Ankita Tripathy
Ankita Tripathy loves to write about food and the Hallyu Wave in particular. During her free time, she enjoys looking at the sky or reading books while sipping a cup of hot coffee. Her favourite niches are food, music, lifestyle, travel, and Korean Pop music and drama.

What Is Entrepreneurship?: Types And Characteristics Explained In Details [Updated 2022]
With the global pandemic of the year 2020 due to the onset of the coronavirus, many people lost their high-paying jobs. With large-scale unemployment, people worldwide started reconsidering the notion of the “stable” job. This was one of the main reasons that they started their own business. Have you ever wondered about building an organization? About starting your own business? If this thought has ever crossed your mind, you may have thought about becoming an entrepreneur. Heard about the term but didn’t quite know what it is? Then, you have come to the right place. In this article, I will guide you on the concept of entrepreneurship and the types and characteristics of the same. So if you want to know more, stick till the end. Read More: How Many Types Of Entrepreneurs Are There What Is Entrepreneurship? Entrepreneurship is the process by which an individual takes the risk to start their own business and run it successfully. You can consider it to be one of the essential points in society. It is one of those resources that economists consider integral to production. However, economists have not consistently defined the exact definition of “entrepreneurship.” However, you can connect it to the natural resources, land, labor, and the capital that we invest in, which has the possibility of generating profit. Every nation values the practice of entrepreneurship because it makes the country stand out more in the global marketplace. Who Is An Entrepreneur? Do you think you have the ability to create and run your own business successfully? And also dare to bear the risk of failure? Well, you might just be capable of being an entrepreneur. While the process of starting your venture and running a business of your own is called entrepreneurship, the one who does that is called an entrepreneur. In order to become an entrepreneur, you must have the desire to start a new venture and administer it to run successfully. But, along with that, you also need to keep in mind that you might have to face failures and even incur losses a few times. In other words, a person who is determined to open a startup and run it successfully while dealing with all the risks of losses is called an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs have a significant role to play in the economy. They use their skills and business acumen to initiate their journey and bring success to their business and the market in general. Related: Business Tips For Beginner Entrepreneurs Entrepreneurship: Characteristics There are a specific set of skills that one needs to have if one wants to become an entrepreneur. Some of them are below: 1. Risk-taker Because it takes a lot of courage to start an entrepreneurial journey, the essential characteristic for a person to have if they want to become an entrepreneur is the will to take the risk. Entrepreneurs are never too scared of taking risks. They jump into the field knowing the fact that they might incur losses. However, they also know that risk is just an opportunity to learn something new about the market, their business, and themselves. 2. Networking Building and managing the relationships that one business owner has with other professionals help them grow the business. Therefore, one of the most desirable skills for entrepreneurs is to be able to network. It can open up many future opportunities and support the entrepreneur in building a brand with a solid foundation. It also allows entrepreneurs to meet other like-minded professionals and build future collaborations and teams while staying updated with industry trends. 3. Communication It is crucial to communicate with your clients and equally essential to communicate with your employees. Business owners or entrepreneurs require excellent communication skills through verbal communication or messages and reports or emails about the project. This makes sure that the work or the project is executed effectively and reduces the chances of miscommunication. 4. Critical Thinking An entrepreneur should be able to look through the data and information present at hand and arrive at a rational conclusion. This benefits the business. The skill of thinking about a solution critically is essential. It helps business owners connect with ideas logically, scrutinize the information at hand, find if there are any inconsistencies at work, and solve complex issues. Know More: Large Company Entrepreneurship: Definition, Pros, Cons 5. Creative Thinking Being creative is a gift that no one can take from you. So if you want to be an entrepreneur, you should make sure that you can think creatively. We can often consider it to be the backbone of innovation. It is one of the reasons that forces employees to think differently. This makes sure that the business grows innovatively. 6. Leadership Skills One of the most important things an entrepreneur needs is the skill to be an excellent leader. They should be able to inspire their colleagues or those working for them and empower the workforce. