Available Treatment Options for Cocaine Addiction

Published on: 27 March 2021 Last Updated on: 27 December 2024
Treatment Options for Cocaine Addiction

Cocaine in itself is a dangerous drug if taken for a long time, it becomes more dreadful when the drug dealers mixed it with other opioids to enhance its effects. If you don’t know about such illegal mixing, the overdose of the drug may be fatal, which is becoming common nowadays.

It’s a common belief that it’s hard to combat cocaine addiction as compared to the other drug addiction that is not true in all cases. Still, the research studies are undergoing to find out the best and authentic treatment for cocaine addiction, as there are no registered medications by the FDA to treat such kind of addiction, but there are other therapies available like behavioral therapy, group counseling, etc. special treatments are still underway for the cocaine addiction due to the availability of the limited resources.

Outpatient Treatment Facility

treatment facility

The outpatient treatment setting is arranged for those cocaine abusers who cannot stay in the rehab center. While they are allowed to stay at home or in a community area during the period of their treatment, where they have scheduled visits to a rehab facility for treatment like individual or group therapies.

The treatment varies from person to person, so you may require to visit the center once or twice a week for around six hours in one sitting. The duration of outpatient treatment may last from weeks to even months with gradual recovery progress.

Inpatient Treatment Facility

The inpatient facilities are not equivalent to the hospital but basic addiction recovery treatments are available there. Infinite Detox Austin provides settings that offer pharmacological treatment, mental and social support, occupational support, etc. this type of recovery program mostly lasts for about six months.

For simple cocaine abusers, detoxification and other short-term treatments are enough, but for chronic cocaine addiction along with comorbidities inpatient rehab centers are preferable. This kind of individual-based one-to-one therapeutic program is helpful for you to regain the body equilibrium before going back to the hometown.

Recognized Treatment or Therapy Methodologies

1. Contingency Management

This approach is related to the management of high-risk situations and can be used in several types of treatment settings. During this therapy, individuals are rewarded for not using the drug. This is used to formulate the ability of each patient to deal with the drug cravings and the root cause behind them. This treatment is found to be a realistic and auspicious one.

2. Cognitive-behavioral Therapy

This therapy approaches change the behavior of the individual towards the use of the drug and force him/her to develop new plans to cope up with the ongoing treatment. This may be done in group settings or on an individual basis at both inpatient and outpatient recovery programs. This approach may include gaining knowledge about new methods to handle the drug cravings, suicidal thoughts, and lethal withdrawal symptoms, which may lead you towards relapse.

3. Matrix Model

This model is based on the principle of self-discipline, which involves features of many other treatment approaches, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, contingency management, and 12-step programs, etc. This model includes emotional support, personal counseling sessions, and family education. It is seen as a proven treatment of addiction so it gets a lot of attention in society.

4. Medication-assisted Treatment (MAT)

Pharmacological therapy is used to provide you with the prescribed medications to combat drug usage. This method is still under consideration especially in the case of opioid addiction as the trials for cocaine abuse have not all been steadily efficacious and have not been extensively studied. However, if effective medications are developed for long-term use then MAT would become the most demanding and essential treatment option.

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What Is Thinspo? | Impact On Physical And Mental Health

