A Beginners Guide to Investing: Getting Started in 8 Simple Steps

Published on: 09 August 2018 Last Updated on: 07 December 2021
Guide to Investing: Getting Started in 8 Simple Steps

Did you know that 61 percent of people find investing scary or intimidating? This number is even higher when it comes to millennials.

Investing in the stock market isn’t just something super clever people do. You don’t have to be really wealthy to start investing in stocks.

But you do need to know what you’re doing before you get started. That’s why we’ve put together this beginner’s guide to investing. Get started with our guide to investing in 8 simple steps.

1. What is Investing?

Instead of just putting your money into your bank account and allowing it to earn interest, an investment is a risk. You’re not guaranteed any returns on your investment.

Therefore, you have the chance of making a lot of money if you play your cards right. But you also could make a mistake resulting in less money than with which you started. You can even lose it all.

There are multiple different kinds of investments you can make. These include:

This includes everything from the conventional shares and funds to the less obvious whiskey and antiques. It’s basically anything that you believe will increase in value over time.

But for our purposes, it’s best to focus on the stock market. This involves buying shares in one or more companies to make a profit over time.

When most people think of stock markets they imagine lots of young and flashy stock brokers shouting “buy!” and “sell!”. But the truth is that it’s much more boring than this.

It’s actually about selecting a number of shares or funds, tracking how they’re doing and pulling out when you think it’s a good time.

2. Stock Markets and How They Work

A stock market is just a place where people come together to buy and sell shares in companies. Each share is listed on what’s called an exchange.

But how do shares come about? Companies provide investors the chance to support what they’re doing with cash. This allows the company the chance to grow and the investor to make money on the back of this success.

When you invest in a company, you become a shareholder. You can trade this share in the company with anyone else who wishes to purchase it from you.

Even though the original price of each share is determined by the company itself. From thereon, the price of each share is influenced by a number of factors from the strength of the overall economy to the financial health of the company.

Depending on these factors, the price of the company will rise and fall in the stock market.

3. How Much Can I Make by Investing?

This is the real reason why people start investing in stocks. They want to make money. But there’s no simple answer to the question of how much you can make.

But it’s worth pointing out that in the current economic climate, savings rates are actually at an all-time low. This means that many people are searching for alternative means of making money.

How much you can make by investing is also contingent on how bigger risk you can afford to take. The more you’re willing to risk, the higher the potential of your returns.

4. How Much to Invest?

So many people spend many years of their lives thinking that when they finally have some spare cash, they’ll invest it. But this is actually the wrong way to look at investments. You don’t need piles of cash to start investing.

By investing a little amount regularly, you can build up your returns over time. It’s important not to invest everything you’ve got in a single venture. “Not to put too many eggs in one basket” is excellent advice for any wanna-be investor. Together with traditional ways of investing, you should also look to put some money in alternative investments.

You have to be able to afford to lose the money you’re thinking of investing. If there’s a stock market crash you could lose everything you’ve invested overnight.

You should also make sure you can afford to put money into a share over a minimum of 5 years. You need to be able to plow through the bumps along the way to make anything in the long run.

5. What’s a Share?

Let’s investigate a little further what a share actually is.

It’s a unit of value of a company. If a company is valued at $10 million and there are 1000 shares, each share would be worth $10,000. But the shares of the company can rise or fall according to the overall value of the company.

People invest in a company because they believe the company will be successful in the future. By buying shares you get the chance to share in the success or failure of the company.

Along with the profit you make when the shares increase in value, as a shareholder, you usually receive dividends too. This is a payment to you by the company from the profit generated by the company.

6. What’s a Fund?

If you want to buy shares, you can either purchase stocks or funds.

Instead of purchasing the shares from the company, you pass your money to a fund manager. The fund managers bring together the money of a number of investors and purchase shares on the stock market for you.

7. How to Start Investing?

There are a number of different ways to purchase shares and funds. But most people use what’s known as a platform to make purchases.

You have to select which platform you want to use to make your investments. After you’ve done this, you can select which investments you want to make.

Confused? Think of it as buying milk from the store.

