Top 10 Best Lifestyle Entrepreneur Of All Time In 2024 – Lifestyle Entrepreneur

Published on: 22 February 2021 Last Updated on: 26 December 2024
lifestyle entrepreneurs

Are you thinking of starting your own business and become an entrepreneur? Are you looking for inspiration? Do you wonder how famous lifestyle entrepreneur started their journey?

Following their passion and making it your profession will never be outdated. When you love what you do, or you do what you love, it will offer you more opportunities to be successful.

Here, we will talk about 10 names who think the same way you think of being the boss of your own. The list of the top 10 entrepreneurs of all time is here. And they are on this list.

10 Best Lifestyle Entrepreneurs Of All Time

Here is a list of the 10 best lifestyle entrepreneurs of all-time in 2024. This list includes all the names that are more than enough to inspire you to start your journey. 

1. Tim Ferriss

Do you want to know the name behind lifestyle entrepreneurship? Tim Ferris is the person who has brought the concept of this into the mainstream. And the popularity of his book The Four-Hour Workweek has worked as the fuel to this journey. It is a must-read for those who also want to be lifestyle entrepreneurs. As the book is all about the concept of lifestyle entrepreneurship, it will be a perfect guide for you. After the book, he continues to write books, blogs, and runs a globally known podcast, and uses his diverse income for living a lifestyle or travel and freedom.

2. Michelle Schroeder-Gardner

Michelle Schroeder is a personal finance blogger. By driving traffic to her blog from Pinterest, she became a successful lifestyle entrepreneur. Recently, focusing on SEO along with other traffic sources, she has diversified her traffic. With the growth of her business, Michelle also diversifies the ways of her blogs. 

3. Johnny FD

Apart from being a digital nomad, Johny FD is a great lifestyle entrepreneur. In order to make money, Johny only needs internet and a laptop. He loves taking advantage of this and travel around the world. Though Asis is on his priority living. Due to the lower cost of living in parts of Asia than the USA, he chooses to live here while earning in USD. This thing is common among many lifestyle entrepreneurs. This way, Johny FD saves a large portion of his income. 

4. Jasmine Alley

Jasmine Alley is an Instagram influencer. Through several brand collaborations, this Instagrammer managed to make a living as a travel influencer. Her primary current source of income is those Instagram brand collaborations. After leaving her job, Jasmine spent two years developing her travel brand. And now she gets to explore beautiful places along with complimentary stays in luxurious hotels. She actually used to make more money from her job than she is currently making. But she prioritized her independent, fun, full, and luxurious travel life.

5. Pat Flynn

Pat Flynn started blogging much before it became cool. He was ahead of most people who did not have any idea that one could actually make money from blogging. Currently, he is running, which is an empire of content production. He started his business just to prioritize time with his family. These are some of the common motivations for most lifestyle entrepreneurs. From his blog, he makes more than millions on a yearly basis. 

6. Melyssa Griffin

As a graphic designer, Melyssa Griffin felt burned out while selling services. When she started selling products instead of selling services, she experienced huge success. She started selling online and started riding the stairs in popularity of online courses. This has brought massive success to her. Melyssa does not publish her income report anymore, but as per the report of December 2016, she has managed to make a profit of around $200,000 in that particular month alone. 

7. Brian Dean

The initial story of Brian Dean is pretty much similar to Melyssa Griffin’s, and that is, he also started by selling services. But later on, he realized that in order to live the life he had been dreaming of, he needed to sell products. At present, he is running Backlinko, which is an SEO blog that is highly successful. He sells online courses as well, like Melyssa. If you want to know more about him, you can read the article on Forbes

8. Shelby Church

Being a west coast based vlogger and Youtuber, Shelby is another example of an aspiring lifestyle entrepreneur. She does not make millions only from her lifestyle business, unlike other entrepreneurs on this list. In her 2019 income recap Youtube video, she unveiled that her channel managed to earn revenue of $140,000. If we cut down the taxes and other expenses, it would be nearly $100,000 or less than that. Yes, it is a decent income but not near to the income of other lifestyle entrepreneurs. She has always been transparent about her income. 

