What you need to know about Ethereum mining

Published on: 29 October 2018 Last Updated on: 18 November 2021
Ethereum mining

Ethereum mining is one of the essential means to develop your business in the best possible ways. Work out the plans that can help you to achieve your goals in the correct order. Do not make your choices in grey while you want to develop your trading business in the correct way.

Ethereum mining is possible in a number of ways 

Crypto mining is a new money-making frontier without much risks involved. And while Bitcoin is becoming less profitable to mine by the day, Ethereum is still a solid choice. It gives solid returns (assuming the price of ETH doesn’t change too much!). Today, let’s see how we can have a setup for Ethereum mining!

1.  Get your Mining Setup Together

Mining basically means running an algorithm again and again until you find the “solution”. Once said the solution is found, you are paid by the system with Ethereum

Mining can become computationally expensive and can be demanding on CPU or mining hardware. To have a chance of mining and therefore earning, a decently powerful computer setup is the absolute minimum. More power would potentially mean more earnings on average. Ethereum Mining can help your business to grow at a rapid pace. Work out the plans that can work well in your favor.

In the case of Ethereum, it pays out 5 ETH roughly every 15 seconds to whoever solves the mining algorithm (though this may change in the future when Ethereum switches over to a Proof of Stake algorithm)

So,first step would be to get a computer and/or graphics card setup. A standard, absolute minimum setup consists of 6 video cards. These should be a minimum of 3GB, and a motherboard with 6 PCI slots minimum. The other crucial parts would be a CPU, Memory of at least 4 GB, a decent power supply capable of handling of 80% of the output capacity, and a 60 GB hard drive.

It’s also recommended to connect the rig to the Internet via a wired Ethernet cable connection; WiFi isn’t really recommended. The above rig is optimized for Ethereum mining using the current algorithm and mining difficulty. It collects a decent 0.5 ETH per month but, as is with cryptocurrencies, things change fast.

2. Get a Digital Wallet

For you to earn and use cryptocurrencies, you need a digital wallet. Wallets are nothing more than placeholders where your coins are stored online. You have tons of choices in this area, with many different factors too big to cover in this guide. Ethereum mining can help your business to grow in the right direction in a short time span. Work out the plans that can work well in your favor.

Once you have a wallet, it’s time to decide:

3. Do you Mine Alone or join Mining Pool

Mining at it alone sounds like a great idea. The reward is much bigger and it’s all yours. However, this only works if you consistently beat thousands of others in solving the algorithm first. Trust us, with those odds, it won’t happen very often

To successfully solo mine, you will need an upwards of 100+ graphics cards at your disposal. Not to mention taking the brunt of the enormous electricity costs, taking care of heating problems and ventilation, and the huge upfront cost of buying the hardware. Solo mining is possible and, yes can be rewarding, but you need to know what’s in store here.

Mining pools are a collection of mining rigs which combine their hash rates together for a better chance of mining Ethereum coins. With crypto mining pools, you get a steady income even if you mine a block by proxy. It’s all about a collective group effort.

There are lots of factors you should consider before joining a mining pool. The size of the pool, or the number people joining, is an important consideration. More people in the pool means there’s a bigger chance of mining a block and getting a reward. On the flipside, however, the payout per person gets smaller, since it gets split between more people.

It might be worthwhile to try different pools to see which one you like best. But here are some we recommend

NiceHash is a relatively easy to use and quick to set up mining pool to join. The nice thing about it is that it automatically searches for the best algorithm or cryptocurrency to mine, not just Ethereum. This can give more value for your rig in the long run. It should be noted that NiceHash also pays in Bitcoin, regardless if you were mining Ethereum or something else

To join, you first need to download the AMD or Nvidia program installer from their site. This application will scan your hardware setup and install software as necessary. Afterward, you enter your Bitcoin wallet address. It should be noted that you need a BItcoin wallet setup before joining NiceHash. Else, you won’t get paid. Once entered, click on the benchmark button and start another scan. You’re then ready to mine

NiceHash runs at an overall hash rate that is 20% less. This might seem concerning, but the switching feature more than makes up for this, as it can potentially up your profitability than just focusing on one coin alone.

