Essential Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

Published on: 02 May 2018 Last Updated on: 01 August 2024
Coconut Oil

The advantages of coconut oil are on everyone’s tongue. It is a special blessing from God as it has many benefits. It has uncountable uses, some people use coconut for better hair growth, few people apply it on the skin for moisturizing purpose, some of them add them in scented candles for aromatherapy and last but not least few people add coconut oil in their smoothies and diet to enjoy its magnificent health benefits.

Coconut Oil Kills Bacteria :

Coconut oil is anti-microbial oil that fights against bacteria, viruses or micro-organisms. Coconut oil has saturated fat that contains lauric acid as fatty acids which are known for their ability to fight against bacteria. If you add coconut oil to your diet, it combines with enzymes to form monoglyceride which enhances the property of coconut oil to kill bacteria such as Candida Albicans or Staphylococcus Aureus.

Coconut oil Promotes Heart Health :

The saturated fat in coconut oil increases the number of High-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL) is good cholesterol responsible to carry fat lipids to the liver so that they can be removed. These fat lipids are low-density lipoproteins (LDL) cholesterol that can build in your arteries and can lead you to experience high blood pressure issues. High-density lipoprotein cholesterol fights against low-density lipoproteins cholesterol which reduces your chances of experiencing cardiovascular diseases.

Coconut oil Improves digestive system :

Do you know that coconut oil can help you improve your digestive system? Coconut oil makes your gut flora healthy by fighting against bad bacteria and maintains a healthy environment. Coconut oil also fights against bacteria that cause a decrease in stomach acids which helps indigestion.

Tip: By adding omega fatty acids while taking coconut oil in your diet will enhance the result.

Coconut Oil and Weight loss:

Eating coconut oil can play an effective role in helping you to lose weight. Coconut oil improves your immune system because the chain of lauric acid in the coconut oil fights against bacteria and creates a hostile environment. Coconut oil also contains energy creating abilities and it naturally reduces your appetite that further aids in maintaining blood sugar level. In addition to this, the caprylic acid in coconut oil also helps in improving thyroid function, contributes to burning fat and controls heart rate. Due to its antimicrobial properties, it also helps in avoiding or treating stomach ulcer.

Type ii Diabetes :

As discussed prior that coconut oil helps in regulating blood sugar level. Similarly, coconut oil reduces the risk of diabetes type two. When your body stops accepting insulin and energy from glucose. Coconut oil promotes the production of insulin in cells which provides continuous energy by preventing insulin resistance.

Coconut Oil Helps In Preventing Alzheimer Disease :

Our liver is responsible to produce ketones which provide energy to our brain. The energy source for brain cells is derived from glucose by the help of insulin that is produced by the brain itself. People experiencing form Alzheimer brain loses their ability to produce insulin. However, the Medium-chain triglycerides MCT’s in coconut oil increases the production of ketones by the liver which provides energy to the brain to improve its function. In addition to this, if you have a weak memory, the medium-chain triglycerides in coconut oil will also improve your recalling power as the brain cells get stronger.

Coconut Oil for Anti-aging :

Coconut oil is antimicrobial oil that promotes the level of antioxidants in the body which further aids into the slower aging process as it reduces oxidative stress on the liver and promotes better liver function. Healthier liver leads to a healthier body and skin.

Prevent Osteoporosis By Using Coconut Oil :

Free radicals and oxidative stress are two causes of osteoporosis. Many people use coconut oil as a natural remedy for osteoporosis because it promotes absorption of calcium by gut flora which saves them from loss of bone structure and increases bone volume.

Coconut Oil for Hormone Imbalance :

To balance hormones, one should reduce the intake of sugar and grain and load up on healthy fats. Therefore, the saturated fats in coconut oil have a positive effect on estrogen levels. It can be one of the best fats that can be taken during menopause.

Hope this evidence would help you to make a wise decision of taking coconut oil in your diet.

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How To Care For Your Eye In 5 Medically Proven Ways

