Published on: 03 May 2018
Last Updated on: 25 July 2024
When it comes to fitness, you might be your own worst enemy. If it feels like you’re doing everything right, but still not getting the results you want, why are you still sticking to the same routine? There are many ways you might be getting in your own way and getting to the bottom of it starts with honesty. Are you really being honest with yourself when it comes to diet and exercise? Are you diligently tracking these figures—or are you over-obsessing? Too much in either direction can be dangerous.
Here are five ways you might be inhibiting your own fitness and what to do about it:
Not counting every bite if you’re looking to reduce fat. It’s not as simple as calories in, calories out, but sometimes it is. If you’re sticking to a certain caloric intake every day, make sure you count every single bite—and beverage. Alcohol is packed with calories and lowers our inhibitions, which is all part of alcohol’s lethality when it comes to diet goals. Count those calories, but keep in mind that there is an emerging eating disorder in which people “save” calories for alcoholic beverages. It’s been dubbed “drunkorexia”, and can lead to even more dangerous eating disorders.
Getting too obsessed with the scale. Unfortunately, the scale can lie. Like a watched pot, it’s not going to give you what you want if you’re checking it daily—or multiple times per day. Doing so is a slippery slope and can lead to dangerous habits. The scale can only tell you weight, which doesn’t account for muscle or water retention. If you really want some numbers to help guide you on your fitness journey, use a tape measure. Measure the biggest part of your upper arms, the largest part of your chest, the smallest part of your waist, widest part of your hips, and largest part of your thighs and calves. All of these areas, especially the belly, can also fluctuate throughout the day. However, it’s a much safer (and saner) number system than the scale.
You don’t push yourself at your workouts. Many people aren’t honest with themselves when it comes to their workouts. Could you be doing a harder level on the cross ramp? When the spin instructor tells you to empty the engine on a power interval, are you? If you’re working on muscle mass, do you really tap out between eight and twelve reps or could you do more (and increase the weight)? Working with a personal trainer can help you avoid cheats, as can working out in a group setting. It can be too easy to compromise when you always workout solo. Plus, group settings or a personal trainer can bring out your competitive spirit.
Not getting enough sleep. Lack of sleep has been linked to weight gain. Since most Americans are chronically fatigued (and overweight) there’s a clear correlation here. One of the best things you can do is get enough rest. This will depend on you and your body, but ideally, you’ll be able to wake up without an alarm. If that isn’t doable, see about squeezing in a power nap mid-day. It’s seemingly one of the easiest ways to keep your weight in check. It also helps you get the most out of your workouts. You can’t give your all when you’re exhausted.
Be realistic with rest days and cheat days. These days don’t mean you can go all-out on a binge. Some people find a cheat meal is safer. Others re-learn how to gauge their fullness. Cheat days can be helpful because they give your body what it’s craving, but it still needs to be in moderation. A rest day doesn’t need to be a complete rest, either. You can go on a walk or take a gentle yoga class. Again, honesty with yourself is key.
If you’re getting in your own way, you’re also the one who can stop it. Pinpoint your biggest struggles and see what you can do to put yourself first.
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Marijuana has always been present in society. People’s reaction and attitude towards it has been ranging from total approval to severe punishments for possession. Different countries have different regulations, but in general, marijuana is a harmless recreational drug with some, yet not completely explored, benefits to health. Regular users are maybe even apter than science to talk about its pros and cons, and how everyday life is affected. I spoke to the experts at and we compiled a list of advantages and disadvantages of recreational consumption of cannabis.
The Many Benefits Of Recreational Marijuana
Recreational use of marijuana is still considered as something bad or negative, or people who use it are regarded as stoners who waste their life away. That attitude is not justified, as any person under the influence of any kind of psychoactive substance might leave that impression, like alcohol, nicotine, etc.
Smoking marijuana is a great social lubricant as it helps people loosen up and share a range of different conversations without any mental blockade. It helps relax and allow for some healthy dialogue which can only produce a more thorough bonding between people. It is also an ‘’individual drug’’ meaning that it is great for relaxation and some quality me-time.
It is great for people who want to strengthen their appetite.
Since all senses are heightened, everything around you leaves a greater impression and unlocks some new levels of experiencing things you already know, like music, food, sports, or just about any activity you can think of.
Creativity also reaches new heights. Sativa strains, such as Royal Queen, are specifically made to affect your brain and introduce some new ways of thinking you never knew existed before.
It is a great stress reliever (in normal doses), as it helps you cope with problems by inspiring you to think about solutions rather than simply worrying. You focus more on life and the beauty of living instead of grownup problems and worries that eat your happiness away.
Shy people can benefit as well since marijuana helps overcome a lack of confidence while improving social skills they never knew they had before. It helps the good side of your personality come out and shine.