Another option is Nanopool. It is currently one of the largest mining pool joinable with 130,000 active members and counting. Nanopool also pays out to miners who are close to solving the algorithm, so that’s nifty as well. It charges a fee of 1%. Similar to Nanopool is Ethermine, which has a similar structure and fee.

For mining software, we recommend Claymore Dual Miner. This allows you to mine two different coins at the same time. This works brilliantly for mining Ethereum and another crypto coin. Since Ethereum is more memory intensive, the processor can be used to mine for more processor heavy crypto coins. Thus allowing you to mine at twice the speed. Both Nanopool and Ethermine support Claymore.

4. Start mining!

Once you’ve installed your choice of mining software, just run the appropriate program and your computer will then automatically start mining. Remember to always keep the program running, preferably 24/7.

5. Check your earnings and profit!

After a while, you might want to check how much ETH you’re earning. To do so, you need to go to your mining pool’s website and type in your digital wallet address. You should be able to see how much ETH you’ve been earning thus far. Ethereum Mining can help your business to grow and move at a rapid pace.

But earnings are different from profits. To truly calculate how much you are profiting, you need to consider electricity costs. To do this, you need to find out how many mega hashes per second (Mh/S) your setup is contributing to the pool. Next, go to the numerous mining calculators available online. Supply the relevant information to see how much you’re really earning!

6. Improve your Results

There are a lot of ways you can improve your results and therefore your profits. Techniques such as overclocking and undervolting are worth looking at. What doesn’t change is the need for constant learning and improvement in this area since changes come in very rapidly. You need to be on your toes if you want to keep the profits rolling in. Happy mining!

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Accounting Needs

7 Advantages in Hiring a Third Party Company to Manage your Accounting

Running a small business in the market today can be quite demanding and involving, especially when it comes to the need for different skills, experiences, and competencies necessary to handle different tasks. As a business owner, you may need to hire the services of a professional consultant company to provide technical help where necessary. One of the commonly demanding tasks in a business that you may need to outsource services from a third-party consultancy company is in the area of accounting. The skills required to accomplish professional accounting in a small business are too involving in ways that small businesses often prefer working with external consultancy service providers. Working with a hired third-party company to manage your business’s accounting needs is advantageous in several ways. It saves you money: One of the key advantages of working with a consultancy company is that you get to save much on the cost required to get the financial services you need. When hiring an outside financial consultancy and accounting company to handle your business’s accounting needs, you are not mandated to provide the necessary resources such as office space, software, furniture, and other crucial elements that are necessary to facilitate the third-party businesses’ operations. Generally, this is an advantage to your business. The one-time contractual agreement between your company and the third party consultancy reduces the financial burden upon your business. This is as opposed to a situation where you would be required to hire competent accountants and financial experts to handle your business’s financial and accountancy needs. In such a case, your business will be required to provide the necessary resources in addition to providing a competitive salary, benefits, and remuneration to the workers. Saves on time: Hiring the services of a professional consulting company to provide accounting consultancy services to your business gives you an opportunity to save on the time that may be dedicated to other tasks. Accounting is one of the most demanding business activities as it involves compiling accurate reports from thousands of transactions in a business. To be accurate in the accounting reports generated, one must put in much time and resources into accounting operations and calculations. As a business owner, the time that would have gone into performing the accountancy operations in your business may be allotted for other crucial business tasks. Exposure to professional and competent services: Professional businesses such as Gold Coast TW Accounting that offer consultancy services in the area of accounting and finance are normally competent enough to provide reliable and accurate services. Such consultants, as compared to hired accounting workers in your business, prove more resourceful in terms of providing accounting services with competence, confidence, and certainty. The results of the accounting process for your business may also come in handy with crucial interpretations that may help your business to improve on its financial performance in the market. Contractual services: For your business, working with a hired accounting consultancy company is much advantageous, especially since the contractual agreement between your business and the consultant can be altered to your advantage. The contractual agreement between your business and the consultant, in such a case, can be varied such that your business gets the upper hand in terms of the quality of service you receive. In case the contract does not satisfy your business’s needs, you have the upper hand and capacity to terminate the contract at a moment’s notice and seek to hire the services of a more qualified accounting consultant who will meet your specific needs. This is as opposed to instances where you work with employees whose terms of engagement may be too complicated to terminate at once without causing legal repercussions. Increased market exposure: Whenever you hire external financial accountants to handle your business’s accounting operations, you get a significant level of market exposure. The professional accountants come equipped with knowledge on how other businesses in the market have been performing financially. Such knowledge may come in handy in cases where the consultant may provide technical insight on how your business is doing financially as compared to your competitors. Besides, the technical expertise and advice provided by such consultants may also help in other areas of your business management. For example, the accountants may provide insights on how to simplify and increase your networking and market relationships with your customers and other businesses as a strategy of bettering your financial performance. Unbiased results: Hiring the services of a third-party company to manage your accounting needs in your business reduces or eliminates the risk of being exposed to biased accounting services. Professional accountants who provide consultancy services in businesses have zero tolerance for bias. Such bias may otherwise set-in in cases where internal accounting department workers willfully manipulate the accounting records to give you a false impression of good performance in your business. Having reliable results comes in handy as far as the long-term sustainability and survival of your business in the market are concerned. Get the peace of mind: Accounting operations in business are mind-bogglingly challenging to effectively carry out. The challenges associated with successfully carrying out accounting operations internally may deny you, as a business owner or manager, the peace of mind necessary to successfully undertake other tasks. Hiring the services of an external accountant to do such complicated and voluminous accounting tasks reassures you and gives you much time to focus on steering your business forward. Besides, the professional consultants know the precise records that they should go after in your business to do comprehensive and reliable accounting work. In general, hiring an external company to manage accounting tasks in your business gives you a comparative advantage as compared to instances where you work with internally based workers hired in your business’s accounting department. The high-quality accounting services that you receive from such qualified personnel providing accounting consultancy services are crucial to the financial survival of your business. You may also receive an added advantage on the technical advisory you receive from the consultants on how to steer your business to financial success. Read Also: Balancing The Books With Outsourcing – Virtual Receptionists Major Financial Problems That Can Affect A New Business Why You Should Choose To Have An Asset Protection For Your Business Don’t Do The Math: 5 Reasons Outsourced Bookkeeping Services Are The Right Choice For Your Business


