The Complete Guide To Choosing VPS Hosting


26 September 2019


VPS Hosting

What Are Virtual Private Servers? 

Virtual Private servers are hosting plans that most hosting providers offer- it is a 2 in 1 package – it offers features of a dedicated server and also the capacities of shared hosting accounts. This is done because shared hosting plans usually have limited capacities and a dedicated hosting plan might be too pricey. VPS web hosting plans provide top-quality performance at a lower rate and is a popular choice for medium sized websites that require a lot of resources. 

VPS hosting is done bay physical servers that are housed in data centres. This server is then divided into partitions to create each individual virtual server. When you purchase one of these sections you are the only with access to that part of the virtual environment – which means that you can use the resources available in a similar manner that you would on a dedicated server hosting accounts. 

In addition, the VPS area performs like a dedicated server even though it is part of a physical one. This feature makes it a good choice for websites that need resources similar to that of a dedicated server but do not have the budget to match. 

Who uses VPS hosting? 

A lot of website owners prefer VPS hosting because they get more control over their server environments. Even though they do not utilise all the system resources allocated to them, the control they have over resources is usually worth the extra expense. Website administrators who wants dedicated hosting but do not have the technical skills or cannot currently afford a plan, consider VPS hosting as a good starter package. 

Things to consider before choosing a VPS hosting provider 

1.The content management system offered: acquisition, technology shifts or management changes can alter the value of a web hosting plan. It is good practice to ensure that your web host allows you to unlock your website, so you can quickly switch providers or make changes. 

2.Decide how much support you need: a basic customer service comes with access to phone support and email . The turnaround on request however would vary from provider to provider. Some web hosts offer 24-hour customer support, while others can only be contacted by email. One of the drawbacks of a non-managed service is that even though you may be able to ask questions about the basic configuration, you may not be able to get the support you need. 

3.If you would like to completely delegate the management of your site, then you should consider managed hosting. Web host who offer and manage WordPress hosting will ensure that your system 

is configured properly, patch your software when needed, manage backups, and keep an eye on security issues as well as other tasks. 

4.Do not fall into the trap of unlimited: loads of hosting providers offer unlimited bandwidth and storage for a few dollars a month. This offer isn’t always how it is represented. For example, if you pay $3 for a month of hosting, there would be a clause in your terms of service that allows your web host to stifle website performance or shut down completely after a usage threshold has been crossed. 

5.Own your domain: it is pretty common for domain registrars is to offer web hosting services. If your domain registrar is also your web host, you should ensure that you have complete control over your domain name and you can switch registrats if you need to. 

6.Estimate traffic volume expected: most hosting providers charge based on bandwidth and storage usage. If you anticipate that only a few people will visit your website then you are bandwidth needs will be low but if you are suddenly featured at the top of a Google search engine result page or if a product campaign ad goes viral, you can expect increased bandwidth usage. Defining this will help guide your web hosting selection process. 

7.Understand the server type: the cheapest hosting plan available on the market is usually a shared hosting plan – where hundreds or thousands of websites share one server. The performance of your website would depend on the load on the other sites are putting on the house. Shared hosting also limits your access to server resources, limiting your ability to upload files via FTP – limiting the amount of database you have access to, the programs you can run on the service, and preventing shell access. 

Managed VPS web hosting solutions 

Server Virtual Private server plans do not come with complete server root access but is managed by the hosting company. However, with the increase in the popularity of managed hosting service, the user tackles this. Which means that if you have one, you can customise your VPS server in any manner that you desire. But you can also get the help of your web hosting provider to resolve any technical issues you cannot address yourself. 

What are the features of a VPS hosting plan? 

The features that would come with a VPS hosting plan will vary depending on the provider. However,there are a couple that you should be on the lookout for. 

