The 7 Most Common Types of Plumbing Problems

Published on: 12 December 2018 Last Updated on: 19 July 2019
Plumbing Problems

All households at some point will have plumbing problems, and they come in different forms. These problems range from an annoying dripping bathroom faucet to a full-blown emergency plumbing situation like a burst pipe. In such situations, being able to get hold of a 24/7 emergency plumber will be immensely helpful. Websites like Emergency Plumber Finder Blog, on the other hand, will not only help you find an emergency plumber near you, you can also find important tips on what you can do to mitigate the damage while waiting for help. Here is a list of seven most common types of plumbing problems and what you can do when they arise.

1. Leaky Faucets:

Leaky Faucets

This is one of the most common plumbing issues and, in some cases, turning the handle just a bit more is enough to take care of it. At times, however, the leak may be so severe that it causes a significant dent in your utility bills. Look for the isolation valve near the problem fixture to cut off the water supply to it without interrupting water service to the rest of the house. Call your plumber.

2. Burst Pipes:

Burst Pipes

Apart from water spraying all over the place, other more subtle signs of burst or leaky pipes include wet walls and flooding in certain areas of the house. The best way to address this problem is to shut off the main valve that is supplying water to the entire house. Do not forget to turn off the water heater after shutting off the water supply. Turn on any faucets and spigots outside your home to release water and pressure that are still in the pipes. Then, let the pros fix the problem.

3. Overflowing Toilets:

Overflowing Toilets

This problem presents an unhygienic dilemma that you don’t want to have. If this problem suddenly confronts you, turn off the isolation valve to cut off the supply to your toilet bowl. One of the main causes of overflowing toilet bowls is some object blocking the hidden part of the water separator. A force cup plunger does the job of dislodging any blockage, so it is a good idea to have one. Should the problem persist, have a plumber fix it.

4. Clogged Drains:

Clogged Drains

Plumbers have various tools and methods of unclogging drains. One of these tools is a plunger, which you can also use if you have one around to fix the problem yourself. If water still refuses to drain, then it is a job for the plumber.

5. Toilet Bowls That Continue to Drain Water:

Toilet Bowls That Continue to Drain Water

Misadjusted floats and stuck flappers are the usual causes of this problem. These are easy to fix if you are handy enough. However, you’ll need the help of a plumber if any of the flushing mechanism is damaged and is causing the water to continue to drain into the bowl.

6. Low Water Pressure:

Low Water Pressure

A number of things may cause low water pressure. However, if you just moved into a new home, check if the main water supply valve is fully open. It this does not do anything to improve water pressure, have the plumber check and fix it.

7. Frozen Pipes:

Frozen Pipes

There are measures that you can take to prevent your pipes from freezing in the winter months. Just in case you forgot to take any of these measures, you can try either to thaw out the frozen pipe with a hair dryer or call in the plumber to handle the situation.

Whatever type of plumbing problems that you may encounter, it is always best to leave the job to professionals, especially if you do not have much experience with plumbing work. This goes especially for plumbing emergencies where you run the risk of making the situation worse. Search for 24/7 emergency plumbers in your area, and then add them to your contact list to prepare for any plumbing emergencies and problems.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Home Study

