. If you are going to buy an automatic can seaming machine, you should try out Levapac. It is a company that builds incredibly efficient canning machines. 2. Sell Bait And Lures If you have been a fisherman for decades, you would know how to create specialized lures and bait. A good number of people take up fishing as a hobby, and they usually trust the skills and opinions of veteran fishermen. It is a good idea to gather as much bait as possible because a majority of fishermen could use up buckets of bait at a time.  When you make your lures, you should match them to the area, type of rod, and what type of fish your clients will be looking for. 3. Organize Fishing Trips If you have access to a fishing boat, your business does not have to be limited by just the amount of fish you catch every day. You could also get creative and organize fishing trips for your clientele. When you organize fishing trips, it is a good idea to upgrade key aspects of your boat. A new coat of paint and a few extra pieces of furniture could really improve your boat’s overall appearance. It is also a good idea to make sure that all aspects of your boat are extra safe. You don’t want a guest to get injured during a fishing trip. It could land you and your company in a lot of legal trouble. 4. Sell Salted And Dried fish Aside from selling canned fish, you could also sell salted or dried fish. While they are not really a staple for more Western palettes, a good number of cultures still consider salted or dried fish as a delicacy. The process of salting or drying fish is straightforward yet time-consuming. After you catch your fish, you should get them and remove all their organs to prevent contamination. Afterward, you salt every part generously and lay them out of the sun to dry. Salted fish and dried fish technically have the same process. The only difference is that salted fish has a lot more salt, whereas, dried fish predominantly uses the drying process to preserve the fish. When you make your product, it is a good idea to do it on your boat or better yet, a special facility. Remember that salted or dried fish usually has a very pungent smell, and if your neighbors are not used to the smell, they will most likely complain. 5. Hold Fishing Competitions Having a fishing boat of your very own will allow you to hold fishing competitions for your clients. These events are usually like the usual fishing trips except it is a larger event, and there is a prize involved.  When you hold fishing competitions, it is important that you set the rules, the time, and the prizes.  Each participant should provide payment in order to join. You will be able to earn money by charging for bait, lures, and for use of the boat. 6. Establish A Fishing Youtube Channel In this day and age practically anyone could be a Youtuber, and being a fisherman and sailing the open seas could prove very interesting as content for any video. YouTube channels might seem like a trivial matter at first, but you’ll be surprised at the amount of money established YouTubers get. As a fisherman, your greatest asset will always be your experience and knowledge as a fisherman. Your fishing exploits and advice would also prove to be good content, especially for fellow fishermen. 7. Give Advanced Fishing Lessons It is a great idea to offer advanced fishing lessons. As a veteran fisherman, you would know how to fish in the most effective and efficient way possible. Any newbie fisherman would pay good money to get fishing advice from a skilled fisherman like you. You could also combine this business venture with your fish trips, selling bait and lures, and even your Youtube channel. Overall, there are many ways you could earn money as a fisherman. You just need to be a lot more creative. Conclusion If you’ve been a fishing boatman for a few years, you would know how difficult it is to make a profit. If you want to make the most out of your fishing business, you will need a set strategy. You will also need to be a lot more creative.  Here are 7 ways to earn more from your fishing business. Read Also: How Many Jobs Are Available In Real Estate Investment Trusts? 2021 How to Download Game Of Thrones Putlocker Online for Free? How to Plant Grass Seed on Hard Dirt? – Latest Update 2021