9. John Lee Dumas

Have you heard of the podcast Entrepreneurs on Fire? Yes, the one where entrepreneurs are interviewed. John Lee Dumas is the person behind it. His advice is worth listening to. He always asks F.O.C.U.S, which means Focus on One Course Until Successful. On a regular monthly basis, he nets profits of six figures only from his podcasts. He is the perfect example of how it often takes years to earn a living from a lifestyle business. He, as a lifestyle entrepreneur, always believes in slow and steady wins in the race. 

10. Lindsay Mostrom is a food blog that is run by Lindsay and her husband. As per a report from early 2017, this lifestyle entrepreneur managed to make around $70,000 on a monthly basis. After that, their business has grown, so it is clear their income is more than what it is currently. It also took many years to reach this point. So, you see, as a lifestyle entrepreneur, you get a wide array to try.

11. Jen Gottlieb

She is a former Broadway actor and VH1 host, who is now also an entrepreneur who has co-founded the online training and education company called Super Connector Media. Her award-winning company helps entrepreneurs reach larger audiences and grow businesses by leveraging on social media.

She has been recognized as one of the Top 50 Speakers in The World” by Leaders Magazine. Jen has several accolades to her name, including becoming the number 2 on Maxim Magazine’s “Top Entrepreneurs Of 2022.” She has appeared on quite a few popular platforms, such as Forbes, Business Insider, and CBS. Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop also named Jen one of the “Top 11 Coaches” Bottom Line. 

Bottom Line

These top entrepreneurs never fail to inspire us with their journeys and words. Maybe they are the reason why more and more entrepreneurs are rising, leaving their boring desk jobs to follow their passions. But the list does not end here. It goes on with the names of Pieter Levels, Oprah Winfrey, Marie Forleo, Daniel Vassallo, and many more. 

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Ankita Tripathy loves to write about food and the Hallyu Wave in particular. During her free time, she enjoys looking at the sky or reading books while sipping a cup of hot coffee. Her favourite niches are food, music, lifestyle, travel, and Korean Pop music and drama.

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ecommerce store

Strategies for Running a Pet Supply Ecommerce Store

In the past few decades, there have been major changes in the world and our digital surroundings. While the geopolitics and social interactions of the world are in constant flux, since the beginning of the 21st century, there have been other types of changes that have occurred. Most of these alterations have come from the rise of Internet technologies around the globe. The web has totally revolutionized the world, from the way people interact with one another to the changes in the job market. The most important driver of the economy in the 21st century is the Internet! Everything from local businesses to billion-dollar corporations uses web-based tech to survive. One part of the economy that the Internet has totally transformed is retail. Retail has in large part shifted to e-commerce, and people from around the world have been starting their own e-commerce stores. Starting Your Own Ecommerce Store There are numerous reasons why people start their own e-commerce stores, from the flexibility of lifestyle it provides to the potential to have a lucrative business. There is a myriad of products, which can be sold online. However, finding a niche in your products is a sure way to be successful. This is why running a pet supply eCommerce store is such a great idea. People love their pets and pay serious money for them, so pet supplies is an excellent niche that will certainly lead your company to earn immense revenue. However, if you want to be truly successful, you need to see that your organization will stand out amongst all the other e-commerce stores. Learning How to Set Up Your Business Once you decide to get a website for your online store, one of the first steps is to invest in a robust and user-friendly e-commerce website. This involves selecting a platform, which will allow your website to look professional, run effectively, and will enable you to organize your products and services. After your site has been launched, the next step should involve designing and executing a strong Marketing Campaign on various digital platforms. You need to ensure that your E-commerce store highlights the hero products of your brand. For example, if you have an extensive range of liver supplements for dogs, you need to ensure that you are placing these medicines on the banner of your E-commerce store page. This will help customers identify the same and click on the page that will take them directly to checkout. The marketing campaign should aim to create a holistic and 360-degree digital ecosystem. This ecosystem should reinforce the belief and experiences of the users. For example, your e-commerce platform should be linked to your social profiles and vice-versa. This will help redirect traffic from different mediums at all times. You would also want to adopt a creative content marketing strategy. Your e-commerce website needs to be- SEO optimized. Linked to Social Media Accounts Have a great blog section (Inbound Marketing) Be optimized to run Google Campaigns. Learning about these numerous facets will allow you to effectively market your e-commerce site and will let you display your brand to the world. Final Thoughts: As the 21st century continues to progress, running an e-commerce store will become a more popular career option. In order to be successful in this industry, you need to set up an excellent site, and effectively build your brand with a quality marketing campaign. Read Also: Recognizing How Important Inventory Management Is To Your Ecommerce Store Magento Vs. Shopify: Which Is Best For Your E-Commerce Store?


