Are you cut out to be a supervisor?


18 June 2018



In order to be a successful supervisor, you have to be able to display certain character traits. While there are some supervisory skills you can learn, there are other things you’re just born with. You might know the job like the back of your hand, but do you know how to be a good leader or manager? You probably already know if you have what it takes to make the step up to a supervisor, but in case you’re questioning the change, here are some of the most important characteristics of a good supervisor.

You’re empathetic :

Good supervisors know how to maintain their authoritative figure but can be empathic to their employees. Odds are before you became a supervisor you were in the place that your employees are currently in. If that’s the case, you know how hard it can be to manage work and family. Ways to maintain empathy for your employees is to be flexible, kind, understanding, fair, consistent, and respectful. Even though you’re the boss, your co-workers are your equals outside of work and they should be treated that way.

You should set the example :

If you want the workers underneath you to perform well and be consistent in their performance, you need to do the same. If you expect your workers to be on time to work, you should be there before they even step foot in the door. The workers are only going to work as hard as their supervisor and so you need to be one of the hardest working men or women in the department. Make sure that you encourage an environment that’s productive, engaging, and worthwhile for co-workers.

You’re humble :

There’s a difference in the mindset that you’re the boss and everyone has to do exactly as you say, and you’re the boss so people should respect your requests, but the respect goes both ways. Being humble about your position won’t only make people like you, but it will also lead to more cooperative co-workers. Instead of ordering people around, you should make kind requests and expect them to get it done because they enjoy their job and respect you.

You communicate well :

Communication is key to an organized workplace. Communication isn’t only remembering to tell your employees what their tasks are for the week, but it’s also how you approach it. When communicating with co-workers, you need to be consistent. This could mean having a weekly meeting to cover all of the week’s goals and objectives, or sending out an email at the beginning of every day that outlines what needs to get done. You might find that people are more apt to listen to when you’re looking at them face to face. Make sure you give clear and concise instructions to your workers and understand their needs. Be sure to eliminate any confusion before the task begins.

You look to help others grow :

Just because you’re the boss doesn’t mean that others can’t get to positions of authority too. If workers are willing to go above and beyond, let them. You don’t want to keep people at a standstill so that they feel like they can’t grow their capabilities and learn new things. You should feel comfortable delegating responsibilities to people under you so that they can learn new skills and become more productive workers. A supervisor not willing to lead their workers down a path of success is not a very good supervisor.

You can problem-solve :

Things are bound to go wrong no matter what industry or department you work in. When that happens, people are going to look to you for a solution. You should be able to analyze a situation and separate yourself from what’s happening in order to be able to make good decisions. This isn’t always going to be easy, but you definitely can’t panic under stress. The ability to find solutions is a key role in being a supervisor.