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): 1. What Does Entrepreneurship Mean? Entrepreneurship is the process through which an individual starts or creates their own business and can run it successfully. 2. What Are The Types Of Entrepreneurship? When it comes to the different types of entrepreneurship, there are many. Some are large company entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, startup entrepreneurship, and small business entrepreneurship. 3. What Is The Importance Of Entrepreneurship? There are many reasons why entrepreneurship is essential. It increases the standard of living, encourages creativity, supports innovation, and offers employment. And That’s A Wrap! With the rise of unemployment in many parts of the world due to the pandemic of 2020, many people started rethinking the idea of a stable job. This was one of the reasons why most of them began to open businesses. They started their entrepreneurial journey, no matter how big or small they were. The ability to run a business while dealing with the possibility of incurring losses is essential for an entrepreneur. While keeping that in mind, several characteristics are necessary for becoming an entrepreneur. Some of them are the ability to take risks, communicate, and other leadership skills. So, if you think you have any of the characteristics stated above to be an entrepreneur, it might be your turn to try and set out on a new venture! Read More: How To Become An Entrepreneur? A Brief GuideMargin Trading Tips & Strategies For BeginnersWho Is An Intrapreneur? Definition, Characteristics, Pros/Cons
Large Company Entrepreneurship: Definition, Pros, Cons, And More
Many people try to start their own business but are never aware of what kind of business they want. When I say ‘kind,’ I do not mean the niches of the organization. Instead, here I am talking about the nature of the business. Depending on the nature of the business, you can decide the form of companies or entrepreneurship into four distinct kinds. They are scalable startups, social startups, small business, and large business entrepreneurship. In this article, I will be talking about large company entrepreneurship and its characteristics. So if you want to know more about keeping, keep on reading this article till the end… Definition: What Is A Large Company Entrepreneurship? Many of you may think that most of the renowned companies in the world are large company entrepreneurship. However, that is not it. A large company entrepreneurship is a company that is based on a solid and robust strategy. There is an advancement in the new ideas and opportunities of the company. They are the companies that have a minimal life cycle. This means that in order to sustain in the industry, they simply have to strive with their creativity and keep their streak of innovation alive. Most of the time, it has been seen that the products of the large companies are not very varied. They simply base all their products around the central or core product. There is much large company entrepreneurship that focuses on customizing their products as per the demands of their target audience. Read More: Business Tips For Beginner Entrepreneurs Characteristics: What Makes It A Large Company Entrepreneurship? Are you looking for large company entrepreneurship characteristics? Well, you might have just come to the right place. While it is true that, when it comes to large companies, they need a constant push, they also depend entirely on the innovation and the creativity of the employees. Characteristics Of The Large Company Entrepreneurship: They ensure that they focus on innovation while coming up with the new line of products..They ensure that the employees abide by the corporate culture.The companies as well as their employees are driven towards their own goals.There are many successful programs that are conducted by the company to boost the productivity of the employees.There is a very stiff competition when it comes to maintaining the performance of the employees.Technology is one of the most important factors that runs the large company entrepreneurship. There is a much greater workforce in a large company entrepreneurship.Encouragement is one of the most important factors that drives the employees of the company to work towards reaching their goal.A lot of importance is given towards ensuring that the products and services of the company are promoted efficiently. What Is Good And What Is Not? Everything in this world is a mixture of both the good and the bad things. Large company entrepreneurship is not an exception to that rule. Here are the advantages and the disadvantages of the large company entrepreneurship: Pros: What Is Good About Large Company Entrepreneurship? Exposure and brand name are a given perk of large company entrepreneurship.There is a scope for constant growth.The competition is healthy and huge.There is a greater chance of incurring profit. Cons: What Is Bad About Large Company Entrepreneurship? The startup cost is a tad bit expensive.There is not much job security that these companies ensure.There is constant pressure to come up with the best ideas.There is a constant fear of failure. You May Like To Read This: How To Become An Entrepreneur? A Brief Guide Large Company Entrepreneurship Examples: Know Who To Follow! If you think that you need some help with large company entrepreneurship, I have got you covered. Here are some of the large company entrepreneurship examples that you can learn from: GoogleNetflixSamsungAmazonMicrosoft Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): 