Acupuncture in the UAE and the Hospital of the Future

Published on: 25 July 2019 Last Updated on: 19 January 2022

Acupuncture is a treatment method that involves the careful insertion of paper-thin needles at specific points in the body to promote healing. A specialist does this to balance the Qi energy to improve your wellbeing. This practice originated in ancient China, and although many people trust western medicine, acupuncture can be an excellent alternative in UAE.

Throughout the years, scientists have conducted several studies to identify the effectiveness of acupuncture. They found out that this technique helps to manage pain and other health conditions. If you have always wanted to try an alternative treatment without side effects, you can visit any acupuncture center Dubai specialist for assistance. Many people in Dubai have embraced acupuncture as they realize that it can treat various diseases such as asthma, back pains, and even allergies.

How Does Acupuncture Work?

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, diseases are caused by the disruption of energy flow in the body. Acupuncture aims to restore balance by activating acupoints. This releases the Qi which flows through the meridians. The needles in the acupuncture points activate the nerves which send multiple signals to the brain, which produces hormones to fight pain.

Acupuncture Practice in the UAE:


With the increase in the number of people who trust acupuncture in the UAE, there are many acupuncture center Dubai specialists you can visit for various problems. Acupuncture is effective in treating and controlling many diseases; that is why more people keep embracing the practice. The hospital of the future can benefit from acupuncture, especially in managing chronic conditions and pain. Below are some of the diseases the acupuncture Dubai clinics treat, and the practices the hospital of the future could borrow.

Lower Back Pain:

Lower Back Pain

Back pain is common among many people, and it not only restricts mobility, but it also limits the things you can do. If you have this condition it is advisable to visit a certified acupuncture center Dubai practitioner to show you the way forward. This practice provides long-term pain relief, and it is pocket-friendly compared to other treatments.


Allergies affect our lives in different ways, for instance, you cannot eat some foods, or pollen might affect you. Visiting an acupuncture center Dubai specialist can help you to control these conditions. From sneezing, wheezing, puffy eyes, and runny nose, acupuncture works effectively. The best thing about this treatment is that you might start to notice changes after the initial session. An acupuncturist also helps you to discover if you are allergic to any foods or pollen.

Cardiovascular Diseases:

Heart diseases are the leading cause of death in the UAE; this is because of a sedentary lifestyle, smoking, and lack of exercise. Acupuncture is useful because it lowers blood pressure in patients with heart conditions. It is advisable to visit an acupuncture center Dubai practitioner instead of conducting the process by yourself. The insertion of needles at the acupoints lowers stress and boosts the functions of the heart for patients.

Rheumatoid Arthritis:

This is a chronic condition that affects the entire body, especially the joints. It also makes the immune system to fight healthy tissues. If you have rheumatoid arthritis, you might want to try acupuncture to relieve pain. This treatment reduces inflammation and chronic pain with no or fewer side effects. Remember, when you visit an acupuncture center Dubai physician to reveal all your concerns.


Although this treatment cannot treat cancer, it helps to relieve some of the side effects. People going through cancer treatment such as chemotherapy, or taking cancer medication might experience symptoms. Hot flushes, dry mouth, fatigue, and breathlessness are some of the symptoms. It also relieves nausea and vomiting, which is a side effect of chemotherapy. Some specialists might caution you on going for acupuncture before chemotherapy to avoid infection. However, you can do it before chemotherapy to prevent nausea. Other benefits include pain and anxiety reduction.

Read more: The Functions And Benefits Of A Cancer App



It is difficult to overcome addiction, especially after many years. Apart from counseling and other forms of treatment, acupuncture can be effective. When you visit an acupuncture center Dubai doctor, he will help you to curb your cravings for harmful substances. You also experience feelings of calmness as well as no pain from withdrawal symptoms. Stimulation of acupoints leads to the release of endorphins, which act as a natural painkiller. According to Chinese Medicine, acupuncture helps to balance energy. This means a session helps to nourish and restore a patient’s energy.

Many people trust acupuncture treatment in the UAE because of its effectiveness, low costs, and few side effects. More hospitals in the future should adopt the use of acupuncture in their facilities because it does not only relieve chronic pain, but it also helps to manage other conditions such as allergies and cardiovascular diseases. Remember to visit an acupuncture center Dubai specialist to discuss your treatment options rather than opting for self-treatment.

