Why City Living is the Healthiest it’s Ever Been


City living hasn’t always been dubbed as a healthy choice. However, it appears things have changed dramatically in recent years.

These days, city living is healthier than it’s ever been. Thanks to a dedication to getting people happier and healthier, steps have been taken to improve city life. Here, we’ll look at why it’s become a healthier option to live in the city.

Companies have started to encourage healthier living :

In the past few years, businesses have started to see the benefits of encouraging their employees to lead a healthier life. These days, over 90% of business leaders know just how important wellness is to the productivity of their employees.

After all, the healthier an employee is, the less likely they’ll be to take time off sick. They will also have bundles more energy, making them far more productive than if they were to lead an unhealthy lifestyle.

So, how exactly are companies encouraging healthier living? Well, some provide exercise classes during lunch. Others offer meditation and counseling to protect an employee’s mental health. There are a lot of ways companies are striving for a healthier workplace and it’s really starting to pay off.

Cities have begun adopting green spaces and cycle lanes :

green spaces and cycle lanes

The cities themselves have also become healthier. Authorities are investing in greener areas, as well as adding more cycle lanes. While the reason behind this is largely down to protecting the environment, it has ultimately led more people to become healthier.

At one time, traveling by car was the way to get to and from work. However, as more awareness has been raised about the impact cars are having on the environment, more people than ever before are choosing to ditch their cars and invest in bicycles instead. The introduction of more cycle lanes has encouraged more bicycle stores such as Brompton, to open up in new city locations.

If you take a look at some of the happiest and healthiest places in the world, you’ll see the majority of them use bicycles as their main form of transportation. Is it a coincidence? Absolutely not! Staying active and cycling around rather than driving, really helps to keep you, fitter, while also doing wonders for the environment.

Fitness is now actively encouraged :

Fitness has become extremely popular in recent years. Within cities, you’ll find a huge range of exercise classes, healthy dine-out options, and healthy activities to partake in. People, as a whole, want to get fitter.

Social media has played a large role in the fitness industry boom. Fitness gurus have become extremely popular, encouraging people to get healthier and sign up for local gyms and fitness classes. So, those looking to stay fit and active have plenty of options in the city.

Cities generate more social interaction :

Another more indirect reason people are healthier in cities is that they experience much more social interaction than those living in the country. This is especially true for those living within an inner-city environment.

Social interaction has a strong connection to mental health. Those who do not interact regularly with people, tend to be more depressed, lonely, and anxious than those who do. Of course, the more people there are to interact with, the more active you’re going to be. So, city living helps to improve both physical and mental health.

The above is some of the main reasons cities have become healthier. It’s come hand in hand with environmental protection as people strive to reduce their impact on the environment. Millennials, in particular, are becoming healthier, largely down to the recent campaigns over getting fitter and leading a healthier lifestyle.