You have to choose which store (your platform) you want to purchase the milk. And then you need to choose which milk (your investment). You’ll also be charged for your shopping bag (user fees).

8. Should I Invest?

Of course, it’s always good to evaluate why you’re investing in a particular company. Ask yourself – is investing right for you?

History shows us that people who invest in shares over savings accounts receive greater returns. But this doesn’t necessarily mean that investing is for everyone.

Guide to Investing:

Investing can often seem confusing and scary to the uninitiated. But the truth is it’s much simpler than it appears.

By following our start guide to investing, you can start making informed decisions about what you want to do with your spare cash.

For more blog posts on financial issues, check out our blog.

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Credit Card Debt

A Guide to Getting Out of Credit Card Debt

It’s estimated that over 191 million Americans have credit cards, with the average credit card holder having at least 2.7 cards. While there are many benefits attached to credit cards, such as building credit and increasing purchasing power, it can be all too easy to miss credit card payments and find yourself in debt. So how about getting out of credit card debt? If you’re in this predicament, you may be wondering how to get out of credit card debt quickly. There are certain factors that can affect this, such as the amount of debt you’re in. Just remember, if you’re in credit card debt, you’re not alone.  5 Actions You Need To Take For Getting Out Of Credit Card Debt To successfully pay off your credit card debt will take some grafting from you. Here are some actionable tips for getting out of credit card debt.   You can take it now to clear your credit card debt. 1. Ask For Help You’re bound to feel overwhelmed if you’re in a ton of credit card debt. However, rather than burying your head in the sand, it’s time to ask for help and support. This may involve speaking to a credit counseling agency.  They can put you back on the right track and improve your financial situation. If you need help getting out of credit card debt? You always have to find the most suitable helping advisers for it. Now, most banks are offering services for credit card debt support. So you can avail of it. Alternatively, you can contact Tally, who is a specialist in credit card management. They can provide help in getting your credit card debt paid off faster. Whatever you do, don’t put your debt off. If you do, you will accrue more debt which will make it harder to get out of. 2. Establish Your Finances The first action toward getting out of credit card debt is by assessing your financial situation. This involves devising a list of everything you owe. You should include credit card debt and other monthly bills too. Your overall debt should factor in the balance and annual percentage rate, or APR (the price you are charged to borrow money) for every credit card you own. Analyzing each card’s APR and balance will help you establish what methods to use to reduce your debt.  You may find it more beneficial to tackle the debt with the largest interest rates first. Make sure to compare your expenses and debts with your income too. This can include items like a mortgage or rent debt, credit card balances, and loan debt. 3. Prioritize Your Spending After assessing your finances, it’s time to concentrate on how much you’re spending. To begin, you should pay the lowest quantity on secure debts. Are you failing to make the payments on time? This could see you lose the assets that are funding the loan. You must pay attention to your student loan debt too. This is because the federal government (which backs the majority of student loan debts) can sanction you financially should you default on student loan repayments.  For instance, the government can garnish your tax refunds, wages, and your Social Security benefits. When working on getting out of credit card debt, it’s advised not to use your credit cards during this time. Instead, pay for things using cash or a debit card. The last thing you want is to rack up further debt. 4. Draw Up A Budget Once you have prioritized your debts, it’s time to draw up a budget. This will help monitor how much you’re spending and give you better control on decreasing and getting out of credit card debt. It will take determination, persistence, and self-discipline to get rid of this financial burden. There are online tools you can use to set a budget and ensure you stay within your means. To free up more money from your budget, it’s time to look at ways you can cut back on expenses whether it’s forfeiting cable TV for the time being. But canceling your gym membership or you have to be well prepared to go without some luxuries as you tackle your debt.  To generate more income, why not consider starting a side hustle? If you have a particular passion for something, you may be able to earn extra money that can be put towards your credit card debt. 5. Alter Your Financial Habits If you don’t change the behavior that got you into credit card debt, you may slip back into debt quicker than you realize. Once you tackle your credit card debt and get it paid off, the relief will be like nothing else.  Therefore, you don’t want to be in the same position months down the line. If you want to get out of credit card debt fast, you always have to revise your financial habits. And always learn from your greatest mistakes. You need to understand the difference between ‘wants’ and ‘needs.’ Necessities include food, clothing, and housing, whereas luxuries are things like a Netflix subscription or going on vacation. Once you’ve cleared your credit card debt, it’s wise to set up an emergency fund of cash. That way, you have money when you need it without the need to use a credit card. Conclusion: If you’ve found yourself in a mountain of credit card debt, with the proper knowledge and tools, you will soon be on the path to conquering that mountain and becoming debt-free. Remember, you don’t have to tackle your credit card debt alone. There are people out there like credit counselors who can provide support and guidance. They are also willing to help you to get out of credit card debt. Read Also: Why Would I Need A Business Credit Report? 5 Tactics to Improve Your Credit Score This Year How to Deal With Debt By Doing Business Marketing Smartly? 10 Ways a Low Credit Score Can Negatively Impact Your Life