6 Reasons Why Infographics Are Important in Media Marketing

Over the years, businesses have shifted gears and taken a step back from traditional marketing to go digital. For a brand to be heard and seen in this age, entrepreneurs need to step up their digital marketing games. Businesses need to create an excellent first impression for them to stand out. An effective way to get noticed on the internet is through impressive infographics. If you are starting a business or have been sticking to conventional marketing, here are six great reasons why you should consider using infographics in your marketing campaign. But before that, let us find out more about infographics. What Are Infographics and Their Role in Marketing? Infographics are visual representations of data. These are used to visually present both qualitative and quantitative data, making them easier to comprehend. These also transform basic and simple marketing narratives into stories that beg to be shared. For instance, if you need to condense research and huge numbers in your presentation, you can turn to infographics. The combined text, images, and graphs are presented creatively, making it both fun and easy to read. Around 65% of brands apply infographics in marketing, especially in their social marketing strategy. Why Include Infographics in Your Social Media Marketing Strategy? Below, we will discuss the importance of infographics in your social media marketing. Keep reading! 1. They are so easy to comprehend Because humans are highly visual, we quickly understand and are captivated by images more than dull text. If you want to attract your customers’ attention better, then your content must include graphic visuals. An infographic can also tell a story in a more engaging way and create a lasting impression about your brand and message. When promoting a service or product, consider infographics because people are more attracted to illustrated text. When consumers want to check out a product, they tend to look for visual storytelling materials because most people no longer want to read essays. Trust me, more people are moving into the world of graphic illustrations for reference. That should include you. 2. They have viral capabilities I am sure you are familiar with the Share button on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other social media platforms. When people see a unique infographic, they are likely to share it with their friends and family. An attractive infographic can help boost your digital marketing campaign. With the right infographics, your brand exposure on different social media platforms will insanely increase! Just don’t forget to add widgets and share buttons, and choose the right social media channel. 3. They draw attention Visual aids, more than other media formats, help your target market pay more attention. Why? Simply because they are fun, engaging and allow people to comprehend complicated messages. Take this for an example: You are sharing the benefits of using and buying your product. However, your message is overwhelmed by large numbers and numerous reasons for using your product. To make your customers continue listening and reading, you should create graphic content. 4. They promote brand awareness Embed your brand’s logo in your infographics. This is one decisive way to market your brand on the internet. The audience wants to know where your compelling marketing content came from, so feature the name of your brand throughout your infographic. 5. They offer SEO benefits SEO, or also search engine optimization, is highly valuable in marketing — your marketing department should know about this. People turn to Google’s search bar if they want to know about something. It may be a product, a service, a term, or anything in this universe. Google links people to websites with higher algorithms. 6. They start conversations People like to talk about information they see — whether it’s from a sidewalk or on Facebook. The informative infographic that they come across while scrolling through their social media timeline can pave the way for conversations which can also help reach your specific target market. Do you have an upcoming sales promotion or concert event? Then make use of graphic materials and get people to start talking about it! But the main challenge is how to create infographics. Our reputable website, Venngage, has tools and templates that can boost your marketing content into something that can complement your brand and impact the growth of your sales and internet presence. If you are committed to competing with other brands, don’t beat a dead horse and start designing your effective marketing template with Venngage! Plus, you don’t need expert skills to design one as we have user-friendly and cool templates for you to use. Read Also: How to Get Noticed in Marketing: Improve Your Resume With These Tips 5 Ways Marketing Strategies Will Change Post COVID-19 Digital Marketing Classes: What You Need To Know