When taken in normal amounts, and every person has a different dose of normal, it is a recreational drug that really sparks a dose of optimism which is a great weapon to combat depression and anxiety. It is a state where both body and mind feel good and the perspective to life changes in a way that it makes you realize that some problems were not as big as you feared, and the solutions are also much more accessible.
Are There Any Negative Sides?
Not all users can report a great experience, and just like any other substance you intake, there are certain risks and negative side-effects.
Short term memory loss is probably the most common disadvantage. It is also not recommended for teenagers to use it as it can negatively affect the development of their brain and the ability to learn new things might get impaired.
As much as it produces joy, happiness, confidence and good mood, the other side of the coin is reserved for anxiety, depression, fear, and even paranoia. These can get extra potent if marijuana is used frequently and in large doses, then the recreation becomes a torment basically, and the best way to handle it is to take a break from it all.
You become less reactive to your surroundings which can be problematic for people who are still not used to that feeling. Your balance, coordination, and reactions can worsen which some people don’t like at all.
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Chocolate is the world’s favorite sweet indulgence. In fact, the average person will consume about 12 pounds of chocolate each year. Chocolate is often considered a treat or a dessert, but did you know that chocolate actually provides great health benefits too?
Some of this has to do with the amount of lecithin in chocolate. Chocolate truly brings together the best of both worlds: a yummy treat that is also good for you in moderation.
Checkout 8 Awesome Health Benefits Of Dark Chocolate:
Let’s take a look at some of the ways chocolate can actually help you stay healthy.
Not All Chocolate Is Created Equal
It is important to remember that not all chocolate is created equal. Dark chocolate is actually the only form of chocolate that can really benefit your health.
The reason for this is that dark chocolate does not have tons of added sugar. In fact, the darker the chocolate the less sugar is added. So, if you want to really reap the health benefits, always choose dark chocolate.
1. Antioxidant
Within our bodies are chemicals and compounds referred to as free radicals. These chemicals and compounds are created by cellular processes. You can think of them as waste products that are created as our body processes toxins and other invaders. These free radicals can have a negative impact on our health over time.
To fight free radicals, you need antioxidants present in your body. Antioxidants are compounds that kill off the free radicals and keep your body clean. Dark chocolate is a wonderful source of antioxidants. A regular dose of dark chocolate will help keep free radicals down in your body.
2. Cancer Prevention
Cancer research scientists have a growing body of research that supports the existence of cancer-fighting properties in dark chocolate. This is due to the presence of antioxidants and flavonoids found in the chocolate. Tests have shown that these compounds successfully reduce the number of colon cancer cells in rats.
3. Heart Health
The flavonoids found in dark chocolate are primarily of the type called flavonols. These compounds have a powerful effect on heart health, including blood pressure reduction and improving blood flow to the heart. Some tests also show that flavanols can also improve blood flow to the brain as well, which could improve cognitive function.
4. Improves Cholesterol
Cholesterol levels can have a significant impact on heart health and overall well-being. The cocoa butter that is found in chocolate contains healthy fats and polyphenols. These both work together to improve the lipid profile of the body. This means that it can help to decrease bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol.
Cholesterol profiles can affect how well the heart can pump blood throughout the body. High cholesterol levels can greatly increase the risk of heart disease and heart attack.
5. Improved Cognitive Function
Dark chocolate has a powerful impact on how blood can move through the body. This includes increasing blood flow to the brain. When the brain does not have sufficient blood flow, it will start to impact cognitive function. This can include memory, task management, time management, mood, and more.
Improving blood flow to the brain is one of the best ways to improve cognitive function. Doctors have tested Alzheimer’s patients who were given flavonoid-rich foods to see if the increase in these compounds in the diet could improve cognitive function factors.
Positive results have been recorded in these tests. Because dark chocolate is considered a flavonoid-rich food, it can be added to a flavonoid-rich diet to help with cognitive function.
6. Blood Pressure
Blood pressure issues can be a huge contributor to the risk of heart disease. There are medications that can be used to control blood pressure problems, but there are also natural ways to help blood pressure as well. Adding dark chocolate to your diet has been shown to reduce blood pressure levels.
However, you should note that if you are being treated for blood pressure issues under a doctor’s care, you should follow all instructions from your doctor. Talk with your doctor about natural ways to improve blood pressure.
7. Improves Vision
Vitamins and nutrients found in dark chocolate have also been shown to help improve vision. Although natural methods of vision improvement, such as diet modifications, cannot cure all vision problems, it is good to know which food products you can add to your diet to boost vision.
8. Improves Skin
The rich flavanol content of dark chocolate may also be able to improve your skin. When flavanols are rich in the body, they can help to protect your skin from sun damage. Sun damage is a leading cause of skin cancer. Flavanol can also help to improve skin smoothness as well.
