5 Essential Tips to Designing a Beautiful Front Yard Garden

Published on: 06 October 2016 Last Updated on: 07 August 2021
Front yard garden

Over the years, the perception of gardening has changed from the traditional method of tilling a patch in the backyard for fruits and vegetables to more sophisticated types of gardening. Front yard gardening is steadily taking root in the suburbs as homeowners strive to decorate their front yards with more than hydrangeas in the flower bed.

Needless to say, front yard gardening adds aesthetic value to the property and not just for you but your neighbors as well. In open-plan neighborhoods, exposed front yards call for constant admiration or scrutiny from neighbors who may get upset if they do not approve of what is in your yard.

If you are confused about which plants will be able to uplift the aesthetics of the garden you can always count on experts in the industry. Home and property owners can get a mix of plants selected by Tree Service Roseville that are not only pleasant to look at, but also require low maintenance. This will help you keep your garden in top shape and be appreciated by everyone that visits the same.

5 Essential Tips to Designing a Beautiful Front Yard Garden

An unsightly front yard is likely to hurt your neighbor’s property as well. For instance, if he is trying to sell his home, open house visits with potential buyers will not go well if there are overgrown bushes right next door. Some neighborhood associations go as far as stipulating guidelines on what is allowed in the front yard. If you are contemplating starting a garden in your front yard, read on for useful tips.

CR1. Determine Size of the Garden

How much land you allocate for your front garden is dependent on the size of your front yard; you cannot extend your garden to the neighbor’s property. Consider other activities that go on your front yard, for instance, parking vehicles, a playpen for young children, and so on.

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Planting beds can be horizontal, along with the width of the house, or vertical from the house to the sidewalk to the fence. Leave enough space for a walkway so that people can access the home with ease without the risk of stepping on plants or getting their shoes muddy from dirt.

2. Select Mix of Plants

Once you know how much land is available, identify a plant. Since front yard gardens are meant to enhance the look of your home, avoid monotony in one crop. Try a mix of different plants that will look great when they grow and plants that do not compete for nutrients.

You also need suitable methods of nourishing your plants to give them the best chance of survival. Applying fertilizer and compost will greatly boost the nutrient content of the soil. Whatever plants you settle for, they should not block the view of the street-facing windows as this will block natural sunlight from gracing your living room or kitchen.

Bushy plants with overgrown foliage look unsightly and are likely to mar the look of your front yard. Drop by your local garden store and find the best pole saw for trimming excess foliage to maintain the desired look and avoid harboring pests.

3. Establish Order

While growing a variety of plants in your front yard is encouraged, do not get carried away. Planting too many species affects the appearance of the landscape making looks like different patches of land with no cohesion. This type of mess is best moved to the backyard away from the prying eye of onlookers.

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Gardening experts recommend five to ten species of perennials, three to five shrubs and if you like, add two varieties of trees. Before making a decision, investigate what types of plants thrive in the climatic conditions of your area.

4. Regular Maintenance

Having a front yard garden demands your full attention. You cannot afford to ignore drooping leaves, weak stems, or an insect infestation. Establish a maintenance routine that works well with your other responsibilities such as work or taking care of the family.

Regardless of your schedule, there are important activities that must be done on a regular basis and sometimes daily. For instance, watering, trimming bushes, weeding, etc. You can choose to do this in the evening after work or if you are too busy, enlist the services of a gardener during the day.

5. Year-Round Gardening

When starting a front garden, you want your plants to grow throughout as opposed to only a few months of the year. While not all plants can do well in the dead of winter or the sweltering heat of summer, you can count on evergreen trees and shrubs.

Planting trees in your garden provide a natural fence around your property and trees provide natural shade for smaller plants. A reasonable amount of shade helps to control evaporation in the hotter months of the year

A front yard garden may be the solution you have been looking for since you purchased your home. Gardening is an ideal alternative to mowing the lawn and running sprinklers all day. You do not have to do it all by yourself; involve the rest of the family for some added fun.