1.Managed data backups: like with any other hosting service, your VPS plan should come with a backup option for your data. Because anything can occur within your provider’s network, we recommend that you choose a service that makes it possible for you to manually backup your data – in order to ensure that your website can be restored at any time. Thankfully, most VPS hosting plans 

offer an inexpensive way to get the flexibility, features, control and resources of the more complex and costly dedicated server hosting plans. With the rapid development and increased popularity, the price of VPS hosting is rapidly reducing so,it is possible for you to find a VPS solution that suits you. 

2.Root access: with root access, you get complete control over your VPS account-software installations, configurations and so on. All these actions can be done from the interface of your control management system. 

4.Multiple domain hosting: even though a lot of hosts offer multiple domain hosting with their shared hosting plan, most times they lack the required resources needed to guarantee smooth performance. Many VPS web host offer plans that make it possible for you to host multiple sites without compromising on performance. Typically, you can also set up – separate email accounts and allocates specific resources for every individual site you create. 

5.Support and management: just like a dedicated hosting account, VPS hosting requires you to manage your own server. However, there are many web hosts that provide management and support services to help with administrative tasks. This feature is invaluable if you do not have technical skills. 

7.Server monitoring: a good VPS service provider will constantly monitor network and hardware that your account is hosted on. Which guarantees the physical security of the server and guards against cyber threats such as DDOS attacks, hackers and malicious software. 

What are the benefits of virtual private server web hosting? 

There are many benefits of VPS web hosting but top on the list are: 

1 Flexibility: you are free to choose the software and operating system you would like installed on the stock server 

2.Stability: as opposed to shared hosting, increased activity and traffic will not adversely affect your websites 

3.Dedicated resources: VPS hosting plans come with dedicated RAM, disk space and CPU. 

4.Better performance: having your own dedicated resources allow your visitors to enjoy faster load times on your website. 

How to use VPS web hosting 

The web hosting data storage space on a primary virtual server is managed via a hosting CP user interface. There are tons of websites hosting CP tools on the Internet, so you are not limited to the one supplied by your web hosting provider. For example, cPanel can function on most servers OS. Apart from this, everything is pretty much the same as with shared hosting accounts -database management, file management, electronic mail management and so on. 

In most instances, web hosting control panels come with a reseller back-office tool which can be used to set up and resell web hosting plans to other individuals. This is a good way to generate money as there are a lot of web users who are looking for good quality web hosting service. 

Is VPS web hosting a great option for you? 

Sometimes, choosing the right hosting plan can be a challenge however, if you have a website that has outgrown a shared hosting plan and needs more resources, then VPS web hosting is a good choice. You will get enough resources to manage the increased load matter the type of website you operate. 

I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Camera Inspection

What Can A Professional Sewer Line Camera Inspection Do For You?

