The Effects Of Drinking And Driving Under The Legal Age Of 21


06 April 2018


Drinking And Driving

Consequences Of A DUI:

Consequences Of A DUI

Drunk driving is still a widespread problem in the United States, especially among young people.  Individuals 21-34 years old are currently responsible for more drunk driving fatal accidents compared to all other age groups.  These young adults are involved in more drunk driving fatal accidents compared to all other demographics, where 8 out of every 100,000 individual deaths are caused by a drunk driver.  There are numerous organizations these days that are trying to bring awareness to this problem, like Fathers Against Drunk Driving (FADD) and Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD).  Despite the serious consequences of drinking and driving under 21 years old, many young Americans continue putting others and themselves at risk when they drive after drinking.

Those frightening statistics remind us to exercise extreme caution at all times while out on the road and to be on the lookout for signs of intoxicated drivers.  If you notice a driver driving at unsafe speeds, making any erratic movements, or swerving, then you should keep your distance, and as soon as you can call 911.  You could save someone’s life by doing so!

What is DUI?

What is DUI

 A DUI is Driving Under the Influence. It has been shown in studies that a majority of individuals will drive 87 times while drunk before they are first arrested for a DUI.  The penalty laws do vary from one state to the next, however, when a driver has a higher than 0.08 Blood Alcohol Content, they are considered to be over the legal limit for alcohol.  A zero-tolerance policy is in place for minors, which means a DUI will be charged with a BAC over 0.01. In such situations chances of getting arrested become high. Furthermore, to prevent the bail bonds in Pasadena tx serves the best way to get out of jail A majority of DUI arrests show drivers having an average 0.16 BAC.  In the state of California, the following can result from a first-time offense:

  • More expensive auto insurance premiums
  • DUI school
  • Probation of 3 to 5 years
  • Suspended License for a maximum of 6 months
  • Fines up to $1,300

A second-time offender may receive a 2-year suspension of their driver’s license. Individuals with 2 DUI offense or more will be frequently mandated by the court to AA meetings, alcohol, and drug treatment, or a jail sentence.  However, 50-75 percent of individuals with a DUI continue driving even though their license has been suspended.

Dangers Caused By Drunk Driving in the U.S.

Dangers Caused By Drunk Driving in the U.S.

According to Gwinnett county dui laws, anyone caught while driving under the influence of alcohol or any other intoxicant can face serious charges. This can amount to jail time in a juvenile prison or an adult jail if you are above 18 years of age. It also means that you will have to carry a DUI record on your name for the rest of your life. This can severely restrict your chances in areas like college admissions and job applications. Working with a good and experienced DUI attorney is the best possible option for teenagers and young adults that are caught in such charges.

Approximately 16,000 individuals die every year in the U.S. in an accident related to drunk driving.  One out of 3 Americans are involved at some point in their lives with an alcohol-related crash.  Alcohol impairs brain function and many people don’t realize that they are too drunk to be able to drive before they get behind the wheel.  While they are drunk, delayed response time is experienced by a drunk driver and they are not as likely to obey traffic signals.  Just one drink can potentially impair driving skills.  Over the Thanksgiving holiday is when the drunkest driving fatalities take place.

How is your ability to drive affected by alcohol?

Alcohol is a kind of depressant drug. When it is consumed it slows down the central nervous system of a person and reduces mental inhibitions as well, which affects the person’s situational awareness and brain function.  The impairment can cause the individual to take risks that are unnecessary when driving out on the road and increase the risk of being involved in an accident substantially.

Alcohol has the following effects that impair the ability of a person to drive:

  • Difficulty multitasking
  • Overconfidence
  • Reduced sensory perception
  • Drowsiness
  • Reduced reaction times
  • Impaired vision

Many teenagers have a tendency to binge drink alcohol and then drive while drunk.  Frequently teenagers give in to peer pressure or are unable to control how much they drink. Alcohol can cause teens to feel overconfident, just like adults, and they will end up driving when they are told they have drunk too much.  The leading cause of death among teenagers is car crashes and one out of three of these crashes have alcohol involved.  Over 3,000 teenagers die from an alcohol-related auto accident every year.  Organizations such as FADD and MADD are working hard to help bring more public awareness to the consequences caused by drunk driving.

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Divorce Lawyers In Houston Texas:Guide On Saving Your Marriage

