The Benefits of Hiring A Personal Injury Lawyer

Published on: 27 July 2020 Last Updated on: 09 January 2023
Personal Injury Lawyer

Recovering from an accident can be one of the most devastating feelings one can go through. There is the physical pain and emotional pain to deal with. The last thing that you’ll want in such a scenario is straining financially. For instance, you have to take care of the medical bills and also provide for the people who depended on you while you were in the right shape. Retaining a personal injury lawyer is the best option as it increases your chances of getting compensated. Moreover, reasonable lawyers from reputable firms like Smiths Lawyers will not charge you anything until the case is won. In other words, your case will be handled on a contingency-fee-basis, which is agreed upon before the lawyer commences the job. In most cases, lawyers will charge between 33% and 40% of the awarded compensation.

So, what are some of the benefits of retaining a personal injury lawyer? Well, they include but aren’t limited to the following:

Increase the chances of winning the claim

There are various red tapes that insurance companies put in place to ensure that they don’t spend much on personal injury compensation claims. That’s why you’ll see most firms trying to lure victims with lowball compensations, especially if they are not represented by people who know how to go about the red tapes. You need someone who can prove negligence and liability under the torts law. You also need someone who can prove that injuries sustained in a case have led to a certain degree of suffering. That way, your chances of getting compensated will remain high.

At the end of the day, you are betting big on the lawyer helping you claim the maximum amount of compensation for the personal injury. This is why many experts suggest looking at the case wins and the total compensation claimed by an attorney before signing them on. This will bring out the belief that you are placing your case in the right hands. Some of the best personal injury lawyers in Suffolk county could help you in this regard for claiming maximum compensation.

Specialized treatment

At times, you might need specialized treatment, especially if you’ve sustained serious internal injuries such as brain or spinal cord. Lawyers have been in the game for a while, and they’ll point you to the right people who will give an accurate assessment and diagnosis to support your claim. Remember, if you access special treatment in time, you might get back to your feet in the shortest time possible. Other specialized treatment that a lawyer can facilitate includes counseling to manage psychological pain and distress.

Assessing the right value for your claim

Before lodging a compensation claim, it is advisable to get a professional’s input to determine its value. Moreover, according to anecdotal accounts of victims, the average person cannot know how much they are entitled to, and that is why people who don’t get represented by lawyers often settle for lowball compensations. A high-caliber lawyer will consider many factors, such as the type of injuries the degree of suffering, the insurance company’s strategy, and your future medical and financial needs to determine what is best for you. It is also important to note that not all kinds of accidents may attract compensation, and a lawyer will also advise you accordingly on that.

What about the trial?

Not everyone can withstand courtroom litigation, especially if you don’t have the experience. That is where a lawyer steps in. If your case doesn’t end at the negotiation table, you might be forced to proceed to trial. Lawyers understand the court language and will deconstruct manufactured evidence that might try to shift the blame on you.