You're wrong if you believe being as slim as possible is the healthiest thing you can do. Such perceptions have led many anonymous online personas to share thinspo content promoting eating disorders like anorexia. Over the past few years, this type of content got consumed by kids and teenagers, leading to a surge in cases of anorexia. This race to attain the ideal body type - which is slimmer than my bones - is unhealthy. Learn more about this online phenomenon by reading this post till the end. What Is Thinspo Meaning? Anorexic "Thinspo" images and videos are a risky internet fad that supports anorexia. Such content encourages those with anorexia nervosa to maintain unhealthy routines or take on other destructive behaviors. This material may exacerbate the symptoms of eating disorders and harm a person's mental health, particularly their feeling of self-worth. What Are The Pro Ana And Pro Mia Websites? Image Source: uab.cat Anorexia and bulimia are accepted on websites that are pro-ana and pro-mia. Whether the attempts are overt or covert, their main objective is to unite and encourage like-minded individuals to validate their fights. Regrettably, most participants depend on posting and accepting thinspo content to stay committed to their problems rather than promoting recovery services. Although many website administrators and social media sites try to stop triggering remarks, sometimes their good intentions fall short. Unfortunately, all it takes to begin a new male thinspo craze is a new hashtag, website, or inspirational saying. As an illustration, once Instagram forbade "thinspiration" content, people started doing it more. In other words, as moderation increases, people become more inventive with their wordplay. Will Thinspo Content Be Harmful To You? Image Source: s.abcnews.com Not all material that fits the definition of "thinspo" is explicitly or even purposefully inciting self-destructive behaviors. According to a 2019 report, some content producers who are battling eating disorders don't always bring up unhealthy eating habits or actively urge others to do so. However, the nature of their work, in which people are battling eating disorders, may draw attention to their thin bodies. People at risk for developing anorexia nervosa may observe and want to distance themselves. This raises the issue of whether people must thwart someone with an eating disorder from displaying one‘s body on the internet if that content may be thought to put other vulnerable people at risk. This highlights the conversation regarding what ought to be completed about this kind of material and raises the issue of whether people should prevent them from encouraging others to live unhealthy lifestyles. It's more evident that web admins should remove anything openly promoting self-destructive conduct, something many platforms purport to accomplish. Even still, there is frequent information that supports eating disorders on several well-known websites. Before And After Thinspo Effects On Mental Health Image Source: media.cnn.com Thinspo diet plans can harm people's mental health, especially susceptible populations like young girls. Many children fall into this perilous rabbit hole, which may significantly change how they view their idealised body type. Although this content doesn't often induce eating problems, research has shown that it may instead encourage them. It can also be more challenging for someone to recognize that they have a severe mental health issue, which might postpone receiving treatment. Individuals who suffer from eating disorders frequently engage in websites where other individuals with eating disorders promote disordered behavior and normalize harmful habits, creating an "echo chamber" for themselves. Also, those who struggle with eating disorders frequently adopt a competitive perspective, contrasting their bodies to those of others and striving to "outdo" them regarding calorie consumption and weight objectives. How To Reduce Risks Of Thinspo Content And Anorexia? Image Source: magnoliacreek.com Being conscious of yourself is crucial while attempting to lower your risk of anorexia. Recognize when you start to feel nervous about eating or have negative thoughts about your physique. Read only books on healthy eating supported by research, and pay attention to what medical professionals say is the ideal weight limit for a person with your body type. Speak with a mental health professional before you desire to adopt eating patterns different from what health professionals recommend or set weight goals below this range. It has been seen that the body positively lowers a person's chance of eating disorders, including anorexia. Many people, particularly women, are exposed to unrealistic body images through media like social networks and movies, which can harm their sense of self. Content that aims to dispel people's misconceptions about what a typical, healthy body looks like can lower a person's risk of developing an eating disorder. It's essential to "tend one's own garden" in this digital world by watching the stuff you're consuming. The more diverse the algorithms used to select the information you receive will provide similar content, the more of a particular type of content a person will typically consume. Therefore, it's best to be more conscious of what content you consume from the internet. Try your best to avoid content that makes you feel bad or simply not like it at all. In addition, distance yourself from content that requests you to harm yourself and do dangerous things. How To Get Help If I Suffer From Anorexia? Image Source: waldeneatingdisorders.com The first important and most challenging step in the rehabilitation process is seeking treatment for anorexia. Recognizing your eating issue, be it anorexia or other disorders, is necessary before getting help from a mental health expert. The intensity of your symptoms will typically determine where you should start looking for treatment. If you're uncertain, contact a helpline for eating disorder treatment or talk to your doctor about your alternatives. Anorexia can be treated as a mental health issue, regardless of the approach used. Anorexics who get the right help and instruction can recover and lead fulfilling lives. The most important thing is to start the therapy process. Final Verdict: Is Thinspo Healthy? No, thinspo, or “thinspiration” is not healthy. Such online content promotes the picture of the ideal body type being super slim. However, if you look closely, this “ideal body type” is a bit too slim in an unhealthy way. Yet today's "woke" teenagers are now becoming entangled in this quagmire and developing anorexia nervosa. Read Also: 6 Effective Ways to Improve Your Mental Health Psychedelic Therapy for Mental Health Conditions The Future Of Healthcare: Adapting To An Aging Society

