Common Printing Problem and It’s Solution


01 October 2019

Dev & Design

printing problem

Printing in the office can be a headache for IT professionals. Problems such as server errors and employee access issues would arise. And more often than not, it leads to the IT professionals devoting more time to fix the problem, which then drives the company to incur more expenses.

Employees would sometimes forget the password to the printers around the office, making them rely on one printer only, which makes it a very inefficient process, hindering productivity at work.

In other cases, people in the office would forget to refill the paper and ink cartridges. It then leads to more wasted time trying to source paper and ink around the office or looking for a functional printer.

How Do We Fix This?

The solution to this fiasco is installing a Print Server for the office that the entire company can benefit from. It creates an optimal workplace with no speed bumps, such as printing problems, to hinder workplace productivity.

Instead of having to constantly remember different passwords and fumbling around with individual printers, have it all consolidated on a server that can manage all devices connected to it, ensuring a hassle-free printing experience. Take the first step to peak productivity by learning more about the print server.

Printing in the office is more accessible by installing a Print Server with its easy user interface. It reduces employee confusion which in turn can make them focus more on their work. By installing a print server, you can strategize and make more plans for your business instead of worrying about how to get different computers to print from different printers.

Print servers also analyze how different printers around the office use much paper and ink. It can reduce costs for the company by giving data on how much ink and paper are needed for each printer, promoting peak efficiency.

A Print Server can also perform common tasks which means that employees can focus on other things, such as achieving corporate goals, instead of being inefficient by focusing on the mundane.

What Makes RPM the Best Option for You?

Remote Print Manager is focused on peak productivity in the office and reducing expenses for the company. Unlike other print servers that simply register printers on computers, RPM will consolidate user information and generate insights that the organization can use for its benefit.

By monitoring the usage of printers across the office, RPM can help the company maintain printers making it ready for the employees to use.

RPM can also perform mundane digital or paper-based tasks so that employees can focus on bigger tasks. RPM also supports multiple data formats and can convert them into other file types. It provides a simple user interface that can get employees to accomplish their printing tasks swiftly.

RPM provides the print server technology you need to improve workplace efficiency. It redefines what print servers are meant to be by providing an all-round way to maximize productivity in the office by reducing printing issues and generating insights regarding usage to reduce company expenses.