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your lawn

How To Prepare Your Lawn For Fall

With fall's arrival, you might think your yard work just shifts over to raking leaves. The sun isn't shining as hard, and your lawn isn't getting dry as quickly or growing as fast as it was in the summer. But if you want a healthy lawn to greet you when the snow melts and the ice thaws, there are plenty of things you can do now to give your yard the care it needs to survive cooler weather ahead. 5 Tips To Prepare Your Lawn For Fall Season You are investing your whole year to maintain the look of your lawn. But after the fall, you start to face more challenges to bringing that look again. Hence proper care and the right strategies are making your work simple. Here are the five tips for preparing your lawn for the fall season. 1. Reseed Late In The Growing Season If your lawn looks thin and brown or has dead patches, the time to reseed is in the late summer/early fall. It always is better to cover all the empty patchy areas of your lawn. Hence after the fall, you will not get enough time to clever up these patchy areas. Whether you're seeding a small patch or a whole yard, the cooler, damper weather of this time of year will promote successful growth, eliminate bare patches, and deter the growth of weeds. Consider Reading: 5 Essential Tips to Designing a Beautiful Front Yard Garden 2. Water And Fertilize Despite less sun and breezier, cooler days, your lawn still needs to be watered. Watering in the fall helps your lawn recover from summer and gain strength for the winter ahead, and while you can reduce your lawn watering, you shouldn't stop watering completely until the ground freezes. To make it easier, many Toronto homeowners install sprinkler systems that automatically water whenever they choose. Having lawn sprinklers in Toronto set according to your specific needs is an easy way to keep your grass watered and ensure your lawn is never too wet or dry. 3. Provide More Nutritions Fertilizing in the fall can also help provide energy and nutrients for the roots of your lawn grass. Fertilizing should be done about three weeks before the last mowing of the season. Roots are the most important part of the plant. After mowing, you can see the roots and provide more nutrition to boost plant growth. If you do fertilize, keep in mind that watering is a must for the fertilizer to work. The water helps the fertilizer dissolve and soak into the ground where it's needed. 4. Rake Your Leaves Make sure you're raking and removing all of those dead leaves that fall before the snow flies. If you don't, those pretty leaves will turn into a thick layer of wet leaves that can smother your grass and deprive it of sunlight, which will get in the way of the healthy growth you want. Plus, it's much easier to deal with dry leaves of your lawn during fall than wet, soggy leaves in the spring. Not only before the fall but every time raking, your garden’s dry leaves also look cleaner. 5. Cut The Grass Short With the cooler temperatures setting in, growth will begin to slow down, and your lawn will be preparing for dormancy throughout the winter. It's essential to continue the mowing process of your lawn during this time. You will want to cut your grassv shorter than usual during this time of year. Gradually lower the length of the mower until you reach the size of 1-1/2 or 2-inches. This will reduce the chances of snow mold forming in colder climates, and tall grass blades fall flat and smother the new grass next spring. Conclusion: Taking time to prepare your lawn for the harsh elements of winter can reduce the amount of time and effort you have to put into nurturing your lawn back to health come springtime. After strictly following these five tips, you can quickly minimize the challenges for the fall session and enjoy the green view again after fall. And in addition, these five tips are also boosting up the fertility rate of your lawn.  Read Also: The Top Four Reasons Why You Could Certainly Benefit from a Garden Shed How to Maintain Your Garden Railings? The Best Riding Lawnmowers: These Lawnmowers are for You