1. What Are The Characteristics Of A Large Company Entrepreneurship? There are many characteristics of a large company entrepreneurship. However, some of the basic and primary characteristics are innovation and the workforce.However, if you are searching for the characteristics of a large company entrepreneur, here are some of the things that you must have:1. Commitment2. Ambition3. Creative4. Confidence 2. What Is The Difference Between A Small And A Large Company Entrepreneurship? While small company entrepreneurship works on a small scale and is limited in terms of the profit that they make, the large company entrepreneurs are the ones that have a lot of potential and chance of creating profit.Small company entrepreneurship is more about supporting their own families. But a Large company entrepreneurship is about making enough money to be able to support the lives of the families of the workers who are employed in your company. 3. What Are The Types Of Entrepreneurship? In case you were searching for the different types of entrepreneurship, here are the main types of entrepreneurship:1. Scalable startup entrepreneurship.2. Social entrepreneurship.3. Small business entrepreneurship.4. Large company entrepreneurship. Wrapping It Up! Large company entrepreneurship is the kind of a company that requires a lot of resources to maintain its position in the industry. One of the most important characteristics of these companies is the need to remain innovative to strive in the industry. If you are someone who wants to start Large company entrepreneurship, I hope that you found this article to be of help. Let me know what you feel about this one by sharing your thoughts in the comment section below. Till then, keep safe and keep growing! Read More: Self-Improvement Tips For ManagersHow Many Types Of Entrepreneurs Are ThereWho Is An Intrapreneur? Definition, Characteristics, Pros/Cons, More
READ MOREDetailsWhat Is Scalable Startup Entrepreneurship: Definition, Examples, And More
While there are many people who started their business in the year of the pandemic as a result of the outbreak of the Coronavirus in 2020, many people found it challenging to make their minds about which type of business to start. While some people started their small businesses at home with the MVP development, there were many who began opening their cafes and restaurants. There are also people who completely shifted their line of work and started their pharmaceutical sector. In this article, I will be guiding you through the concept of a business model called scalable startup entrepreneurship. So in case you want to know more about this type of business, keep reading this article till the end… Scalable Startup Entrepreneurship: What Is That? Now at first, you might get confused when you hear the term scalable startup entrepreneurship. But calm down a bit. And think what it literally means. Do you need some help? Here I am. There are many types of startups in the world. Some of the most important types are small businesses, buyable, lifestyle, and scalable. In this article, I will be focussing on scalable startup entrepreneurship. Scalable startup entrepreneurship is a business model where business owners or new entrepreneurs start their business on a relatively new idea. It aims at making a lot of profit after achieving very high growth. The main focus of such businesses is to improve the profit by delivering satisfactory services to the clients or customers and turn them into their lead. The essential factor that drives the company towards making a very high profit is its working strategy and the structure of the business. Read More: Self-Improvement Tips For Managers Characteristics Of Scalable Startup Entrepreneurship: How To Know What It Is? The most important thing that needs to be present to start scalable startup entrepreneurship or business is the characteristic of scalability. They start their brand or business with the vision and goal in mind that they can make a difference. Other essential characteristics of the scalable startup entrepreneurship are: 1. Simpler Product Distribution One of the significant characteristics of scalable startup entrepreneurship is the fact that it has a very inexpensive cost of delivering the product to its target audience. By that, I mean that the method of product distribution is quite simple and, thus, cheaper. 2. CAC Is Quite Low The Customer Acquisition Cost or CAC of the startup is lower than other companies. This is because scalable startups do not need to spend a lot of money to grow their business. Instead, they do that simply with the help of the organic growth of the startup. This, in turn, reduces the CAC of the startup. 3. Needs Less Workforce In Initial Days Scalable startup entrepreneurship is a business idea that starts small and goes on to get higher profits. This means that in its initial days, the company or startup begins with a very minimal workforce or people to operate the company. Click Here To Read: How To Make Your Online Business More Humble By Managing Your Reputation 4. High Profit One of the most essential characteristics that make up the various scalable startup entrepreneurship is their high-profit margin. This is because they are able to control the prices of the commodities and run their business to maintain a profit that is relatively high. Strategies To Follow For Your Scalable Startup Entrepreneurship In case you were confused about how to go about your scalable startup business, I have the best deal for you. Keep reading below for some of the strategies that can help you to grow your business. Here are some of the most straightforward strategies for your scalable startup: 1. Create A Business Plan One of the most important things that you need to keep in mind while beginning your scalable startup business is that you must have a solid business plan. A business plan is needed as it helps you to ensure that you know what to do next. In addition, it allows you to stay focused by giving you and your startup the direction that it needs. 