What Can A Professional Sewer Line Camera Inspection Do For You?

Published on: 19 November 2022 Last Updated on: 21 November 2022
Camera Inspection

Sewer cameras are heaven-sent for plumbers. As the name implies, the device helps plumbers inspect hard-to-reach plumbing lines underground without needing to dig.

It is a simple contraption consisting of a long, snake-like rod with a miniature camera attached to the end. The slinky design allows plumbers to navigate the camera into the pipes and lets them see if there’s damage or leaks in the pipelines without going underground themselves.

What Is Involved in a Sewer Camera Inspection?  

In the days of yore, inspecting a sewage system was no easy feat. Plumbers would have to get dirty and go underground themselves just to check if there’s anything amiss in the system. Sometimes, plumbers would have to do this several times to ensure they covered everything.

With the development of sewer cameras, sewage system inspections are done much more efficiently and conveniently. A sewer camera inspection can quickly identify any problems in your sewer pipes, eliminating any guesswork and allowing plumbers to identify and resolve minor plumbing problems before they worsen.

Types of Sewer Cameras

Types of Sewer Cameras

There are currently two types of sewer cameras, and both are listed below.

 1. Reel-Based  

This camera is equipped with a large-sized cable reel. Plumbers often use it when they inspect sewer and long drain pipes. The cable can be connected to a video recorder or a laptop through which the required pipe images are relayed.

 2. Hand-Held    

This sewer inspection camera is well-known for its portability. It is commonly used to check blocked drains in residential areas. Plumbers typically have this camera in their hands while they perform a sewage inspection. Since it is lightweight, plumbers can easily bring this camera around while they work.

Benefits of Using a Sewer Camera

Benefits of Using a Sewer Camera   

A Denver plumbing expert said a sewer camera inspection is the best way to find out what is happening beneath your house. Specifically, this modern plumbing device offers the following:

 1. Timely Repair

It is better to prevent plumbing issues than allow them to worsen and cause costly repairs later. A sewer camera inspection can help you achieve this. It can even be expanded so old plumbing fixtures can be included, and hidden issues can be detected.

2. Soil Assessment

One common problem in any plumbing system is a broken or leaking sewer line, which could be due to soil movement, as it can cause pipes to move and crack. A sewer camera inspection can help you determine this and fix the problem in no time.

3. Quick and Accurate Diagnostics  

Sewer cameras relay the images back to the overground monitor in real time. It means it will be a lot quicker than traditional inspection methods, where a plumber would have to get down literally and dirty. Diagnostic mistakes are also cut down to a minimum because plumbers can check several times just to make sure they have made the correct findings.

4. Lawn Protection    

Before sewer cameras, the only way to locate a crack in your water pipes was to dig a large hole through your lawn. Digging can cause damage to your grass, shrubs, plants, and trees.

As mentioned earlier, sewer cameras require no digging. This saves you money and time, but more importantly, you get to keep the beauty of your lawn.

5. Quick Clog Identification

The typical sewer camera can detect all kinds of blockages and identify the source. If the clog cannot be found in the drain area, it is usually located in a deeper part of the pipelines. Sewer cameras make it easier and faster for plumbers to locate the problem, even if it’s deeper underground.

6. No Permits

Previously, plumbers had to secure a permit before they could dig in your yard. These days, they can just use the sewer camera to see right through your pipes and identify the problem.

7. Better Property Appraisal    

A plumbing inspection is not necessary to determine a property’s value. However, it can help you better understand its true worth. Sewer camera inspections can help you identify potential plumbing problems and make any necessary repairs. A property with no plumbing problems can attract more potential buyers and increase the market value of your property.

8. Retrieve Lost Valuables

Although this can be considered a bonus, a sewer camera can locate valuables, such as an earring or a necklace that was accidentally flushed down the drain. If the plumber finds anything of value in your pipelines during an inspection, you can ask them to retrieve the item for you.

9. Future Problem Prevention  

Old plumbing pipes can cause irreparable damage to your walls and even your basement. This often remains unnoticeable until it is too late. A plumbing camera can perform a quick inspection of your home, identify a problem, and you can have it fixed before it becomes serious.

Key Takeaway  

Modern technology has enabled man to create many advanced equipment and devices. The sewer camera is a prime example since it has become invaluable in the plumbing industry, making underground sewage inspections much faster and easier.