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7 Benefits of Having AIA Migration Perth

Moving to a new country is a complex process that requires a lot of preparation. It also involves a monetary investment because application fees are very expensive. If you’re thinking of moving to Perth, it will be prudent to hire a migration specialist to help you understand all the regulations and steps involved in the big move. Here are 7 benefits of having AIA Migration Perth to back up your move to the largest and capital city of Western Australia: Help You Understand the Complex Laws: Australian migration laws are very detailed. There are different cases stipulated in the law, with different corresponding steps and requirements. It is written in the legal jargon, which may be hard for the ordinary citizen to understand. If English is not your first language, it will be much harder to decipher and comprehend all the legalese. To make sure that there is no confusion or misinterpretation of the law, which can delay your application, hiring the help of a migration specialist is necessary. Answer All Your Questions: Making the decision to move to a new country is both exciting and scary. You’re excited to start a new life in foreign soil, but at the same time, you are scared of stepping out of your comfort zone because you don’t know what challenges you will face in this new place. Hiring a migration specialist will quell your fears and abate your worries. They can answer all your questions with ease and assuage any of your doubts with their expertise. Aid in Catching your Mistakes: You will have to fill up many forms during the migration process. Sometimes, these forms can be confusing especially if you’re not a native English speaker. Having a migration specialist beside you, guiding you every step of the way will help you catch all your mistakes. These mistakes can be costly because one wrong entry can mean the rejection of your application. Of course, you wouldn’t want that to happen to you over something that is preventable. Verify Your Supplementary Documents: Your migration agents will verify all your supplementary documents like IDs, medical statements, criminal records, birth certificates, etc. They will tell you if you need original copies, photocopies, or certified true copies. They take the guesswork out of the complicated requirements, so you won’t make critical mistakes, which will only delay your application because the Australian government will ask for clarification. Save your Precious Time and Effort: Because of their expertise, migration specialists have handled many cases. They know what they are doing and cut down the time of your application. They will immediately give you a list of what you need to get down, which saves you the hard work of doing your own research. Doing so saves you valuable time and your energy, so you can focus on the more important aspect of making money and preparing your family for the big move. Can Cut Down your Cost: It will cost a little bit of money to hire a migration agent, but it is an investment worth taking because of all the things they do on your behalf. Sometimes, you have to pay for convenience so you won’t stress yourself out needlessly. Getting sick over worry is more expensive. Moreover, migration agents actually do save you money because they free up your time to do other things. They also deter you from making costly mistakes. Application fees are very expensive, and if you make a fatal mistake, you may have to start things from scratch. Imagine going back to zero and working your way from the ground up once again. That is not only frustrating but very expensive. Oversee Should you Need to Make an Appeal: Rejection sucks, but it can happen for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, the laws have changed, so you’ll just need to do some additional requirements. It could also be that the cap for approving residents visas for the year has been reached. A rejection is not a final no. You can still reapply and re-appeal your case. There is no harm in trying to do so because the benefit you will gain will be immense if they say yes. Your migration agent will gladly help you with an appeal’s process because their main goal is to see you happy in your new country. Read Also: Steps To Emigrating To Australia Follow These 5 Tips To Avoid Mistakes In Immigration Application The Ultimate Moving Checklist – Things You Need To Do When Moving

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6 Guiness World Record Holders to be Jealous Of