2. Make Technology Your Friend One thing that you must remember is that you need to make the use of the right tech. This can help you deliver satisfactory results to your customer and help you retain them. When you are able to retain your target audience and turn them into your sales lead, they will ensure that you are able to grow your company. You May Like To Read This: Small Business Entrepreneurship – Small Business, Strategies And Many More! 3. Get The Help Of Social Media Social media is an excellent place if you want to look for some exposure. It helps you to reach your target audience within a very short span. The reach that you achieve with the help of social media platforms is effective and can help you to grow your business. Scalable Startup Entrepreneurship Examples: Know Who To Follow! Scalable startups are a business model that starts small and depends on the benefits of technologies to grow fast and big. Some of the most important examples of these scalable businesses are as follows: Facebook McDonald’s Instagram Twitter Amazon AliExpress Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): 1. What Are The Examples Of Scalable Startup Entrepreneurship? There are many scalable startups that have come into existence in the past few years. Some examples of scalable startups are Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. 2. What Is A Scalability Startup? A scalable or scalability business is one in which the company improves its profit as they grow. Their business idea is unique, and they work on their work strategies to reach their goals. 3. What Are The Characteristics Of Scalable Startup Entrepreneurship? The scalable startups are the ones that have unique ideas when they start. They also have a solid strategy to begin their work and run their business successfully. The main aim of these businesses is to ensure that they earn high income through their working strategy. Wrapping It Up! Scalable startup entrepreneurship or businesses are those businesses that start with a unique idea. But, at the same time, they aim to earn a high profit through their marketing and work strategies. Many types of scalable startup entrepreneurship exist today in this world. Some examples of this type of entrepreneurship that are scalable are Facebook, McDonald’s, and Instagram. In case you were looking for the meaning of scalable startup entrepreneurship, I hope that you have found this article to be of help. In case there are any other queries regarding the same, feel free to write them down in the comment section below. Let me know what you think about this article. And if you believe that you can start scalable startup entrepreneurship, go for it! Till then, stay safe and dream big! Read Also: How To Become An Entrepreneur? A Checklist Of Tools For A Successful Advertising Agency Social Entrepreneurship – Entrepreneurship Strategies And Many More!
READ MOREDetailsThe Choice Of Teens: Restaurant Or Cafe?
Are you thinking about going outside with your teen kids after their school? Well, I have a question for you. Do you think they would want to go to a restaurant or cafe?. While this question may sound uninteresting or worthless, this is something that you should think about seriously. Studies have shown that most teens prefer to hang out at a cafe more than at a restaurant. But does this mean that they do not visit a restaurant at all? In case you want to know more about this topic, keep reading the article till the end… What Is A Restaurant? By definition, a restaurant is a place where meals and refreshments are served, and the customers can sit and eat. Most of the time, the restaurant runs its business by preparing food and serving it to the customers. The main feature of the restaurant is that it is a relatively large area, and the capital that is invested in making it or running it successfully is huge. The place specializes in serving meals rather than beverages or snacks. What Is A Cafe? Compared to a restaurant, the cafe is a smaller area. It is primarily focused on serving coffees and finger foods. Even though you may find yourself in a cafe that serves you a proper full course meal, the chances are low in general. The money that is invested in running a cafe is relatively more than compared to a restaurant. In simpler terms, a cafe is a small establishment that serves finger food and beverages. The menu is much more limited than that of a restaurant. Restaurant Or Cafe: What Do Teenagers Prefer More? When you think of going out to eat with your teenager, the first thing that you ask them is what they want to eat. They would undoubtedly choose a proper sophisticated restaurant if they had to because you will accompany them, their guardian. However, if they had to go somewhere with their friends, what do you think they would choose: Restaurant or