How To Care For Your Eye In 5 Medically Proven Ways

Every year millions of individuals experience eye problems. There are some issues that result in permanent vision loss, whether some can be corrected with the help of glasses or contact lenses. Research says that between the years 2010 and 2050, the number of individuals with eye diseases will double. And those eye diseases include glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, cataracts, and AMD or Age-related Macular Degeneration. Care For Your Eye In 5 Medically Proven Ways So, from the above information, now it is clear that we need to take care of our vision. However, we also need to face the fact that with age, our vision will become poorer, but we need to make it healthy as much as possible. 1. Opt For Regular Eye Exams Though your vision is fine and it seems that your eyes are functioning properly, there is only one option to be 100% sure. And only a medical expert can assure you of that. An eye test not only determines if there is any need for glasses, but it also helps to treat some eye diseases effectively if it is detected at an early stage. Those who have crossed the age limit of 60 years must go through a comprehensive dilated eye exam in order to check whether there are any issues with the retina, macula, optic nerve or not. So, contact any ophthalmology clinic in dubai today. 2. Eat Right Our health conditions majorly depend on what we eat. You may have heard thousands of times that eating carrots is good for your eye. But there are plenty more foods that will help you to have a healthier vision. Dark leafy greens like spinach, kale, collard greens have zeaxanthin and lutein. These antioxidants prevent forming cataracts. A diet plan with grapes on it helps to prevent AMD and also keeps our retina clean. Tuna, sardines, mackerel, halibut, and salmon are enriched with omega-3 fatty acids, which are really beneficial for the eyes. 3. Wear Proper Protection Apart from being a fashion accessory, there is a more important purpose of wearing sunglasses. Sunglasses protect our eyes from harmful UV or ultraviolet rays that are emitted by the sun. In 2016, the Vision Council published a report. As per that, three-quarters of people in the United States were actually concerned about eye issues, which can arise from the UV rays. So, do not forget to put on sunglasses each time you are exposed to the sun. Also, whenever you are purchasing sunglasses, make sure that it blocks 99 to 100% of UVA and UVB radiations. 4. Give Your Eyes Rest Regularly When we work all day sitting in front of a computer screen, we often forget to blink. And at the end of the day, we end up with fatigued eyes. Research says that by the year 2050, half of the world population will be short-sighted if things will go on like this. There is a 20-20-20 rule for that. For every 20 minutes, which you are spending staring at a computer screen, look at any object for 20 seconds that is 20 feet away from you. This will reduce eye strain. You also can use some protective eyeglasses to keep your eyes healthy. 5. Keep Your Weight Under Control Being obese or overweight will put you at high risk of developing diabetes or any other systematic disorder. This eventually may lead to loss of vision. No time is too late to put your weight under control. So, develop healthy eating habits and also exercise daily in order to prevent any vision complications. The University of Melbourne in Australia has conducted research. Eye damages due to obesity, High blood pressure, and diabetes can be reversed by losing weight. Final Tips Follow all the above-mentioned tips to take proper care of your eyes. No one can deny the fact that as we'll grow old, our vision will become weak, but you also need to keep it healthy as much as possible in the long run. Read Also: Are you aware of Belviq – a Weight-Loss Drug? Seven Best Meal Replacement Ideas For Weight Loss The Science Behind Blue Light Glasses