Precious Metal Investments

Diving Into The Shiny World Of Precious Metal Investments

So, if you're wondering just how the world of precious metal, investing and teenagers get in the same sentence, stick around. Not many would think of precious metals when you're trying to find an investment spot for your birthday money or part-time job salary. But believe it or not, this shiny (literally!) investment avenue could lead you to financial security in the future. The A-B-Cs Of Precious Metal Investments From handing down family heirlooms of gold jewellery to simply stashing away some silver eagle coins, we're all familiar with the idea of precious metals. You know the ones: gold, silver, and their less well-known cousins, platinum, copper, and palladium. The way we used to think about these investments has seen quite a transformation, along with civilization. We’ve started diversifying beyond just gold and silver. Now you've got a whole ton of shiny options - IRAs based on precious metals, bullion trading (cause who doesn't want to feel like a pirate?), certificates, investment-grade coins, and even ETFs and stocks. Who knew investing could be this exciting? The New Gold Standard Talk precious metal, most minds dart straight to gold, which let's agree has an undeniable charm. It’s been highly sought after since time immemorial, due to its rarity and non-rusting nature. Plus, investing in gold has been a traditional choice for many, and they're not entirely wrong. Think about it – Gold’s stable price, easy liquidity and the fact that it can act as a cover during economic kerfuffles make it a sure winner in many investor’s books. I know right? But don't let that stop you from exploring the exciting slew of modern investment options, like digital gold, gold stocks, online jewellery accounts, and ETFs. And if you're an adrenaline junkie who quite fancies the stock market, shares in gold mining companies could be your next big adventure. What Are The Factors That Drive One's' Desire To Hoard The Shiny Yellow Metals   Gold has always been a center of attraction for the people. The allure of the precious metal, through generations, has mesmerized people in such a way that people have followed gold madly. There are some factors that drive one to chase shiny yellow metals. Let's’ discuss it all here.   Inflation When the economy is doldrums, it can use the metals to safeguard its economy from an imminent fall. The prices of the metal fall slowly. This is teh reason many people run madly after the metal. To save oneself, people go for gold as an asset. Thus, you can say that precious metal (like gold and silver) is a hedged against inflation.  World Of Political Crisis   War and the political upheaval district not only the order of a nation but also spread anarchy and unrest. Under this situation, people tend to run into a gold hoarding mode. It is considered that political upheavals and other issues like that do not affect the economy of a nation.  Systematic Financial Concerns When some political events completely demolish the country's internal system, the economy receives the first blow. Therefore, the overall impact on the economy is quite strong with systematic financial concerns.  What Are The Benefits Of Investing In Precious Metals  There are the benefits and the inherent value of precious metals. Let us try to understand it here for the sake of your importance.  Please keep in mind that fiat money has risks and uncertainty.  The value of the modern paper currency fluctuates from time to time. But the metals are far more flexible. Rising Demand The demand for precious metals keeps on increasing. Consider the central banks and governments, the pirate banks, or the private investors; the tendency to invest in intelligent metals keeps on increasing. They all ratify the investments in gold.   Remember, gold and silver are not the only essential to the financial sector; they come under manufacturing in modern times. The digital age can not exist without these metals. So you can say it is one of your advantages with precious metals.  Scarcity Elevates The Value Of These Metals Precious metals like gold and silver are the rate resorces. There is a limit to the amount of gold present in the world. Only around 20% of the gold in the world remained to be minded. This is why the value of these metals keeps on increasing with time. Another study says that gold will no longer be there after around 20 years. This may be why the demand for hoarding such precious metals keeps increasing with time.  No Single Government Controls It The precious metals are beyond the periphery of control of the central government. This independence from the government has made it immune to falling value. Gold and silver have their freedom, and one can easily take it from one corner of the globe to the other corner. The precious metals offer protection from government overreach. This is the reason the precious metals have their own value, that's for sure.  The Pros And (Minimal) Cons – The Golden Skinny So why invest in shiny rocks, you might ask? Owning a physical piece of gold (or pieces, if you're lucky) comes with a sense of security that doesn't quite compare to anything else. The value stays stable and can be traded easily, almost like your very own emergency fund. Surprising? But like any investment, it does come with its cons. The returns from gold investments aren't immediate, you'll have to play the long game to really see a sizable profit. But patience is a virtue, right? Finding The Right Boat To Sail – The Best Gold Investment Company For those looking to get on board the gold investment ship, Augusta Precious Metals could be your first stop. This company promises a secure way to dip your toes into the golden waters. With their reputation, you're setting sail for a secure financial future. Conclusion Every financial decision should take into account the local economic framework to ensure sound and realistic planning. Explore the world of gold, silver, and palladium investments—your treasure chest awaits. Read Also: Investors Agree: Gold And Silver Is The Way To Go Massage Gold Coast: Feel Relaxed and Rejuvenate Yourself Make Your Savings Goals Come True with Gold