cafe?. The answer is not very difficult. Most of the time, adolescent teenagers prefer a cafe when they have to meet friends. They look for a place where they can “chill” and have some food. Classes are hectic. To give themselves a break, which they rightly deserve, they visit cafes where they can just have a glass of cold coffee or share a pizza. No one is going to ask them to order more food unless they want to when they are at a cafe. This is a liberty that they cannot enjoy at a restaurant. Another reason why they choose a cafe over a restaurant is guided by money. Again, the allowance plays a big part in their decision. Generally, the pocket money or allowance that they receive from their payment is not very high. Per week, on average, parents provide the adolescent with an allowance of 15 to 30 dollars. The bill at a restaurant after having a proper meal is generally more than half of their weekly allowance. Sometimes, it can be more than their entire allowance. In other words, to speak very clearly, teenagers cannot afford to spend their entire weekly allowance in a single day. That is the reason why they choose to visit a cafe. The food that is served here is served at a faster rate compared to the ones at a restaurant. This is perfect for them, as they decide to “hang out” only to get refreshed after classes or in between classes. According to an article published by the International Journal of Public Health and Clinical Sciences, the reason why teens prefer to go to cafes is that the places are affordable, they provide internet facilities for free, they are convenient, and also they provide junk food. While the meals and the meetings at restaurants are more formal and expensive, the same in a cafe comes at a more affordable price. This is because the cafes are more casual. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): 1. What Do Teenagers Eat Most? If we are thinking about snacks, there are a few items that teenagers eat the most. Some of the most eaten items are chips, yogurt, fruits, frozen snacks, pizzas, and noodles. 2. Why Is The Cafe More Famous Among Teens? If you are thinking about the question of why cafes are more popular among teenagers, the answer is the cost.Compared to restaurant or cafe, the cafes are much cheaper. At the same time, the food is served faster in cafes than in restaurants. Because of all these reasons, cafes are much more popular than restaurants. 3. What Food Should Teenagers Avoid Eating? Food is one of the most important things in our lives. However, teenagers commit a mistake generally when they are eating food.Foods that teenagers should avoid eating are the ones that have high fat and salt content, and they should also avoid the items that are sugary in nature. In addition, they should also avoid food items that are low in fiber and drinks like caffeine. And That's A Wrap! While you are thinking about where you should take your teen kid to a place to eat, it is best that you know what they prefer. While they will choose to visit a restaurant with you, they will decide to go to a cafe when they are with friends. One of the most important reasons behind this change in preference is because they can afford to go to a cafe with their friends. But, they cannot afford to go to a restaurant without your accompaniment. Whether they choose a restaurant or cafe depends on their allowance and time. If they have a lot of money saved, they may decide to visit a restaurant. However, most of the time, considering their weekly or monthly allowance, they choose to visit a cafe. If you were looking for what teenagers prefer more between a restaurant or cafe, I hope you found this article helpful. In case there are any other queries, feel free to comment them down in the comment section. Till then, stay safe!. 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READ MOREDetailsIs Real Estate Investment Trusts A Good Career Path In 2024?
"Is real estate investment trusts a good career path?" the answer to this question is absolute ‘Yes.’ This business is already attracting lots of beginner investors into the market because it consists of a high return on investment. REITs are actually companies that own finance-producing real estate across various sectors, and investors get huge benefits from this. However, there are a number of requirements to qualify as real estate investment trusts (REITs). The main purpose of this company is to help communities grow, revitalize, and thrive. This real estate investment trust is located in every state and is considered a crucial part of the United States economy. Now, discuss this in detail. What Is A Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT)? As already discussed above, a real estate investment trust or REIT is an investment property that funds income-generating real estate assets. This fund is managed by a firm of shareholders who invest funds in properties such as timberlands, hotels, shopping centers, hospitals, warehouses, apartment buildings, etc. A REIT is similar to an exchange-traded fund (ETF) or mutual fund. A mutual fund aggregates a number of securities or stocks into a single group. Then, rather than purchasing individual fund shares, investors can purchase shares of a mutual fund. In a similar way, investors can acquire shares or partial ownership in a real estate investment trust to reap the financial benefits of investing in multiple pieces of real estate or other securities simultaneously. An