A broken underground pipe that could only be reached through a dug hole in your yard can now be analyzed through a remote monitor.

This allows for a faster and better resolution of many plumbing problems and inspires many homeowners to contact a plumber when they need help with their plumbing.


Sumona is a persona, having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of her professional commitments, she carries out sharing sentient blogs by maintaining top-to-toe SEO aspects. Follow more of her contributions in SmartBusinessDaily

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Eufy RoboVac

Eufy RoboVac vs. iRobot Roomba: brands comparison 2019

Cleaning is one of the most horrible things one should do while doing domestic chores. If you think genuinely, you will find out that at least a month in the year you spend cleaning. So, why don’t you keep and save this time? Why don’t you get a real autonomous helper, like a true robot vacuum cleaner but also between different brands. In this article, we will look over the eternal war between Eufy RoboVac vs. iRobot Roomba and define which brand should be victorious. Short brand overviews Eufy Eufy is quite young nonetheless quickly uprising brand that provides not only robotic vacuums it is famous for; it also performs other smart devices, lights, and domestic electronics. It is a middle-class oriented brand, so, the robotic vacuum cleaners it offers in the market are of the budget and affordable ones. iRobot Roomba Roomba made by iRobot is a world-famous robot vacuum cleaners brand. Most people when saying about robotic vacuum think about Roomba and vice versa. The brand has a broad line of the robotic vacuums to fit any budget, so if money is not a problem for you then make sure you have Roomba as your robotic device. Otherwise, try to find out models that offer you the same options due to the less price. Brand comparison To make the comparison honest, we will exclude the Roombas of the high price level from the review and will observe those models that can be put in one price row. So, let’s look over the average parameters of those robot vacuums:   Roomba 690 Roomba 675 Robovac 11+ Robovac 11S Height 3.6 inches 3.5 inches 3.35 inches 2.85 inches Diameter 13 inches 13.4 inches 12.8 inches 12.8 inches Power 500 Pa 600 Pa 1000 Pa 1300 Pa Bin size 0.3 liters 0.3 liters 0.55 liters 0.6 liters Runtime 60 min 90 min 100 min 100 min Filters HEPA-style HEPA-style Triple-Filter System Triple-Filter System Navigation iAdapt 1.0 iAdapt 1.0 Smart sensors Smart sensors Boundary Yes Yes No No Wi-Fi Yes Yes No No Mobile App iRobot Home App iRobot Home App No No Smart assistant Yes, Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant Yes, Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant No No   As you can see, there are advantages and disadvantages to both brands.  Eufy robots win the size, power, runtime, and bin size battles.  So, if you think these parameters of the first importance, Eufy robot vacuum cleaners will fit you perfectly. The battles that Eufy loses are that of cleaning efficacy, usability, and functionality. Roombas of higher levels work with HEPA filters ― the most efficient filtration technology. HEPA-style filters in Roombas of 600s series are of less efficacy, but still more efficient than the personal triple-filtration system of Eufy products. It doesn’t mean that Eufy triple-filter is terrible, but if you are an allergy sufferer and short of money, then Roomba is your choice anyway. Deep research of the parameters  power Suction power is an essential parameter for every vacuum cleaner. The higher power is the more efficient vacuum works. So, the high suction power allows the device to collect every type of dirt without depending on the surface. So, looking at the power, we can see that Eufy Robovac provides more efficient power than Roombas. size Size and dimensions of the device define its maneuverability and ability to get hard-to-reach areas. The thinner the robot vacuum is, the easier it can get under the very low furniture. So, if you have furniture with short legs, maybe Eufy is your choice. bin size Bin size defines how long the robot vacuum will work without emptying the dustbin. The larger dustbin capacity is, the longer the device will move through the rooms vacuuming. As you can see Eufy here is the ultimate winner. runtime A runtime defines how long your vacuum can continue the cleaning process without being recharged. As you can see, Eufy performs excellent in this parameter, but keep in mind that the runtime can change depending on the surface the device works. So, if it vacuums the carpet, it can run shorter than if it works on the hard floor. The same is for Roomba. Connectivity, navigation and other parameters Bellow will be parameters in which Roomba beats Eufy. To be honest, Roombas are smarter than RoboVacs, and you can see it observing their navigation, connectivity, and performance. If you want a fully connected device which you can control remotely via smartphone or with voice command, Roomba is your choice. Although the devices of 600s series are weak in power, size, and dustbin capacity, they are perfect in connectivity. You can schedule the vacuuming a week forward; you can begin the cleaning immediately with one tap of the finger. Navigation is another essential parameter that keeps the robot vacuum cleaner from mistakes. Most autonomous vacuums navigate due to the laser or IR-sensors located on the body of the vacuum cleaner. So, the higher the sensitivity of the sensors, the more efficient navigation a robot vacuum will perform.  On this level, Roomba has no rivals nor in the face of Eufy neither in the face of any other brand. The final thoughts The comparison we made above is supposed to help the middle-class customer to choose the best and most efficient robot vacuum cleaner for the home. Both brands are intense rivals and offer a number of exciting models. We described several essential features of each brand, so, now it depends on you which one to choose.


