What Makes a Good Mobile Website


19 September 2019

Dev & Design

mobile website

People are tethered to their phones even when they are not using it. When they are not doing anything, they remain close to their phones to hear any notification ringtone.

More importantly, they use their phones to access websites, shop, watch YouTube, log on to Facebook or Instagram, or search on Google. By the end of 2019, the number of mobile Internet users would have grown to 4.68 billion.

A mobile UX designer optimizes your website making use of the best practices for mobile users. If your website is not yet optimized, you need to do it right away.

It’s projected that by 2021, 73% of all eCommerce activities will come from mobile users. Right now, China alone has 98% penetration rate in terms of mobile Internet.

What Can a Mobile UX Designer Do for You?

To answer that, you must first know what makes a good website. Google has attempted to answer this question by listing the following elements:

  1. Make the navigation easy for the user. Call to actions should take a prominent position
  2. The users can call customer service directly from the website
  3. Menus should be clear and concise
  4. Visitors tap the logo when they go back to the home page
  5. The local search box should be visible at first glance
  6. Add filters to narrow down the search, particularly for eCommerce sites
  7. In the same vein, the site should yield relevant results in response to site query
  8. Avoid site registration before users can explore your website
  9. Users can make a purchase even without registering to your site
  10. Quick sharing to social networks
  11. Quick links so they can email themselves and finish the task on other devices
  12. The website should be optimized for mobile, which means fonts are larger and the images are expandable

What Can You Expect from a Mobile UX Designer?

A mobile UX designer will make sure that people will have a positive user experience when they access your website through mobile devices.

A good designer will:

  1. Conduct UX research to understand users’ needs and behaviors
  2. Cut out the clutter for easier navigation. The navigation should be intuitive
  3. Properly use colors, graphics, font, and negative space to highlight key content and promote activity
  4. Test your mobile website for optimum experience and functionality
  5. Make sure your website is stable for mobile use
  6. Insist on the consistency of themes and design across devices
  7. Ensure that important elements measure 18mm so they can be easy to tap

Finally, the mobile UX designer should ensure that your website loads fast. According to Google, most mobile websites load at an average of 15 seconds.

That won’t do. The same Google research warned that customers almost always leave when it takes more than 10 seconds for the mobile landing page to load. Even if the website loads for 1-3 seconds, the bounce rate will increase to 32%.

The mobile app services of Sunlight Media include a dedicated mobile UX designer who will check and test the architecture and workflow of your app. They will work with you to achieve your goals and ensure the app will adhere to your style guide. Head to their website now or contact them at 323-868-3581.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Website Design Company

Tips on Building Your Resume for a Website Design Company

Have you ever spent too much time staring at a blank document, just wondering how you can start your resume? Whether it’s your first one or your twentieth attempt, it’s safe to assume that you’re not unfamiliar with the concept of a resume. A website design company or best website design agencies will always seek for your technical skills in your resume before they hire you. Alright, now how about this: Are you someone looking to work in the tech industry? Or have you already found a stable job and you just want to know how to keep your resume updated? Because in this current market, nothing is secure. Much as you tried to prepare for the best, you also have to brace yourself for the worst. For a company to consider your application, your resume has to blow the socks off the employer. If done correctly, you can market yourself through your resume.  Tips on how to build your own resume for a website design company There are several tips you can follow for developing a resume for a website development company. You just need to follow these steps one after the other. 1. Research A lot of employees try to make one generic resume for all applications. That’s not exactly wrong, but there’s a better way to do it, and that’s to tailor each of your resumes to the company you’re applying for. Look at the job description carefully and try to see if it really does fit you and if your experiences will make you a strong candidate for the position. Research about the company and find that sweet spot on how you can tailor the voice and tone of your resume to speak to them. 2. Format Keep in mind that the hiring managers have probably seen hundreds of applications which may even have some of the best resume templates. Chances are, they are also experts in web design themselves. Making your resume flashy isn’t going to cut it. These people have seen the best in the same way that they’ve also seen the worst. Your resume has to stand out from the hundreds that they get. And how are you going to do that if you’re not supposed to be too flashy? Follow these guidelines: Keep it trendy but not too ornate. Keep the design functional but comfortable to use. Go for timeless designs and color schemes. Use easy-to-read fonts. Make use of headers for easy navigation. Strategically placed white blocks make it easy on the eyes. As for the information you need, make sure to include the following: Full legal name Contact information A professional summary Skills Job experiences Education Achievements Remember, you’re applying to be a web designer. So keep your resume design clean and straightforward, but not too basic that it underwhelms your skills. 3. Achievements Website design company hiring managers will focus on finding people who’ll help grow the company. They are also looking for candidates who can address specific problems they’re going through. You don’t necessarily need to give them a list on how you fit their descriptions to a T. What’s important is how your job experiences can help them address their problems. When talking about your job experiences, try not to give them too much of a description. Instead, tell them about what you accomplished during the time you were in that position. Your accomplishments are your own personal victories. It shows so much about how professional you are and your work ethics. 4. Remove Pronouns It may sound too simplistic but there are some who still forget. No “I’s,” “He”, or “She.” Write everything in plain no-pronoun-first-person POV. For example, instead of saying, “I raised customer satisfaction up to 35%.” you say, “Raised customer satisfaction up to 35%.” It sounds concise and avoids redundancy. 5. Technical Skills Since you’re applying for a web design position, you should reserve an entire section just for your technical skills. Here are a host of the skills most hiring managers are looking for in a web designer: UI/UX design Marketing Social media management SEO Design skills using Photoshop, Premiere, and Illustrator HTML and CSS familiarity Project management skills As a web designer, your technical skills are the major players in your resume. These could be the deciding factors in getting that initial interview. Conclusion Sure, you may feel like as a web designer, you won’t ever run out of clients to attend to – that jobs are simply lined up and waiting for you because you belong in a very in-demand market. That may be true, but at the same time, wouldn’t you want to be more in charge of your work, of your hours? With the right resume, you can negotiate. Why not see how far you can go by giving your resume a little revamp? Read Also: How To Design An Effective Company Website Top 8 Advantages Of Effective Web Design And Development

