How Promotional Merchandise Can Change the Way You Do Marketing

Published on: 03 November 2018 Last Updated on: 19 November 2021
Promotional Merchandise

Promotional merchandise has had a long history in brand marketing. Companies from all over the world see the impact and effectiveness of this useful tool to create and promote their corporate identity.

If you are looking for a way to enhance your business, you can use promotional merchandise to boost and revitalise your marketing initiatives. You have a wide array of choices when it comes to deciding what kind of product you want as promotional merchandise. You can use wearable items such as caps and shirts, or you can use non-wearable ones such as calendars, pens, and umbrellas.

No matter what your company does, or where it’s located, you can benefit from promotional merchandise. There are a variety of ways you can use these items to your advantage. Here are the ways it can change your business:

Different Ways  Promotional Merchandise Can Change The Way You Do Marketing  

These are some of the factors you have to take care off while you want to increase the promotional merchandise of your marketing technique. Do not make your choices in grey while improving your organizational status.

1. Increase visibility

You will have a broader reach by using promo merchandise because you will be calling attention to yourself. It will lead to an increase in visibility,and it will undoubtedly result in increased brand awareness. Hence, by using promo merchandise, you don’t need to resort to advertising or more expensive marketing gimmicks to attract new clients.

2. Promote your brand

Promotional merchandise will give your brand a stronger image and identity. You will gain more credibility and generate brand love faster with these on hand.

3. Build loyalty

Who doesn’t love freebies? Promotional merchandise will earn you the devotion of your past customers and potential clients. It is no secret that every customer wants to feel special. When you make them feel valued by trying your best to give them the royal treatment, they will come to love and rely on your brand to provide them with what they need.

4. Make effective sales

Promotional merchandise gives you the chance to communicate with potential consumers effectively since you have their complete attention for a short while. You can make your sales pitch without boring them or losing their interest with promo merchandise as giveaways.

5. Increase market demand

There will be a surge in sales since promotional merchandise increases brand love. You can expect that you will get a lot of pre-orders when you start rolling out your promotional merchandise.

6. Increase customer base

Promotional merchandise can guarantee that you will have a wider market share. Since you are going to be more visible, you will become more well-known and popular than your competitors.

7. Increased profit and business growth

Of course, when you are gaining more attention, you will clearly see an increase in your earnings. Promotional merchandise is worth the cost to have it made. And, since the items are cheap, they won’t put a big dent in your wallet. If you are experiencing a business slump, it might just be the answer to your problems. It can guarantee your business success in your field.

These are the ways promotional merchandise can directly impact your marketing initiatives and make them more efficient than ever before. Using this marketing tool will give your business the boost it needs.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Brand monitoring

How to Monitor Your Brand?

