How to Design an Effective Company Website


29 October 2018

Dev & Design

Company Website

A website for your business gives you a lot of benefits. It makes information dissemination a breeze, allows potential customers to find you easily, provides your brand with an excellent professional image, gives you brand visibility and credibility, provides a way to showcase your work or market your product and services, and best of all, it saves you money in the long run. That’s why a company website should be well-designed.

It must be able to provide a great experience to your customers when they visit. Whether they use their computer, tablet or mobile phone, they should be able to access your website and use it without a problem. Most important of all, it must be able to serve and respond to your customer’s needs. Whether they want to check your price list, find a product, browse through your new collection, or ask you a question, your website must be able to provide what they are looking for quickly.

But, to be able to serve your customers well, you must know what elements are essential to a company website. Here are the things you should put on your site:

Customer testimonials:

Nothing beats hearing satisfactory remarks and praise from your customers. You shouldn’t just keep this to yourself. You should let these be part of your website, and you can do this by crafting a customer testimonial page.

Having customer testimonials gives your business more credibility since these reviews are unbiased. Furthermore, customer testimonials are free marketing, so you can have a broader reach and attract many potential clients in the future.

About page:

An about page is crucial since it shows your brand identity. It will make you appear more credible and authentic to your customers. It also allows visitors of your website to know more about you and your company. Especially if it is the visitor’s first time to enter your site, most probably, he or she will first click on the about page to learn more about your business first before anything else.

Contact us page:

Of course, you cannot forget to put your contact details. This is critical information your customers need should any of them want to reach you to address their concerns or queries.  Having a contact page will also make your business look good since it means you are readily available to attend to your customers’ needs anytime.

List of products and services:

You should enumerate all your products and services on your website so that visitors of your site are well-informed of the product details and specifications including the benefits they’ll get with the product.


A blog gives you a way to make yourself a thought leader in the industry. Writing informative articles that offer tips or advice to customers who visit your website will make you look credible. It means more people will trust your company and it will boost your sales.

These are the essential elements you should put on your website. If you are unsure how to integrate these into your site, you should ask an expert in website design in Oxford to show you how to do it.

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10 Best Infographic Examples In 2022