Oracle & The Cloud: A Dream Team

What is Cloud Computing? Cloud computing provides on-demand availability of data storage, computing power, and other system resources that are not located on the user’s computer. There are many benefits to offloading these previously local resources and tasks. Customers of cloud computing move the responsibility for managing applications, storage, and computing power offsite to providers like Oracle, Microsoft, and Amazon. The cloud offers organizations and companies of any size, access to powerful data centers without the overhead. Customers now have cost-efficient ways to access the latest technology, application software, and unlimited storage without a dedicated data center or large IT department. Click here to find an Oracle consultant. Types of Cloud Computing: Based on the organizations business requirements, companies can choose from three broad types of cloud services: public, private, and hybrid. The difference between them is primarily the amount of management time required by the customer and the level of security provided. Public Cloud: Public clouds are owned and operated by cloud service providers that deliver their services over the internet. Customers are free from maintaining their own computers reducing or even eliminating their existing IT department. Private Cloud: A private cloud is exclusive to a single business or organization. It can be physically located at the company or the cloud provider’s data center. Private clouds are maintained on private networks and provide the highest level of security and control. Hybrid Cloud: By combining public and private clouds, data and applications can move between the two providing greater flexibility, security, and more options to optimize the company’s existing infrastructure. The decision to use a hybrid cloud rather than a public or private cloud comes down to the services needed by the organization. Cloud Services: There are four broad categories of cloud services available: infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), software as a service (SaaS), and serverless. Companies need to decide on the services they require and how much time they have to manage those services. Generally, the more an organization offloads to the cloud service provider, the less they have to manage themselves. Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)With Oracle: Infrastructure as a Service is the most basic type of cloud computing. It is an on-demand, pay-as-you-go model that provides compute, storage, and network capacity in the cloud. Subscribers are responsible for installing and maintaining any software on the cloud such as databases and application software. Platform as a service (PaaS): Platform as a Service provides an on-demand environment for developing, testing, and delivering, mobile and web applications without investing in or maintaining the underlying servers. The customer accesses the services via a web browser. Software as a service (SaaS): Software as a Service allows software applications to be delivered over the Internet, on-demand and typically on a subscription basis. The cloud service provider handles software updates and security patching, reducing in-house IT resources. Cloud Computing Service Providers: With the growing adoption of cloud-based services and technology, comes an ever-expanding field of players including Google, Amazon, and Microsoft. Oracle offers a complete suite of integrated business applications for Sales, Service, Marketing, Finance, Supply Chain, Manufacturing, and Human Resources, along with their cloud-based services. Microsoft and Oracle recently announced a partnership designed to give customers the best of what both companies have to offer. Oracle is the leading database and enterprise applications vendor in the world and Microsoft Azure is the second-largest cloud vendor in the world. Customers can migrate their entire existing suite of applications to either or both cloud providers as needed without having to re-architect anything. The cloud brings many advantages to organizations, allowing businesses to outsource expensive hosting, security, and storage costs. The growing need for companies to take advantage of the latest technology without the expense of a dedicated data center or even an IT department is a game-changer. Read Also: 5 Important Considerations To Get Supply Chain Management On Cloud Cloud Hosting: Top Five Reasons To Take Your Business To The Cloud