Maintain Garden

4 Essential Tools Needed to Maintain Your Garden in the Winter

You may not expect that it is necessary to do yard work in the winter, but it is more important than you think. Properly preparing your lawn in the beginning months of cold weather and even though snowy conditions will ensure you have the best-looking lawn come springtime. These four tools are essential in maintaining a healthy yard during the winter. 4 Essential Tools For Maintaining Your Winter Garden When you love to spend your leisure time in front of your lawn. The maintains of your garden is quite an important task to preserve the beauty of your favorite garden. Every time seeking professional help is costly so better look at how you can maintain a garden in winter using some simple tools. However, you need to understand that maintaining your garden during winter can be a tough affair. Not only will freezing temperatures deter you from engaging in outdoor work, but the tools and machines can become non-operational. This is why a good idea would be to engage an expert to do the needful. Tree Service Round Rock can maintain your garden during the winters and ensure that you stay safely and cozily within the warm confines of your home. Here are the names of four tools to maintain a garden in the winter season. 1. Aerator: Cool-season grass, which is the most common type, should be aerated in the early spring and late fall. For those of you that may not be familiar with this machine, it digs small plug-like holes out of the ground. This helps the grassroots have access to more water, nutrients, and air. The point of this is to make the roots deeper and healthier so the grass has a stronger foundation to grow. Use this equipment on a day that the ground is slightly moist, maybe the day after rain, for the best results. It will relieve the soil from compaction that causes the roots to be starved and suffocated. Making sure your grass gets all the nutrients it needs before it is covered in snow will help it grow back better when the weather warms up. 2. Chainsaw: Pruning your trees and bushes during the wintertime is an essential part of a healthy yard. Plants will waste too much energy trying to send nourishment to dead limbs which affect the living ones. Investing in a chainsaw would be beneficial so that you can cut down the dead branches. If you are a seasoned expert, you will know to not only trim dead branches but also cut any that are rubbing together. Damage to the tree from the rubbing can create an entry for bugs to get inside. When it comes to finding a good quality chainsaw, get this it works! The better the quality of equipment, the less risk when it comes to the safety and wellbeing of your yard. 3. Drop Spreader: Fertilizer is the basis for giving your lawn what it needs to look its best for next year. There are winterizing products that slowly release nitrogen during the offseason. Using a spreader makes this task time-efficient and well done. It allows you to evenly distribute the fertilizer throughout the lawn, maximizing the benefits of this product. Putting grass seed down at the beginning of the winter can help maintain your yard as well. You will use the same drop spreader to put this down, but you’ll want to make sure you set the amount it is releasing slightly less than recommended. In doing this, you can overlap your passes, so nothing is missed, and you still have enough to do the whole yard. As a pro tip, it is encouraged to spread a thin layer of compost before laying the seed. Combining the seed and the compost keeps your grass moist and germinated during dry and cold weather. 4. Rake: Before a snowfall, it is crucial to clear your yard of any leaves, branches, or debris. When this waste sits on your grass all winter it will cause these patches to brown or die. Simply raking every once in a while will prevent dead spots and inconsistency in height and color. Raking will also help mix in any seed or fertilizer you have laid down in the soil previously. Something to keep in mind is to make sure you are not raking when the ground is frozen. The protective layer in the frozen blades of grass gets destroyed from the pressure of footsteps. While this will not kill the grass, it may cause it to be brown when it grows back in. Get a leg up on those who do not know to still maintain during the winter months. Investing in these tools will ensure you have the lushest green grass on the block come spring and summertime. Wrapping It Up: Maintain Garden is simple when you are already having the essential tools to do the job. But the professional touch every time required. When you already have these tools your hard work related to garden maintains in the winter is becoming a much easier process. So what is your opinion? Are you going to maintain your garden on your own? Or do you seek professional help? Do not forget to share your opinion with us. Read Also: 5 Summer Garden Maintenance Tips And Tactics You Have To Know 5 Essential Tips To Designing A Beautiful Front Yard Garden

Unveiling Littleton's Best Lawn Care Services

The Secret To A Lush And Beautiful Lawn: Unveiling Littleton’s Best Lawn Care Services