Sewer cameras are heaven-sent for plumbers. As the name implies, the device helps plumbers inspect hard-to-reach plumbing lines underground without needing to dig. It is a simple contraption consisting of a long, snake-like rod with a miniature camera attached to the end. The slinky design allows plumbers to navigate the camera into the pipes and lets them see if there's damage or leaks in the pipelines without going underground themselves. What Is Involved in a Sewer Camera Inspection?   In the days of yore, inspecting a sewage system was no easy feat. Plumbers would have to get dirty and go underground themselves just to check if there's anything amiss in the system. Sometimes, plumbers would have to do this several times to ensure they covered everything. With the development of sewer cameras, sewage system inspections are done much more efficiently and conveniently. A sewer camera inspection can quickly identify any problems in your sewer pipes, eliminating any guesswork and allowing plumbers to identify and resolve minor plumbing problems before they worsen. Types of Sewer Cameras There are currently two types of sewer cameras, and both are listed below.  1. Reel-Based   This camera is equipped with a large-sized cable reel. Plumbers often use it when they inspect sewer and long drain pipes. The cable can be connected to a video recorder or a laptop through which the required pipe images are relayed.  2. Hand-Held     This sewer inspection camera is well-known for its portability. It is commonly used to check blocked drains in residential areas. Plumbers typically have this camera in their hands while they perform a sewage inspection. Since it is lightweight, plumbers can easily bring this camera around while they work. Benefits of Using a Sewer Camera A Denver plumbing expert said a sewer camera inspection is the best way to find out what is happening beneath your house. Specifically, this modern plumbing device offers the following:  1. Timely Repair It is better to prevent plumbing issues than allow them to worsen and cause costly repairs later. A sewer camera inspection can help you achieve this. It can even be expanded so old plumbing fixtures can be included, and hidden issues can be detected. 2. Soil Assessment One common problem in any plumbing system is a broken or leaking sewer line, which could be due to soil movement, as it can cause pipes to move and crack. A sewer camera inspection can help you determine this and fix the problem in no time. 3. Quick and Accurate Diagnostics   Sewer cameras relay the images back to the overground monitor in real time. It means it will be a lot quicker than traditional inspection methods, where a plumber would have to get down literally and dirty. Diagnostic mistakes are also cut down to a minimum because plumbers can check several times just to make sure they have made the correct findings. 4. Lawn Protection     Before sewer cameras, the only way to locate a crack in your water pipes was to dig a large hole through your lawn. Digging can cause damage to your grass, shrubs, plants, and trees. As mentioned earlier, sewer cameras require no digging. This saves you money and time, but more importantly, you get to keep the beauty of your lawn. 5. Quick Clog Identification The typical sewer camera can detect all kinds of blockages and identify the source. If the clog cannot be found in the drain area, it is usually located in a deeper part of the pipelines. Sewer cameras make it easier and faster for plumbers to locate the problem, even if it's deeper underground. 6. No Permits Previously, plumbers had to secure a permit before they could dig in your yard. These days, they can just use the sewer camera to see right through your pipes and identify the problem. 7. Better Property Appraisal     A plumbing inspection is not necessary to determine a property's value. However, it can help you better understand its true worth. Sewer camera inspections can help you identify potential plumbing problems and make any necessary repairs. A property with no plumbing problems can attract more potential buyers and increase the market value of your property. 8. Retrieve Lost Valuables Although this can be considered a bonus, a sewer camera can locate valuables, such as an earring or a necklace that was accidentally flushed down the drain. If the plumber finds anything of value in your pipelines during an inspection, you can ask them to retrieve the item for you. 9. Future Problem Prevention   Old plumbing pipes can cause irreparable damage to your walls and even your basement. This often remains unnoticeable until it is too late. A plumbing camera can perform a quick inspection of your home, identify a problem, and you can have it fixed before it becomes serious. Key Takeaway   Modern technology has enabled man to create many advanced equipment and devices. The sewer camera is a prime example since it has become invaluable in the plumbing industry, making underground sewage inspections much faster and easier. A broken underground pipe that could only be reached through a dug hole in your yard can now be analyzed through a remote monitor. This allows for a faster and better resolution of many plumbing problems and inspires many homeowners to contact a plumber when they need help with their plumbing. Additional: Thermal Mass Flow Meter – What To Know? Is Steel/Iron Ore A Good Career Path In 2021? Best Paying Jobs In Industrial Machinery/Components Tired Of Seeing Your Old House? Here’s What You Need To Know