I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Nerves vs. Excitement

Nerves vs. Excitement: How To Manage Nerves And Perform At Your Best

Anyone who has ever been called to come and speak or perform in front of a public gathering knows the importance of holding nerves. From the time we are in school, some of us have dreaded raising our hands and speaking out the right answer even though we know what we are. We have looked at astonishment at so-called confident individuals and wondered what makes them do things that we cannot. Common terms like ‘performance anxiety, ‘stage fright’, ‘nervousness’, etc. are all common emotions and feelings that we harbor. The key is- how do we overcome the same? In this resource article, we are going to help a lot of people come to grips with their nerves. If you are someone who dreads talking in front of a crowd, we recommend that you stick around till the end of the article. Being ‘Nervous’ Versus Being ‘Excited’- How a Change in Terms Can Help: ‘I am too nervous; I can’t go out there and speak’! According to leading psychologists, a simple interchanging of the terms nervous and excited can go a long way in dispelling the fear. Rather than say or think that you are getting the nervous try and say to yourself that you are feeling excited. What you need to understand is that nervousness is associated with being a negative feeling. On the other hand, excitement is something that is deemed to be positive. This simple exercise wires your brain in a specific way, which then lets the body flow from the same feeling. For example, as soon as your brain starts comprehending that you are nervous, it sends a signal to your body, which then results in stomach pains and churnings. This is why you need to start feeling excited and look forward to the opportunity. There is a lot of energy that builds up in the body in such situations. The key is to effectively manage the same productively and positively. The ‘Fight’ and ‘Flight’ Instinct that Defines a Nervous State of Being: To understand these better leading scientists have spoken about the ‘Fight and Flight Syndrome’. They point out that whenever the brain is faced with a complex and problematic situation, it does one of two things- It either wants to escape and run away from the scenario. Or, It starts to swing madly to bring the situation under control. However, in some instances, and I am sure, you are going to relate to this, the brain goes into a hung position. Meaning, it neither fights nor flights. In this situation, the resultant action is a freeze! You get frozen and cannot do anything. According to experts, the fight or flight instinct needs to be properly managed by telling your brain some important things. What are those things? In very simple words, not every such scenario is going to be a life and death one. Meaning it is not at all serious and does not amount to anything. Once your brain can understand this, it starts processing emotions and feelings differently. Following this, it then sends these signals to the rest of your body. List of 5 Important Ways to Help Overcome Nervousness- In this section, we compile the top recommendations from the leading mental health experts to combat nervousness- 1. Undertake Adequate Preparation- According to scientists, 50% of all nervousness results from inadequate preparedness. This means that the more you are prepared, the lower will be your levels of nervousness. Reflect on your school days. Remember when did not know the answers to the question the teacher was asking, how you would try to avoid making eye contact? However, if you were prepared, you would not do the same. Practice makes perfect when it comes to combating nervousness. 2. Focus on ‘You’ providing Value to the Audiences- Whenever we are nervous, we keep thinking about ourselves. However, the key in this regard is to shift focus to the audiences that are sitting right in front of you. Start thinking of all the value, information, education, and enjoyment that you are going to give to the audiences. This will put you in comfortable headspace. Let me in you on a little secret. Audiences want everything should be about them. So, you can simply shift the spotlight on them. 3. Take Help from your Friends and Family Members- Leading comedians and artists have pointed out how having their near and dear ones in the audience helps them overcome stage fright. This is a simple, yet effective solution to combating nervousness on stage. Many also point out how they keep looking for their near ones in the audience and use them to make eye contact with different sections of the audience. This boosts their confidence and makes their brain understand the support there is on offer. 4. Breathe, Relax and Take it Easy- Remember, this is not a life-and-death situation. No one is perfect and even the best ones make mistakes. Once you can tune your brain accordingly, you will be able to get a hold of your nerves. Try breathing and being patient at all times. You can do mistakes, it is alright. Realize that you’ve done the work. The more relaxed you are, the better will you be able to convey. There will always be errors, and you should not worry about making them. 5. Engage with Positive Relaxation Techniques- In the last few years, relaxation strategies like Yoga, Massages, Aromatherapy, etc. have become very popular. They help channel positive energy within the body and calms down the senses. Regular meditation is great for your body mentally, as well as physically. By making such healthy practices a part of your daily life, you will be able to control your emotions in a much better way. Try meditating for 15 minutes every morning and see the difference. The Final Word: At the end of the day, you need to realize that we are all humans. We have a range of emotions, feelings, and characteristics that make us special in our way. No two individuals are the same and we must acknowledge the same. By paying attention to all the pointers in the article, you too can expect to combat nervousness and be better prepared for the next time you face the audience. Read Also: 6 Reasons Why You Would Need Psychotherapy 5 Protein Enriched Food To Improve Mental Health 6 Effective Ways to Improve Your Mental Health

