The Beginners Guide To Dealing With Website Downtime


26 September 2019


Website Downtime

According to recent research, the average website is down for about three hours per month as a result of downtime to web hosting servers. The 99.9% uptime guarantee and refund policies offered by most to hosting provider, won’t matter if you have lost traffic as a result of downtime. On average businesses can lose $10.6 million a year as a result of website downtime. 

What Are The Major Causes Of Website Downtime? 

Website downtime occur for reasons,some of them include: 

Website code issues: poor programming can cause heavy loads on servers which leads to database error then eventually, makes the site unresponsive 

Hacker attacks: a website can be brought down by attack from hackers in various ways – the server can be overloaded with DOS attacks, or malicious code is injected to steal security credentials – either way, the website owners are often forced to shut down the site in order to resolve the problem. 

Data Centre issues: downtime can be caused by the hosting company itself. In this instance, uptime monitoring tools come in handy because they allow you to track the reliability of your web hosting company

Increased traffic: increased traffic is probably one of the leading causes of website downtime. The only way to keep your site up and running even when there is a traffic surge is to engage the services of a reliable web hosting provider – a fully functional optimized website would be useless if your web host is unreliable. 

How To Protect Your Website From Downtime 

It’s been established, website downtime can negatively impact an online business bottom line, therefore it is important to have protective measures in place to safeguard your business. Some of these methods include: 

DNS management: is a service that automatically reroutes traffic from the affected server to a secondary server. 

Backup recovery: setting up a secondary hosting account with a different hosting provider on a different server is a great backup option, that makes it easy for you to get your website online if your primary server experiences downtime 

CDN: this network will basically store and deliver all cached content from your website and will protect it, in the occurrence of any short time downtime. 

The combination of DNS management, a content delivery network (CDN) and a backup host- backup listing will go a long way in protecting your website from experiencing short or long-term downtime. 

How To Avoid Prolonged Downtime With A Great Website Recovery Plan 

Website downtime is unavoidable -site updates, extreme weather or equipment upgrade can cause website downtime. A website recovery plan and backup are are important to keep unplanned downtime from adversely affecting your business. Before setting up a website backup and recovery plan, you would need to put up – website monitoring systems in place to track website uptime. These monitoring tools provide vital information regarding website performance and availability. 

With these tools, you can create a different test (checks on your website), to accurately narrow down the root cause of the problem and take adequate steps to correct it. These checks have to be set up outside of the basic HTTPS check the include-checking against known databases of virus and malware sources, record changes to DNS records and so on. 

Set up a downtime page 

The best time to set up a downtime page is when you still have access to your website. It comes in handy when there unplanned downtime or planned downtime. This page informs your visitor that you are on top of the situation. Putting up a ‘service unavailable’ or a ‘website undergoing maintenance’ message on a page is a great way to keep credibility and show that you have control of the situation. 

How To Handle Website Downtime 

1. Confirm site downtime: before taking any major step, you need to verify that your website is really down – that is, make sure it isn’t a problem with your Internet connection or browser. To be extra certain, use a different computer to test out your website. 

2. Find the cause: you should try to ascertain what caused the downtime -hardware issues, a programming error, expired domain or a DNS problem? 

3. Get in touch with IT support: get in touch with the support of your web host and get assistance for the issue. if you choose a great web host, you should have ready support available. 

4. Inform your website users about the downtime: it is imperative that your website visitors are not left in the dark. Put out messages on your social media account to keep your customers informed about what is going on and that your business is taking steps to address the problem. If it is a planned all downtime, it is good practice to send out a warning message detailing the date and time of site maintenance.

5. Check-in with IT: communicate regularly with IT and offer any information they may need regarding the web server or your website. You should also get an estimate of how long it would take for the problem to be solved. 

6. Remain calm: this is tough to do but it is important to remember that website downtime can affect anyone and it is not the end of the world. Keeping calm is a great way to stay on top of the situation and resolve it quickly. 

In Conclusion 

A website is an integral part of a business’s online success. Because of the great number of website downtime, it is imperative that downtime is dealt with swiftly to avoid long-term repercussions -loss of clients loyalty, the revenue. 

Thankfully, major search engine websites like Google have put measures in place to help website owners mitigate SEO ranking damage by providing a way out.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Manufacturing Industries

What Are 10 Manufacturing Industries?