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Photography Website

Looking To Build A Photography Website: Here Is How You Can Build One

Whether you are a professional photographer or someone that is just starting out, you need a website. To be honest, in the digital age, not having a website for a photographer is a serious disadvantage. You might think that showcasing your work on social media is enough. That is rarely the case. Social media has several restrictions. Photography is all about details. When you publish your work on social, the platform compresses the imagery and practically dilutes the experience. If you want your customers to seriously engage with you, you need to consider having an excellent website that can display your portfolio in all its glory. With a website, you can go with the highest resolution images, biggest sizes and demonstrate your sheer brilliance. The thing is. Where do you begin, and how do you get a website done with the least amount of effort and costs? In this resource article, we are going to help you do just that. If you are a photographer that is looking to build a new website or improve your existing one, stick around till the end. The Start of Building a Photography Website: Choose the Best Website Builders Building a high-performing photography website is not as tough as you might imagine. It is true that a decade back, that was not the case. You needed help from specialized web design agencies that would take months to deliver a website. Not to mention the unimaginable costs. In 2022, that is not the case. Photographers are creative professionals who value aesthetics. With a little bit of support from the best website builders, they can get their platforms up and go on their own. This is where Zyro photography website builder proves to be helpful. Template Selection- Building a photography website is different from creating one for a brand in the heavy equipment niche. You need appropriate templates that are aesthetic and attractive. A great website builder has multiple photography templates that you can go through and choose the ones that you feel best represent your personality and work. Creative Freedom- Working with an agency means listening to their design experts and their complicated jargon all day long. You are not going to face this issue with a website builder. Here you have complete freedom to decide on the sections, flow, and placements. Great options like ‘drag and drop’ enable you to have creative freedom and make decisions on layouts, color schemes, and more. Zero Distractions- Building a website earlier required you to have knowledge about coding, HTML, CSS, and PHP. This was a major deterrent. Not anymore. Using a website builder frees you from all these distractions and allows you to build a photography website like you want to. If you do not want to code, no one should force you to do that. This allows you to focus on the website. List of 5 Essential Things Photography Website Owners Need: You might have heard experts say that simply building a website is not enough. That is true. In this day and age of competition, you need optimizations and marketing strategies to help you drive traffic, engage your target audiences, and perform on search engines. In this section, we are going to outline five essential things that photography website owners need to make sure their platforms are a resounding success- 1. Limitless Storage-  Remember how in the opening sections, we talked about the freedom to upload your photography portfolio and not be restricted in terms of sizes and resolutions? That is what a great website builder can help you with- infinite storage space. This allows you to upload your best work and not worry about the website slowing down or lacking performance. 2. Integration with Social Platforms-  There is no denying the fact that social media is an important platform for professionals in the creative field. It is true that social platforms can play a critical part in your success. A good website builder allows you functionalities that help in integrating your social profiles- Facebook, Instagram, Snap, Pinterest, etc. This helps in diverting traffic to your website. 3. Search Engine Optimization-  CSS and PHP websites require developers to go over every small detail to make sure that the website is SEO-friendly and optimized. With website builders, you do not have to worry about these things since the sites are already worked upon and SEO friendly. This will allow you to outperform your competitors on the SERPs and ensure that you get organic clicks and traffic. 4. Responsiveness with Mobile Devices-  It is true that a majority of searches take place on mobile devices. With a website builder, you do not have to engage with manual optimizations to fit your design on mobile screens. This is something that is automatic in nature. Since a lot of your potential customers are going to find and engage with you on mobile devices, a website builder helps you completely here. 5. Digital Marketing and AI Integrations-  Websites are more than just a set of codes. They are a representation of how customers behave, interact, and engage. The best website builder platforms have advanced digital marketing and AI integrations that help create a smart experience whenever someone visits your website. This allows you to manage a lot of the areas which would have required manual interference. If you are a photographer looking to build your first professional website, this is how you can get it done. The best part is that you do not have to be dependent on anyone to get your website up and running. This will allow you to focus and concentrate on other areas of your business. The Bottom Line Most creative professionals that we have spoken to, whether they be writers, photographers, or illustrators, point out that design and development agencies do not really get them. That is true. When it comes to the creative fields, a website is all about individuality and self-expression. When you build a photography website using a builder, you have complete freedom on how you want it to be. There is zero interference from someone telling you that this is wrong or that you shouldn’t be doing this. You can create a website that is ‘you’. If you have any other doubts regarding building your photography website, please let us know in the comments below. We will do our best to resolve all your queries as soon as possible. Till then- all the best to you and your photography website!