Most couples who start the divorce process are not prepared and frequently are not the same page.  This lack of readiness and preparedness for a divorce can either cause a divorce to deteriorate into a competitive right or cause a premature end to a marriage.  The decision to get a divorce is among the most critical decisions that an individual can make, and the consequences can last a lifetime or at least for many years.  This is a very important decision that requires more attention than is usual for both the professional divorce lawyers in Houston Texas and the couple.  It is its own unique process. After a couple has prepared and is ready to go, they will be able to start on the divorce with both parties being on the same page.  That can help to eliminate the majority of the financial and emotional struggles that can cause a divorce to become ruthless and adversarial. The key is time : If you are considering leaving your spouse, think about the amount of time you spend together.  It is critical in 2018 to make it a priority to make date night appointments, and to do things as a couple on a consistent basis, even if it's just having a cup of coffee in the morning at home or exercising together. Encourage each other : At times we might forget to give our partners encouragement, especially during stressful times.  When a crisis occurs, be there for one another.  Give advice and cheer on your partner.  Remind them of past situations that the two of you had to overcome. Learn how to deal with conflict : Every couple argues.  However, there is a right and wrong way to go about this.  It is normal and natural but avoids blaming and name-calling. If you are often stubborn and have a hard time admitting you are wrong, then work on those traits and how to make compromises with your spouse.  Be willing to offer and ask for forgiveness and apologize. Don't take your spouse for granted & Be your best self : When individuals get into a relationship, they often feel they don't need to worry anymore about impressing their spouse and then later, they forget to focus on things such as their appearance or health. Give small gifts : We really do mean small. Get your partner a small gift or leave a romantic note before heading to work.  A small gesture can help to keep that spark alive and demonstrate that you care about them. Accept your differences Whenever a couple of fight, each one expects their partner to be the one that has to change.  However, to the relationship to work, it is important to accept the fact that you can't make people change, and that differences are often a good thing. The reason that so many people don't consider preparing for a divorce is that they assume that the sooner they can get away from a stressful situation that the better off they will be.  It is natural for individuals who are part of a difficult marriage to hope their divorce can be finalized as soon as possible so that they can get on with life.  This is also often encouraged by friends and family.  They feel hurt for their family member and believe in the myth that the faster the divorce can be completed, the sooner that everything can go back to normal. In most cases, however, the opposite occurs.  Couples who rush into leaving their marriages don't have any time to really evaluate their options, thoughts, or feelings.  This results in them being unprepared for the complex legal system, roller coaster of all their emotions, and all the life-changing decisions that must be made.  Frequently they end up making agreements that are unsustainable, and rather than the situation improving, they frequently discover that all they have done is swapped one set of issues for another set. That is why it isn't surprising that they frequently end up in long court cases, and it often takes years to get through the divorce process instead of ending it quickly as they had hoped for. Read Also : Fundaments Of Happy Family 4 Tips For Dealing With A Family Business In Divorce 5 Ways To Save Money On Your Wedding Invites

Worker's Compensation Lawyer

Pros & Cons Of Hiring A Worker’s Compensation Lawyer

As you are reading this article, we can assume that you or any of your close ones have encountered an injury at the workplace. If you encounter any accident and get any injury at work, you become eligible for worker's compensation. This program is particularly designed for offering you financial support during the time when you are unable to work and also creating income. When you are filing worker’s compensation benefits, you might be going through a dilemma about whether you should hire a worker’s compensation lawyer or not. Here we must say that both of them have their own benefits and disadvantages. Here, in this article, we will talk about both the pros and cons of hiring a worker’s compensation lawyer for your worker’s compensation case. Pros Of Hiring A Worker’s Compensation Lawyer: In case you are thinking about hiring a worker’s compensation lawyer from the best Law Offices of William F. Underwood, III, P.C., You will be able to get the following benefits. 1. Puts An End To Your case In some cases, the worker’s compensation dispute might take several months or even years. This long duration will always invite more financial problems when you are already losing your wage and carrying a treatment cost. An experienced worker compensation lawyer will be able to handle things with their expertise, and the matter will get resolved efficiently. 2. Shortens The Wait We all are a little aware of the court system and also know how much time it consumes to resolve a matter if we follow the same traditional way without any legal agent or lawyer. As we have mentioned earlier, it will take a long time, especially in case your injury is more serious and you need a huge amount, as your employer’s insurance company will always want to delay the matter. Here, having a lawyer will ensure that you are getting fair compensation as soon as possible. 3. Allows A Lump Sum Payment Often judges feel hesitant when it comes to awarding a lump-sum amount of compensation at the trial. As per that, you might be limited to weekly or monthly payments for a period of a number of months or years. In case you are carrying any major medical treatment, it becomes really difficult to pay for it. On the other hand, when you hire a lawyer, the professional will be able to manage a settlement and get you a considerably huge amount. 4. Eliminates The Risk When you are thinking about an out-of-court settlement, it is really difficult to reach a settlement because both parties do not want to come to an agreement by making smaller compromises. In this case, a lawyer will be able to bring both parties together at a common ground and that too out of court. Because when you are appealing to the court, there will always be a risk that you might come out empty-handed. 5. A Better Negotiation During the settlement proceedings, an attorney can perform the negotiation on your behalf. The insurance company already has an attorney; when you are also hiring a legal professional, your worker’s compensation lawyer will be on equal footing with the other party. When the insurance company gets to know that you have a legal professional to represent you, they will be more willing to respect your rights. Cons Of Hiring A Worker’s Compensation Lawyer Now you know the advantages of hiring a worker’s compensation lawyer. But when you are thinking of hiring one, you also should know the drawbacks that you might be inviting in order to get the good things. So, here are the major disadvantages of hiring an attorney for your worker’s compensation claim. 1. Can Cause Give Up Your Right When you are thinking of hiring a lawyer and getting the amount that you have claimed and willing to take the matter to court, the insurance company does not agree to pay you that. In this case, ending the case with an out-of-court settlement means you are giving up on some particular benefits. There are a lot of insurance companies that come with a clause that when you are receiving a claimed compensation, you will not get worker’s compensation for the same injury. 2. Could Be Really Expensive. Hiring a lawyer means you need to pay them. In order to ensure winning your worker’s compensation claim lawsuit, you must opt for the best one or at least a good one. And good lawyers always charge more. Due to your injury, you are already paying a huge medical bill and also not getting paid enough as you are unable to work for a few days. In this situation affording a lawyer can cost you a lot of your savings, and you might run out of money. FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) When you are going to deal with worker's compensation, it is obvious that you will have a lot of queries and doubts. In order to handle a legal matter, you also need to know the basic and adequate knowledge of the laws. So, here are some questions you might have in your head, along with their answers. Q1: What Are The Disadvantages Of Worker's Compensation? A serious disadvantage of worker’s compensation is that it might discourage the employees from pursuing further employment. Many individuals might feel that to continue getting worker’s compensation payment, they must obtain from working some specific jobs to prove the severity and seriousness of their injuries. To learn more, visit Employment law firm in Miami. Q2: What Are The Pros And Cons Of Worker's Compensation? The pros of Worker’s compensation are; No more litigation. The opportunity to revisit the settlement terms. In exchange for future benefits, recompense. Now let’s look at its cons of it. You might end up with less than you actually deserve. In the future reopening, a case might lead to a lower award. Q3: What Is The Highest Workmans Comp Settlement? Till now, the largest worker’s compensation settlement payment is a $10 million settlement agreement. The case came in March of 2017. Read Also: Injured At Work? Claim Your Compensation! Can an Employee Claim for a Personal Injury When Working From Home?