The academics Mrudula Joshi and Latika Gupta have defined infographics as, “pictorial representations of information intended to disseminate information quickly and clearly”. Additionally, they state that the quality of an infographic is determined by its content and its visual appeal. Infographics are a useful way of conveying information visually and can be used in a wide variety of applications. Businesses often use infographics to convey information to their employees, shareholders, and the general public. Infographics use the language of visual media to convey information in a manner that is unique and can transcend language. This allows infographics to be very accessible which helps businesses convey information efficiently and effectively. Checkout Ten Best Infographic Examples In 2022: This article will analyze 10 of the best examples of infographics in 2022 and discuss the effectiveness of the infographics' use of visual language to convey information. 1. Wyoming LLC Attorney: Everything Owned by Nestlé This infographic breaks down the considerable number of brands that are owned by the multinational giant Nestlé. Through its use of simple outlines, it separates the brands into their different industries which makes visually reading the information easier. This also conveys the message behind the infographic which is that Nestlé’s brands are overwhelming the market and are not competing with each other but with brands that Nestlé does not own. 2. World Resources Institute: The Carbon Budget Source: World Resources Institute This infographic explains the carbon budget and its implications for society. This is a complex topic and it is effectively handled through a well-designed pathway that guides the reader through the infographic. This pathway is constructed in two ways: firstly the line which runs throughout the infographic and secondly through the gradual lightening of the background color. 3. World Bank: Climate Extremes, Regional Impacts, and the Case for Resilience This infographic illustrates the increasingly prevalent effects of global warming on people and places in Africa and Asia. The infographic uses color in a particularly effective manner. The orange and yellow hues contrast pleasantly with the shade of blue. Color psychology informs us that blue as a color evokes emotions of trust and orange evokes emotions of friendliness. The infographic uses both colors to create a welcoming but informative tone. Source: World Bank 4. Valentina D'Efilippo: Poppy Field Source: Valentina D'Efilippo This infographic uses the icon of the poppy to visually illustrate the number of deaths that have occurred during major conflicts since 1900. The size of the poppy represents the number of deaths that have occurred and the length of the stem represents the duration of the conflict. This is a visually striking infographic that creatively expresses statistics in a truly artistic manner. 5. Udacity: How to Pick Your First Programming Language Based on the Life You Want Source: Udacity This infographic breaks down the programming job market by programming languages as well as gives beginner programmers a better understanding of the application of different programming languages. The infographic uses a pleasant yellow background and subtle pops of color to distinguish between the different programming languages. This allows the reader to immediately know which language is being discussed without needing to check each time. Additionally, the infographic uses creative graphs which are both informative and aesthetically pleasing. 6. Arnav Sameer: The Six Principles of Design This infographic dissects the six principles of design and the individual components which make up these principles. The infographic utilizes the elements of design that it discusses to enhance its visual appeal. This is satisfyingly coherent and it drives home the message of the infographic. Additionally, the use of color is very limited but this only serves to enhance the aesthetic of the infographic. Source: Folography 7. Juan Martinez: History of Life Source: Juan Martinez This infographic presents the history of planet earth and life as we know it. It includes the different time periods of the earth as well as the positions of the continents and how they have shifted over time. It uses a strong circular design to draw the reader's eye to the center of the infographic. Additionally, further information is presented in a clear way that relates back to the central image. 8. Venngage: Netflix Font Psychology Source: Venngage This infographic analyzes the font that popular Netflix shows use for their titles. It breaks down the different categories of fonts and what these fonts say about the shows as well as their audiences. The infographic utilizes an almost black background to make its limited use of color particularly emphatic. This also functions as a means of placing a great deal of emphasis on the white text which reveals the font each show decided to use. 9. Dorothy: A History of Hip-Hop Source: Dorothy This infographic charts the history of the hip-hop movement using the style of a blueprint. It emphasizes the artists which have had the most significant cultural impact on hip-hop and link these artists to other prominent figures of the hip-hop movement. The design of the infographic encourages exploration of its intricacies through a web of interconnecting lines and bold use of only two colors. 10. Rick Slusher: The Architecture of Inception Source: Rick Slusher This infographic condenses the complex plot of the film Inception into a digestible and visually striking piece of media. Each line represents a character and the warped layers of the central shape represent the layers of dreaming that the characters experience. This infographic proves that almost anything can be represented visually in a clear manner, even something as convoluted as the plot of Inception. Final Thoughts This list has compiled the best examples of infographics and illustrated how diverse and creative the medium of infographics is. Each infographic manages to condense a great deal of information into an easily digestible and visually appealing piece of media. The use of infographics is tremendously diverse and these infographics demonstrate the manner in which the medium can be used for any number of purposes. Read Also: Is Instagram Algorithm Easy To Beat?5 Benefits of Digitalization in MarketingLatest Trends of Graphic Design in London