I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Wheelchair Lifts

Benefits of Installing Dallas Wheelchair Lifts in Your Business

The American Disabilities Act has been approved to standardize building accessibility for people with disabilities and mobility issues. This ensures that public areas and businesses remain accessible and inclusive even to invalids. While most people who move within buildings are able-bodied and have no problems with mobility, giving access to wheelchaired individuals can be a significant game-changer. Elevators may be impractical and space-consuming for buildings that only have two stories. Sometimes, ramps are also not a viable solution because of the building layout. In both of these cases, a wheelchair lift can definitely serve as a perfect alternative. Basic Types of Wheelchair Lifts: There are two types of wheelchair lifts: the inclined wheelchair lift and the vertical wheelchair lift. Incline wheelchair lifts are installed for climbing up and down the stairs. It has a rail and platform that can carry a wheelchair person from one flight of stairs to the next. It works very similar to stairlifts. Vertical wheelchair lifts, on the other hand, work very much like a standard elevator. Instead of the rail traveling parallel to the flight of stairs, it brings the wheelchaired person from one floor to another. Most types of vertical wheelchair lifts are good for both indoor and outdoor use. Anti-skid platforms keep wheelchaired passengers safe during their rides. Convenience and Safety: Putting in a ramp can make your building more accessible, but sometimes it’s not exactly safe and convenient for a wheelchaired individual. Wheelchair lifts not only make mobility more possible for people with disabilities, but it also ensures that they safely get to another floor without too many problems. It provides convenience because there’s no need for them to get out of their wheelchairs to reach their destination. Wheelchair lifts don’t take up much space but it certainly makes traveling up and down the stairs a lot easier and doable. This is especially helpful for wheelchair users who can’t use their upper body to roll their wheelchair up and down a ramp. Freedom and Accessibility for People with Disabilities: Living in a world that’s mostly catered to able-bodied people is very tough for people who are bound to a wheelchair. Aside from doors not being wide enough for them to easily pass through, sometimes stairs are the only way to move between floors. Many of us take our freedom of movement for granted. After all, we can easily go about our daily lives. Unfortunately, people with disabilities aren’t afforded the same freedom and ease of access. The absence of wheelchair lifts can only compound the problem since it makes them unable to appreciate everything that a business has to offer. A business with a wheelchair lift allows a wheelchaired individual to explore a building in the same way that an able-bodied person can. It gives people with disabilities more freedom without having to worry about asking for too much help from family and friends. Providing this kind of independence is one of the key ways to ensure that people with disabilities are able to move at their own pace without having to rely on others. Business Versatility and Inclusiveness: Although the majority of a business’ customers are able-bodied individuals, there’ll always be a few who happen to be disabled. Acknowledging is the first step to being more empathetic and inclusive. From a business standpoint, providing convenient wheelchair access will make people with disabilities want to visit and explore an establishment. It’s basically a win-win situation for both the business and the wheelchaired people that’ll be enticed by their inclusivity attempts. For example, a wheelchaired individual may be interested in checking out a store’s products but couldn’t do so because it isn’t exactly disability-friendly. However, once a wheelchair lift is installed, they now have the freedom to see the store’s products. The wheelchaired person now gets access to what they want, and the business gets a customer out of it. The Final Thoughts While regular elevators can do the job of carrying a wheelchaired individual between floors, wheelchair lifts are more preferred by people with disabilities. This is because they’re specially tailored to accommodate and transport wheelchairs. Wheelchair lifts don’t only make people’s lives easier, it also broadens a business’ customer base. Hence, it’s important to choose the right type of wheelchair lift to maximize its benefits. Read Also: Why Hiring Van Is More Beneficial? 6 Reasons Why Vehicles Are Now Safer Than Ever Tips For Renting A Wheelchair Van At Your Destination

Freelance Work

How Business Owners Can Better Utilize Freelance Work

Small businesses don’t always have a ton of cash or room to make costly mistakes, so every penny, every asset, every minute, counts. Often, small businesses will turn to freelancers for certain projects where they need expert help, but that can also take a hit on your bank account, so ensuring the freelancer does good work is crucial. Sometimes though, the freelance work falls short, leaving the small business low on funds with a deliverable that is unusable. So how do you avoid that? Let’s talk about a better way of finding freelance workers for your business. Revenue Sharing Model Each freelancer can be paid differently. Some are paid upfront or given equity, others are paid a percentage of the final revenue, and some are paid when the job gets done. Here’s the best thing a small business that is low on upstart funds can do when it comes to hiring a freelancer: Adopt a revenue-sharing model. What that means is the freelancer gets paid when you do. They’ll complete the project, deliver all final assets to the business owner, but they’ll only get paid if and when you start making money. There will be a percentage that is agreed upon by both parties before the project begins, and if your business starts bringing in revenue, you’ll then pay off the percentage owed to the freelancer. If your business never makes money, you do not have to pay the freelancer a dime. Why is this a good idea? First of all, it decreases the risk for the business by waiting to pay the freelancer until there is secure revenue coming in. Second, with this idea in mind, freelancers can do some of their best work. They aren’t just getting paid to finish a job, there’s a higher expectation of their work. They understand that if their work is mediocre, there’s a lower chance of them getting paid. It’s in their best interest to do the best work they can, not only to help you as a business owner but to help themselves as well. Develop a Relationship Far too often, businesses pay freelancers for work only to be unsatisfied with the end product. Many times this is due to a lack of communication on one or both sides. To ensure that you are getting quality service delivered from a freelance worker, it’s important to have an understanding relationship. Here are a few tips on how to accomplish that: Describe Your Communication Style If you’re not sure what your communication style is, it’s not a bad idea to find out or develop a system that works for you. Some people have very blunt ways of communicating while others are timider. Talking about your preferred communication style with the freelancer you hired will help to avoid conflict, assumptions, and hard feelings. Explain Your Needs Don’t be afraid to express where there are gaps in understanding. The freelancer is there to be an expert in an area that you may not be familiar with. It’s okay to say things like, “I’m not sure I understand that, could you explain how that works?” The more you can understand the process, the better you’ll be able to communicate and get an end product you’re happy with. Do Your Part If you feel there are gaps in understanding, take a step back, and see if there is anything you might have left out in communication with the freelancer. Sometimes we get in our own bubble and assume other people understand what we are talking about when in reality we need to explain certain things in more depth. Good Luck! Some of these tips may seem like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised how often business owners fail to communicate well with the freelancers they hire. If you can adopt these practices into your business model, your freelancers’ work will improve significantly and you won’t have to worry about an unfortunate loss of precious funds. Read also: 5 Office Organization Tips Every New Business Owners Must Know The significance of face-to-face networking for freelancers Five Reasons Why Freelancers Should Use a Coworking Space 5 Most lucrative home-based business opportunities