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Personal Injury Lawyer

6 Important Questions to Ask a Personal Injury Lawyer

The worst has happened. You got injured on the job, or your spouse hurt you in a fight. Something happened to you while you were at the dentist, or you had a severe reaction to a latte. Regardless, health care is expensive. There's a chance that you're not able to cover the bill. You start wondering if there's some other way to pay for your medical expenses. You talk to your company or ask for compensation. But no one is willing to do anything. If this sounds like you or someone you love, it's time to consider legal action. You can contact a personal injury lawyer who will help you get what you deserve. But before you hire anyone, check out our six questions to ask a personal injury lawyer. Why Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer? Sometimes we get hurt, and it's because of our own stupidity. But there are times when the blame rests on another party. This can be an individual, a company, or even a doctor. When this happens, it's time to hire a personal injury lawyer. There are many different kinds of lawyers who can help you. Choosing the right one depends on the personal injury questions you have. Most personal injury lawyers can handle a car crash case. But what happens if there are many parties involved or if there is severe damage? You'll need a lawyer with more experience in your type of case. If a doctor injured you, then hire a lawyer with experience in medical malpractice. At least they need to know about medical procedures and misdiagnoses. If you got hurt by a piece of machinery, then look for a lawyer with a background in corporate and negligence law. Do some research into the nature of your case. That way you'll be able to find the right personal injury lawyer for your needs. What Information Do I Need Before I Talk to a Personal Injury Lawyer? Keep in mind that scheduling a consultation with a lawyer is not the same as hiring them. You're asking them in-depth questions about their background and career. You'd do the same for any contractor or real estate agent. But before you sit down with a lawyer, it will help you to have a few things prepared. First, you'll need to record the details of your case. Write down everything that's related to what happened. Describe the events in the order they happened, and be as detailed as possible. If you need help, think of the 4 W's. Who was involved? Where did the accident happen? When did it take place? What were you doing? In fact, what was everyone doing? Try to be as factual as possible. If you lie, it will come out in court. Then you'll be in trouble. Gather any evidence you can. This includes things like: Police reports, tickets, arrest information, and toxicology results Eye-witness reports Photographs and videos Bills, receipts, medical records, and any diagnoses Getting all this information in one folder will help you and the personal injury lawyer. 6 Questions to Ask a Personal Injury Lawyer Hiring a lawyer is as personal as hiring a doctor or a therapist. It's an expensive service, and you want to make sure you have the right lawyer for you. So check out our six questions to ask a personal injury lawyer before you hire them. 1. Have You Taken a Case Like Mine Before? This is one of the most important questions to ask an attorney before hiring them. You want to make sure your case is in good hands, so don't be afraid to ask about their experience. Your lawyer should have years of experience working with cases like yours. It's also important that they have experience winning cases, or making successful settlements. Ask them for a reference list of all their cases. They should also have endorsements from past clients. If your internal radar goes off, you can look up an attorney's disciplinary records online. Some states need a lawyer's bar number to do this. But other states like Georgia will list the lawyer's name. 2. What is Your Opinion of My Case? In other words, does this personal injury attorney think you'll win? This is one of the more dubious questions to ask a personal injury lawyer, but it's an essential one. Their answer will help you make your decision about whether to hire this attorney. You want them to give you an honest answer, of course. No decent lawyer wants to waste their time on a hopeless case, even if you are paying them. They should give you an objective opinion about whether you'll win your case based on the evidence you've given them. That said, ask this question with an open mind. It's easy for the victim of an accident to think they deserve compensation. If a personal injury lawyer is telling you it won't happen, there might be some merit in that. 3. Will My Case Go to Trial? Only 4%-5% of personal injury cases go to trial. That means there's a good chance your case will settle out of court. But no matter what the odds, a good personal injury lawyer will prepare to go to trial. In fact, it's a red flag if the lawyer starts talking about settling out of court from the get-go. Trials can be long and expensive for you. But if you have to go to court you want a lawyer who's experienced. Ask them about their record in court, and whether the case won by a judge or jury. Your lawyer should also be able to give you a timeline of how long a court proceeding takes. While each case is unique, an experienced lawyer knows how things go at the local courthouse. Regardless of whether you go to court, you need to talk with your lawyer about your level of involvement. Some people want to be at every meeting and deposition, but most lawyers won't allow it. It's often best for you to stay on the sidelines and trust your lawyer. 4. What are Your Fees? This is another important question to ask an attorney. If you can't afford this lawyer, then you'll need to look for someone else. A typical personal injury lawyer earns money based on contingency fees. That means you won't pay any fees unless you win money damages in the lawsuit. Once you do win the case, the personal injury lawyer will take a percentage of the money. This can range from 25% - 40% of anything you win from the lawsuit. While this is a great incentive for your lawyer to win your case, it might not be the only bill. There are other costs you should ask about, like case-related costs. These are also known as "out of pocket" fees. Ask your lawyer about these fees, and who will pay them in case you lose. Do not work with a personal injury lawyer who charges by the hour. These kinds of payment plans can get expensive in personal injury cases. 5. How Much is My Case Worth? An experienced personal injury lawyer should give you an estimate on how much your case is worth. They'll base this estimate on cases they've already won or worked on. Most personal injury lawyers won't give you a hard number to work with, but instead give you some kind of range. They need to explain how the different factors in your case will affect the bottom line. You can also ask them point-blank whether they'll make more for you than their competitors. After all, this isn't only about getting justice for you. It's also about who's going to pay your medical bills. Money is always hard to talk about, but you have to do it. You can discover more about discussing your case worth by doing some research. Make sure that you factor in the lawyer's contingency fee when you talk about how much you can make. 6. Who is Handling My Case? This question is vital if you're working with a large law firm. This is because that lawyer you spent all that time getting to know? He might not be the one representing you in court. This might help you because you'll have a larger team working on your case. Lawyers all specialize in different things. If your case is a complicated one, there's a good chance it'll get passed around the firm. But that's why it's important to know who is handling your case, and why. You want to know who you need to contact in each situation. You should also ask about the track record of every lawyer on your case. If your lawyer has less experience than the one you spoke to, ask about who is supervising them. Don't be afraid to ask questions or voice your concerns. Want More Tips About Hiring a Lawyer? We have lots of informative blog posts on our site about the legal field. If you want to know about questions to ask a personal injury lawyer or other legal tips, check out our blog. We also have articles on everything else you can imagine. From social media to entertainment to real estate, we have you covered. Take a look at our site for more great posts. Read More: Picking the Right Law Firm for You and Your Family. Divorce Lawyers In Houston Texas: A Short Guide On Saving Your Marriage.