Growing up, most of us remember cracking open the latest Guinness Book of World Records we got at Christmas time and seeing who held the weirdest and most wonderful records that year. Everything from freakishly long fingernails to incredibly strong people, there's always a strange niche that has a record holder. But not all of them are totally wacky and weird, some of them are amazing and great enough to make you green with envy. 6 Guiness World Record Holders to be Jealous Of Without further ado, here are six of the greatest Guinness World Record holders whose achievements will make you very jealous. 1. The World's Oldest Person: Jeanne Calment from France has managed to live to the incredible age of 122 years and 164 days old. She was born back in 1875 and she lived through a lot of pivotal world events. She lived to see the Eiffel Tower be constructed, she sold coloring pencils to the Vincent Van Gogh, and she lived through both World Wars. 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The Biggest Barbecue in the World: We all love a good barbecue with a few pals on a hot summery day out in our own, private backyard. But, imagine what it would be like at the world's biggest barbecue? That's right, Uraguay beat Argentina to become the hosts of the biggest barbecue in the whole world. Since Uraguay is a country with more cattle than people, there's no better place for this event to take place. For the event, cooks grilled a whopping 16.5 tonnes of raw meat over 14 hours. They also prepared 4,000kg of Russian salad to eat with the beef and plates were sold for just $5 per plate. Now that's an event we wish we could have been there for! IMAGE SOURCE: 4. Youngest Person to Climb Mount Everest: American schoolboy Jordan Romero was the youngest person to climb to the top of Mount Everest at just 13 years old. As he reached the top of the mountain, he called his mom and told her he was calling her from the top of the world. It took 7 days for Jordan to reach the 29,035 summits. It's not the only mountain he's climbed either: at 10 years old, he climbed Mount Kilimanjaro too. Two years after he climbed Everest, he became the youngest person in the world to complete the Seven Summits - climbing seven of the tallest mountains on each continent. At 15 years old, he's done more than most people do in a lifetime, and it's exciting to see what he'll achieve in the future. INSERT IMAGE HERE - - IMAGE SOURCE: 5. World's Richest Person: The title of the richest person in the world was once held by Microsoft CEO Bill Gates. For years, his wealth remained unbeatable - that is until Jeff Bezos came around. Jeff Bezos is the founder of Amazon and is now worth a whopping $112 billion. His wealth comes as no big surprise. Pretty much everyone you know, including yourself, has bought something from Amazon. What began as a small company running from his basement became a global conglomerate that is used by millions of people every single day. It's an inspiring story for anyone looking to launch their own business and shows that there are no bounds for how successful you may be one day. 6. Longest Laughter: It's a bit of an odd one but a sweet one nonetheless. An Ethiopian man named Belachew Girma has been given the title of world record holder for the longest time spent laughing. He laughed non-stop for three hours and six minutes to win the title for himself. Belachew is an amazing man who literally laughs in the face of an adversary. He has sadly lost two of his wives to HIV and seen his home and business destroyed by fires and floodings. He sees the power in laughter as it helps carry away stress and pain. So, as a result, he heads up a non-profit organization called the Laughter for All Association Ethiopia. What an amazing man! There are a lot of weird and whacky Guinness World Record holders out there, and they help make the world a little more interesting. These ones are more inspirational as they manage to achieve things most of us couldn't imagine. Will you become a Guinness World Record holder in the future? Read Also: FinTech Is Making It Easier To Shop The World’s Biggest Sales Yacht Charters And Sailing Vacations

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How Much Does A Freevee Subscription Cost Per Month?

Streaming services are all the rage and in today's digital age we have a vast array of entertainment options waiting for us at our fingertips. Freevee is a popular streaming platform that has gained significant popularity for its diverse content library as well as user-friendly interface. But many people are wondering what the cost of this service is. Freevee offers a range of subscription plans that come with an array of user preferences. The basic plan includes limited features and advertisements. It is available for free. This option allows user to access a huge selection of TV shows, movies as well as documentaries without having to commit financially. If you are looking for an enhanced streaming experience Freevee offers a premium plan with a monthly cost of $9.99. This subscription does away with ads and provides access to exclusive content. It also allows users to download their favorite shows and movies for offline view. The premium plan offers streaming on multiple devices simultaneously. This makes it the ideal choice for family viewing. It is also great for individuals with diverse entertainment preferences. You can switch between plans like the basic and premium ones any time. You can also upgrade to the premium plan if you want an ad-free experience. Freevee is transparent about its pricing structure that covers all costs, with no hidden charges and additional fees. You can cancel your subscription at any time without penalties. If you want to take a break or switch to other services, you have full control on your subscription. Read Also: Apple Settles Lawsuit for $25 Million Over Family Sharing Feature Misrepresentation Latest Google Discover Feature Allows Access To Liked Stories Nativity Scene Invokes Simplicity And Joy: Pope At Audience