Do I have Enough Super to Retire: Considerations Before Leaving Your Job

As you get older, you start thinking about retirement and if you have enough money to live comfortably afterward. In some cases, people don't even usually get to decide their retirement age due to health reasons. Retirement planning is an important process, and part of it is asking questions like "How much super do I need to retire?" or "Is my current lifestyle something I can afford?". According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics or ABS, the average retirement age is at 65.5 years for men and 65.4 for women. If you're someone who's nearing this age, then you should think about these considerations before you retire or leave your job. How is your account doing? Some of the biggest mistakes that people make is not knowing what their superannuation account is worth or where they're money is invested. This reason is that a lot of people don't really understand what it is and the advantages of having one. At the end of the day, it's money that you've earned, and you've set aside for retirement. Make sure to check how much you already have in your account so you can plan your retirement correctly. According to experts, you need to have at least $545,000 in your account if you’re single and $640,000 if you’re married to be able to have a comfortable retirement. This amount already covers health insurance coverage, home renovations, activities, and food. How much money do you need? You also have to take note that the amount you need will still depend mainly on how your lifestyle will be. Take this example below to find out how much you need to earn to have a modest or comfortable retirement: Modest lifestyle $27,430 for a single person $39,445 for couples Comfortable lifestyle $42,955 for a single person $60,604 for couples A modest retirement would mean that you still get to enjoy activities like eating out once in a while and go on short trips within the country. A comfortable lifestyle, on the other hand, will mean that you can go to a lot of recreational activities, get good private health insurance, buy a reasonable car and travel. Taking into account what your lifestyle is will have a great impact on how much money you need to be pouring into your super account. Where do you wish to live during retirement? After retiring, the house you've lived in for many years may seem dull and boring. Consider where you want to live as this will have an impact on your overall life satisfaction. An option that's popular for retirees is downsizing and selling off some of their assets. The reason behind this is because they want simpler things in life. They don't have kids living with them anymore, and house maintenance cost can be expensive and impossible to do down the line. Additionally, downsizing can actually help you increase your superannuation account. For example, Australians age 65 and over can make a non-concessional contribution to their superfund account for up to $300,000 from the sale of their primary home. This does not take into consideration of your work status, account balance, and history of contribution. Moreover, for couples, this amount can double up to $600,000. Downsizing has some significant advantages such as: Ability to stay closer to family and friends Ability to purchase better health insurance coverage Tax benefits Affordable cost of living depending on your location Ability to put money in other investment opportunities Are you debt free? Debt is something that can eat up a lot of your retirement income when not handled properly. Most experts advise that you carry no obligation when you retire or at least 90% as close to debt-free. Ensure that you've already paid off your mortgage, credit cards, and other types of loans that you may have. If you're planning to retire but still have a lot of payments needed for your mortgage, you may want to reconsider it or making additional payments into it. A debt after your retire can derail your plans of having a comfortable retirement. Conclusion: Taking time to ask yourself these considerations will help you get the life you want after retiring. Additionally, it helps to paint a bigger picture of how your life will be moving forward. Being mentally and financially prepared is what is going to help you achieve the life you have always dreamed of. Read Also: How To Become Financially Stable Before Age 30 How To Live Healthily Even If You Have A Full-Time Job