5 Actions To Undertake After An Accident

Road traffic crashes take about 1.3 million lives each year. More than 20 to 50 million people get fatally injured in road accidents. Most of these accidents happen due to ignorance of safety rules and regulations instilled by the government. One should always keep in mind the protocols created by the government. Getting in an accident is unpredictable, and you need assistance in multiple categories to get out of it with minimum loss. Here Are A Few Steps You Must Undertake After An Accident: 1. Get a Physical Checkup Accidents can cause multiple injuries, and some can be fatal. Even if you feel fine after an accident, get a complete physical checkup from a hospital. You may or may not have a concussion from the shock or hit on the head. If you feel nausea, dizziness, pressure in the head, and sleepy rush to the hospital immediately or call the emergency helpline to get assistance. A physical checkup is necessary for any unfortunate health incident, and it should be a priority. 2. Take Your Car to A Mechanic The second most vital step that one must undertake to reduce losses to a minimum amount is to get your car checked. Take your vehicle to a skilled mechanic and explain the nature of the accident. In an accident, cars can lose a few parts. Make sure to buy quality products from the best car parts store. Get your car fixed on time and from a reliable store if you want to resurrect your automobile from the incident. 3. Document the Incident to the Authorities Take all the necessary information from the other party involved and report the accident to the authorities. Call the police while you are still on the site to prevent yourself from any grave allegations. Note the number plate, color, model, and brand of the other vehicle involved. Ask the vehicle owner about their insurance policy, and don't start an argument until the authorization arrives. 4. Contact the Insurance Company If you do not have an insurance policy for your vehicle, your losses are unimaginable. In an accident, you can claim two types of insurance, health and vehicle insurance. Contacting your insurance agency on time will get you a quick refund on your liabilities. The insurance claims may take time, but an instant report will start your refund process. Take multiple pictures of the accident site to prove the accident and document it properly. Related Resource: 5 Different Types of Car Accident Claim 5. Collect Witnesses When two parties are involved in an accident, it can quickly become a legal matter. You need to contact the independent witnesses for your accident. An independent party is someone who is not related to you in any way. Confirm your accident story with the independent witness and make sure you both are on the same page. An independent witness can be tangible proof of your innocence in the accident. If any member of your family gets a wrongful death, you will be able to sue the other party for their negligence and misconduct of the vehicle. You will be able to recover financial, emotional, and other damages. Even if you are a skilled and careful driver, you may forget to take proper actions while in an accident. Keeping all these actions in your mind will help you recover from the unfortunate accident. Read Also: 4 Ways To Prevent Common Household Accidents Important Terminology In Filing For A Car Accident Claim 10 Tips to Prevent Truck Accidents: The Complete Guide for Truck Drivers