web hosting

Top Web Hosting Trends for 2020

Every industry has its own set of trends and the web hosting industry is no exception. Every year, new trends and developments are discovered to help keep with the ever-changing demands of the industry, and web hosting providers struggle to be among the first to offer these experiences to their customers. If you already own a website, it is certain that you already host one web hosting company or another, and if you intend to build one in the coming year, you will also require the hosting services of a web hosting company. This article focuses on some of the top trends you should be on the lookout for from your web host, as they will help optimize your website’s performance, while significantly impacting the internet landscape. Top Web Hosting Trends for 2020: 1. Green Hosting: Running a website, blog, or internet application on an eco-friendly and energy-efficient server is bound to appeal to a lot of people, particularly now that more people are becoming increasingly aware of their environment and are conscious of reducing their carbon footprints. In 2020, we will be seeing lots of web hosting companies invest in eco-friendly schemes and participating more in eco-friendly initiatives that aim to minimize damage to the ecosystem. Green web hosting here means running hosting infrastructure on servers, routers, and equipment that runs on low energy, while at the same time implementing policies that encourage recyclable energy. This trend will greatly contribute to the recovery of the environment and as a website owner; you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you are indirectly contributing to a healthier and better environment. 2. Cloud Hosting: Cloud computing is not a new concept and is a technology that has come a long way in recent years. However, not many people understand what cloud computing is, and even fewer people make use of it. However, this state of affairs is bound to change in 2020 going forward. In the first place, cloud technology has already entered into the web hosting industry, providing better site performance than website owners are used to. Unlike other forms of hosting that relies on a physical server, cloud hosting stores data on a cluster of servers, making it virtually impossible to experience downtime, server errors, or any of the other problems experienced with traditional web hosting. The beauty of this system is that you only get to pay for the resources you use, meaning that you can scale up down your website resources to fit your immediate website needs. Suffice it to say that the benefits of cloud hosting mean that a lot of websites will take advantage of this trend in the coming year. 3. Better Authentication Protocols: Security has always been one of the major concerns of website owners, with the recent rise in the level of cybercrimes, particularly those targeted at small businesses. As a website owner, one of your primary responsibilities is to make sure that the personal and financial details of your users are safe and secure. But this can be a difficult assignment if your web hosting provider is not up to the task. Thankfully, the coming year will see more in the areas of website security. Already, Google has made it compulsory for websites to have an SSL certificate installed if they want to get the search visibility they deserve, but 2020 will bring with it improvements in how websites are accessed and secured. For example, two-factor authentication (2FA) will become a popular feature for website owners as more and more web hosting companies will integrate this feature into their security systems. Other security features to look out for include compliance checks for common CMS vulnerabilities and encrypted storage. 4. Website Builders: Not too long ago, WYSISYG website tools were popular on the internet, giving anyone with an idea the opportunity to design their website without any technical or coding experience. But the rise of content management systems relegated these tools to the background until they all but disappeared. Thankfully, web hosting companies are again seeing the benefits of these tools and have developed a better version. Enter online website builders. Just like the WYSIWYG of old, website builders allow you to design, publish, and promote your website in just a few clicks and with no coding experience or technical skills. But this time around, these online tools can build even advanced websites. For small businesses nursing their finances, this means that they too can develop and run a website without spending scarce financial resources on a website designer. If the signs on the ground are anything to go by, we should expect to see highly developed website builders from almost all web hosting providers by 2020. 5. Domain research tools: Domain research tools have been available for years, with Nameboy being one of the oldest on the internet. But these days, it is becoming increasingly difficult to come up with the perfect domain name, especially because almost all the good.COM domain names are taken. Of course, if the.COM of the domain name you are searching for is taken and your website is a target at a country like New Zealand, you can always opt for the .CO.NZ alternative and immediately register it with a registrar like Domain Names From Freeparking NZ but in the coming year, finding your ideal domain name will no longer be a difficult thing. To ease the process of creating and registering domain names, domain name registrars, most of which also double as web-hosting providers will integrate domain research function in their domain search tools. With this system, if the domain name you want is already taken, you will have hundreds of similar suggestions to choose from across a variety of popular and not so popular domain name extensions. 6. Automated Backups: Already, many web hosting providers offer automated backup to their customers, but for most of these providers, this feature is an extra add-on feature that attracts an extra fee. With the increasing popularity of CMS applications like WordPress, automated backups will soon become a common feature in web hosting. Not only as backups on CMSs easy to run, but they also tend not to take up lots of space as only the files needed to run the site will be backed up, meaning that you will be able to get your site up and running in no time, should your site suffer damage for any reason. This automated backup system can be configured to run monthly, weekly, daily, or at any interval the site owner prefers. Conclusion: While it is true that some of these developments are already available today, they are not as common as they should be, but in the coming year, these and many more developments will come up in the web hosting industry and lots of site owners will be able to take advantage of them. And best of all, this change will significantly improve how you run your website. Read More: Top 9 Factors To Keep In Mind Before Choosing A Web Host 6 Things To Consider Before Choosing Web Hosting For Your Ecommerce Website Things You Should Know About Web Host Providers What Makes A Web Hosting Good?