advantage of real estate investment trusts is that they offer good investment returns to the investors. This factor is attracting many to invest in this asset. Now, what do you think, Is real estate investment trusts a good career path? How Does A Company Qualify As A REIT? There are some requirements for a company to qualify for real estate investment trusts, and these requirements are listed below: You need to have at least a hundred shareholders. Fifty percent of the shares should not be held by five or fewer individuals. The company should be managed by trustees or a board of directors. Be an entity that is taxable as a corporation. The company must pay at least ninety percent of its taxable income as shareholder profits each year. Obtain a minimum of 75% of its gross income from rents, mortgage, or sales of real estate Lastly, invest at least 75% of its total assets in real estate. How Can You Invest In Real Estate Investment Trusts? An investor or a company must buy stocks just like public stock. The investors may buy shares in an exchange-traded fund or REIT mutual fund. On the other hand, there are many jobs available in real estate investment trust, and these include asset management, property management, development, and much more. Pros Of Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) - Is Real Estate Investment Trusts A Good Career Path? There are some pros and cons of REITs that you need to consider before choosing a real estate investment as a career path. Have a look at these below-described pros of real estate investment trusts: i). Performance: This is proven to perform well due to the appreciation of commercial properties. ii). Diversification: Investing in REIT is regarded as an investment portfolio where the securities and other stocks are down. iii). Dividends: Provides a stable income stream for investors. iv). Liquidity: You can easily buy and purchase shares in the market. v). Transparency: This investment trust is traded on vital stock exchanges that operate under the same rules. Cons Of Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) - Is Real Estate Investment Trusts A Good Career Path? Now, let’s know the major cons related to real estate investment trusts, and these are described below: i). Minimal Control: If you are investing in this firm, then be prepared because you cannot control operational decisions, such as plans and strategies. ii). Management Fees: You may be charged with high transactions and administrative fees. iii). Investment Risk: There are some factors that can affect your investment, and this includes tax laws, geography, debt, interest rates, and property valuation. iv). High Tax Payment: The dividends can be taxed the same as normal income, and this is the drawback of REIT. Here, you may have some clarity to your question, “Is real estate investment trusts a good career path”. V). Slow Growth: More than 90% of profits are given back to investors, and only ten percent are reinvented. What Are The Different Types Of REITs? There are actually five types of real estate investment trusts, and these are described below: 1. Mortgage REITs There is only ten percent of REIT investments are in the mortgage, and this is regarded to be very less risky. For diversifying your portfolio, you must consider this investment for your firm. 2. Office REITs The name of this investment trust itself signifies that these are investments in office buildings. Office real estate investment trusts get income from the rental income. However, there are some major factors, such as vacancy rates, employment rates, capital, etc., that you need to consider if you are interested in office rent. 3. Healthcare REITs Healthcare REITs are an excellent choice as in the US; healthcare costs are rising rapidly. This type of trust includes nursing homes, retirement homes, medical centers, hospitals, etc. Hence, it is directly involved in the development of the healthcare system. 4. Residential REITs Residential REITs include several kinds of rental properties like PGs, job holders, etc. However, before considering this know the economic growth, vacancy rate, job opportunities, and the population. 5. Retail REITs It is estimated that around twenty-four percent of the total REITs are owned by retail. Therefore, investing in these real estate investment trusts can be the best decision that you can consider in 2024. What Are The Best Paying Jobs In Real Estate Investment Trust? Now that you know the answer to “Is real estate investment trusts a good career path,” it is time for you to know about something important! Before you can figure out how many jobs are available in real estate investment trusts, you need to know which REIT jobs pay the best. Our research indicates that sales representatives, leasing agents, broker positions, fund managers, and a variety of other positions in real estate investment trusts (REITs) are the ones with the highest pay. The advantages will increase more when you own your own land ventures. Presently, we should talk about the top divisions that get the most significant pay in the land venture trusts. 