Tips to Lower Your Insurance Costs

Tips to Lower Your Insurance Costs

Investing in life insurance can be an intimidating thought. It is safe to say that the younger and healthier you are, the lower your insurance costs will be. This is because a healthy person has a lower risk of dying as compared to a person with an unhealthy lifestyle. Hence, if you are thinking about life insurance here are a few tips that could help lower the cost of your insurance.    Stop Smoking A smoker has to pay a much insurance premium as compared to a non-smoker of the same age. In some cases, this can be as high as triple the premium. So, if you smoke or use any other tobacco-based products, now is the time to quit. You will be considered a non-smoker after you have quit smoking for at least 3 to 5 years.    Lose some Weight A number of health issues are caused by being overweight. Hence, insurance companies consider obese or heavy people a high risk and hence charge them a higher premium. Maintaining a healthy BMI can help you live a longer, healthier life by reducing your risk of heart diseases, blood pressure problems, etc.    Schedule an Early Physical A thorough medical examination is one of the prerequisites of most life insurance policies. Try and schedule this exam in the early part of the day or on a day when you are relaxed and well-rested. This is because studies show that testing for blood pressure, cholesterol, etc. have lower results in the morning as compared to in the latter half of the day after you have had a stressful day or eaten a heavy lunch.  Fasting for 24 hours before your physical could also help lower your cholesterol count.    Be Honest If you suffer from a preexisting condition it may be tempting to try and hide this information from your insurance agency. However, doing this could cause you a lot of trouble. In most cases, the insurance company will recognize your health condition during the review of your medical history and medical exam. Since you did not disclose this condition, you will then not have an opportunity to explain the situation.    Drive Carefully Along with your health records, an insurance agent might also ask for your driving record. While this may seem unconnected, it is not. According to many insurance agencies, a driver who frequently breaks traffic rules is likely to put himself or herself in a dangerous situation and hence is considered high risk. So, if you have more than the occasional ticket to your name, it may be wise to wait a few years before applying for insurance and drive more carefully in the meantime.    Keep an Eye on Insurance rates Like everything else, insurance policy rates also change from time to time. Thus, even if you have already bought a life insurance policy, it is important to review and compare policies every few years. Affordable Life USA has great rates on life insurance. Along with comparing quotes, you should also update your policy from time to time to reflect the changes in your personal situation.