Weight Loss

Ways to Weight Loss Naturally

An apple keeps healthy and your diet plate full of energy and disease-free. It is very easy to think about losing weight naturally but on the other hand, it is also tough to maintain that diet, and the decision after taking becomes difficult. But there are so many ways which can be opted for losing weight. These things will work only if it would be followed up with a determined mind. Losing weight needs so many things together such as exercise, food, water. Moreover, if you genuinely looking forward to having immediate results then this cannot happen there is no magic you will have to work hard with patience. But continuity is the first thing one would need in the process of losing weight. So these are some simple and easy ways to weight loss in a natural way. You can also use points such as acupressure points for weight loss, to reduce your extra gain with your daily exercises. Ways to Weight Loss Naturally: Go for Protein to your diet: Protein really works as the best formula for losing weight. A high protein diet helps in boosting metabolism by up to 80-100 calories per day. Have protein on a regular basis if you really want to lose weight. No replacement of water There is no replacement for water. Water even kills 90 percent of disease and makes your body pure. It also helps in losing weight in a natural way. If one drinks 0.5 liters of water it helps in decreasing the calories. Have a cup of green tea: Tea can be good for health and skin but it should be green tea. Green tea helps in increasing metabolism and saves the storage of fat in your body. Whenever you buy read the packet as this is clearly written that Green tea contains a compound EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) and this helps in erasing oxidative free radicals from the body. Practice eating habits: Yes, it becomes necessary that practicing the right eating habits becomes important and it will take time to do that. At first, you will decide on your perfect diet plan then you will have to be firm towards your decision. If you are unable to decide this then Google can be a great help for that matter. You may like also: Tricking Handheld BMI Machine Scores Exercise on a regular basis: Whether you believe it or not but exercise will work only when you pick up your kind of exercise. But if you do what is not working for you then surely losing weight could help you in a natural way. It helps from every aspect from releasing tension to freeing your mind. Get enough sleep: After having enough water, one must take enough sleep. Everybody has a different kind of body so it depends on them how much sleep their body needs but if you are exercising then decide your sleep accordingly. But minimum calculated sleep is about six hours. But you can also go for 8 hours. It also helps in keeping skin healthy and glowing. Sleeping takes care of your health so much. Yoga virus exercise: Now, this is one of question which goes in mind. Yoga helps in decreasing weight but not that much compared to exercise. Yoga also helps in burning calories but not like walking does, jogging does. But if you opt for yoga along with jogging and a proper diet then it will help in various ways. Make sure to get trained by experts. Lemon water: Morning is the right time for taking energy in charge. Whether you believe it or not morning decides your whole day if you keep it healthy and happy then your whole day would be like that. But on the other hand, if you keep it unhappy then things will also work in that direction. So start your day with a warm lemon and a spoon of raw creamed honey. This will also help in removing toxic things from your body plus it will also take care of your positive energy. Conclusion: Everything in the suggestion would be needed. You could neither skip water nor a proper diet. And if you think skipping a diet would help in losing weight it will hurt your health. But having a proper diet would help you in getting the right result. Avoid wrong diets and skipping meals is not going to help you either way. Then have faith you will lose weight in the right way. Read Also: Tips To Lose Weight Naturally Drink Matcha Green Tea To Lose Weight Lose Weight: What Is The Best Way To Lose Weight? Shocking Expert Tips On How To Lose Weight Without Exercise

Chili Peppers

Chili Peppers Boost The Weight Loss

Are you constantly skipping chili peppers when preparing the meals in the kitchen? Well, you better reconsider your attitude and include peppers in your regular daily diet. Not only this veggie can add a unique flavor to your foods, but also can boost the metabolism thus improve the fat burning capabilities of your body. Because peppers are extremely versatile, you can easily add them to your favorite recipes. It’s time to spice up your life a little bit, isn’t it?! How do Chili peppers aid in weight loss? Many studies have been carried that tried to figure out what effect do the peppers have on the overall weight loss process. The findings revealed that this is due to capsaicin – a key compound within the peppers that makes them hot and also has a positive impact on the fat burning ability. As you most likely know, it also triggers the pain receptors, so you feel your mouth burning. Cutting back on calories is not the answer to successful weight loss and successful health... you have to increase the quality of what you eat, not just reduce the quantity." As a result of the spicy and hot feeling, a message is sent to the brain that a pain relief is needed. The brain responds immediately and starts cooling your body off by speeding up the metabolic and heart rates. The sweating is a common side effect as your body processes use the sweat for cooling your inner body. With a faster metabolism, your body can burn the excess fat much faster and more effectively. Actually, the increased metabolic rate is one of the most common weight loss approaches out there. The same method is used when working out in the gym or when taking some fat burning supplement. Even though the peppers can be quite effective, it doesn’t mean they can replace the regular exercise regimen. If you are one of those who can’t eat spicy food because of digestion issues, there is a non-spicy capsaicin alternative known as DCT or Dihidrocapsiate. These ingredients can also improve the fat burning process, but unlike the capsaicin, doesn’t deliver that burning sensation you might have a problem with. What peppers are best for burning that fat? The more capsaicin within the pepper, the more powerful it is. Sadly, also the hotter, so the vast majority of slimmers can’t take the advantage of the strongest peppers out there. This doesn’t mean that eating bell peppers won’t have any effect though. Fastening the weight loss is not the only benefit of peppers as they are full of vitamin C and offer many other health benefits, so even if you are satisfied with your current body weight you should consider eating this veggie. If you want to achieve the best effect possible, these are the hottest peppers available: - Jalapenos - Serranos - Habaneros There are some even hotter but aren’t available in stores. The 3 peppers mentioned above should be obtainable locally and once you start eating them, be ready to sweat. Always start slowly, so you make sure you won’t have to cope with any side effects the hot taste can cause. Eating these in raw form is usually impossible, but there is a countless number of recipes where you can use them. Remember, the spicier the peppers are, the more fat you are going to burn. Read Also: Best Weight Loss Program To Lose 20 Pounds 6 Imbalances In Body Hampering Weight Loss Efforts