Ecommerce Web Design

7 Rules of Effective Ecommerce Web Design

Without a doubt, one of the most crucial parts of running a business — especially a business focused on eCommerce — would be to design the best possible website for online shoppers. If anyone is looking for proof that Atlanta web design is not to be underestimated, all they would have to do is look at how 2020’s holiday season has affected online business. There were so many online shoppers that any ecommerce website owner who managed a few best-practice methods benefited and made a lot of money. The use of Minneapolis web design is a great way to get started, though it pays to understand how web design can affect a business. While there are undoubtedly plenty of different ways to maneuver a company to success, most business owners simply have to worry about the overall optimization of the website. Here are seven rules of effective eCommerce web design that are crucial to the success of just about any eCommerce company. How a simple headline can catch the necessary attention For the most part, the only thing the business owner has to worry about would be attracting online visitors that intend to shop on the website. If the website owner has the necessary products and services, all that matters is to make them click past the homepage and toward a successful purchase. To get the job done, a succinct header is crucial. As a rule of thumb, try to get the point across in as few words as possible. Keep in mind that most online users do not have the patience to bother with a website that beats around the bush. A headline that gets to the point will let those in need of the company’s products know that they can find what they want within. Are the loading times acceptable? Keep in mind that an inspired website is not necessary to realize the full potential of eCommerce web design. Instead, it would be best to allow for simple designs that help users navigate quickly to what they need. Otherwise, they could lose patience and click away. Complicated web design is unnecessary, and could prove to be counterproductive if the store owner is not careful. For example, the use of widgets can often make the experience a little more fun and engaging for the user. However, keep in mind that the website is meant to sell products. Liberal use of site accessories will only bog things down. There are also the images to consider, as it is mandatory to utilize high-quality images, but resolutions that are much too high will also cause slow loading times. Study the bounce rate of the website The bounce rate is how likely an online user is to leave a website upon first viewing the home page. A high bounce rate means that most people are leaving before venturing further, which does not bode well for any eCommerce store owner. To help improve the bounce rate, there are a couple of things to consider. The headline has already been mentioned above, though there are quite a few more best-practice methods. Having programs that can help gather the bounce rate will help store owners figure out where they stand. Focus on the mobile app Without a doubt, if there is one thing most eCommerce stores have learned from the previous holiday season, it is that the mobile platform matters. While most people are staying at home, they still prefer using their smartphones over their computers, which means stores are leaving a lot of revenue out of the table by choosing to focus only on the browser experience. If the business owner wants to ensure that they future-proof their eCommerce website, it would be ideal to work on a mobile platform as soon as possible. Keep in mind that all of the web design tips for browsers count for the mobile platform. Keep the loading times low, and ensure that the header gets straight to the point! Ensure the website is easy to navigate! Even if the website might have all the products an online user needs, it will mean nothing if they can’t easily find it. Most people will choose to look for another store over having to jump through hoops to get what they need, which means a complicated design is out of the picture. Ensure that online shoppers have a quick and painless way to get to the products they need. Content marketing matters more than you might think! Making use of quality companies such as Minneapolis web design often shows businesses that there needs to be more in their online store than just a means to purchase products and services. Some online shoppers want to be encouraged to make the purchase, which is where content marketing comes in. The right type of content marketing involves relevant articles that can encourage users to purchase the products. It will not do to have subpar content for the website — all the content has to be unique and informative. It might take some doing, but it is well worth the effort. Stay consistent and vigilant Last but certainly not least, it is crucial to be as consistent and vigilant when it comes to matters involving web design. For example, having content marketing through blogs and articles are great, but it is also possible to elevate the content by adding videos. For those who are involved with link building through search engine optimization (SEO), ensure that there are no broken/dead links. The more the business owner can link toward their website, the easier it will be for others to find. Most online shop owners will be relieved to find that quality web design is more about keeping disciplined than having to learn various skills to get the job done. It can be even easier with the help of trained professionals, though the true magic of web design is that it is more than possible with a few best-practice methods. Effective eCommerce web design is all about simplicity and ensuring that online shoppers are happy with their visit. For further valuable insights on engaging a website design team, please explore this link: Read Also: Tips to Explain with Your Web Designer for Starting the Job Functionality – an important aspect of good web design: Sydney digital marketing services for your growth 7 Advantages of Using Website Design Templates