Post-Sinus Surgery Recovery

9 Essential Tips For Post-Sinus Surgery Recovery In Houston

Sinus surgery can be a life-changing procedure for chronic sinus issues. However, recovery is crucial for ensuring optimal results and minimal discomfort. If you've recently undergone sinus surgery in Houston, Texas, or are planning to do so, understanding how to navigate the postoperative period is essential. Explore nine essential tips to help you recover smoothly. 1. Follow Your Surgeon's Instructions: Your sinus and snoring specialist in Houston will provide personalized post-operative instructions based on the specifics of your surgery. This guidance may include details about medication schedules, wound care techniques, and activity restrictions. Following these instructions diligently is paramount for a successful recovery. Your surgeon's expertise and recommendations are tailored to optimize your healing process and minimize the risk of complications. Adhering to their guidance can promote faster healing and improve your overall outcome. 2. Take Rest Seriously: After sinus surgery, your body needs ample time to recuperate and heal. While it's natural to feel eager to resume your regular activities, prioritizing rest is crucial during the initial stages of recovery. Avoid strenuous physical exertion and heavy lifting, as these activities can strain your healing tissues and impede recovery. Instead, allocate sufficient time for rest, allowing your body to redirect its energy towards tissue repair and regeneration. You can facilitate a smoother and more expedited recovery by honoring your body's need for rest. 3. Keep Your Head Elevated: Maintaining an elevated head position is key to minimizing post-operative swelling and promoting optimal drainage of nasal secretions. Whether resting or sleeping, ensure your head remains elevated above your heart level. Utilize additional pillows or invest in a specialized wedge pillow to achieve a comfortable angle. Elevating your head can alleviate discomfort, reduce nasal congestion, and enhance overall breathing comfort. This simple yet effective strategy supports healing and contributes to a more comfortable recovery experience. 4. Stay Hydrated: Adequate hydration is essential for supporting your body's healing mechanisms and optimizing recovery following sinus surgery. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your nasal passages moist and facilitate the clearance of mucus and debris. Opt for plain water or non-caffeinated beverages, as caffeinated and alcoholic drinks can contribute to dehydration and nasal irritation. Maintaining proper hydration levels can promote tissue healing, prevent post-operative complications, and enhance overall well-being throughout the recovery period. 5. Use Nasal Irrigation: Nasal irrigation, also known as nasal saline or nasal lavage, is beneficial for promoting nasal hygiene and accelerating post-operative recovery. Your sinus surgeon may recommend a saline solution or provide you with a nasal irrigation kit for home use. You can gently flush your nasal passages with a saline solution to remove excess mucus, blood, and debris, reducing congestion and promoting optimal healing. As your surgeon directs, incorporate nasal irrigation into your daily routine to maintain clear nasal passages and support a speedy recovery. 6. Avoid Blowing Your Nose: Following sinus surgery, you must refrain from blowing your nose forcefully, as this can disrupt delicate healing tissues and increase the risk of complications. Instead, adopt gentle nasal hygiene practices, such as dabbing or wiping away nasal discharge with soft tissues. If you experience the urge to sneeze, do so with your mouth open to minimize pressure within the nasal cavity. By avoiding forceful blowing and adopting gentle nasal care techniques, you can safeguard your delicate nasal tissues and promote optimal healing in the postoperative period. Read Also: From Gym To Workplace: A Complete Guide To Lead A Healthy Lifestyle 7. Attend Follow-Up Appointments: Regular follow-up appointments with your sinus and snoring specialist in Houston are integral to your post-operative care plan. These appointments allow your surgeon to assess your progress, monitor healing, and address any emerging concerns or questions you may have. Attending all scheduled follow-up appointments can give you personalized guidance, adjustments to your treatment plan as needed, and reassurance regarding your recovery trajectory. Open communication with your surgeon ensures that any issues or complications can be promptly identified and addressed, promoting a smooth and successful recovery journey. 8. Gradually Resume Activities: As your recovery progresses, it's natural to feel eager to resume your normal activities and routines. However, it's essential to approach activity resumption gradually and cautiously to avoid undue strain or setbacks. Begin with light activities such as short walks or household chores, gradually increasing the intensity and duration as tolerated. Listen to your body's cues and avoid pushing yourself beyond your comfort level. Steer clear of activities that involve bending over or straining, as these actions can increase pressure within the sinuses and hinder the healing process. By gradually reintroducing activities into your routine, you can safely regain your strength and stamina while supporting optimal healing. 9. Listen To Your Body: It's crucial to tune in to your body's signals throughout the recovery process and respond accordingly. Pay close attention to any changes or symptoms you experience, such as increasing pain, swelling, or nasal congestion. If you notice any concerning signs or symptoms, don't hesitate to contact your sinus surgeon for guidance and assistance. Trust your instincts and prioritize your health and well-being above all else. By advocating for yourself and seeking prompt medical attention when needed, you can ensure that any issues or complications are addressed promptly, facilitating a smoother and more successful recovery from sinus surgery. Conclusion: Navigating the post-sinus surgery recovery process in Houston, Texas, requires careful attention and adherence to expert guidance. Individuals undergoing recovery are encouraged to prioritize self-care and follow their surgeon's recommendations for optimal healing. These nine essential tips are valuable guidelines to minimize discomfort and promote a smooth recovery journey. For those needing specialized care from a sinus and snoring specialist or allergy treatment in Houston, there are reputable clinics, including the Houston Allergy Clinic, offering expert services and personalized treatment options. Prospective patients can explore these options by scheduling an appointment with a trusted provider. To begin your journey to better sinus health today, visit this website and schedule an appointment. Read Also: 8 Awesome Health Benefits Of Dark Chocolate Ways To Balance Your Life With Healthy Hearing The Diet To Follow For A Healthy Gut


