Why Automation of The Procure-to-Pay Cycle Is Critical?

Published on: 15 February 2016 Last Updated on: 01 June 2021

Organizations across the world are facing the brunt of rising commodity prices and increasing procurement costs. Executives are hard-pressed to make a tangible difference to supply chain profits. But cost-cutting is adversely affecting investment decisions and chances of expansion across the board. Read further to know the top Reasons Why the Automation of the Procure-to-Pay Cycle Is Critical.

Technology enables companies to look offshore for cheaper resources and raw materials. Procurement has become a more important process than it had been before and geographical boundaries to availability are diminishing. The procure-to-pay cycle is considered a crucial strategic operation, in which expenses need to be closely monitored.

10 Reasons Why Automation of Procure-to-Pay Cycle Is Critical


Organizations need a comprehensive approach by which operations are aligned to lower procurement costs. Every department needs to be made accountable for its costs and effective use of assets. This is only possible through automation, which includes monitoring of requirements and expense optimization. It helps to procure the assets at competitive prices. Automation of your procure-to-pay cycle can bring immense benefits to minimal investments. Here are 10 of them.

1. Save time

Automation means faster cycle times. An Aberdeen Group report found that organizations that have implemented e-procurement initiatives have halved their transaction cycle time. This means faster order processing, instant approvals, and better decision-making. The future belongs to organizations that have automated systems, as speed, efficiency, and effectiveness of procurement solutions provide a competitive edge in the market.

2. Save money

Big savings are now possible with manual procurement fading into the future. Shortened procurement and fulfillment cycles reduce administrative costs and improve staff productivity. Employees can use their time more strategically instead of pen-pushing. Consolidation of orders from different departments results in manifold advantages like decreased cost per transaction, reduced maverick spend, increased negotiation power, and volume discounts.

3. Reduce errors

Automation ensures better accuracy. Multiple receipts, documents, and bills are no longer in the picture as vendors log in their quotes and departments key in their requirements. Endless matching and re-submission of documents are no more the order of the day. Clerical errors are minimized and you can identify the best and worst-performing assets and other variables to plan for the future.

5. Be compliant

Automated procure-to-pay solutions ensured standardized procurement practices, pre-negotiated pricing and real-time data that ensures compliance. Maverick spending comes down to zero as procurement managers look out to established vendors who provide better prices than the rest. Standardized equipment and products are bought only from vendors that ensure compliance across the board.

5. Improve negotiations

Large volumes are open invitations for vendors who can provide discounts and still get better profit margins. When there is the consolidation of requirements from different departments, procurement managers and executives are better placed to negotiate stronger terms that deliver profits.

6. Get vendor visibility

Automated procure-to-pay solutions provide better visibility to the procurement process and ensure single-window clearance. Vendors do not need to meet multiple stakeholders and fill up diverse forms just to quote the price. All they have to do is log in to the cloud-based system and fill up the electronic forms.

7. Be better informed

Procurement policies can easily be accessed and any deviations can be instantly red-flagged. Executives, vendors, and agencies just need to access the procure-to-pay system for clarification about the process and polices to ensure compliance.

8. Communicate completely

Communicate completely

Procurement communication is never blocked as every transaction leaves an audit trail. The information that can be accessed immediately upon authorization and the entire pipeline is better managed.

9. Enhance control

Executives and managers have access to real-time business data that can instantly refer to the financial health of their organizations. With automated procure-to-pay solutions, you can access all spending with the click of a mouse. Minute information that can change purchase decisions for the betterment of the company is available. Detailed control of the process helps limit spending and stick to the budget.

10. Gain the competitive edge

Reduced costs, increased accuracy, better control, and transparency give you a smart, streamlined, resourceful supply chain. The smarter purchasing decisions boil down to better financial health that can give you a competitive edge in the market.

Automation helps you to build a smarter procure-to-pay system. It is imperative that organizations move on from cumbersome manual operations to cloud-based automation systems to streamline their supply chain and procurement processes.

Expensing platforms are easy to use and adaptable automated systems which facilitate procurement, invoicing, and expense management. With Expensing procure-to-pay systems, the procurement process becomes better streamlined, with faster cycle times and better control and visibility.

Image Credit: stampli.com

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5 Mistakes With Timeshare Exits And How To Avoid Them?