Some Final Considerations
If you decide to start adding more dark chocolate to your diet, be sure to remember that dark chocolate should be added in moderation. You should choose chocolate that has very little added sugar. The darker the better.
The many health benefits of dark chocolate can be primarily attributed to a large amount of flavonoid content. If you are interested in more health benefits, you can research other flavonoid rich foods. Adding these foods into your diet can increase these health benefits.
It is important to note that you should always consult your doctor concerning current treatments and not make sudden changes to your treatments without consulting your doctor.
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When a person is seeking help to overcome addiction, it is important that they choose a treatment program that best meets their specific needs. For some, this means entering a residential program so that they’re away from bad influences, whereas others aren’t in a position to spend months away from home or work responsibilities.
Elevate Addiction Services offers an outpatient program that is designed to serve local residents struggling with heroin and other drug use in San Francisco who require the flexibility of attending drug and alcohol treatment sessions when they are able to.
Outpatient Care vs. Inpatient Treatment:
Inpatient treatment available at the best heroin rehab centers offers the advantage of immersing people into a healing environment, away from the enabling people and places in their daily lives. Elevate’s inpatient program has a duration of 90 days which provides adequate time for people to start the healing process ahead of life in recovery. This program is only suitable for those people who do not have to disrupt their lives in order to attend or for whom addiction has become so severe they require intensive treatment for heroin in San Francisco.
On the other hand, outpatient care at the best heroin rehab centers allows patients to remain at home so that they can continue in their daily routine. For some people, this is important as they may have a caregiving role at home or a position of responsibility for others at work. Outpatient services are the same as those offered in our residential program although sessions are arranged for evenings so that it is easy for people to attend. Elevate’s outpatient program has a recommended duration of 8 weeks although this can be extended should individuals require continued support.
About the Elevate Addiction Services Outpatient Program:
Elevate’s drug and alcohol outpatient care program contains the most effective components of our inpatient care including:
Evidence-based treatments such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
One-to-one, group and family counseling sessions
Nutritional education and awareness
Planning a recovery strategy
Relapse-prevention using holistic coping mechanisms
Management of stressors and cravings
About the Holistic, Non-12-Step Approach to Outpatient Addiction Recovery:
The term holistic refers to healing a person as a whole in terms of mind, body, and spirit. The Elevate approach encompasses the best components of holistic practices and therapies, using them to address the physical, mental and emotional needs of the patient. One of the main elements of Elevate outpatient treatment for heroin in San Francisco is mindfulness, an ancient practice that focuses on deep and slow breathing.
Mindfulness is a mental state that is achieved using holistic techniques like meditation that focuses on the individual’s awareness of being in the moment. Very often, people with substance abuse issues have lost the ability to relax without taking drugs or using alcohol. Mindfulness opens a doorway to self-exploration that enables participants to gain a fresh perspective. Becoming more self-aware is important in the fight to overcome addiction and mindfulness practices promote this kind of positive introspection.
How Is Evidence-Based Behavioral Therapy Beneficial in Outpatient Addiction Treatment?
CBT and other evidence-based therapies are invaluable in addiction treatment as they allow patients to identify the negative thoughts and feelings driving substance abuse. When individuals discover the root of their substance use, they are able to work with the therapist to make necessary behavioral changes for a more positive outlook.
The evidence-based aspects of an Elevate outpatient treatment for heroin in San Francisco curriculum include the following:
Conscious acceptance of how emotions and feelings drive behaviors and tools for coping
Eradicating irrational thoughts and feelings by practicing logical thinking
Discovering the connection between thoughts, emotions, and actions relative to health and overall wellbeing
Identifying and understanding the root causes of an individual’s addiction issues
Rebuilding relationships and improving communication skills
Maintaining sobriety in recovery and preventing relapse
Finding the Right Route to Recovery from Alcohol and Drug Abuse:
Everyone has their own unique journey into addiction and so it makes sense that they will find their own path to recovery. This is why the decision to attend outpatient or inpatient rehab should be made with the interests of the individual in mind. Some people flourish in residential rehab and make leaps and bounds progressing towards recovery because they’re away from everything they associate with substance use. However, other people find it difficult to be away from loved ones, dependents, co-workers and employers, without either drawing too much attention to their issues or letting people down by walking away temporarily from responsibilities.
Research shows that outpatient treatment is as effective as inpatient care, particularly for people with less severe addiction illness. For people who have developed more serious substance abuse issues, an intensive outpatient program or IOP can provide them with flexible treatment that fits around their daily schedule. Essentially, the best rehab centers devise personalized treatment plans for each patient entering their care, with the decision of whether to opt for an inpatient or outpatient program taken into account.
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