Overview of Turmeric Use in Traditional Medicine

The use of  Turmeric is creating a medicinal value for many patients around the world. Plant products have been a part of human development for centuries. Similar to animals, human civilization would not have reached today’s level of advancement without the help of plants. One of the many uses of plants is to provide a natural defense against infection and disease. Many pharmaceutical products used today resulted from exploiting the medicinal value of plants. Before modern pharmaceutical companies started developing commercial medicine derived from plants, many cultures around the world used plants to cure various ailments. Even now, with modern medicine, many people still prefer traditional medicine. One of the prime examples is Ayurveda. It is an Indian holistic system of curing diseases, including cancer. The approach consists of using primarily plant-based medication. How vital is turmeric in traditional Ayurveda? According to research published by Newman and Cragg in 2007, 61% of all small-molecule pharmaceutical drugs introduced between 1981 and 2002 can be traced to natural or plant products. Although a majority of drugs today are synthesized from a combination of chemical and natural products, it is proven that using plant-based medication is more suitable for human consumption. One of the most common plants used in Ayurveda is turmeric. According to historical research, the medicinal purpose of turmeric can be traced as far back as 4000 years ago. In Southeast Asia, turmeric is not only a common spice used in cuisine but also plays a role in many religious ceremonies. For the past 25 years, modern medicine has been recognizing the medicinal importance of turmeric. With thousands of publications regarding the studies conducted on turmeric, the world is beginning to notice why traditional medicine has significantly relied on turmeric as a primary remedy for various ailments. What is turmeric, and how is it cultivated and processed? Turmeric came from India and spread throughout the world because of the spice trade. In the tropics, this spice is cultivated widely, and each country or culture has a different name for this herb. But the common name turmeric came from ‘terra merita’ which is a Latin word meaning meritorious earth, which is a description of how the spice resembles a mineral. The plant Curcuma longa, which produces the rhizome turmeric is from the same family as ginger. The turmeric rhizome can be consumed fresh, or dried and ground into a fine powder. Today, not only is this traditional medicine is available in spice form, but you can buy turmeric shots which are ready to drink or mix with food and beverage. Traditional medical applications of turmeric: Ayurveda widely uses this medicine for treating different health problems, including arthritis relief, dispelling intestinal worms, and removing gallstones. In other Asian countries, turmeric is often used as an antiseptic to clean wounds and burns. In countries like Pakistan, turmeric is a common remedy for irritable bowel and other gastrointestinal problems. Because of the prevalence of this traditional medicine, modern pharmaceutical research facilities have begun conducting clinical research and tests to determine the viability and effectiveness of turmeric in treating various diseases, including cancer. Read Also: 13 Best Herbs That Boost Your Metabolism How Can A Dallas Functional Medicine Doctor Help You?