7 Tips for Preparing for your Home Study

The adoption process is filled with wonder, excitement, and anxiety. Oh yeah, and there are some stressful moments sprinkled in too. Perhaps none more sweat inducing than the home study. The adoption home study is a process that anyone who adopts has to go through, and it’s definitely an intimidating time in the process, but try not to let that get you down. Sure, home studies are a big deal, and they do play a large role in whether or not you qualify to adopt a child. Here are some tips for handling your home study. Get Started on the Paperwork: Paperwork sucks! You know it, I know it, everybody knows it - and the adoption process is loaded with it; from emergency plans to parenting plans, and a host of other stuff. It’s tedious, it’s frustrating, and it can be downright dull. But it’s necessary. Calm Down: It’s easy to get worked up during this process, especially knowing that this could be the deciding factor in your approval. But don’t get yourself worked up over this. Home studies are nothing more than a routine part of the process. They aren’t meant to find a reason NOT to have you approved, and there really isn’t much to worry about here. Besides, your adoption agency is going to let you know everything you need to have for a successful home study. Follow the Checklist: Before your home study begins, your adoption agency will give you a checklist to follow. This will probably consist of things like; background checks, birth certificates (of all occupants), and parenting plan statement to name a few. You will also be given a list of things that should have completed before the agent comes out to your house to conduct the study. Be sure to address everything on that checklist; if it weren’t important, then it wouldn’t be on the list. Nothing is okay to overlook. Be Yourself: I’m always reminded of the episode of Friends “The One with the Home Study” where Chandler and Monica wanted their social worker to like them so badly they were even willing to throw Joey under the bus. Like any good 90’s sitcom, it blew up in there faces and hilarity ensued. But again, like any good 90’s sitcom, it all worked out in the end. Still, there is a lesson to be learned here. Just be you. It’s easy to want to embellish in these situations, whether it finances, or even just your overall lives. Don’t! Your social worker wants to get to know who you are individually, and as a family and it’s imperative that you're honest. The fastest way to fail your home study is to lie on your paperwork or during your home study. Safety: Before you’re social worker gets to your home, make sure everything is tidy - cleanliness is always important. You should also be sure to have all of your cabinets locked and keep anything that is a potential hazard out of a child's reach. If you have firearms, ensure that they are secured in an out of reach safe. You’ll also want to make sure that all of your smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and fire extinguishers are in working condition and appropriately placed throughout the home. Oh, and you’ll want to make sure you have a first-aid kit in your house. Have the Room Ready: This isn’t a necessity, but if you know that you want a baby then go ahead and set-up the room that the baby is going to be sleeping in. Not only will it show that you have enough space for your new addition, but it will also show that you are dedicated to giving your new child everything they need. You’ll do Great: The home study can be a scary thing, and it’s okay to be nervous, it shows you care. Just stay calm, be yourselves, and follow the checklist exactly, and you’ll be well on your way to having a baby placed with you. Don’t worry; you’ll do great! Read Also: 5 Ways To Maintain And Decorate The Study Room For Kids Free Student Guide To Help You Achieve Exam Success


How to Choose a Mattress – 6 Top Tips

Your mattress: Without a doubt, it’s one of the most important things you own. Without a comfy place to rest, your body feels stiff and sore, your mood suffers, and your mind is nowhere near its best. The good news is that choosing the perfect mattress doesn’t have to be difficult and these days, there are great mattresses available for just about every budget. Ready to shop? Arm yourself with our mattress buying tips and you’ll find that it’s far easier to find a bed that’s just right. 1. Consider your sleeping position and size: Do you sleep on your back, or are you more of a side sleeper? Believe it or not, the way a mattress feels has a lot to do with your body position. For example, you’ll probably prefer a firmer mattress if you sleep on your back or your stomach. If you’re a side sleeper, something a touch softer is likely to feel better. Many manufacturers recommend different models for different sleeping positions and more than a few offer mattresses with sides customized to fit two individuals with different preferences so nobody has to compromise. Your body weight has an impact on the way your bed feels, too. In general, the heavier you are, the more likely you are to enjoy a medium-firm to a firm mattress. Slim and/or muscular individuals often find that they feel best on softer mattresses. These preferences definitely don’t apply to everyone but you might find it helpful to look a little outside your usual comfort zone. 2. Read reviews: Whether you’re planning to visit traditional furniture stores or shop for a mattress online, you’ll find that reviews can help you decide which brands and models to focus on and which ones are best to avoid. When reading reviews, keep in mind that no single mattress is ideal for every person; for example, someone who loves the feel of a firm mattress will probably give a soft one a lower rating and vice versa. The best mattress reviews contain plenty of details about everything from the quality of the materials to the way the mattress feels and performs. It’s true that reading takes some time but this is one of the best ways to create a shortlist of mattresses that are likely to meet your criteria. 3. Look for a reasonable trial period: If you’ve ever found yourself searching a traditional store for the most comfortable mattress, you know just how awkward it can feel to test different models right there and then. You’re probably wearing your shoes, you’re not in your favorite comfy PJs, you don’t have your special pillow, and the list goes on. Luckily, mattress manufacturers have come to realize that the old-fashioned method for choosing the best mattress just doesn’t work. That’s why many now offer trial periods that give you the opportunity to actually sleep on the mattress at home, let your body get used to the new sleeping surface (yes, this is a thing!) and return the mattress if it doesn’t suit you. Trial periods vary. Some are just a couple of weeks long and others are surprisingly generous; for example, a few offer one-year trial periods. 4. Consider different options: Remember when memory foam mattresses were the latest and greatest option available? They’re still very popular and if you love the way a memory foam mattress feels, then go for it! Some other choices include latex mattresses, organic mattresses, and ultra-comfy hybrid mattresses that combine the luxurious “floating” sensation of a memory foam mattress with the support and bounce associated with traditional Best innerspring mattress. There’s more: Some mattresses have to be supported by a traditional box spring, some are fine for placing on a plain platform bed, some are OK for those who prefer to have their mattress on the floor, and some are ideal for pairing with an adjustable base. Knowing how you’d like to set up your mattress isn’t something most people think about, but it’s key to shopping for the best one. 5. Look into temperature control and other unique features: In search of a little something extra? While advanced features can increase the cost significantly, you might like what you find when you look beyond standard options. Many of the newest mattresses offer unique features like special cooling fibers, cooling gels, and even covers that can be integrated with your smart home for pre-warming, better temperature control, and more. Some smart mattresses can give you insight into your sleep trends, some have built-in alarms, and some have adjustable firmness. As time passes, we’ll probably see even more unique mattresses with amazing features. 6. Recognize that a higher price doesn’t always mean higher quality: …At least if you’re shopping online! While most traditional mattress stores inflate their prices in order to cover the cost of doing business, it’s possible to get amazing mattresses online at about the same cost as a lower-grade one from a brick and mortar store. Read Also: 6 Myths Of Mattress You Must Know For Sure The Best Memory Foam Mattresses For Staying Cool This Summer