Best Rehabilitation Center

Addiction Treatment: 11 Tips to Find the Best Rehabilitation Center

When you're in the depths of an addiction or someone you love is, you don't know where to turn. It's a scary, confusing, dark, and overwhelming time for everyone involved. How do you get help? Where do you get help? Can you afford it? Those are all valid questions. Especially if you don't know if you can convince your loved one to go to rehab! All those factors can lead you down a road of what ifs, but there's only one what if that matters. What if you find the best rehabilitation center? Then things will start looking up. Get our guide on where to start and what questions to ask here. What Makes the Best Rehabilitation Center The Best? We can't give you one answer, or one center, that's definitively best. That's because the right rehabilitation center for your loved one isn't the same as the right one for someone else. Some people need a single-gender environment, some need more of a detox, and others need a holistic offering. We'll get more into what all that means and how to tell what they need below. Before we analyze them and their needs, don't take their opinion completely out of the picture. They may be on drugs, but they should get a say in their treatment (except, you know, the sobriety part). 1. Ask A Professional: If you think your loved one needs treatment for addiction, try to get them to a doctor or a professional. There the doctor can diagnose the specifics of the addiction. Maybe they'll run some vitals and decide that your loved one needs a more medically-oriented care setting. Or they can see patterns in their addiction, that the untrained eye can't. You can ask your doctor or professional for a recommendation of the best treatment center. If they don't know any specifics, ask them some of the following questions. 2. How Long of Treatment Do They Need? In theory, the only person who decides how long treatment takes is the addict. The classic programs last ninety days, which gives people time to reform their body, mind, and attitude. But some people can't afford a whole ninety-day stay or maybe their addiction isn't that developed. A thirty-day stay may be more appropriate for a budding addict. Ask your doctor their opinion on length, so you know what programs to look for. If you can't get the addict to a doctor and you've known them a while, think about how they learn and function. Has your addict done well in highly-structured environments? Or do they do better working at their own pace? Think back to school days and the challenges they had in that setting. This can tell you how long and arduous of a program they need. 3. What's The Treatment Approach? On that last note, there are as many types of treatment approaches as there are to teaching or parenting. That's to say, each person believes in a slightly different version than someone else. If you're the addict's mother or family member, this gives you good insight on the type of treatment approach they'll thrive under. Someone who's sensitive and needs coddling won't do well in an orders-barked center. However, someone who went to military school or likes the idea of having structure may like the rules-are-law approach. 4. Counseling Services: What kind of counseling services does the rehabilitation center offer? This, again, is all about the right fit for the addict in your life. In general, there are two types of behavioral therapy: cognitive (ct) and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Cognitive only therapy (CT) is a theory from the 1960's that looks at how the patient interprets the situation. It's the more classic, lay on the couch and talk about what's bothering your type of therapy. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is different, but only slightly. CBT therapists look at how behaviors and perceptions work together to create interpretations. CBT usually uses more hands-on approaches, if the situation calls for it, like the empty chair technique. They may not get into the specifics of this on their website, so if you care, call and ask. Most therapists use a mix of both theories, while others use different ones altogether. An up and coming method is called kinetic therapy, where the professional urges the client to connect feelings in their mind to parts of their body. If the addict has had luck with therapy before, even if it's not addiction related, this can help you choose the path that's right for them. 5. Medical Comforts: We all know that apart from the emotional turmoil of addiction, the hardest part is the detox. Detoxification symptoms differ by substance. For opioids and painkillers, the addict can feel like they have the flu for five to seven days, fevers and all. For Benzodiazepines such as Xanax, seizures and an increase in anxiety attacks are common. Cocaine withdrawal looks like depression and restlessness, while alcohol withdrawal symptoms include seizures or tremors. The effects of benzos and alcohol can last for weeks, if not months. That said, you may want to choose a rehabilitation center that offers symptom relief. Having a doctor on-site to prescribe non-psychoactive drugs can help ease the detox process. You need to ask this before-hand. Some centers believe in a completely drug-free approach. 6. Residential or Outpatient care: Whether or not your addict needs to be on site all the time is up to them you and your budget. Residential programs are the most expensive since they have to provide things like meals and housing. However, they're also the most full-service and some think the best for advanced addicts. Other things to take into consideration about residential care is the types of patients. Do they only take opioid patients or do they mix people with different addictions? This is another personal preference area. Some people believe that the similarity of the experience leads to a better rehab, while others believe that addicts of the same kind egg each other on. There's no right or wrong answer. 7. Budget: A lot of the time, when you see rehabilitation centers advertised, they say things like "luxury" and "all inclusive". These are centers that charge an arm and a leg - that have money left over for marketing. Their calls of luxury don't mean their the best. They could be, but they could also spend all their money on the amenities and not pay or pick high-quality staff. You want to find rehab centers that have a balance of both. Obviously, you don't want your addict in a falling-apart facility, but is a waterfall in their room really going to aid recovery? Don't over-spend or over-shoot your budget because one looks fancier than the other. A grand pool or beautiful location won't heal your loved one any quicker. 8. Co-Occurring Disorders: The statistics and correlation between people with addiction issues and people with mental illness are staggering. Approx 7.9 million adults in the united states suffer from substance abuse with a co-occurring illness. We call this a "co-occurring" disorder and most drug treatments won't work unless you also treat the other issue. Someone may do a lot of cocaine because they're depressed and cocaine gives them energy. If you take the cocaine away from them, but they don't address the depression, they're going to turn back to cocaine for energy. Find a center that treats co-occurring disorders along with addictions. This combination gives your loved one a better shot at lasting recovery. 9. Visitation Policies: When you pick a center for your loved one, will they allow you to visit them? Some centers believe in isolation from outside sources. Others don't. Figure out which situation will be best for your addict - and your own sanity as someone as that loves them. 10. Financing Options: Does your rehabilitation center offer a payment plan? Most do these days, but some will ask for half or a deposit up front. You know your finances and there's only so much you can do. Most insurance carriers don't cover rehab, but it's worth a call to see if they'll cover a percentage. 11. Ask the Addict: If you've gotten the addict to agree to rehab, good for you and for them! The biggest success factor in rehab situations is whether or not the addict wants to recover. Ask them what kind of treatment center they see themselves in. It'll give you an idea of what to look for. Rehab Centers: Finding The Right One: Did you know that you can tour some rehabilitation centers before you commit to one? The tours may be short or only show you a bit of the facility to protect patient privacy. At the very least, the best rehabilitation centers should offer a consultation with a therapist or an intake specialist. There you can ask them the questions we talked about in this list and any others burning on your mind. We hope you've gotten some good information out of this eleven part guide and that you'll trust us for more advice in the future. Read Also: 5 Reasons Why It’s Not Too Late To Get Help Is A Loved One Addicted To Opiates? Here Are Common Signs Of Opiate Use