Mastering Freelancer Invoices

A Step By Step Guide To Mastering Freelancer Invoices

Invoicing clients is one of the essential steps to keep your freelance business going. After all, there is only so much you can do without a paycheck. For many Freelancers, writing invoices for freelance work is less than thrilling. Luckily, plenty of amazing tools help make invoicing easy, saving you the time you can spend doing billable work. Below is a step-by-step guide to mastering freelancer invoices for a successful, growing business. 1. Use Cloud Accounting Software Cloud accounting software makes it easy to send and track invoices online. Moreover, cloud accounting software slashes your billing time in half, facilitating timely payments. Cloud accounting software sends automated payment reminders, giving your clients a gentle reminder to compensate you for your work. Even better, all important information gets stored in the cloud, so you do not have to worry about hard disk drive failure. 2. Use Blank Invoice Templates Blank invoice templates can put your freelance business in a favorable position. They save you time because once a template gets set up, all you need to do is populate the required fields instead of adding required from scratch for all billing runs. Blank invoices also make the payment process easier. You can email your modified invoice template as soon as you finish working on it. It means that your clients will get your invoices faster and settle the outstanding payment sooner. 3. Get The Right Freelance App   Freelance apps make creating customized invoices with your business’s logo easy. They allow you to store information for each client, leaving behind a record of your business. They also simplify and expedite any future freelancer invoice you wish to create. Freelance apps allow you to create versions of your invoice in other languages. It is especially useful if you have clients whose native language is not one you speak. Freelance apps are flexible, allowing you to make changes to your invoices on the go, including: Adding Additional Services; Combining Multiple Invoices; Allowing Payment in Different Currencies; and Changing the Pay by Date or Deliverable Date. 4. Use Calendars If you run a schedule-based freelance business, your calendar is one of the best tools that can help keep your business afloat. Even though a full schedule is always a good thing in business, timely payments are what really count. With a calendar, you can enjoy various benefits, including: Time Tracking: You can find all your work hours by looking at your calendar. Time-Saving: You can import details from your preferred calendar to create and send invoices on the spot. Accurate Invoicing: Calendars automatically find and summarize your billable hours without you having to do so manually. Faster Freelancer Invoice Creation, Faster Payments As a freelancer, you have to act as an accountant, an account manager, and head of Human Resources while handling your projects. You are a one-person band. Fortunately, the above tips will help you spend less time invoicing and allow for faster payments. Master your freelancer invoices and grow your business today. Additional: Top 5 Reasons To Invest In Oceanfront Homes How To Choose The Right HR Software For your Business? What Feature Can Join Offline Business Systems Data With Online Data Collected By Google Analytics?  

Iot Devices

How Do Iot Devices Improve Warehouse Management?