Practices for Visual Regression Testing on Cloud

A Beginner’s Guide To Playwright Inspector

As the world continues to shift towards a more digital landscape, the significance of quality web applications has become progressively apparent. Given the vast array of tools and technologies at the disposal of web developers, determining an appropriate starting point can prove challenging. Debugging is the method of identifying and fixing bugs or errors in software. It is a vital aspect of web automation testing as it contributes significantly to the dependability and precision of the automated test results. Playwright is an open-source cross-browser testing framework released by Microsoft in 2020. As stated by Systems Sciences Institute, the expenditure of addressing an error or bug discovered after product release was 4 to 5 times higher than pinpointing it during the configuration phase. The detected value during the maintenance phase can be exceeded by up to 100 times. Playwright developers operate at the API level and offer comprehensive tooling through the integrated Playwright Inspector. Playwright Inspector is a powerful tool that authorizes developers to efficiently test and debug their web applications. Also, it facilitates creating automation scripts by furnishing auto code generation capabilities. Playwright Inspector allows you to inspect the Document Object Model (DOM) structure of a webpage, interact with web elements, and inspect CSS styles utilizing the Playwright API. It authorizes stepping through tests, picking locators, editing live locators, and seeing actionability logs. This blog will dive into the basics of Playwright Inspector and explore its many features. So if you're ready to take your web development skills to the next level, buckle up and dive into the world of Playwright Inspector. Before that, let's have a brief understanding of Playwright. What is Playwright? Developed by Microsoft, Playwright is an end-to-end open-source web testing and browser automation framework. Playwright offers outstanding cross-browser compatibility and convenient features. This makes it a perfect choice for automation and quality assurance purposes. The playwright is a flexible, robust, and efficient framework. It supports multiple languages like JavaScript, Java, Python, C#, and TypeScript. Playwright utilizes a single automation API. This makes it steadfast and quick and produces consistent outcomes while running cross-browser testing. It provides a powerful set of testing features. These features can be utilized to simulate end-user interactions with the web application. Also, the framework authorizes testing complex scenarios such as file uploads, login flows, and other interactions. These test scenarios can be tough to test with other testing frameworks. The software platform furnishes developers with a comprehensive selection of standard and personalized locators. This facilitates the straightforward and effective identification of elements on web pages. These locators can pinpoint elements based on a variety of attributes, including text content, position on the page, and other distinguishing features. With Playwright locators, developers can confidently identify elements on the DOM, ensuring the creation of substantial and steadfast test suites. What is a Playwright Inspector? Playwright Inspector is a Graphical User Interface based tool that helps testers and developers record scripts and debug Playwright tests. The tool helps generate boilerplate code. This can be a suitable starting point for building codes. Also, it assists developers and the Quality Assurance teams save time when writing the test script from scratch. Software developers can utilize the time saved to comprehensively understand the codebase and make informed modifications, as required, to enhance the efficacy of the testing suites. The Playwright Inspector simplifies the process of debugging web applications. It is a browser-based development tool that facilitates developers to inspect, debug, and troubleshoot web applications. The tool authorizes developers to record user interactions, capture screenshots, and inspect HTML elements, CSS styles, and JavaScript code. Playwright Inspector furnishes a console for developers and testers to run arbitrary JavaScript code in the context of the inspected page. To scale Playwright Inspector, an AI-powered test orchestration and test execution platform like LambdaTest offers an online farm of 3000+ browser and OS combinations to execute the Playwright test. You can effortlessly test your application as its scalable cloud infrastructure enables parallel test execution where you can run test cases altogether. It can also integrate with your existing testing infrastructure. It effortlessly plugs into your Playwright tool, eliminating the need for complex configurations. LambdaTest's Playwright Inspector  empowers you to debug and analyze Playwright scripts effortlessly. Inspect element properties, verify page behavior, and optimize automated tests using this user-friendly tool. Installation and Setup Instructions Installation and setup instructions are crucial for any software tool, and Playwright Inspector is no exception. As a beginner, it's essential to follow these instructions carefully to ensure that you can start using the tool without any issues. To install Playwright Inspector, first, you need to make sure that you have Node.js installed on your computer