1. Asset Manager The Asset Management department of REITs is in charge of monitoring the portfolio's financial and operational performance. They manage client assets in accordance with investment preferences and goals. Additionally, these managers create, manage, and organize client portfolios. It is quite possibly the most lucrative work, with compensations going from $70,000 to $1,000,000. They must keep an eye on the business's financial and operational success. They are also in charge of marketing, finding investors, and checking the returns. Asset management can be a lucrative career choice, particularly for students of investment banking, finance, and economics with strong performance. BlackRock was the largest asset management company in the world at the end of 2019, managing approximately 7043 trillion dollars in assets. Subsequently, this is actually a colossal sum! 2. Property Manager You might be surprised to learn that there are currently approximately 15,000 property managers employed in the United States, and this number is increasing. A property manager's duties include communicating with customers and negotiating the best prices for the sale or rental of property. They handle everything, from leasing to collections and property upkeep. The best part is that applicants need not meet any minimum requirements to apply for this position. This job pays anywhere from $55,000 to $65,000 per year, and one of the best things about it is how quickly it can grow. 3. Acquisitions Because they have to find and evaluate potential acquisition targets, working for this job profile requires a lot of analysis. There are many job opportunities in this sector, and the good news is that it pays well—about $80,000 per year. They must be adept at problem-solving and aware of new revenue-generating investment opportunities. This position is one of the best in the real estate investment trust industry. Securing divisions gives paying positions in land speculation trusts. However, this is a real estate industry position with a lot of finance. 4. Investor Relations All communication with REIT shareholders that faces the outside world is managed by this department of real estate investment management. A typical administration financial backer procures up to $150,000. This is huge, and it is regarded as the REIT's highest-paying job position. This is your opportunity to work in the finance and accounting division. The best thing about it is that it pays well and has good potential for growth. In addition, organizing and preparing for the annual meeting, which includes writing a proxy statement and an annual report for the business, is part of the job of investor relations. Presently, to land this position, you will need a college degree with a foundation in money or bookkeeping. 5. Real Estate Investor This is quite possibly the best work in the land venture trust industry in light of the fact that, notwithstanding the significant compensation, there are great possibilities of headway in this industry. Their primary function is to help people become financially independent by investing in real estate. Before investing and trading, this job requires extensive market research, which takes time. It will be mentally and physically demanding because you will be required to carry out a variety of tasks, such as inspecting, maintaining, flipping, purchasing, and restoring the properties. They can increase the value of their investments as a result of all of this. You really want a degree in bookkeeping, money, or business to turn into a genuine financial backer since you want to think of ways of improving ventures for you as well as your clients. A land financial backer procures somewhere in the range of $15,000 to $15,000 each year. Bottom Line: Real Estate Investment Trusts Is A Good Career Path You might have got the answer to your question, “Is real estate investment trusts a good career path”. Consider the pros, cons, and types of real estate investment trusts (REITs), and then you can decide whether it is good for your career path or not. However, according to the experts, REITs are considered a good career path! You May Also Like: Is Energy A Good Career Path Is Business Services A Good Career Path Is Other Consumer Services A Good Career Path
READ MOREDetailsTop 10 Best Lifestyle Entrepreneur Of All Time In 2024 – Lifestyle Entrepreneur
Are you thinking of starting your own business and become an entrepreneur? Are you looking for inspiration? Do you wonder how famous lifestyle entrepreneur started their journey? Following their passion and making it your profession will never be outdated. When you love what you do, or you do what you love, it will offer you more opportunities to be successful. Here, we will talk about 10 names who think the same way you think of being the boss of your own. The list of the top 10 entrepreneurs of all time is here. And they are on this list. 10 Best Lifestyle Entrepreneurs Of All Time Here is a list of the 10 best lifestyle entrepreneurs of all-time in 2024. This list includes all the names that are more than enough to inspire you to start your journey. 1. Tim Ferriss Do you want to know the name behind lifestyle entrepreneurship? Tim Ferris is the person who has brought the concept of this into the mainstream. And the popularity of his book The Four-Hour Workweek has worked as the fuel to this journey. It is a must-read for those who also want to be lifestyle entrepreneurs. As the book is all about the concept of lifestyle entrepreneurship, it will be a perfect guide for you. After the book, he continues to write books, blogs, and runs a globally known podcast, and uses his diverse income for living a lifestyle or travel and freedom. 