Amazon Listings

How to Get More Traffic to Your Amazon Listings

Building a successful business on Amazon requires a decent amount of virtual footfall to your online store. This means generating traffic is one of the biggest priorities for Amazon sellers. But the thought of all the different tactics you can use and implementing them in the right way can feel incredibly overwhelming. We’ve compiled a guide to getting more traffic to your Amazon listings to help you out. First Things First… Know Where You Stand Before you go ahead and implement the different traffic generation tactics out there, it’s important to know where you stand amongst your competitors and in the overall landscape of your industry. There are three things you should do first to set you up for the best success. Do these, and you’ll have a better understanding of what you need to do to stand out to potential buyers and a keen knowledge of the keywords they use to search for products like yours. a) Competitor Analysis: Looking into what your biggest competitors are doing helps you understand where your brand fits in. You can also glean some inspiration for traffic generation techniques that have been working for them. Start by looking into the keywords they’re using on products similar to yours and the words they’re using to describe their products. Your competitors likely have products that show up top on Amazon search results, so following their lead will ensure your products get the same recognition. Start by typing your product into the search bar and exploring the first few results that show up. What keywords do they use? How are they describing the products? Do you notice anything different or better about their listings compared to yours? b) Category Analysis: Category analysis works as a follow on from competitor analysis. It lets you uncover the keywords that are used to describe products like yours. Not only will this give you some ideas for your own listings, but it will help you figure out what makes the popular listings in your industry so successful. If you sell red dresses, for example, type “red dresses” into the Amazon search bar and take a look through the top results. Compare the differences between these listings and yours and identify any particular wording or phrases that crop up often. c) Keyword Analysis: After running competitor and category analysis, you’ll have a deeper understanding of the words your customers are using to search for products like yours. Use a keyword tool to find other relevant words and phrases to use and sprinkle them throughout your product listings, like in your product titles, descriptions, and image captions. You can also use Amazon’s search bar suggestion to find commonly searched for phrases relating to your products. Easy Ways to Increase the Traffic to Your Amazon Listings After analyzing your competitors, product categories, and keywords, it’s time to focus on actually getting traffic to your site. Here are the most effective tactics our clients at Urtasker have used to increase their traffic. 1. Amazon SEO SEO isn’t just a Google thing. After all, Amazon is also a huge search engine. Thus, optimizing your listings will help them show up higher in the results.  Amazon rankings consider several factors. These include keywords, how well you products sell, the number of reviews you have, and the quality of the content you have on your listings.  To optimize your listings, start by:  Incorporating keywords into your product titles and descriptions  Showcasing high-quality images on your listings  Writing clear and concise product descriptions  2. Create High-Quality Content Content marketing is one of the most effective ways to generate traffic to Amazon. Like writing blog posts, creating downloadable, and recording videos and other kinds of content to share with your audience.  Start by creating content that ties into your products. For example, if you sell teapots, why not create a blog post about different tea recipes for “mocktails”?  Post this content on your website or blog to attract people from different channels. You’ll attract visitors from Google and social media who might be looking for tea mocktails to make, and your posts will then direct them to your store.  3. Leverage Reviews Reviews are one of the number one ranking factors on Amazon. The more positive reviews your products have, the more likely they are to rank high in search results. Reviews are great for two reasons: They help you understand what potential buyers actually want from you - simply scour your reviews for words and phrases they use that you can incorporate into your listings They will push your products up higher than competitors with less reviews Encourage past buyers to leave reviews by sending out a follow-up email, asking them on social media, or using built-in Amazon features like the Review Request tool. 4. Make Use of Amazon’s Enhanced Brand Content and A+ Pages Amazon helps its sellers out by providing a few powerful content features. Enhanced Branded Content lets stores show off their products by adding special content features to their listings. Rather than the usual listing layout, you can brand your product pages and include high-quality images to create a story around your products. This is what a standard product listing looks like: And this is what a product listing using Amazon’s Enhanced Brand Content Looks like: As well as Enhanced Branded Content, Amazon also offers A+ pages which similarly offer sellers the chance to create a story around their products using images, infographics, and other visuals. Here’s an example of an A+ Page in action: 5. Run Amazon PPC Ads Amazon has a range of different ads you can run onsite to ensure your products show up in the right searches (and, therefore, generate more traffic).  