WordPress Developer

WordPress Developer: Job Profile and Key Responsibilities in 2020

WordPress today is regarded as the most impressive and powerful content management and blogging system that is currently available online. Clients actually love it since it is easy, simple, and convenient to set up. It is known for having a user-friendly approach and has a number of plug-ins. Most developers prefer WordPress as it offers easy and smooth functionality and decent quality. There is a constant increase in the number of websites that are using WordPress today. WordPress developer is the way ahead of the competition and they have certainly found a niche for themselves in the industry today. Job Profile A WordPress Developer is responsible for front-end and back-end development including generating WordPress plug-ins and themes.  This position would be requiring an effective combination of aesthetics and programming skills. You must create your job profile in order to have a job description for a Wordpress developer. A candidate would need to have a high level of competence in PHP, JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3. He must have a clear understanding of the font choices, color, and on-screen element arrangements. One must possess a sound knowledge of the content management systems and also industry trends. He must be conversant with the principles of adaptive and responsive design. The prospective candidate must possess a sound knowledge of the complete web development process and that may include design, development, and also effective deployment. A WordPress Developer should master the art of developing complex, custom WordPress-related solutions and also PHP framework-oriented solutions. He is supposed to aid account managers, sales staff, and others in web project planning, requirements gathering, and usual technical questions. He is expected to provide leadership in determining and developing new technologies. One must lead in all endeavors toward identifying effective methods and strategies for advancing the web offerings of the company he is working for. He is expected to aid other developers in system designing and implementation. A WordPress Developer must be responsible for server maintenance, as well as, server monitoring. He would be supporting existing client websites by efficiently providing technical support. Job Prerequisites A WordPress Developer must have a Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field or he must possess a comparable level of experience in the field of web development. You must possess substantial experience and working knowledge of CSS/ HTML, PHP, MySQL, intermediate JavaScript, Linux, and DNS. He must have adequate experience in WordPress development. You must be capable of understanding client issues and accordingly, developing effective software solutions right from system designing to implementation. He should be able to deploy Salesforce changesets. He must possess exceptional communication skills and must be well-equipped with excellent time management skills. Skills &Responsibilities A WordPress Developer must possess a wide spectrum of skills and fulfill a whole lot of responsibilities Adequate experience and expertise in WordPress related PHP Sound knowledge of the inbuilt WordPress functions Must aid in the creation of customized post types Must help in creating Widgets/ plug-ins written for conforming to the existing WordPress coding standards Expertise in the art of designing and implementing novel/ innovative features and functionality Be responsible for establishing, as well as, supervising any specific website’s architecture He would be responsible for ensuring availability and high performance. Also, he must be capable of handling competently the CMS’s technical aspects He must help in formulating a responsive and effective design and converting it into a good working theme, as well as, plug-in However, he must contribute fruitfully to all conversations and discussions regarding the ‘scope of build’ with his project managers, development team, designers, etc He must have sound knowledge of integration of sliced PSD files into WordPress or other systems Reasons for Becoming a Top of the Line WordPress Developer If you are aspiring to become a successful WordPress Developer go ahead with your dreams. There are more reasons than one to pursue a high-flying career as a WordPress Developer. Some of the prominent reasons are: Making Maximum Money Today, there is a very high demand for WordPress development. Clients are more than willing to pay impressive salaries to the top-line developers in the industry. Getting the Best Clients If you are also one of the top-line developers, you would be very much in circulation. You would have enough projects in your hands at all times, so you could also exercise the liberty of saying no to the clients, who are offering you projects you are just not interested in doing. You would be choosing only the best projects and working for the best clients only. Becoming Influential If you are a top-level WordPress Developer, you would be having a lot of influence, tremendous capability and of course, the responsibility of shaping the future of WordPress and its associated ecosystem. Conclusion It involves a lot of dedication, devotion, and hard work to become a WordPress developer. Remember no career aspirations could be fulfilled without single-minded determination, energy, and patience. There are various reasons mentioned above in order to become a top-line Wordpress developer. So, You must follow the above tips to be a successful developer. You are welcomed to ask any queries if you have in the comment section below. Read Also: How To Maintain WordPress Website For Free? THE 10 WORDPRESS PLUGINS EVERY SUCCESSFUL BLOGGER USES