2. Michelle Schroeder-Gardner Michelle Schroeder is a personal finance blogger. By driving traffic to her blog from Pinterest, she became a successful lifestyle entrepreneur. Recently, focusing on SEO along with other traffic sources, she has diversified her traffic. With the growth of her business, Michelle also diversifies the ways of her blogs. 3. Johnny FD Apart from being a digital nomad, Johny FD is a great lifestyle entrepreneur. In order to make money, Johny only needs internet and a laptop. He loves taking advantage of this and travel around the world. Though Asis is on his priority living. Due to the lower cost of living in parts of Asia than the USA, he chooses to live here while earning in USD. This thing is common among many lifestyle entrepreneurs. This way, Johny FD saves a large portion of his income. 4. Jasmine Alley Jasmine Alley is an Instagram influencer. Through several brand collaborations, this Instagrammer managed to make a living as a travel influencer. Her primary current source of income is those Instagram brand collaborations. After leaving her job, Jasmine spent two years developing her travel brand. And now she gets to explore beautiful places along with complimentary stays in luxurious hotels. She actually used to make more money from her job than she is currently making. But she prioritized her independent, fun, full, and luxurious travel life. 5. Pat Flynn Pat Flynn started blogging much before it became cool. He was ahead of most people who did not have any idea that one could actually make money from blogging. Currently, he is running, which is an empire of content production. He started his business just to prioritize time with his family. These are some of the common motivations for most lifestyle entrepreneurs. From his blog, he makes more than millions on a yearly basis. 6. Melyssa Griffin As a graphic designer, Melyssa Griffin felt burned out while selling services. When she started selling products instead of selling services, she experienced huge success. She started selling online and started riding the stairs in popularity of online courses. This has brought massive success to her. Melyssa does not publish her income report anymore, but as per the report of December 2016, she has managed to make a profit of around $200,000 in that particular month alone. 7. Brian Dean The initial story of Brian Dean is pretty much similar to Melyssa Griffin's, and that is, he also started by selling services. But later on, he realized that in order to live the life he had been dreaming of, he needed to sell products. At present, he is running Backlinko, which is an SEO blog that is highly successful. He sells online courses as well, like Melyssa. If you want to know more about him, you can read the article on Forbes. 8. Shelby Church Being a west coast based vlogger and Youtuber, Shelby is another example of an aspiring lifestyle entrepreneur. She does not make millions only from her lifestyle business, unlike other entrepreneurs on this list. In her 2019 income recap Youtube video, she unveiled that her channel managed to earn revenue of $140,000. If we cut down the taxes and other expenses, it would be nearly $100,000 or less than that. Yes, it is a decent income but not near to the income of other lifestyle entrepreneurs. She has always been transparent about her income. 9. John Lee Dumas Have you heard of the podcast Entrepreneurs on Fire? Yes, the one where entrepreneurs are interviewed. John Lee Dumas is the person behind it. His advice is worth listening to. He always asks F.O.C.U.S, which means Focus on One Course Until Successful. On a regular monthly basis, he nets profits of six figures only from his podcasts. He is the perfect example of how it often takes years to earn a living from a lifestyle business. He, as a lifestyle entrepreneur, always believes in slow and steady wins in the race. 10. Lindsay Mostrom is a food blog that is run by Lindsay and her husband. As per a report from early 2017, this lifestyle entrepreneur managed to make around $70,000 on a monthly basis. After that, their business has grown, so it is clear their income is more than what it is currently. It also took many years to reach this point. So, you see, as a lifestyle entrepreneur, you get a wide array to try. 11. Jen Gottlieb She is a former Broadway actor and VH1 host, who is now also an entrepreneur who has co-founded the online training and education company called Super Connector Media. Her award-winning company helps entrepreneurs reach larger audiences and grow businesses by leveraging on social media. She has been recognized as one of the Top 50 Speakers in The World” by Leaders Magazine. Jen has several accolades to her name, including becoming the number 2 on Maxim Magazine’s “Top Entrepreneurs Of 2022.” She has appeared on quite a few popular platforms, such as Forbes, Business Insider, and CBS. Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop also named Jen one of the “Top 11 Coaches” Bottom Line. Bottom Line These top entrepreneurs never fail to inspire us with their journeys and words. Maybe they are the reason why more and more entrepreneurs are rising, leaving their boring desk jobs to follow their passions. But the list does not end here. It goes on with the names of Pieter Levels, Oprah Winfrey, Marie Forleo, Daniel Vassallo, and many more. Read Also: How to Plant Grass Seed on Hard Dirt? Top Easy Way To Fix Avast UI Failed To Load Error Easy Steps to Change the YouTube Channel Name
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