Regarding lawn care, Littleton's best services take a strategic and scientifically grounded approach that results in lush, healthy, and beautiful lawns. These lawns become the envy of neighbourhoods, stand out in the summer sun, and sparkle in the winter frost. One may wonder, "What's the secret to such beautiful lawns?" The answer lies in various lawn care strategies, including weed control & fertilisation, liquid aeration, overseed, revive, winter mite control, and weed kill in rock/mulch beds. Weed Control & Fertilization The Importance Of Weed Control & Fertilization Weeds are often the bane of any lawn owner's existence. They are hardy, pervasive, and can quickly overtake a lawn if not adequately controlled. Littleton lawn care services understand that effective weed control combines preventative measures and targeted treatments. Preventative Measures One of the keys to weed control is prevention. Instead of waiting for weeds to sprout and then trying to eliminate them, the best lawn care services take proactive steps to prevent weed growth in the first place. They do this by maintaining the right balance of nutrients in the soil and ensuring that the lawn is thick and healthy to crowd out any potential weed invaders. Targeted Treatments When weeds infiltrate a lawn, targeted treatments eradicate them without damaging the surrounding grass. This is where expert knowledge comes into play. Different weeds require different treatment strategies, and understanding this is crucial to effective weed control. Fertilisation Fertilisation goes hand in hand with weed control. It's all about providing your lawn with the necessary nutrients to thrive. Keeping your property well-fed makes it more resistant to disease, drought, and weed invasions. The best lawn care services understand that a proper fertilisation schedule is critical to maintaining a lush and healthy lawn. Why Liquid Aeration Is Essential Aeration is a technique that helps alleviate soil compaction, allowing your lawn to breathe, absorb nutrients and water more effectively. Traditional aeration methods can be labour-intensive and involve creating physical holes in the yard. However, Littleton's best lawn care services have adopted a more modern, less invasive approach: liquid aeration. Understanding Liquid Aeration Liquid aeration involves the application of a liquid solution that breaks up the soil at a molecular level. This process improves the soil structure and allows grass roots to penetrate deeper. The result is a stronger, healthier lawn with improved drought resistance. Overseed The Art And Science Of Oversee Overseeding is a technique used to fill in bare patches in a lawn and improve its overall density and colour. Overseeding can bring life back to a tired, worn-out lawn by sowing new grass seed over existing properties. Timing And Technique Matter When it comes to overseeding, timing and technique are crucial. The best times to overseed are usually in the spring and fall, when temperatures are moderate, and the new grass has the best chance of survival. The best lawn care services understand this, know the right amount of seed, and the best techniques for spreading it to ensure even growth. Revive Revive: A Rescue Operation Revive is a lawn care technique designed to bring back the vigour and health of a lawn under stress. This could be due to extreme weather conditions, disease, pests, or simple neglect. A Tailored Approach Revive operations must be tailored specifically to the condition of each lawn in Littleton. Littleton's top lawn care services excel at diagnosing issues plaguing properties and creating an effective revitalisation strategy; this might involve altering watering practices, changing mowing methods or applying specific treatments that address disease or pest issues. Winter Mite Control Battling The Invisible Foe Winter mites are an increasingly prevalent lawn pest in Littleton and can significantly damage during the cooler months. Feeding on grass, these tiny predators feed off it resulting in discoloured, thinner properties come spring. Preventing And Treating Infestations Winter mite control involves both prevention and treatment. Lawns can be treated with products designed to deter mites, while watering practices may also be adjusted to make lawns less inviting to these pests. Should an infestation develop, targeted treatments can be utilised to get it under control quickly. Weed Kill In Rock/Mulch Beds Maintaining The Beauty Of Rock/Mulch Beds Rock and mulch beds can be a beautiful addition to a landscape but can also become a haven for weeds. However, the usual weed control methods used for lawns aren't always suitable for these beds. Tailored Weed Control Strategies Littleton's best lawn care services have tailored strategies for weed control in rock/mulch beds. This might involve careful hand-weeding, using landscape fabric to deter weed growth, or the targeted use of weed-killing products that won't harm the desired plants. Conclusion: In conclusion, the secret to a beautiful lawn is professional knowledge, careful technique, and targeted treatments. By understanding and employing strategies like weed control & fertilisation, liquid aeration, overseed, revive, winter mite control, and weed kill in rock/mulch beds, the best lawn care services in Littleton can maintain and create lawns that are indeed a sight to behold. read Also: 5 Reasons Why You Absolutely Must Have Houseplants In Your Life How To Plant Grass Seed On Hard Dirt? – Latest Update 2022 10 Best Bedroom Plants To Buy In 2022