or laptop. Once you have Node.js, you can install Playwright Inspector through npm by running the command "npm i -g playwright-inspector" in your terminal. Upon successful installation, the tool can be initiated by executing the command "playwright-inspector" in your terminal. You can also use Playwright Inspector with other browsers like Firefox and Safari by installing the corresponding browser extensions. Following these instructions will give you a smooth and hassle-free experience of using Playwright Inspector, authorizing you to debug and troubleshoot your web applications with ease. How to Inspect Elements in Playwright Inspector If you are new to Playwright Inspector, you may be wondering how to inspect elements within your web page. Fortunately, Playwright Inspector comes equipped with a number of useful tools and features to assist you in efficiently identifying and inspecting elements on your web page. To start, simply launch Playwright Inspector and navigate to the web page you want to inspect. Once you are on the page, right-click on any element within the page and select "Inspect element" from the context menu. This will bring up the Playwright Inspector pane, where you can view the HTML and CSS code for the selected element. You can also view any associated styles and properties. From there, you can use the various tools and features within Playwright Inspector to further inspect and manipulate the element, making it easier than ever to identify and troubleshoot any issues within your web page. Benefits of Playwright Inspector The Playwright Inspector tool presents lots of benefits. Let us consider a few pivotal benefits of the Playwright Inspector: 1. Easy Debugging: Playwright Inspector facilitates the process of debugging Playwright scripts by furnishing a visual interface. This authorizes developers to inspect the page, make alterations to its state, and swiftly identify the cause of issues. 2. Record and Replay: The tool presents a record and replay feature that authorizes testers and QA teams to record end-user activities on the page and replay them for debugging purposes. The record and replay feature can help pinpoint issues that may occur only during specific user interactions. 3. Robust Logging: Playwright Inspector presents robust logging abilities that authorize testers and QA teams to outline the execution flow of the test script. This helps swiftly determine issues and fix them, thereby enhancing confidence in the code and application itself. 4. Intuitive Interface: The Playwright Inspector boasts an intuitive and user-friendly interface that is simple to navigate and operate, even for testers and QA teams who are new to the Playwright platform. 5. Cross-Browser Support: The Playwright Inspector facilitates the testing and debugging of applications across various platforms as it supports multiple Chromium-based browsers such as Chrome, Edge, and Firefox. This enables developers to ensure their applications perform optimally on different browsers. 6. Breakpoints: The Playwright Inspector tool is designed to enhance the testing process for software testers and QA teams. With this tool, users can set breakpoints in their test scripts, enabling them to pause test execution at specific points and thoroughly investigate the page's state. This increased level of control and visibility allows for improved efficiency and effectiveness in the testing process. Best Practices for Using Playwright Inspector The Playwright Inspector tool furnishes developers with an intuitive solution for testing web applications at scale. With the help of Inspector, developers and testers can debug their web automation scripts, view page elements and attributes, and pinpoint issues that may be causing the tests to fail. To make the most out of this tool, it is paramount to follow the best practices for using it. Here are eight best practices for using Playwright Inspector: ●        Familiarize yourself with the Inspector UI. ●        Utilize the search feature to swiftly pinpoint page elements. ●        Utilize the highlight feature to visually locate elements on the page. ●        Utilize the console to test JavaScript code and interact with the page. ●        Utilize the network tab to inspect network requests and responses. ●        Utilize the performance tab to pinpoint performance issues. ●        Utilize the snapshot feature to capture a snapshot of the current page state for later analysis. ●        Utilize the playback feature to replay test scripts and identify errors. By following these best practices, you can utilize Playwright Inspector to its full potential and optimize your web automation testing process. Conclusion Playwright Inspector is a powerful tool that can help developers troubleshoot issues and enhance the quality of their web applications. With its user-friendly interface and wide range of features, Playwright Inspector is a prominent addition to any developer's toolkit. By following the steps outlined in this beginner's guide, you can start utilizing Playwright Inspector today and take advantage of its many benefits. Whether you are a seasoned developer or just starting out, Playwright Inspector is a must-have tool for anyone looking to enhance their web development skills. Read Also: Mobile Testing With Appium On Lambdatest 10 Reliable Free Currency APIs For Your Business Using Tracking Code, Google Analytics Can Report On Data From Which Systems?