According to American Resort Development, there are more than 9.6 million properties that own a timeshare. While it is the best way to reserve a vacation home to visit every year, there are times when the maintenance fees can become burdensome for many homeowners. Right now, times are hard, and there might come a time that you will no longer be able to afford to pay the maintenance fees. And you will be forced to get out of the timeshare property agreements. While you can come out of the agreement, sometimes getting out of timeshare property can be a tricky process. Your best bet is to avoid making mistakes when pulling your steps back from a timeshare property. Common Mistakes People Make When Exiting From Timeshare Many American enjoy the certainty of having a timeshare property for their family. However, many have made mistakes with the timeshare. This has led to financial issues and ongoing stress. If you own a timeshare property, it is important that you prepare yourself with a Timeshare defense for any future problems, especially when you are about to exit the timeshare contract. Check out these tips to avoid making any mistakes and get out of timeshare the right way. 1. Skimming Over The Fine Print When you are signing the contract for the timeshare property, it is important that you go through the contract in every minute detail. If there is something you don’t understand, ask the timeshare organization to make you understand. Get a legal expert's help if you are having problems deciphering the legal jargon in the cancellation policy. There are different timeshare contracts, and you must be aware of all the types of cancellation policies available for each contract. 2. Lie About Your Reason To Cancel Timeshare Don’t try to lie about your cancellation. For instance, if you lie about medical issues and are unable to produce the medical bills, it might put you in a legal bind that will hamper your chances of cancellation. Be honest with your approach. Everybody is professional out there. They will take your reasons professionally and will try to help. Because if you try tricks from sleeves, they will get the opportunity to do the same. 3. Correspondence Mistakes With Timeshare Exits Placing a cancel order over the mail might seem like a convenient process. But it is hard to track the conversation. In addition, the conversation will have no legal binding. The best course of action will be to send a registered mail to the headquarters of the timeshare organizations and address this to their cancellation department. This protects you from evasive excuses from the timeshare company. 4. Avoid Emotional Writing Style While you might own the timeshare property for a limited time, you must know that the property is not yours. So, your action and process must follow professionalism and be business-like. If you're being clinical with your approach, it not only helps you flatter the timeshare organization but also restricts you from making any mistakes. The last thing you would want to have drama and become all emotional about is your cancellation. It will only cause a nuisance to both parties. 5. Agreeing To Another Meeting If you have owned a timeshare property for a while, you must know just how persuasive these property owners can be. The last thing you want them to pursue is extending the agreement. So, unless there are any legal bounds about having any meeting whatsoever. And even if you are meeting with them, ensure that you have your timeshare attorney with you for support. Your attorney will be able to tell when they are trying to butter you up and convince you to extend the agreement. Avoid Mistakes With Timeshare Timeshare real estate property can be a great option. It just needs a little time investment to choose the right one. Do thorough research on the type of ownership you would like. Calculate all the expenses, get to know the area, and see whether it's a good place for your family or not. We hope that we were able to answer the question you were looking for. If there is anything more you want to know about the exit strategy from a timeshare agreement, reach out to us. Read Also: Is Precious Metals A Good Career Path?Clicka Jobs USA – Why It Is Making Headlines?What Are The Three Components In The Youtube Ecosystem?