Manufacturing industries are a broad term rather that includes establishments engaging in mechanical, physical, or chemical transformations of materials or any of the substances into new products. Typically, these establishments use power-driven machines and materials-handling equipment to process their raw materials or contract with other manufacturers to do so for them. Top Manufacturing Industries Of 2023 According to Fladger Associates, these manufacturing industries contributed more than $218 billion in sales to the state's gross state product last year. 1. Apparel & Leather Apparel & Leather is one of the oldest and most widely produced manufacturing industries in the world, producing a wide range of goods, including footwear, bags, and garments. Its trade is presently over US$ 80 billion annually. Leather, which is a natural or synthetic material created from animal hides, is popular for its durability and fashion. Its use has been around for centuries, dating back to the Ice Ages, and continues today to offer protection from harsh weather conditions. The apparel & leather manufacturing industry comprises establishments that produce full lines of ready-to-wear and custom clothing. These establishments include apparel contractors performing the cutting or sewing operations through the materials which are owned by others, jobbers who perform entrepreneurial functions involved in apparel manufacture, and tailors who manufacture custom garments for individual clients. 2. Chemical Products The chemical industry produces an immense number of products that impinge through virtually every aspect of any of the lives. Most of the chemicals produced by this industry are sold directly to consumers, but some are used as intermediates in manufacturing processes. For example, many of the basic chemicals produced by the petrochemical industry are used as raw materials in making plastics and other goods that are sold by other companies. Safety must be a high priority in the chemical manufacturing industry. The products produced can be flammable, explosive, corrosive, and toxic, requiring the use of high pressures and temperatures to prevent accidents. This is why the chemical industry operates within the safety limits demanded by national and international legislation. 3. Food & Beverage The food & beverage industry manufactures and distributes fresh foods, packaged foods, and beverages (alcoholic and non-alcoholic). It also includes companies that provide catering services and transportation services. The manufacturing industries are an essential part of the economy, accounting for 5% of the GDP and 10% of employment in the United States. It is also a growing market. Profit margins in the food and beverage industry have decreased recently, but they should improve as commodity prices fall. Additionally, food is a necessary part of life and will continue to be so for years to come. Several companies have been promoting healthy eating habits and offering products that are good for you. These are a part of the effort to make food less harmful for consumers while still maintaining quality and taste. 4. Fabricated Metals Almost every object we encounter in our daily lives has gone through a metal fabrication process. It’s impossible to imagine the modern world without this vital industry. Fabricated metals are products fabricated from raw materials, typically sheet metal that can be formed into a variety of sizes and shapes. This includes everything from small engines and car frames to windmill blades and alternative energy sources. Fabricators have a wide range of processes and machinery that can create custom metal products with precise dimensions, intricate designs, and specialized finishes. From cutting and stamping to bending and coating, each piece is a unique project that requires different tools and techniques. 5. Machinery Machinery refers to equipment used in manufacturing, such as stamping presses, robotic welders, and automated conveyor systems. This equipment needs to be perfectly calibrated and maintained in order to perform their tasks efficiently and correctly. Alternatively, the word machinery can be used to describe all machines, whether they are in a factory or on a farm. Specifically, machinery, in this sense, refers to machines that are powered by electricity or natural forces. The 10 manufacturing industries include establishments engaged in the mechanical, physical, or chemical transformation of materials, substances, or components into new products. These establishments include plants, factories, and mills. 6. Petroleum & Coal Petroleum and coal are exhaustible natural resources that are used to make heat, lighting power, machine lubricants, and feedstocks for other chemicals and plastics. They are also used as a base for many other manufacturing industries products that we use in our everyday lives, such as refrigerants, aerosols, antifreeze, detergents, dyes, alcohols, explosives, and more. Fossil fuels are naturally occurring materials that have been formed by geological processes over millions of years. These include coal, which is a rock that was formed from dead plant life that lived and died hundreds of millions of years ago, and petroleum, which is a liquid form of fossil fuel that was formed from plants and animals that live in lakes and oceans. 7. Transportation Equipment The transportation equipment manufacturing industry produces a range of machinery that provides the means to transport people and goods. This includes motor vehicles and parts, aircraft, ships and boats, railroad rolling stock, and other miscellaneous equipment. Establishments in this subsector use production processes similar to those of other machinery manufacturing establishments, including bending, forming, welding, machining, and assembly. However, with the assembly of components and subassemblies, their further assembly in a finished vehicle tends to be a common production process in this industry group, which is a much larger number than any of the other machinery manufacturing industries. This sector is a vital component of the transportation industry as it manufactures and builds various equipment needed for road, air, and water transport. It also plays a crucial role in the construction industry, where pieces of heavy equipment need to be transported from an excavation site to a construction area. 8. Paper Products Paper products are manufactured by pulp and paper mills, which produce raw materials that are converted into a wide range of paper types. Common paper types include kraft paper, construction paper, and newsprint. Pulp is produced from wood chips by mechanical or chemical processes that break down the lignin, a substance that makes up cellulose fibers. The resulting material is a thick, strong, and flexible substance that is typically coated with additives to increase its strength for printing or writing. The paper is then pressed and dried to make it into paper sheets. Depending on the manufacturing industry's type, it may also be coated with coats of various chemicals that provide a glossy finish. Calendaring is also a critical step in the paper manufacturing process. This process enhances the surface properties of paper as it passes through a series of drum-type rolls. 9. Textile Mills Textile mills produce a wide range of cloth products. These products are often woven, knitted, or printed. These industries have changed the way people dress and decorate their homes. They also created vast new support industries and transportation and information networks. For example, the textile manufacturing industries are responsible for creating the cotton sheeting and shirting fabrics that were so popular during World War I. The United States entered the war with a high demand for any kind of cloth and outfit for American troops, and many Georgia mills won government contracts for production. However, the disjuncture between the mill owner's desire to give the maximum effort. Also, the mill workers, who desire to regulate for themselves the pace of their work, lead to serious labor tensions. Those tensions are helping spark the beginnings of union activity in textile areas across the South. By 1900, ninety-five locals had been organized. 10. Wood Products Wood is one of the most abundant and versatile natural materials on earth. It has been used by humankind since its earliest beginnings and continues to play important roles in fuel, food, building, and transportation and as a raw material for many chemical products. Despite competition from metals, plastics, and other materials, wood still plays an essential role in society. It is a renewable resource with the potential for management in a sustainable manner that minimizes environmental damage. Wrapping Up In North America, various federal and state agencies regulate forest management and timber conversion to promote the wise, efficient use of resources. The industry has also developed various certification systems that provide third-party assurance of adherence to stringent manufacturing and sound environmental principles. In addition, electronic tracking is adopted by some wood companies to improve transparency in their supply chains of the manufacturing industries. 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Smart House Technology