How to Bring Up Divorce With Your Spouse

The breakup of a marriage is painful, and unfortunately, it isn't very uncommon. People in nearly every age group across every state can get divorced, and come to the decision is never simple. Even if two people are mutually unhappy in a relationship, most people don't know how to bring up divorce with their spouse. When you're asking yourself how to bring up divorce, it's time to start looking for answers. Do you need tips on talking about divorce with your spouse? You've come to the right place. After you read this post, you'll know the right next steps to take. How To Bring Up Divorce With Your Spouse : What do you say to your spouse when you're thinking about divorce? What do you do to prepare yourself, and make things as simple as they can be in a tough situation? We're here to ensure that you take the right steps. If you're wondering how to talk about divorce, make sure you follow these steps. Be Sure : A divorce is a life-changing event. It can change your life, make your family happier in the long run, and cause chaos in the present. You need to make sure that you're absolutely ready for the aftermath of suggesting such an intense event. Divorce should be an absolute last resort for every couple. Have you spent time in therapy as a couple or by yourself? Do you think this is the only way to personally be happy and save your family? If you answered "no" to any of the above questions, you may want to rethink your decision to divorce. Do Your Homework : In a perfect world, every couple would break up amicably and divide up assets and time with children. But unfortunately, it's rare for a divorce to go the way that you'd like. Before you talk about divorce with your spouse, make sure that you understand what could occur if you choose to go through with it. Don't assume that you'll receive or pay a certain amount of alimony. Don't think that you'll automatically get full custody if you're a mother, or that you won't be granted it if you're a father. Research every possible outcome before you commit yourself to divorce. There may be outcomes you haven't thought of, and they may make you want to rethink your decision. Talk To A Lawyer : We talked about the importance of doing your own research before you talk to your spouse about divorce. While you're doing your own research, look up a great divorce lawyer. Nobody knows the law as a lawyer. Whether you're trying to get a divorce in New York City or need to learn how to get a divorce in Texas, a lawyer will always know more than an amateur researcher. A consultation fee for a lawyer could end up saving you thousands during the course of a divorce. Pick The Right Time : There's a time and a place for everything, and you want to make sure that you pick the right time when you bring up an important topic. Never bring up the possibility of divorce when you're having a fight. People can say the wrong things in the heat of the moment. Your words could be seen as a reaction to the situation, or you could end up saying something you'll regret. Make sure you bring things up when you both have an extended period of time together. A bedtime conversation may not seem like the best time to talk, but it's better than bringing it up when you're trying to get the kids ready for school. Think About Execution : If you're thinking about how to approach a divorce with your spouse, it's safe to assume that you have a lot of things on your mind. The conversation you have will be important, so you want to make sure that you're fully prepared for it. The easiest way to do this is to take time to think about how you want to handle the conversation. Do you want to sit down with them and have a long conversation about why you're leaving? Do you want to keep things short and to the point because you're worried about their reaction? Think about how you want to handle the talk. Once you have an idea, you can start thinking about the actual conversation. Accept Hurt Feelings : One of the reasons why it's so difficult for people to bring up divorce is because they don't want to hurt their soon-to-be ex-partners feelings or deal with the stress. If you want to make the divorce talk easier on yourself, accept that there are going to be some hurt feelings on both sides. There is no painless way to end a marriage. There's no way to stop your spouse from feeling bad, and you can't avoid feeling stressed or upset about the end of your marriage Once you accept that things are going to be tough, the talk will be much easier. Stay Calm : Staying calm when you're making the biggest decision of your life may seem impossible, but if you want to do what's best for you and your family you need to stay calm and clear-headed. Raising your voice, getting angry, or bursting into tears can feel like the right thing to do, but getting emotional can make an already intense situation more stressful. Some people find that it's easier to stay calm after they've had time to rehearse what they're going to say. Others chose to do something relaxing before they have a big talk. Find a way to center yourself, and prepare yourself emotionally for the conversation. Be Honest : If there's ever a time for honesty in a relationship, it's at its end. There's no point in holding things back. When you're talking about divorce, be honest with your partner about why it's ending. It's possible, to be honest without being cruel. You don't need to be nasty or mean about what you say, but you can tell them the truth about why you want to end things. Whether you're divorcing because you're falling out of love, incompatible sex drives, or conflicting personalities, your spouse has a right to know. Next Steps to Take : Now that you know how to bring up divorce, it's time to take the next steps. Read our article on how to find the right lawyer for your family. Having a trusted lawyer can help make the divorce process much easier. If you're interested in other content about love and marriage, read posts in our lifestyle section for more helpful advice! Read Also : Divorce Lawyers In Houston Texas: A Short Guide On Saving Your Marriage 4 Tips For Dealing With A Family Business In Divorce Picking The Right Law Firm For You And Your Family