Printing Quality

Advance Copier: Printing Quality Business Cards On Your Own Computer

There is a relatively small list of things necessary to design and print business cards of your own without the help of a commercial printing company or advance copier. These things include common types of software, access to a laser or inkjet printer, business card stock. Generating business cards yourself can often yield real savings in both money and time, especially when all that is needed is a set of temporary cards or just a small number of cards. The card quality that can be achieved is more than sufficient for hobbyists or home-based entrepreneurs. Of course, if a large volume of cards is required, it is worth making specific price comparisons between DIY cards and professionally printed ones. Printer cartridges are not cheap, and if you plan to make a lot of cards, the expense can accumulate quickly. It is easy to purchase perforated, blank business card stock at most office supply retailers. There are numerous design software options for business cards both online and in stores. It may be that your existing word processing software has an integrated business card template that can make everything quite easy. The choice is yours. Essential Business Card Printing Supplies: Most office supply stores stock perforated sheets specifically made for business card printing. It is often possible to find a number of available choices in terms of colors and paper finish styles. Select and, if necessary, install the business card design program onto your computer. Those with older versions will want to locate the business card template by moving toward the "Tools" tab, choosing "Letter and Mailings," and then selecting "Labels." From there, it is necessary to choose the correct brand name of the business card stock purchased. Word versions that are from 2007 or later will click on the tab entitled "Mailings," choose "Labels" at the upper left, go to "Options" in the dialog box and select the card manufacturer, product number, and printer. Designing The Cards: Once you begin designing a business card, you will want to determine which printing method to use. Process colors or spot color may be best if you want to take your design to a commercial printer. Of course, cards that have been designed on Publisher are printable on your own desktop or sent to a professional printer, based on your unique needs. Take a close look at some of the business cards you have received along the way or check out some online examples so that you can have a strong grasp of the important elements of design. That way, your cards will turn out to be extremely appealing to the eye. Be sure to follow the software program's instructions for designing a card. You will want to include relevant text, a border, perhaps a logo, and additional elements of design, as needed. Name your file and save it in a location you can easily remember and retrieve. To steer clear of irritation and disappointment, be sure to grasp the limits on what your home printer can really do. It must be remembered that professionally printed cards will likely utilize a range of processes and techniques, based on the design chosen. These could include raised printing, engraving, foil stamping, graduations and more. Obviously, these types of enhancements cannot be recreated with a home printer. Some of the essential elements of any home-produced business card include: Name and perhaps a logo of the company Your own name and formal title within the company The physical address, telephone, and fax numbers Email contact information Address of company website Printing The Final Product: If you are not using the best printer, ink type and paper quality, your brilliant designs will not reflect into successful physical products. Most businesses make the mistake of investing in the graphic design part, while compromising on the final print quality. This is something that should be avoided at all costs. Make sure that whenever you are going to print business cards, you are doing it using the highest quality printers, inks/dyes and the best paper. This is what will help you achieve top-notch results for your business cards. Now it is time to load the perforated sheets into your own printer, taking care to follow the instructions provided with the product. Go to the file containing your design and choose "Print," which is typically found under the "File" tab. Run a practice print job of one sheet just to make sure that the design is well-aligned, prints clearly and looks the way you want it to. After this, print the rest of the sheets until you have the number of cards desired and then tear at the perforation lines. Verify that sufficient ink is available to create the full quantity so that you do not end up wasting the prefabricated card sheets. Also, take care to sit near the printer for the entire process so that you can keep an eye on print quality and address mechanical jams that can arise. The type and weight of business cards that can be done at home are limited due to the capabilities of most personal printers. If card material that is heavier than the printer can handle, jamming and potentially permanent damage can occur. Depending on the type of enterprise involved, using home-printed business cards may not be the wisest option, merely because they may be viewed as the mark of an amateur in the relevant industry. However, for certain other purposes, they fit the bill perfectly. If you are searching for an advance copier or printer for your business card needs, consider Advanced Business Copier, the #1 choice. Read Also: 7 Ways To Stop Spending So Much On Printing In Your Business How To Choose The Best Printer For Your Office Paper Authority: Basic Tips In Purchasing A Printer