Smart House Technology for Saving Energy

From smart locks to futuristic thermostats, modern homes are living up to their name more every day. But these technologies aren't just convenient and innovative. Though they do make life easier, they can also put a huge dent in your utility bills and help you consume less energy at home. This is possible with a smart thermostat, for example, which monitors your lifestyle habits (i.e., when the house is empty or when everyone turns in for the night) and makes temperature changes to optimize your energy use. Smart House Technology for Saving Energy: Adjusting your thermostat by 7-10 degrees for eight hours can make a significant difference in your energy consumption, and smart technology makes it easy to do so without having to compromise your family's comfort at home. The device will simply make the temperature change when everyone is at work or school, for example. A similar but less talked about innovation is motorized window shades. These open and close at peak times throughout the day to help heat and cool your home naturally. These and other energy-saving smart technologies are outlined in greater detail in the infographic below. Modern technologies are certainly eye-catching, but plenty of less thrilling appliances, such as efficient stoves and dishwashers, are also being innovated to consume less energy. A professionally installed new HVAC system, for instance, will keep you comfortable while lowering your utility bills. This will ensure you can cool off and warm up with a quality system while also integrating energy-saving technologies and practices at home — all without compromising your comfort. Read Also: 5 Tips For Buying A Second Household Get The Best Assistive Technology: A Telecare Equipment

Iq Testing

Can You Trust Online Iq Testing Platforms For Evaluating Your Intelligence Level?