On the Internet, to be particular on social media, everyone and anyone can share views about your brand. One thing you need to understand is that this information will reach a vast audience. Most of the information that people share on social media go viral. Brand monitoring is the best way forward if you want to keep on top of this information. What is brand monitoring? Brand monitoring refers to the process of monitoring several channels to find out various mentions of your brand and asses what people have to say about your products or services. It can include complaints on social media or a newspaper article about a merger, among other things. The role of brand monitoring is to respond and act on the mentions you get. It can assist you to jump on good publicity or spot a crisis before the situation worsens. It will also give you valuable insights on how the market views and talks about your products. We can also define brand monitoring as a business analytics process that monitors various channels on the media or web. It helps users to get information about the brand, products, and all the things that are connected to your brand. It will allow you to monitor the reception and reputation of your brand by your target demographic, consumer base, and the general public. You have to strategically and regularly investigate online resources and media to help you react to the various sentiments your brand and of your competitors experience. You have to proactively monitor the reputation of your brand and react to customer and press concerns to enhance trust in your brand. Why do you need to monitor your brand mentions? Identifying and Addressing Infringers: These people always look at the popularity and name of your brand to ride on it. Web monitoring will help you to identify these infringers who adopt confusing domain and brand names that resemble yours. Trademark law protects brand owners and consumers against such unfair competition. The good news about brand monitoring is that it will help you to enforce this practice. Addressing Consumer and Competitor Protection: Brand monitoring will help you to respond to both positive and negative sentiments from consumers. Most customers express their feelings on complaints, sites, forums, or social media. Also, it will help you to monitor the competition representation of your brand in terms of negative reviews and comparative advertising. What monitoring tools are there on the market? The market has so many social media monitoring tools that you can use to track your mention. Some of them include; is one of the best social media and web monitoring tools. It is an effective tool if you want to know what people think about your brand. The tool will show you the resources where your brand is mentioned most of the time. It will show you the best resource when it comes to brand mentions. Find out the places where people just watch and where people communicate most of the time. LexisNexis Print media and tracking broadcast are quite tricky unless you have people reading all the newspapers and watching all channels. LexisNexis is one of the best tools for monitoring these two elements. They will assist you in tracking mentions on several publications and in analyzing the results. Source LexisNexis is a big organization, which helps some of the biggest brands explore analytics, data, reporting and monitoring. It helps in identifying the quickest trends and news breakouts (viral content) and informs brands of advertising opportunities. The smart and easy interface helps brands understand metrics and take detailed steps as to the nest strategies. Google Alerts Google Alerts is an easy and free social media monitoring tool. You will need to input a keyword and you will get an alert when a person uses it on the website. It offers mentions but has no long-term overviews and analysis. Google Alert is an absolutely free tool that will help you get mentions about your brand in a small, yet significant way. Please do not expect this tool to be as powerful or potent as some of the best ones on the list. It is free and should be expected to be basic. TweetDeck This tool is great for community managers who use Twitter but also does brand monitoring through Twitter. Setup search columns to give you live feed once the things you specify get mentions. A free tool is ideal for brand mentions. This was an independent tool, which was later acquired by Twitter. This is a great platform to align your Twitter mentions and activities. The dashboard is clean, precise and easy to use. Once you start using TweetDeck, it will be difficult for you to go to other platforms like HootSuite, Buffer or anyone else. Why stands apart from the crowd? Over the last three years, I have used several brand-monitoring tools on the market. What makes stand out is the multi-functional capabilities. You are not only allowed to see your brand but also integrate content resources and competitor strategies in your dashboard. If you are looking to run Influencer Marketing campaigns, helps you find your brand mentions not only on search but also on social. However, for me personally, the best part about is the possibility to reach out to different Content Creators. You can look for content creators, not only in your niche but also in different niches. The capabilities of can help your brand manage its online reputation in a successful manner. It can also help you reach disgruntled users or employees before they can do too much damage. This will help brands maintain good relations with their audiences and tackle PR nightmares before they get too big. Conclusion: Brand monitoring became a trend in a recent couple of years. It brings value as a marketing and PR component as well as a steady approach for brand awareness strategy. What can be more important than benefits for users, a brand’s value and its reputation? Overall, tools enumerated above are trustworthy enough and good for analysis and building marketing strategies and social media campaigns. All of these online assistants insulate from the needless search offering the selection of on-demand features. Read Also: Winning Tactics To Build A Competitive Service Delivery Website Reasons Why You Should Implement Wireless Monitoring System


Shouldn’t On-Demand Workers Get Workers’ Compensation?