Landing Page

6 Benefits Of Landing Page

There is a reason why marketers swear by the efficacy of a Landing Page when running any online campaigns. Many people make the mistake of creating a landing page out of their own website page. According to experts, this is not a good strategy to follow. A Landing Page should be created with one single purpose- to ensure higher conversions. Users from different online channels should ‘land’ on the page for a specific purpose. A brand can use a Landing Page for the following- To book a product or buy something directly from the brand To subscribe to the brand’s Newsletter To announce a News or for a Press Release To Thank its Customers for their loyalty and support In this article, we are going to look at the top six benefits of a landing page. However, before we get to that, let us first try to define and understand what are landing pages. Landing Pages: Meaning and Definition In very simple terms, a Landing Page is an independent web page, which has been specifically created for campaign purposes. This is the page where users land, whenever they click on the link you have advertised on different digital platforms. For example, users can come to your Landing Page, after seeing your- Ad on Google AdWords Banner Roll on YouTube videos Social Media Posts on Facebook, Instagram, and other platforms URL Link on Blog Pages Links achieved through Guest Posting on other publisher platforms A Landing Page is different from a brand website. A website has multiple KPIs- traffic, ranking, metrics, etc. However, Landing Page is created with only one single aim. This is known as the CTA. Too many mixed signals on Landing Pages can dilute the efficiency and performance of a Landing Page. The isolated single CTA is what makes Landing Pages an attractive and desirable component of any online marketing campaign. Brands who are looking to create high-performance campaigns should look to take help from the Landing page creator. A landing page is where the conversions happen from visitors into qualified leads. List of 6 Major Benefits of a Landing Page 1. Makes for a good First Brand Impression- In many ways, a landing page is like a good first-time introduction to your brand. Brands are typically going to invest a lot more in a marketing campaign. A majority of people who come to the landing page might never have been on your brand website before. For a brand, a well-designed and optimized landing page can be like an impressive visiting card for the business. 2. Great Real Estate to Launch a New Product or Service- Brands who are looking to create a lot of buzz for their new products or services in the market can take help from landing pages. Automobile companies use landing pages for pre-booking vehicles and others do the same to encourage more sales. This helps in putting all the spotlight on the product. From discussing product details to image galleries, a landing page can do it all. 3. Real and Direct Contact with Website Traffic and Users- A landing page helps in establishing direct communication between the brand and the visitors or users. If your landing page is engaging enough, it will encourage users to click on the CTA and become a part of your qualified sales leads. This can be nurtured by the sales team and converted into actual sales. Direct messaging is the hallmark of a good landing page. 4. Builds Branding and Adds to Credibility- Leading Digital Marketing experts suggest that one of the best practices of a successful landing page is including happy customer stories. This helps in improving the brand’s perception as being liked by everyone and you can achieve this by creating professional landing pages with the help of the best landing page tools. In addition, it also encourages new users to fill in the details on the form and become consumers of the brand. A landing page is a credibility building exercise. 5. Data Generation and Analysis- For businesses who are data-driven and allow data to inform decision making, landing pages are a great asset. A landing page can reveal different kinds of data. Where is the most traffic coming from, how long are people engaging with the page, how many sections are people filling, etc. can help in optimizations and lead to the brand understanding its consumers better. 6. Clear and Simple Messaging and Focus- The purpose of a landing page is singular in nature. If you compare the same with the homepage of a website you will be able to judge the difference for yourself. A clean and simple direct message means that the focus is stronger and the communication is much more optimized. Landing pages that are able to reduce user distractions perform a lot better. The Final Word In this article, we have tried to list out some of the major benefits of landing pages. We have also looked at some ways landing pages can be optimized for greater performance. Marketing professionals and business owners who are looking to leverage online marketing campaigns should pay attention to how landing pages can make a real difference to their brand. Read Also: 7 Proven Marketing Tactics to Increase your ROI in 2018 5 Creative Ways to Improve Lead Quality with Multi-Step forms Top 10 Features to Have in Marketing Automation Platforms