Home Styling Ideas

Easy Home Styling Ideas To Beautify Your Living Space

Having a home that receives compliments very often is a dream for many homeowners. The beautification of the house is depended on many a time on professional help. But this is not the case because people themselves can redesign their homes that too effortlessly. But before must check your house thoroughly for any unwanted guests. You can visit pest inspection with Site Inspections which provide cleaning and pest services. On the other hand, we will move on with home styling ideas for your house – 1. Choose the right color- The visual appeal of your house is predominantly defined by the color of your walls. These walls give out a sense of your overall homely atmosphere. The color in your house also determines your mood to some extent that’s why it’s important you choose the right kind of shade. Just a small consultation with an interior or space designer can give you the right direction. Make sure you make the right choice as color is an important aspect of your house. They also affect your subconscious mind in great ways and if you wish you can read more about them on the internet. 2. Furniture – Sleek, modern furniture is a vital aspect you can adapt to elevate your house to new levels. Just the selection of the right chairs and couches can make an extreme difference to the way people look at your house. Don’t forget to take in the opinions of your family as well because they will be the people using that furniture the most. Comfortable, cozy, modern, and elegant designs for your couch, dining chairs, bookshelves, and tv unit are some of the significant pointers. Also choosing complementary color furniture with your wall colors will create a nice overall ambiance of the house. 3. Layout- Placement of the furniture in the right way is an important and essential part of your house. As guests walking would not want to see the back of their couch right in front of them. Done try to stress too much on it but also don’t ignore it completely. Simple placement with your couch, dining area, indoor plants, and reading chair can create roaming space for you inside the house itself. Try and use every area and try not to clutter all the furniture in one place. Use your visual sense and you will be good to go. 4. Usage- Don’t keep the stuff that you don’t use or either don’t find beautiful. This statement is of utmost true and relevance because keeping unwanted furniture creates visual chaos. Try to keep it minimal and aesthetic to enhance the visual glow of your house. Extra open space also doesn’t look good and try to mismatch the furniture. Keeping the furniture that really is uses and needs on a daily basis will help you minimize the clutter in your house. Also, keep the extras in your store and keep cleaning them regularly. Many designers advise people to keep the space layout minimal and modern to increase the visual appeal of the house. Read Also: 4 Tips for Finishing a Basement Living Ideas In Small Bedroom House Plans With Efficient House Designs Everything you need to know about glamming your home with curtains