Things have changed significantly for American workers in recent years. More and more Americans are working not as employees, but as independent contractors. Some people call it contracting or freelancing, but the implications are always the same - a worker is hired for a particular service and is paid a rate (hourly or per job) for that service. While working as an independent contractor might be the preferred choice of some workers, it is more often than not an arrangement born out of necessity, facilitated by a growing sea change in the relationship between labor and business. Contractors might have a bit more freedom in the way they do their jobs but, as many freelancers have discovered, there are plenty of drawbacks to working as an independent contractor. They pay their own taxes, lack many of the benefits associated with full-time employment and - perhaps most concerning - they aren’t protected when it comes to injuries suffered on-the-job. It’s this lack of compensation for workplace injuries that brings us to a growing discontentment for a large subset of independent contractors - on-demand workers. What is an On-Demand Worker? On-demand workers are the people who pick us up when we hail a ride with Uber. They are the workers who come clean our house or fix a leaky pipe when we book someone on our Handy app. In short, on-demand workers are those that spring into action when we request a service from a company that relies on freelance labor. The “Ride-Share” Economy’s Impact on Workers Every few weeks or so, you’ll find a news story or press release about another company that wants to become the Uber of something. Handy wanted to become the Uber of household cleaning. Cargo wanted to become the Uber of shipping. The list goes on and on. The financial success and the immense popularity of ride-share services have prompted companies to look for ways to incorporate the ride-share business model into other services, and many of them have been successful in doing so. These “on-demand” services are not just popular in the business community, they are popular with consumers, too. In many cases, the services offered by the new breed of businesses are more affordable and, in some cases, more responsive to a customer’s needs. It might be tempting for consumers to think of these services as a much more direct way to communicate with someone who is providing the service they need. The truth, however, is a little more complicated than that. The driver who picks us up, or the handyman who comes to fix our sink, is working on contract through the business who runs the app we use to summon them. The money that we pay that worker is divided between the worker and the business they work for. Many of these businesses have requirements that their workers must meet before they can do their job. Workers don’t have the level of control over their jobs that one would typically associate with an independent contractor, yet they are provided at the same level of benefits. In other words, they are provided with no benefits. Read also: Making Your Office Safer for Workers No Security for On-Demand Workers On-demand workers can suffer injuries just like any other subset of workers. A high percentage of workplace injuries are transportation-related. Many workers suffer injuries while moving goods or traveling for work. When you consider the fact that on-demand workers spend a good deal of their time in transit from one job to another (or, as is the case with drivers for ride-share services, all of their time in transit), it’s no surprise that these workers face just as many, if not more, hazards while on the job as those who are considered to be employees. To zero in even more on just how dangerous some of these jobs can be, let’s look at taxi drivers and chauffeurs, whose jobs are virtually identical to Uber and Lyft drivers. Taxi drivers and chauffeurs have fatality rates five times those of the average worker. On-demand drivers face the same risks - vehicle accidents, violent attacks - yet they aren’t given the financial security that other workers receive. If an on-demand worker is injured on the job, the company that they work for will not be held accountable for the injuries of their workers. That worker will be left without the security that so many of us enjoy as a fundamental right. They work just as hard. They observe the requirements set out by the company that employs their services, yet they are guaranteed nothing when something goes wrong. Contractors “In-Name Only” Understandably, many on-demand workers are growing increasingly dissatisfied with their classification as independent contractors. This is evidenced in a number of lawsuits in which workers are seeking to be treated with the same rights and benefits as other types of workers. This has been happening in the trucking industry for some time, an industry that has shifted from one heavily reliant on employed drivers (who used to be more likely to be union members) to one of the independent workers, and this industry suffered major labor shortage as a result. In one high-profile lawsuit, an appeals court found that FedEx incorrectly classified their drivers as contractors, despite the fact that FedEx required workers to wear FedEx uniforms, drive FedEx vehicles, and groom themselves according to the standards of FedEx. While on-demand workers face slightly different requirements from their companies, the principle is very much the same. The question is: How much can a company ask of you before they should give you the same rights as their “employees” are afforded? The answer is that you can ask only so much from a worker before they are essentially a contractor "in-name-only.” It’s becoming clear that companies are taking all of the advantages they can out of the “contract” relationship they have with workers while providing none of the benefits that they would give their employees. Unfortunately, this means a lack of workers’ compensation benefits for on-demand workers. The Implications for Consumers On-demand services might seem like a great thing for consumers, for now, but there are many ways in which the relationship between workers and their companies will begin to seep into the quality of the services consumers are currently enjoying. If companies providing on-demand services fail to provide workers with adequate benefits, they will face the same challenges as the transportation industry, which is struggling to keep high-quality workers who will find more benefits and security in other labor markets. In other words, on-demand suppliers will eventually get what they pay for and, by extension, so will consumers. In that respect, the lack of protection for on-demand workers is bad for business, not just for the workers themselves, but for consumers as well.