Immigration Attorneys

Getting Legal Advice from Immigration Attorneys

Leading sources of reliable news can help you understand what's going on in the world and when, but leading sources of immigration news can help you know when you need to update your Visa, or when you might consider one Visa over another. Using well-known immigration lawyers means you can get information on how to extend spouse visa applications or hearings, or what you need to do to extend spouse visa deadlines. Do I need a consultation? If you need to get legal advice for an immigration matter, it always starts with a patient. A consultation is a primary interaction you will have with a law firm. This is an opportunity for you both to evaluate the situation and determine if it is a good fit. The consultation is where you can discuss different aspects of your case. Most law firms make it very easy for you to set up a consultation. When you are looking at their website you might easily see buttons that allow you to click on them in order to facilitate consultation. They might even have a phone number you can call. Consultations typically last about 30 minutes. Most experienced immigration attorneys will charge anywhere between $100 and $300 for the consultation during which time you can get rudimentary legal advice. In very minor cases that consultation might be all you need and the information you get can be completely sufficient. In more complex cases of course you might need to pursue help from a qualified attorney and the consultations will let you know which attorney you should pick in the end to be your legal representation. What do I have to bring to a consultation? When you head to your consultation you should bring any materials that are relevant to your situation. This might include criminal history documents, immigration documents, visas or passports, a green card if you have it, marriage certificates, and so on. In order to make sure that your limited time together is used wisely, all relevant materials should be labeled in folders that make it easy for one attorney to flip through them during the course of your meeting. You might divide it by the type of document with proper labels or by the time frame. It's completely up to you how to organize it, it's just important that you do organize it so that your attorney isn't constantly flipping through a stack of papers during your limited time. What questions should I ask during a consultation? During the course of your consultation, you want to note right out of the gate that no qualified attorney will make you promises or guarantees for a specific outcome. In fact, it's against the bar for them to promise that they will get you a green card or guarantee that they will get you the Visa you want. A good attorney will immediately go over your situation and give you a healthy perspective as to what problems you might face and what to expect moving forward. Use this time to ask questions about the law firm and the attorneys, and what their qualifications are especially in relation to your case. You can ask questions like: What are your current qualifications? Who else will be a part of my team and what are their qualifications? How much do you charge and what is your payment plan policy? What is included in the flat fee? How many people at your Law Firm speak my language? Have you taken on cases similar to this and if so what was the outcome? Are there other areas of law you practice? Do you have any previous clients with whom I can speak? How do I choose an attorney after the consultation? After you have completed consultations with multiple attorneys, take some time to reflect. Consider whether you felt the attorneys with whom you met were honest. In most cases, if you have consultations with a handful of attorneys, the information they give you about your case should be somewhat similar. If one particular turning gave you information that was wildly different from the others, they might not be a good choice. Go over whether the attorneys gave you upfront information about the strategy they're going to use in your situation. Review whether they were open about previous cases and willing to share their credentials with you. If you don't speak the same language, it's going to be important that the law firm you consider is multilingual and has someone who can translate for you. Read Also: How Hiring A Lawyer Can Help You Get The Best Possible Outcome Rocket Lawyer And ZenBusiness Services For Business Things To Consider Before Hiring A Lawyer Is It Possible To Get A Settlement From A Car Accident Without A Lawyer?