Audience that works effectively for business Function

Components of a Successful Business Function

Imagine this for a minute. Your boss has asked you to plan a product launch for an up and coming product that you’ve been working hard on. While this is your chance to prove your capabilities and stand out in your team, it can also be a source of unwarranted stress. Your Business function plays a vital role in upgrading your business to the next level. So, how do you plan a successful business function if your event planning experience is only limited to those frat parties you used to throw back in college? Who are the people you need to work with and what are the things you need to prepare to organize a corporate event? In this short guide, you’ll learn just how easy it is to put together a successful event - with the right mindset and strategy. Essential Components Of Business Function Are As Follows There are several essential components of business function that you need to take care off while improving your business to the next level. Pre-event planning: The basics: Before you book those suppliers, the first thing you need to do is understand the who, what, why of the event you’re planning. Without the basics, it will be hard for you to put the different components together. Who are you planning an event this for? What is your company trying to achieve with this event? Why is this event important for your organization? Understanding that the company’s vision and mission come before your own personal goals will enable you to deliver the message that the company wants to communicate. Organize a meeting with the event stakeholders to discuss the questions above and hopefully, it will help you make the event more meaningful. Date: Part of planning any event is deciding on a date to have it on. Make sure that your event doesn’t fall on the same date as any major industry conferences. You should also steer clear of holidays and civic celebrations. Budget: Your budget will dictate how well you will be able to execute your plans so don’t just pull a random number out of thin air. Consider both your expected costs and actual costs when asking for a budget so that you don’t end up broke. Location: While you might prefer to hold your event at the hottest spot in town, you need to make sure that your location reflects your company’s main purpose for the event. Your location shouldn’t just be a great fit for your event, it should also accessible enough even with public transportation. Catering: Let’s face it, planning food and drink for any business function can be nerve-wracking when you’re trying to impress the head honcho. For big events, it’s always best to hire a catering specialist who can meet your specifications and expectations. Staff: You can’t run a successful event as a one-man show. You need the help and support of a great team to get your event off the ground. Since you’ll be handling pretty much everything from event promotion to on-the-day coverage, look for people who are not only creative but also willing to work overtime for the pre-event preparations. Marketing: Promoting the event should begin as soon as you have the materials from the marketing team. This way, you’ll have enough time to get send your invites out and secure any VIPs you want to invite. As a rule of thumb, you should send out your invites at least 4 weeks before the event date and send out reminders weekly. Program flow: Having an event without a program flow is a recipe for disaster so try to come up with an event checklist before the date. Create a “run of show” document that lays out the whole event as you plan it to happen. Make sure to include contact information of the persons involved for each part. On-the-day event execution: One of the most challenging parts about managing an event, especially a big one with plenty of guests, is keeping track of the onsite registration. While there’s nothing stopping you from doing this manually, you can make the process easier and faster by using the right tools. Here are some innovative ideas to make the check-in process flow seamlessly. Self-registration using tablets Face recognition RFID On-site badge printing At any event, you want to make the right first impression, especially with the VIPs. Make sure that you have a team dedicated to welcoming guests as they enter the door. You also want to have enough space between your venue’s entrance and the registration table so that you can minimize jams at the entrance. Expecting a lot of VIPs at the event? Don’t be afraid to ask the corporate heads for help to usher them into a designated area where they can have the best view. Post-event follow-up: A successful event doesn’t end once the doors close. You need to have a system for the follow-up to keep up with the guests who made it to your event. Depending on your event, you can utilize social media, email marketing or even snail mail to let guests know that you appreciate the time and effort they put into coming to your event. While you’re at it, you might as well ask your guests for input or feedback. The information you gather will be extremely helpful for your next corporate event planning. Here are some ideas to make follow-up a breeze: Using the emails from the registration process, you can schedule an email drip campaign for the people who attended your event. It’s a great way to make special offers on your new product or send them useful tips on how to use the product you just launched. Try not to go overboard with the offers though. Even before the event date, you can already put together a content packet that you can give away to guests right after the event. A good way to digitize printed content is to use a QR code that will quickly give guests access to a landing page you want them to visit. You can also build a social media following around your event with a dedicated hashtag. Encourage guests to like and follow your social media accounts and use the dedicated hashtag in their posts. Make it even more exciting by offering a special prize to the best post about the event. Read Also: 7 Important Tips For Planning An Outdoor Event 3 Ways To Boost Employee Engagement In Your Business