Digitalization in Marketing

5 Benefits of Digitalization in Marketing

Marketing is an integral part of any business. It is the bridge that connects consumers to products. You want consumers to purchase from you and trust your company as a business owner. So, you can undermine the value of good publicity for your company. Globally, companies are willing to spend trillions of dollars to work on their marketing plan, including working on witty commercials, socially aware campaigns, and even constructing a user-friendly website convenient for consumers. Therefore, digitalization in marketing is no less than an asset for any flourishing business. This digitization brings profitability and visibility and helps your business grow in exchange for minimal effort. But the perks of going online don’t end here. Buckle up and learn more about the advantages digitalization in marketing has brought. 5 Noticeable Benefits of Digitalization in Marketing 1. Accessible Digital Tools There was a time when putting up an advertisement was tedious. You had to make several stops along the way to find a reliable advertising company, think of a catchy billboard sign, and negotiate a price. This task was also risky since you get one shot to run a proper advertisement in exchange for a handsome price. In addition, if your commercial contained a mistake or a typing error, it would cost an additional fee to get that corrected. However, in the age of digitization, you no longer have to deal with this to spread the word about your business. Platforms like the DigitalSupermarket have all the digitalization in marketing packages you need to create and manage great online advertisements. So whether you’re looking for ways to upgrade your SEO, build your content, or need a nifty tool to make your company popular in social spaces, you can find them here. By browsing through the different prices, you can match with a platform that goes nicely with your budget and get to work right away. 2. Saves You Money As a business, you want to save every penny running your business. That is because maintaining a company is expensive. To have a flexible budget, you need some cash in hand. Therefore by relying on types of digital marketing, you get an opportunity to save money by choosing cost-effective ads. For instance, while opting for a pay-per-click advertisement, you can choose from spending less than $500 or staying within $1,000 to determine the number of ads you need and how frequently they should target consumers. Alternatively, social media marketing also offers minimal costs. You may need to spend a small amount to use applications to schedule your posts online and create a social media campaign, but you don’t need to break the bank. By going on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, you can quickly post content about your company and display products by going on Instagram live or Twitter to tweet more about your business by sharing relatable hashtags. Saving money allows you to spread your wings, continue posting quality content, and use your money to work on other projects. So now you’re no longer obliged to spend thousands of dollars to make your company visible and expand.       Related guide: Importance of Storytelling in Social Media Marketing 3. Let’s You Cultivate Consumer Trust A customer trusts any company based on two factors. One is that the business produces quality goods, and two, the company makes an effort to connect with them. Your culturally sensitive ads will work only for a short time if you only produce conventional ads but don’t bother keeping in touch with your consumers. You need to make customers feel important and feel as if they’re essential to your business. Therefore, through marketing techniques like personalized emails and introducing loyalty points, you can build an understanding with your client. Digital marketing analysis also allows you to check on your consumer’s habits, so when you’re curating an email for them, you know what their favorite products are and reference them in the mail. This makes the email relatable and shows the customer how much you care about their choices instead of sending a generic happy holiday greeting card. Try to put consumers with similar purchasing habits into one subscriber list to generate leads and offer the same seasonal discounts. Loyalty cards are another great way to ensure you’re keeping tabs on your clients. By asking your consumer base to subscribe to your business and provide their details, you can create unique digital cards which redeem loyalty points. With every purchase, a consumer gets points which should give them access to gifts, free samples, and deals encouraging them to buy from you more. 4. Allows You To Compete On A Wide Scale Whether you’re a small business or a large booming industry, you can compete with anyone, anytime, by using digital marketing. Online spaces work differently. To gain an edge over your competitor, you need to know how to make content, build SEO, make sure your website is easy to follow, and follow hot trends. These include creating a tik to video or donating to social causes. When you’re online, the size of your office, number of employees, and duration of your business are meaningless. It all falls to where you rank on the search engine results, the consumers you attract, and how smart you are in utilizing keywords in your content. Once you manage your business online, you can quickly build a reputation and even earn a high net worth. Therefore, get used to digital marketing if you’re trying to make a name for yourself without going overboard with spending an exuberant amount.        Related guide: What Is The Future Of Digital Marketing In Regards To Shaping Up Small And Large Businesses? 5. Your Progress Is Measurable Tracking how well you did with your marketing campaign is imperative since you want to know whether you got a high turnover rate or not. Unlike traditional billboards, where you can’t track the number of views, digital marketing comes with metrics. Tools like google analytics provide you with an optimal breakdown of your marketing tactic. For example, you can see the number of comments, likes, shares, and even purchases your business got. This can help you make a graph and deduce what marketing tactics benefit you every year and what month always gets you new leads. For instance, you may notice that your products sell well during the holidays, and your social media posts also get shared more around the same time. So you can study what aspects of your campaign spoke to consumers around that period. As a result, you will have a better idea of what you need to do for your company. When you learn about the return on investment your campaigns generated, it helps you map out new plans, work on your SEO, and discard methods that don’t yield results, saving you more money. You flourish when you’re no longer in the dark about how well you’re doing as a business. Final Thoughts Digitalization in marketing has taken the world of business by storm. It has brought benefits that traditional marketing can no longer compete with. By going online, you can find your consumers, get their trust, become visible, get ahead of your competition with no fear and ultimately gauge where your business stands. There is nothing better than enabling your organization to find a stable footing in the marketing sector as a business owner. In addition, digitalization in marketing also pulls back costs. It helps you design a budget that prevents your company funds from getting drained. So instead of spending thousands of dollars on marketing with a few hundred bucks or at most less than $5,000, you have a strong campaign ready for launch. Read Also: Effective Ways to Utilize Digital Marketing How to empower Your Small Business through Digital Marketing? Advantages of Search Engine Marketing in Tulsa 6 Reasons Why Infographics Are Important in Media Marketing Benefits of Having a Strong Digital Marketing Program