UAN Login

UAN Login and its facilities with Registration process

UAN or Unique Account Number is a Unique ID Number provided by the Employees Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) for each of those individuals who have opted for provident fund account. This is an Online Portal, so you can keep track of all your provisional funds and deposit your provisional funds in that account. EPFO presented UAN which goes about like a cloud service for the numerous Member Ids assigned to a person by various managers. The UAN program was propelled in October 2014 as a component of Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay Shramev Jayate Karyakaram. It is maybe the most remarkable advance taken by EPFO in the ongoing past. UAN is a one of a kind 12 digit number doled out to a worker by EPFO. UAN empowers connecting of various EPF Accounts (Member Id) dispensed to a solitary part. It offers a bunch of administrations like progressively refreshed UAN card, refreshed PF passbook incorporating all transfer-in points of interest, facility to interface past individuals' ID with present ID, month to month SMS in regards to the credit of commitment in PF record. Employees are required to initiate their UAN at UAN portal and to profit an extensive variety of online administrations offered by EPFO. When UAN is initiated, employees can sign in utilizing UAN and password and access different online administrations and in addition to refreshing KYC details and so forth, for more details on how it works you can head over to Finance Nize. Various Facilities provided in UAN is as follows: Before going to attend the complete the registration process, it is essential for you to know some of the facilities offered in UAN. Hope the mentioned facilities will be helpful for all the seekers that who want to complete the registration process. Also, it helps to gather some idea about the facilities available in UAN. Let’s have a look at some of the facilities allotted in UAN. UAN Account Status: This portal has made it easy for you to check your UAN status just by few clicks. This Facility will also let you get all your funds in a single account. Online EPF transfer: Earlier we were able to transfer PF funds, under the Online Transfer Claim Portal. Things have changed with the introduction of UAN. Under this Single Portal, you will be able to do it from one account to another without much paperwork and hassle-free. Online PF withdrawal: UAN allows Employees to withdraw the funds. However, he/she is not employed prior to 60 days of pst resignation. The Process is easy and convenient but UAN must be attached with Aadhar Card. Online Registration of Establishments: Online Registration Process for completely web-based now. PF payments online: EPFO has made it mandatory for the organizations to pay online. EPFO also tied up with almost all major banks for collecting PF Dues. Passbook and Claim Status: All members can view their Passbook online and even check the claim status too along with updating KYC. SMS/Miss Call Service: Once you have activated your UAN. You can access your account by sending SMS in a certain format as per guidelines suggested by EPFO. You can take actions like Enquiry for Transfer, KYC status, Balance inquiry and lot more. UAN LOGIN: When it comes to complete the registration process, make sure to follow the official website of the organization. In order to log in, first of all, visit: https://unifiedportal-mem.epfindia.gov.in/memberinterface/ UAN Registration Process: For information, people who are employed or unemployed can register for UAN account without skipping any instruction. Even students or the one who has not enrolled for EPFO can join UAN Easily. Read Alos: 8 Reasons To Have A Pre-Employment Background Check Facility In Your Organization 5 Counseling Specializations Undergraduate Students Should Understand