Personal Debt! Tips For Small Business Owners Just Starting Out

Don’t Go Into Personal Debt! Tips For Small Business Owners Just Starting Out

Starting a small business is an exciting yet challenging endeavour. The thrill of creating something from scratch and potentially achieving financial freedom is exhilarating. However, many aspiring entrepreneurs find themselves entangled in debt and financial complications. This scenario can be avoided with careful planning and innovative strategies. Personal debt, especially when related to your business, can become a looming threat that hampers growth, causes stress, and can even lead to the failure of your venture. What Are The Risks Associated With Personal Loans? There are risks and uncertainties associated with personal loans. When you are taking responsibility for the entire money (not of your own), you are unquestionably at risk. Here, we discuss some of the things that are associated with personal loans.  Personal debt in business may drag businesses towards the corridor of risks and uncertainty. They must ensure that the business makes the best use of the resources to stay ahead in the competitive framework of business. This is the reason moving into personal debt can be extremely difficult for one to manage in business.  Taking Too Much Loans When you are running your own business, it involves your sole risks. Sometimes, the lender goes for a loan that enters the periphery of risks and uncertainty. It may invite issues. Therefore, you must go for a big amount but not too big to manage. With a lump sum loan, you will always be in the corridor of risks and uncertainty. Damaging Your Credit When you are applying for credit, the banks always look for your credit score before giving you the loan amount. With one single missed loan, it can completely damage your credit score. Since you know that the credit score heavily impacts your financial DNA, you need to keep it in check. So, you need to ensure that you do not damage your credits. Developing a good understanding of it can indeed help you manage your loans.  Getting Stuck With the Fees A loan may seem perfect if it has a competitive interest rate and in quite a strong term. Many charge hefty fees for the origination of the loan amount.  At the same time, some charge extra. You may fall into a debt spiral if you try to build up a tendency to take bulk personal loans.  Tips For Small Business Owners To Avoid Going Into Personal Debt Here are some tips for small business owners to avoid going into personal debt when they're just starting out: 1. Separate Business And Personal Finances The first mistake that many new entrepreneurs make is mixing their personal and business finances. This not only complicates accounting but also puts personal assets at risk. By setting up a separate business bank account, you can easily keep track of business-related expenses and revenues. To get a more nuanced understanding of how to separate these two entities effectively, check this website for detailed guidelines and tips. Also, consider consulting a financial advisor to ensure you're taking the right steps in keeping your personal and business finances distinct. 2. Have A Detailed Business Plan A well-crafted business plan can serve as your roadmap, outlining crucial elements like market research, financial projections, and operational plans. It provides a clear pathway for your business and assists you in avoiding unnecessary expenses that can lead to debt. Most importantly, a robust business plan can help you attract investors and secure loans, which are safer and more structured ways to raise capital compared to using personal credit. 3. Budget Wisely Being a business owner means you have to be proficient, not just in your area of expertise, but also in managing finances. Create a realistic budget for all aspects of your business and stick to it. A budget will allow you to allocate funds for different parts of your business, prevent overspending, and help you identify areas where you can cut costs. 4. Consider Alternative Financing Options Personal debt often accumulates when business owners use their credit cards or savings to finance their business. Before doing this, explore alternative financing options like grants, crowdfunding, or venture capital. These options not only help you avoid using your personal credit but also offer the opportunity to validate your business idea in the market. 5. Build An Emergency Fund Having an emergency fund for your business acts as a financial cushion in times of unexpected expenses. Whether it's for replacing faulty equipment or covering costs during a slow business period, this fund can be a lifesaver. This way, you won't have to rely on personal savings or loans to keep your business afloat during tough times. 6. Monitor Cash Flow Cash flow is the lifeblood of your business. Effective cash flow management ensures that you have sufficient funds to operate and grow without relying on debt. Utilize accounting software and, if possible, hire a professional to keep tabs on your cash flow. This will help you make informed decisions about your business and minimize the chances of falling into debt. 7. Be Cautious With Credit While it might be tempting to use a credit card to make quick purchases for the business, it can quickly lead to accumulating debt. If you must use credit, opt for a business credit card and limit its use to essential expenses. Always pay off the balance in full every month to avoid interest fees and the potential for accumulating debt. Conclusion Starting a small business doesn't have to mean plunging into a pit of personal debt. By separating your personal and business finances, budgeting wisely, and exploring alternative financing options, you can significantly reduce the risk of financial complications. A well-crafted business plan, an emergency fund, and a close eye on cash flow will further solidify your business’s financial foundation. Remember, the best businesses are not necessarily those that started with a lot of money, but those that managed what they had effectively. Be mindful of your financial choices, and your business can thrive without compromising your personal financial health. Read Also: How You Can Invest In Your Small Business 6 Incredible Tips To Reach Your Small Business Customer How To Apply For And Get The Employee Retention Credit (ERC) For Small Businesses