Ways to Relax Yourself after a Long Day of Work

We are sure that you can connect with the feeling of no ounce of energy we invest in your body after a long, tiring day at work. Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, we just can’t seem to unwind at the end of the day after working hard. Your brain is still working at an overdrive thinking about the could haves and would haves. If you ask anyone a way out, they'll simply tell you to leave your job at your office. However, it is better said than done. Read on as we list a few ways in which you can relax and calm physically and mentally. Lie Down on Your Bed and Do Nothing Of course, we were going to start with this tip! You have spent hours at your job sitting in the same position with no rest. Do you feel that strain in your neck and shoulders that is constantly irritating you? It is due to this very reason. Just lie down in your bed or couch, close your eyes, and do nothing. For this purpose, you need to ensure that your bed or couch is comfortable. If it’s not, take the necessary steps to make it comfortable. For your couch, if you feel that your cushions are not good enough, you can use pillows instead. In fact, there are also pillows designed for neck pain relief to effectively help you relax your body. Stay away from clumpy couches as well - not good for your back. If you prefer lying down in your bed, make sure that the mattress is good. Often, long office hours can cause back pain. To get relief, you can buy a mattress designed for back pain as well. In the end, do nothing - just lounge around and try to take the mind of your work. Take a Hot Bath Most of the time, we take short and quick showers to rush to the office – a short hygienic ritual and we’re done. This gives you all the more reason to take a long bath at the end of the day. Soaking in hot water has a therapeutic effect on your mind. The soothing effect of hot baths can help you drastically lower your anxiety levels. In addition to this, it’s also beneficial to regulate the circulatory system as well as lower your blood pressure. The warm wetness surrounding you can be the perfect way to destress yourself, for sure. Indulge in Your Hobby to Enjoy Yourself The dictionary defines a hobby as an activity that is done regularly in one’s leisure time for pleasure. Well, this couldn’t have been after. The reason why you call something your hobby is because you enjoy it, which can also make it a great stress-buster. If you like reading a book, this is the best time to get lost in the world of imaginary characters and powerful plots. If you prefer reading non-fiction too, the inspirational stories can help to instill in you a sense of contentment and positivity. If you like painting, cooking or listening to music, go ahead and indulge! In fact, listening to music can really be one of the best ways to destress after a long day - even research backs this fact! Call Your Friends and Family Thank God for friends and family for being there when we want to vent or share things. We always have a few family members or friends who help us calm down. Maybe it’s their advice, their humor, or just their ability to hear which makes them that perfect refuge. So, when you return home, make yourself comfortable and call your lifeline.  Even if you don’t want to share anything about your day, you can always listen to them recount a funny story from the past or share something amusing that may have happened to them. Try to Meditate You must already be aware of the benefits of meditating. Taking out even ten minutes of your daily schedule can be extremely positive for your body. Your mood, blood pressure, breathing, and your stress levels will all be under control. There are also many meditation applications available on the internet which you can download for this purpose. Just make sure that you are in a noise-free environment where you can relax. Visit the Gym for a Last-Minute Workout If you are health-conscious or like visiting the gym, you might already be aware of the benefits of gymming. If you aren't, before you cross this tip out of the list, hear us out first. According to Mayo College, exercise is actually helpful to reduce stress in multiple ways. Not only do you feel your confidence improve, but due to the secretion of endorphins in the body, you also feel good. The fact that you also are doing something productive makes your mood better as well. Change Into More Comfortable Clothing Formal clothing is usually uncomfortable because you have to wear full suits, shirts, pencil skirts, heels, and whatnot. If you quickly change your clothes into something more comfortable or even nightwear, you’ll be figuratively be shedding off heaps of exhaustion and frustration. Make it a point to follow this because, at first, you might feel a bit lethargic but, it actually is better for your own wellbeing. Not that fashionable, but oh-so-comfy!  Watch Relaxing Videos Online Since the purpose here is to enter into a blissful state away from worry, watching relaxation videos on YouTube can be the best way out. Not only is this completely free of cost, but you get to enjoy nearly any video that you feel can help you recharge your batteries. You can also watch your favorite sitcom, movie, or TV series. A good tip would be to stick to watching comedies. The laughing can be good for your soul and spirit. Seeing your favorite stand-up comedian in action can help you forget about your deadlines, work pressure, and anything that may be weighing you down mentally. Read Also: The Perfect Way For Girls To Unwind And Relax With Their Friends In Brisbane The Best Way In Relaxing Your Feet Why The Best Time To Relax Is When You Don’t Have Time For It