Sales growth in e-commerce is good. But as the business expands, it becomes increasingly difficult for warehouse managers to track large volumes of goods. Products can get lost, deteriorate or, conversely, take up extra space. In order to restore order and have time to respond to customer requests on demand, warehouses turn to IoT devices. Let's look at how the Internet of Things simplifies inventory control and revolutionizes warehouse management. Inventory management means coordinating and controlling the movement of goods in a warehouse: getting new products; their movements around the warehouse; storage of products; return of units; SKU extension; checking the rack code and so on. It is often impossible to fit such volumes of information into spreadsheets, besides it is not very convenient. Therefore, enterprises buy IoT solutions for warehouse management in order to work efficiently. IoT solutions for enterprises IoT devices automate warehouse processes and reduce labor costs. This can be done by implementing the following technologies: Drones It is not easy to move around a large warehouse to describe the location of goods and climb the stairs to high shelves. In addition, it takes a lot of time to search. Amazon has long had an army of 200,000 robots working in warehouses with humans for better drone management delivery systems. They saved people from having to walk 10-20 miles a day on a concrete floor and helped the company store 40% more inventory. They also increased the average productivity of the assembler to 100 units per day, and managers plan to increase these figures by 3-4 times. Robots Industry and warehouses are priority places where global robotization is unfolding. According to recent reports, the warehouse robotics market is steadily growing by 15.26% per year and will reach $9.5 million by 2026. Amazon has long had an army of 200,000 robots working in warehouses with humans. They saved people from having to walk 10-20 miles a day on a concrete floor and helped the company store 40% more inventory. They also increased the average productivity of the assembler to 100 units per day, and managers plan to increase these figures by 3-4 times. Radio frequency identification tags Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags can be embedded in IoT devices. These tags store much more data than traditional barcodes. They can be used to scan up to 200 tags at a time. The received inventory information is stored in the cloud platform, automatically processed, and analyzed. The expiration date, serial numbers, sizes, manufacturers, and other product information do not need to be entered manually on the panel. Voice selection systems Warehouse workers can use IoT devices to increase the efficiency of operations. For example, voice systems allow you to work without the help of hands, giving instructions and directing workers through their list of orders. Sensors Connected devices are able to track the productivity of warehouse workers using speed, motion, and GPS sensors. Managers also better control the goods in the warehouse by measuring humidity, temperature, and other characteristics that can spoil the products. DHL has implemented similar innovations in its warehouses. The company uses smart glasses, robots, drones, a digital twin, and other technologies. The IoT increases warehouse security, tracks the location of goods, and predicts weather changes and possible equipment failures or breakdowns. Up to the point that the warehousing of goods begins 30 minutes after receipt, and outgoing goods are ready for shipment in 95 minutes. Problems that IoT solves The main problem of warehouse management is manual work. Working with their hands, employees perform operations more slowly, with a higher probability of errors and damage to inventory. IoT solutions for enterprises simplify the following management and work tasks: Product search Imagine that the manager has a warehouse of several floors at his/her disposal. How to track where a particular product is located? Or how to avoid a situation when an employee wants to pick up a product from the right place, but it is not there? You will have to spend time correcting errors and searching for the goods, which will delay the shipment. To avoid such problems, it is worth using IoT and the best warehouse management system, which automates registration and data tracking. Movement of goods Any movement of the goods must be recorded by the manager. At the same time, he/she needs to know how many units are arriving and how many are leaving. It's hard to keep track of the exact numbers, but with IoT solutions for business, it becomes easier. Thus, reporting will not be such a difficult task. In addition, connected device analytics will tell you which products will increase demand in the near future. Use of storage areas In the warehouse business, it is important not only to accept goods but also to place them efficiently. Then it will be convenient for employees to pick up goods from the shelves, and they will do their job without delay. If you configure the storage system manually, you can repeatedly make mistakes and redo the layout. With IoT, this is done quickly and with minimal effort. Warehouse equipment maintenance Any equipment breakdown can lead to downtime, which distributors do not like. IoT devices for enterprises are able to monitor the status of equipment and warn about possible failures. Thus, managers will be able to prepare spare equipment in advance, avoid downtime, save money, and preserve their reputation. Storage of goods It is extremely important that during the storage period in the warehouse and during its delivery to consumers, the goods do not deteriorate. According to the latest data, about 11% of products die during transportation due to the fact that managers did not provide proper conditions for their storage. It is necessary to maintain the desired temperature and humidity so that the product can be brought to the endpoint and sold. IoT devices are able to control environmental parameters, saving goods from deterioration. Advantages of using IoT And now let's take a deeper look at the advantages of the Internet of Things, supporting them with figures. Saving on salaries An average warehouse with a hundred employees can allocate about $3.7 million a year for wages. This amount is approximately 65% of the operating budget. With the help of the IoT, employees sort goods on shelves faster, in addition, they search for goods, check equipment and perform other tasks more efficiently. Automation brings great money savings. Better use of the warehouse The average warehouse area is 16,400 feet. This is a huge space where you need to conveniently and appropriately arrange products. However, overloading and improper distribution of goods can lead to traffic jams and delays on the roads. You have to move inventory or take it out, which takes time and labor. With the help of the IoT, you can place more goods in the same area, so that it is convenient to find empty seats and later fill them with new goods. Automated storage and search systems are able to increase the accuracy of orders by up to 99%. Taking into account the fact that rents are growing and will not stop growing in the future, rational use of space is a matter of saving and making a profit. Information support The number of goods is growing, and slow goods are taking the place of strategically important products. Less relevant products stay in stock longer and require placement, which increases the rental cost. Not all warehouses have an adequate information support system. In other words, managers have no idea what the supply and demand in the market are. IoT analytics provides information about the state of the market so that managers can rationally manage purchases and plan other operations based on inventory. IoT devices for enterprises give managers the opportunity to cover large warehouse work, put it in order, automate, and speed up. Andersen will help implement the warehouse management system software and automate important operations. If you are ready to save time and resources with the help of new digital technologies, contact our team for a private consultation. 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