Technologies on Private Jets

10 Cool Technologies on Private Jets

Fly in Style With the Latest High-Tech Features in Private Aircraft Whether for business or pleasure (or a little of both), owning private jets should evoke a sense of comfort and luxury. To add even more convenience, make sure your jet includes all the latest technology to heighten your traveling experience, no matter where you’re going. 1. Satellite internet Business tycoon Warren Buffett summed it up best when he said, “I can buy anything I want, but I can’t buy time.” Because of the fast-paced world we live in, you can’t afford to go anywhere without the ability to stay connected to life on the ground. Having access to a strong, reliable internet signal while in the air is of the utmost importance. Make sure your private jet is equipped with satellite internet and a strong onboard router. With this option, you’ll be able to send and receive signals through a satellite that is orbiting thousands of miles in the sky. How’s that for high-tech?  2. Plane-wide Wi-Fi As we mentioned previously, having a strong onboard router is key. Your router will distribute your internet signal throughout the jet. This way, you and other passengers on board will be able to have full access to email, shared documents, social media, internet search engines, news outlets, and any other website, just like you would in an office or your home. The best part? You’ll have access to all of this and more right at your fingertips regardless of where you are in your private aircraft. If you’re using your jet for business, this is a must. 3. Streaming media The ability to stream your smartphone screen to an onboard TV or media board is especially useful if you’ll be hosting meetings at 30,000 feet. This is also a must if you’re ever going to have children or teenagers traveling with you. The ability to stream movies-on-demand will keep everyone occupied. To limit the amount of Wi-Fi bandwidth you need to use, you can fit your aircraft with an onboard media server with hundreds or thousands of movies and TV shows. 4. Climate control zones One of the worst parts of flying on a commercial airplane is having no control over your comfort. Either overcrowded and warm or dark and freezing, you can never find the perfect temperature commercially. And let’s be real - those little air jets above your head aren’t exactly effective. When flying on a private jet, you have ultimate control over your environment, including the lighting, the temperature, and who you are (or are not) sitting next to. 5. Heated and cooled seating Technology today is allowing you to take control over your own comfort to the next level. Some jets offer heated seats, just like many cars do. You can also create different climate zones depending on what part of your jet you’re sitting in by having separate controls for temperatures and fans in each seating area. 6. Improved lighting Another vast improvement to private jets is the use of LED lights throughout the aircraft, allowing them to be brightened and dimmed to better reflect natural lighting so you always have just the right amount of light for whatever you are doing. With smart tech, you can have the lighting switch on and off automatically based on rules you define. 7. A comfortable bedroom and bathroom Not all traveling is about getting work done, and you should be able to relax while in the air, just the same as you can in your home. Improved technology has allowed private jets to be built with improved bathroom facilities ranging from a standard toilet and sink to a full-size lavatory, including a bathtub, a shower, or even a jacuzzi. Most personal private jets come with a bedroom suite and even the ones that don’t have reclining seats that allow a more comfortable place to take a quick nap on shorter flights. 8. Advanced AI auto-piloting Technology is not only being used to make your trip more comfortable and productive, but it’s also making it safer. Flight technology allows the pilot to switch on autopilot so that the computer can make all the adjustments for weather and turbulence, resulting in not only a quicker flight but a smoother one as well. Technology also makes it almost impossible for inflight collisions, sending aircraft signals to one another. This way, regardless of whether or visibility, the jet will always know what other aircraft are in its flight path and surrounding area. For the passengers, the advanced AI can show more real-time information on the flight. 9. Synthetic vision systems Enhanced navigation systems are making flying to unfamiliar destinations easier by using synthetic vision systems to create a realistic 3D image of your surroundings. Flying is already one of the safest forms of travel there is, and new and improving technology is making it even safer with continuing advancements and inventions. This 3D tech can be incorporated into your in-flight infotainment systems too, so passengers can see up-to-date information on the flight. 10. Gaming systems For the ultimate in entertainment, why not include the latest gaming systems on your flight? PC systems are the most flexible, but game consoles are easier to install and update. Consider wireless peripherals and keeping all cabling hidden from view. Buying a private jet If you are in the market for a private jet and don’t know where to start your search when looking for an aircraft for sale, be sure to find a reputable seller. Using exclusive, accredited private aircraft brokers are a great option for reliability, as well as for finding the perfect jet to fit your budget and lifestyle. No matter where you find the perfect jet, make sure it comes with the technology features that make sense for your flying needs. In today’s high-tech world, there’s no reason flying shouldn’t be just as comfortable and convenient as hanging out in your own home. Read Also: How Drones Help Us in Our Daily Life? Fly With Saudia Airline For A Pleasant Experience Offer Discounts On Flight Tickets Top Tips for Choosing the Best Private Transfers from Madrid Airport Avoid Getting Stuck at the Airport After Arrival