WordPress Developer

WordPress Developer: Job Profile and Key Responsibilities in 2020

WordPress today is regarded as the most impressive and powerful content management and blogging system that is currently available online. Clients actually love it since it is easy, simple, and convenient to set up. It is known for having a user-friendly approach and has a number of plug-ins. Most developers prefer WordPress as it offers easy and smooth functionality and decent quality. There is a constant increase in the number of websites that are using WordPress today. WordPress developer is the way ahead of the competition and they have certainly found a niche for themselves in the industry today. Job Profile A WordPress Developer is responsible for front-end and back-end development including generating WordPress plug-ins and themes.  This position would be requiring an effective combination of aesthetics and programming skills. You must create your job profile in order to have a job description for a Wordpress developer. A candidate would need to have a high level of competence in PHP, JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3. He must have a clear understanding of the font choices, color, and on-screen element arrangements. One must possess a sound knowledge of the content management systems and also industry trends. He must be conversant with the principles of adaptive and responsive design. The prospective candidate must possess a sound knowledge of the complete web development process and that may include design, development, and also effective deployment. A WordPress Developer should master the art of developing complex, custom WordPress-related solutions and also PHP framework-oriented solutions. He is supposed to aid account managers, sales staff, and others in web project planning, requirements gathering, and usual technical questions. He is expected to provide leadership in determining and developing new technologies. One must lead in all endeavors toward identifying effective methods and strategies for advancing the web offerings of the company he is working for. He is expected to aid other developers in system designing and implementation. A WordPress Developer must be responsible for server maintenance, as well as, server monitoring. He would be supporting existing client websites by efficiently providing technical support. Job Prerequisites A WordPress Developer must have a Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field or he must possess a comparable level of experience in the field of web development. You must possess substantial experience and working knowledge of CSS/ HTML, PHP, MySQL, intermediate JavaScript, Linux, and DNS. He must have adequate experience in WordPress development. You must be capable of understanding client issues and accordingly, developing effective software solutions right from system designing to implementation. He should be able to deploy Salesforce changesets. He must possess exceptional communication skills and must be well-equipped with excellent time management skills. Skills &Responsibilities A WordPress Developer must possess a wide spectrum of skills and fulfill a whole lot of responsibilities Adequate experience and expertise in WordPress related PHP Sound knowledge of the inbuilt WordPress functions Must aid in the creation of customized post types Must help in creating Widgets/ plug-ins written for conforming to the existing WordPress coding standards Expertise in the art of designing and implementing novel/ innovative features and functionality Be responsible for establishing, as well as, supervising any specific website’s architecture He would be responsible for ensuring availability and high performance. Also, he must be capable of handling competently the CMS’s technical aspects He must help in formulating a responsive and effective design and converting it into a good working theme, as well as, plug-in However, he must contribute fruitfully to all conversations and discussions regarding the ‘scope of build’ with his project managers, development team, designers, etc He must have sound knowledge of integration of sliced PSD files into WordPress or other systems Reasons for Becoming a Top of the Line WordPress Developer If you are aspiring to become a successful WordPress Developer go ahead with your dreams. There are more reasons than one to pursue a high-flying career as a WordPress Developer. Some of the prominent reasons are: Making Maximum Money Today, there is a very high demand for WordPress development. Clients are more than willing to pay impressive salaries to the top-line developers in the industry. Getting the Best Clients If you are also one of the top-line developers, you would be very much in circulation. You would have enough projects in your hands at all times, so you could also exercise the liberty of saying no to the clients, who are offering you projects you are just not interested in doing. You would be choosing only the best projects and working for the best clients only. Becoming Influential If you are a top-level WordPress Developer, you would be having a lot of influence, tremendous capability and of course, the responsibility of shaping the future of WordPress and its associated ecosystem. Conclusion It involves a lot of dedication, devotion, and hard work to become a WordPress developer. Remember no career aspirations could be fulfilled without single-minded determination, energy, and patience. There are various reasons mentioned above in order to become a top-line Wordpress developer. So, You must follow the above tips to be a successful developer. You are welcomed to ask any queries if you have in the comment section below. Read Also: How To Maintain WordPress Website For Free? THE 10 WORDPRESS PLUGINS EVERY SUCCESSFUL BLOGGER USES