IQ tests are classic intelligence tests designed to measure your logical reasoning, memory, and problem-solving abilities. The test is often used to compare individuals with each other or predict school performance or job performance. Most online IQ test websites claim they can tell you how intelligent you are and suggest ideal careers based on your score. But is online IQ testing reliable? Can we trust online IQ tests? This blog will cover the history of IQ tests and the most trusted online providers of such tests. Read to find out! What Is IQ? IQ tests are standardized quantitative assessments of a person's intelligence, cognitive abilities, and intellectual ability. It tests a person's mental prowess in reasoning and problem-solving abilities. IQ tests are used to measure a person’s intelligence and gauge their level of mental functioning. They are popularly used in testing for academic achievement, assessing a person’s intellectual potential, and evaluating programs for individuals with intellectual disabilities. IQ tests are used for screening and measuring a person’s cognitive abilities over time. Schools, employers, and individuals commonly use them to test the aptitude of a child or adult.  Online IQ tests are reliable enough if they follow the same test structure and test items as the traditional ones. However, online tests cannot be conducted offline, so online IQ tests cannot be given with the same level of precision as those conducted on paper. An IQ score can give you an idea about a person’s cognitive abilities and intelligence level. Additionally, it can help determine how successful that person could be in various areas of life. It also influences job performance and success in various fields, such as education and employment. What Is The Suitable IQ Score For Your Age? There are several online IQ test platforms available online. Before choosing a test, you must understand the different types of tests available online. The common types of online IQ tests include online tests, games, and puzzles. Online tests score your test-taking skills objectively and provide a score without errors or mistakes. This type of test is accurate and reliable.  However, online games and puzzles aren’t as accurate and reliable as online tests since they don’t objectively score your test-taking abilities. It's vital to consider the accuracy and reliability of online testing platforms before taking any test on them for yourself. Further, if you're looking for detailed results and insights on your results, look for tests that offer a detailed report on results and insights. With these pointers, you can confidently take online IQ tests without hesitation. Once you have chosen which IQ test you want to take, you should check the results obtained with the normal results recorded for your age and see if the results are suitable for your age and intelligence. History of IQ Tests IQ tests have been around for more than a century. Psychologist Alfred Binet first developed the intelligence quotient (IQ) concept in 1905. This test was designed to measure a person’s level of intelligence and is used widely today to measure cognitive abilities.  The first IQ test was created in France in 1916 and consisted of 30 questions designed to measure intelligence. The test has been adapted and improved to create modern versions used today. With the advent of online technology, online testing platforms have become popular. These online platforms offer free or for-a-fee tests similar to traditional IQ tests. However, it is essential to note that online testing platforms can only partially replace a traditional exam like the one offered by a test center or a school. Also, online tests can only accurately indicate a person's intelligence level if trained professionals administer them. The Most Trusted Online IQ Tests? the Most Accurate IQ test is a reliable online platform for taking IQ tests. The tests are designed to accurately measure cognitive abilities and give a score for your intelligence quotient (IQ score). The test results are based on the latest scientific research and verified by experts in the field. The online test platform offers several IQ tests, from short quizzes to more complex tests that take up to two hours to complete. The test results provide detailed insights into your cognitive strengths and weaknesses and help you identify areas where you can improve. is a trusted online platform for taking IQ tests and provides accurate results backed by extensive research and expert validation. : A Legit IQ Test Online 123test is a reliable online IQ test platform millions worldwide have used. It offers a comprehensive test that measures intelligence in various areas, from verbal and spatial to visual and non-verbal abilities. The test uses a variety of questions to assess different types of intelligence and covers multiple areas of cognitive ability. Generally speaking, the tests are based on scientifically sound principles and use a combination of different kinds of questions to test IQ.They provide users with detailed results that cover various aspects of cognitive ability. Explaining each answer will help users understand their thought process more accurately. Overall, 123 test is a trusted test that can be used to assess cognitive ability reliably and accurately. Trusted IQ Test is a trusted online platform offering free, accurate, and reliable IQ tests. The test takes less than 15 minutes to complete and provides detailed results with an estimate of your IQ score and percentile ranking. The site also features other tests, such as personality, aptitude, and career tests. The test provides a secure test environment with no personal data being collected or stored. is a great online test platform for users who want an accurate and free IQ test. Brain Metrix: Online IQ Test For Everyone Brain Metrix offers free online IQ tests designed to measure various cognitive abilities. The tests include a variety of questions covering different areas, such as problem-solving, logical reasoning, and verbal comprehension. The online test also provides detailed results and analysis of the user's performance on the test. Each test is based on data from over 500,000 users for comparison. The online test is reliable and accurate due to its large sample size and high test accuracy rate of around 99%. It also regularly updates tests to ensure users can track their progress over time. Overall, Brain Metrix’s online IQ test provides a free and convenient way for anyone to test their cognitive abilities. See My Personality: A Great Online Personality Test Online personality test platform See My Personality is a reliable online assessment tool for IQ and personality. The test is based on the Big Five personality theory, widely accepted in the psychological field. It accurately assesses your cognitive abilities, personal preferences, and social skills. The test takes only 10 minutes and provides a detailed report of your results. See My Personality compares your results and the average scores obtained by others who have taken this test. This online personality test is a great way to explore your personality and understand how you compare to others. Whether you are looking for an online test to assess your intelligence or just interested in seeing how you stack up against other individuals, See My Personality is a great online test platform to consider. Fun Education: a Good Test IQ for Students Fun Education is an online test preparation platform offering various tests and quizzes for elementary, middle, and high school students. The platform has been designed to test knowledge, critical thinking skills, and problem-solving abilities. It provides detailed feedback after each test so students can identify their strengths and weaknesses and improve their performance next time. Fun Education's results are reliable, and many educational institutions trust the platform due to its proven track record of helping students achieve their academic goals. Whether you're a student looking for a test prep solution or an educator seeking reliable results for your students, Fun Education is a great place to start. Conclusion Many online IQ testing platforms claim to test your intelligence quotient. However, it is essential to understand that online tests do not replace professional testing. They are simply a way of passing the time and exercising your brain muscles. Online tests may or may not be accurate, as they don’t measure intelligence quotient as accurately as a professional test. Therefore, if you want to test your intelligence online, go for it. But do not take the results too seriously. After all, you can only test your intelligence when you put your mind to it! Read Also: 5 Tips To Be A Great Teacher In 2023 7 Benefits Of Taking An Online Alcohol Certification Class NLP Certification: What Is It? And Is It Right For You?