Space Tech

Starships, Junk, and Tourism: Space Tech Trends for 2022

Space tech constantly evolve, thanks to which more and more people can go outside the Earth and look at it from space. And 2021 was a real breakthrough in space travel. But the main thing is that we get new essential knowledge about the Universe, the planet, and ourselves. And we use all this knowledge and technologies in different spheres. Here you can find out how EOS uses satellite data for agricultural sustainability. These are some space industry trends that will be relevant in 2022. 1. Space Junk Liquidation Unfortunately, man's presence in space is accompanied by a junk appearance in the form of inoperative satellites and rockets. There are more than 3000 of them, and the situation will only worsen over time. One of the main consequences can be the so-called Kessler syndrome: the junk will make the orbit unusable. Therefore, space agencies develop technologies to clean up debris outside the Earth. There are various options: eliminating garbage using special nets and magnets and burning it in the atmosphere. The serious problem is that garbage objects come in different sizes, so it is difficult to determine a uniform way to destroy them. However, a solution is a matter for the future. 2. The Moon Exploitation Until a few decades ago, this topic was irrelevant. Today, however, it is increasingly viewed as a testing ground for relevant technologies in the quest to get to Mars. Moreover, it is unnecessary to send a person to the moon. Mainly missions will focus on sending autonomous instruments for analyzing satellite elements and robotic landing devices. Several countries work in this direction, including the USA, India, and Japan. 3. Space Tourism's Rise In 2021, thanks to private suborbital flights, interest in space tourism has grown. However, such a vacation is too expensive for most people: one flight is estimated at millions of US dollars. Nevertheless, everything suggests that soon the trend will continue and cover more and more people. Already, there are projects to create conditions for a person's stay in orbit longer than 10 minutes, including constructing a space hotel. And although there are no opportunities for the mass creation of commercial structures in space, shortly, everything may change. 4. Small Satellites Improvements Thanks to technological advances, mobile, and compact satellites have almost replaced bulky standard devices. For example, communication service providers actively place them on low Earth orbit (LEO). Research agencies use small satellites for scientific purposes such as remote sensing. This trend is supported by the possibility of mass production, standardization of satellite buses, cooperation of missions for joint rocket use, and modular commercial equipment creation. Moreover, satellite manufacturers work on small satellites for the geostationary orbit. 5. Space Tech vs. Climate Change Space tech are critical to sustainable environmental development. So, many innovations, created initially for the space industry, are later used in other sectors. For example, construction companies use reflective materials to retain heat in spaceships to insulate buildings. The threat of global warming makes the development of space tech even more urgent. For example, they are used to identify methane emission sources that are a significant cause of global temperature increases. Satellite images are also used to solve environmental problems. For example, they help map tree cover and monitor deforestation. As we can see, space trends have become more and more diverse, which indicates the increasing human activity in this industry. Moreover, it affects our daily life. We introduce its inventions into various spheres; for example, we use satellites for communication. But more importantly, space tech helps us tackle significant global warming challenges and protect the environment. Read Also: 8 Ways of Making the Best Use Out of a Small Office Space 5 Ways Technology Will Change the Hospitality Industry Post Covid-19 Pandemic High Technology Devices for Better Life Why You Need A Secure Wifi Connection In Shared Space