how much the business is worth

Proven Strategies To Captivate Buyers And Sell Your Business Successfully

Do you need more time to get people to buy your products? There are a lot of strategies that would help you captivate customers, enhance your sales, and skyrocket them. Selling a business can be challenging. You need to prepare and use the right sales techniques to be successful. The following proven strategies will help you achieve this goal. In this article, I have unveiled the ultimate guide where you can get such secret tips to make your product sales successful. Not only that but from understanding the current audiences' requirements to the ways of continuous improvements, everything I have covered mostly. Here are the lists of… The Proven Strategies To Captivate Buyers And Sell Your Business Successfully In this digital world, it is more challenging to drive online sales. After all, this is crucial for businesses to seek success and growth. Above all, to achieve rapid results, it is essential to employ effective methods and ways that could provide rapid growth. Below, I am going to discuss proven strategies where you can captivate buyers and sell your business successfully.  1) Create an Emotional Bond Develop a compelling story. This narrative allows buyers to connect with your business on a deeper level. Share the origins of how the company was founded, the motivations and vision behind it, key milestones, and your future dreams for the business under new ownership. This narrative helps buyers become emotionally invested in carrying on the company's legacy. 2) Showcase Meticulous Record-Keeping Long before even considering selling your business, meticulously organize your financial, tax, and legal records. Buyers will conduct extensive due diligence, so you need to have sales figures, tax returns, contracts, intellectual property paperwork, and other documentation readily available. Transparently providing this information upfront builds trust and confidence with buyers early on. 3) Invest in Premium Marketing Collateral Professional marketing materials show buyers you mean business, no pun intended. Work with a talented graphic designer to produce slick sales brochures, pitch decks, and promotional assets tailored to your target buyer's needs and preferred visual style. Verbally convey your business strengths, then provide supporting marketing collateral to back up claims with visual substance. 4) Find the Right Valuation Pricing your small business too high can deter buyers. Consider hiring a qualified valuator to determine how much the business is worth based on financials, clientele, brand strength, and industry benchmarks. This defends your asking price with quantitative market data. Being too vague or inflated on valuation raises red flags with seasoned buyers. 5) Cast a Wide Buyer Net Marketing your business for sale early and to the largest pool of qualified buyers drives more offers and the optimal sale price. Hire an experienced business broker to handle outreach through their connections and marketing channels. Also, utilize premium business sales listing platforms to gain exposure outside your region. 6) Vet Buyers Thoroughly As you field inquiries from interested parties, vet each thoroughly to assess the sincerity of interest, proof of funds, and experience in running this type of company. Moving too quickly with an unqualified buyer rarely ends well. Be cautious about sharing sensitive details like client lists or financials too early in the process as well. 7) Drive Competition Once you have several qualified buyers at the table, use competition tactfully to your advantage. While you don’t want to drag negotiations out forever, letting buyers know there are others bidding can compel them to offer top dollar, accelerate the process, and agree to favorable terms for you. 8) Negotiate Earnest Money & Terms Require interested buyers to put up good-faith, non-refundable earnest money to demonstrate seriousness. This also guarantees you get paid if the deal falls through. Negotiate clear timelines, performance metrics, and payment terms favorable to you built into the sales agreement. Retaining a business attorney can help craft binding contracts that protect you. 9) Handle Transition Planning Early into the negotiation phase, start planning a detailed transition plan spanning 30 to 90 days post-sale. This ensures client retention, trains the new owner properly on systems, and helps you strategically phase out. Having a transition roadmap signals to buyers that you are a serious seller invested in the future success of the business under new ownership. Selling a thriving small business at maximum valuation is part art, part science. The process requires blending the art and science across valuation, marketing, negotiations, and transition planning. It demands significant upfront effort, but the long-term payoff makes it well worth the investment. By implementing these proven sales strategies, you can captivate buyers, command premium valuations and craft a business legacy positioned to prosper under new ownership. 10) Understand your target audience  If you are wondering how to get people to buy your product, first, it is essential to understand and gain knowledge about your target audience. What are the things you must know, such as:  Who are they? What do they want?  And how would you effectively reach them?  After all, gaining knowledge about your audience would help you tailor your several marketing efforts, which would meet the requirements and several other preferences through you. On the other hand, if you start understanding your target market, you must conduct audience research.  Above all, there are multiple ways in which you could go about this, such as:  Firstly, you need to analyze your customer base. In this case, you need to look for several other patterns and some common characteristics among the most loyal customers. In this case, it gives you valuable insights into your target audience and their values.  Secondly, you must use several other online tools and platforms that would provide audience analytics. Several other social media platforms would offer detailed demographic and internet-based internet-based data about your followers. This information could help you identify several key segments within your audience. In this way, you could also develop targeted marketing strategies.  11) Leverage Social Proof  Leveraging social proof is another proven strategy that would captivate buyers and sell your businesses. In this case, chances are new, and you must look for several reviews and testimonials from other customers. You want to know if this lives up to its promises. After researching the fact, over 70% of customers actively seek out such reviews and several other testimonials before heading to any purchase.  12) Use demand generation methods to attract customers  Another proven strategy where you could captivate buyers and sell your businesses is to use demand generation methods to attract customers. Demand generation is about creating awareness and generating interest in your products, where you could attract potential customers. Aside from that, demand generation is also essential because this would help you reach an extensive range of target audiences and create buzz around your business product.  In Conclusion In this article, I have discussed several proven strategies to captivate buyers and sell your business successfully. By incorporating such a strategy, you could significantly enhance and develop the chances of capturing the attention of several other potential buyers. Ultimately, you could also drive sales.  I hope you liked this article. If you have any questions, please comment below! Read Also: Choosing Between Shopify and Crafting Your Website: A Guide for 2024 How Automation Tools Are Transforming Digital Marketing? Unlocking Opportunities: How Does Leasing Expand Your Car Options?