Sponsored Product Ads show your products above the search results so they’re the first thing shoppers see when they make a search. There are also Headline Ads that allow you to create an eye-catching banner that goes at the top of search pages.  Here is an example of a Sponsored Product ad in the search results:  To ensure your ads perform at their best, use the right keywords from your analysis, laser-focus the audience you want to target, and set a healthy budget. Be sure to measure and tweak your ads so your results continue to improve.  6. Run Lightning Deals and Promote Your Products on Deal Sites Lightning Deals are a feature that allows sellers to promote a limited number of discounts on a product of their choice during a certain timeframe. This attracts customers who might otherwise not have seen your products.  Running promotions like this makes it easier to drive traffic to your products, especially if you want to create a sense of urgency in your listings.  As well as Lightning Deals, there are a host of Amazon deal sites that users can sign up for to get products at a discounted rate in exchange for a review.   This will expose your product to a wider audience of potential buyers who might have missed it otherwise, and it will provide you with the reviews you need to start bumping your products up the search results.  7. Create Social Media Ad Campaigns Amazon has plenty of onsite ad options to keep you busy, but you can also run ads outside of the platform to drive people to your product listings who aren’t already on the site.  Create campaigns with highly targeted audiences on Facebook, Instagram, and Google, making sure you implement the most popular keywords related to your products.  8. Social Media Marketing Without Ads If you’re not ready to splash out on social media ads or want to add another spoke to your social media marketing wheel, you can run organic social media campaigns.  Promoting your products on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn helps you reach new audiences and increases visibility on your products.  It helps to create a social media posting schedule to ensure you stay consistent with your posts. We recommend choosing just one or two platforms to focus on to start with, so you don’t get overwhelmed and spread yourself too thin.   From there, you’ll be able to see which platforms resonate best with your buyers and where your products seem the best success.  9. Carry Out Email Marketing If you want to generate traffic and build deeper connections with your customers so they keep coming back, email marketing is the most effective solution.   With access to buyers’ inboxes, you can share exclusive discounts, launch news, and updates from your brand to keep your products fresh in their minds.  What’s more, you can regularly send links to products you think they’d enjoy, boosting your traffic and product visibility.  10. Upsell On Your Best-Sellers Your product listings are the perfect place to promote your other products. It’s likely that a couple of your products are more popular than the others, and you can use their popularity to guide shoppers to your lesser-known products.  This increases traffic across all your products and gives you a chance to upsell, which means higher AOV and higher LTV. 11. Affiliate Marketing Affiliates promote your product in exchange for a percentage of every sale they make through their personal link. This benefits both you and your affiliates, which makes it an excellent way to generate traffic.  Identify key players in your industry who have an audience suited to your products and partner up with them. Provide them with a unique link they can share with their followers and attribute every sale they make to them.  This will help you reach audiences you otherwise wouldn’t have been able to reach and increase your visibility across multiple different segments.  Ask your top affiliates publishers to analyze their Amazon Associates affiliate commission data. And then optimize their website’s content based on their review. They can do this by integrating their Amazon Associates data with We Can Track into Google Analytics and Google Ads.  12. Influencer Marketing Influencer marketing involves teaming up with top social accounts in your industry and encouraging them to share your products with their pre-built audiences in exchange for payment or another incentive.  Identify who the top accounts are in your niche or accounts that have an audience you’d like to connect with and reach out to them with a proposal.   Work on building influencer relationships, as these people already have audiences that trust everything they say. As a result, trust is automatically transferred to any product recommendations they make.  Influencers tend to have large followings too, which means you can put your products in front of more people and generate more traffic.  Traffic is Everything!  To get more sales, you need more traffic. You can’t put the horse before the cart.   However, with these easy tips, you can start implementing traffic generation techniques today to increase the visibility of your products and, ultimately, get more sales.  Read Also: Beginners Guide: How You Can Grow Your Biz With Amazon Choosing a Quality Prep Center For Your FBA Business Methods of Optimizing Local SEO That Is Essential For Small Business Online Marketing: Selling Your Product And Services Utilizing the Dropshipping Model for Your Ecommerce Business