The Best Gift Ideas for Kids Ages 1-5

Published on: 29 June 2020 Last Updated on: 31 March 2022
Gift Ideas for Kids Ages 1-5

One of the worst possible case scenarios for people that don’t have kids is what gift to buy for a one-year to five-year-old children. This scenario might seem like a daunting task, but thanks to the internet, it became much more laymen-friendly.

Buying gifts for grown-ups can sometimes be tricky, but what does a child want? Children at this age usually don’t remember the toys and presents they get, but that doesn’t mean you can buy anything just to do “your job.”

The Times Have Changed

Toys are not just articles kids play with and destroy within a few weeks. In the last few years, there has been a great demand for toys that have emerged as collectibles. These are highly desirable and can fetch a great market value when sold after a few years. In this regard, collectible Beanie Babies are fast emerging as a collector’s item that is expected to rise starkly in valuation in the coming years.

A long time ago, all children usually got the same gifts more or less since the toy industry wasn’t evolved like it is nowadays. There were several toys available for girls and several toys for boys, and that was all. Flowers are not that popular anymore, so ordering a flower arrangement from a local online flower shop won’t cut it. The main “problem” that occurs today is that there’s a great variety of possible toy choices, and it tends to overwhelm inexperienced shoppers.

Child toy categories span from several months old up to 12+ years old. Every age group and gender has a specified selection of toys available, and that’s making all confusion among the buyers with no prior experience. However, toy store personnel are quite knowledgeable and ready to assist you whenever you need assistance. You’ll find some incredibly useful information on this link: the best gift ideas for kids ages 1-5.

Don’t Think Only About the Toys

Kids’ birthday parties are incredibly cute and fun events thanks to online flower shop interior design solutions. An essential element of any child’s birthday party is the interior décor and the party theme. In most cases, especially if it’s a girl’s birthday party, parents tend to have floral arrangements incorporated in décor.

In recent years, children’s gifts have branched away from just toys to other stuff as well. For example, if you are looking for a cool gifting option, why not make it fun and interesting. If you have a young toddler in your family or friend circle, a good gift idea would be to give them a farley onesie. It is not only funny but will help the parents of the young child as far as clothing options are concerned.

Little things like this make all the difference to the overall interior design, and we know that girls like flowers. You can order some beautiful flower bouquets for the birthday party from any local online flower shop in your area.

In case you live in the UAE, you can easily order incredible flower arrangements from the best online flower shop Dubai there is. Bringing more flowers to the party will undoubtedly leave a positive outcome, and an overall impression on the little girl since flowers are colorful and beautiful at the same time. Make sure to remember to bring your gift to the birthday party as well.

When you’re all done ordering some of the most beautiful flowers and plants from the online flower shop in Dubai, you should think about the child’s actual gift. Here are some ideas that might help with deciding which gifts are suited for a specific age group the best:

Gift Ideas for Kids

1. Gifts for Children Up to 12 Months

This category of children is probably the easiest one to manage. The child is so small that it won’t remember the present for sure. A child won’t even use the gift properly. Children at that age only tend to chew and suck on toys and various other objects they can get their little hands on.

Children at this age gradually develop their motor skills, and they start responding positively to sounds, movements, and shiny objects. Therefore, it shouldn’t be hard to decide what to buy for a toddler. Simple, baby-friendly, and slightly interactive toys are the best choice.

2. Gifts for Two-Year-Old Children

At this life stage, children are familiarized with crawling, walking, and exploring their surroundings. They also start to form their first words. Therefore, buying them a book about some basic animals or nature in general with lots of images and fewer words will tickle their imagination and help them evolve simple words into meaningful sentences.

3. Offers for Three-Year-Old Kids

Parents claim that this is the golden age for every child. The main reason is that that’s when children start to mirror everything and everyone around them. Three-year-old children are also capable of having simple conversations, riding tricycles, and following directions.

Therefore, a perfect gift for a three-year-old child would be anything from building toy blocks to toy instruments that may tickle their musical side or even a stuffed animal that will most probably become the first patient of the little doctor-wannabe.

Toy Blocks: Excellent Gift for a Three-Year-Old

4. Gifts for Four-Year-Old Kids

Kids at this age are capable of singing memorized songs, telling stories, using crayons, drawing people and animals, and sometimes even painting. At this age, children develop the creationist within them. This means that the gift possibilities are endless, starting with crayons, markers, colored pencils, clay, chalk, stickers, etc.

Crayons: Perfect Gift for a Four-Year-Old Child

5. Buying a Present for a Five-Year-Old Child

Children at this age are already “grown-up kids” and the best gifts for them are games, playhouses, think-kits, and many other creatively inspiring projects and toys. Color books and short storybooks are also what tickles their imagination at this age.

Final Thoughts

It may seem like a challenge when choosing the right gift for a child of a specific age group, but in reality, it’s not hard at all. All you must know are some basics about children and their growing-up period. After all, you can always ask for advice in a toy store or from a close family member or friend.

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birthday party ideas

6 Birthday Party Ideas – How to make it Pop!

Some of my best memories from my childhood are the ones from my birthday parties. Birthday party ideas have a unique charm to attract youngsters, as well as grownups, and something that always brings a smile to everyone’s face. Coming up with birthday party ideas is one hell of a job though! They’re not easy to plan, and you have to be creative enough to keep the kids engaging and enjoying. Here are a few ideas that are still a success at any party, especially if you have kids coming over! 6 Birthday Party Ideas - How to make it Pop! 1. Decorating Your Own Cup Cake: This has always been a fun, a bit messy, but a very engaging contest. The kids love it as they are able to choose the colors and flavors of icing and their favorite candy to decorate their cupcakes. There are edible flowers, birds, trees, and tiny animals as well that can be added! I would recommend this activity to be done after eating something healthy. 2. Having a Piñata: Piñatas have been a part of almost all birthdays back in our days, but I’ve not found them much common in parties these days. Piñatas can be of any shape and size of your choice. You can ask the kids to fill it up, or you can buy them from any nearby store, and then take turns to burst it. The breaking of piñata leads to a shower of candies, more than enough for everyone! Also, this should be done at the end, and have enough candy bags for everyone, so the kids can collect their candy and store in the candy bag and take it home with them. 3. Scavenger Hunt: Another activity that brings back so many memories! Scavenger hunts are easy to create, and they can be tailored to any theme and any age! They add the element of competition and excitement. 4. Decorating with Neon Letters: Neon letters or glow in the dark party ideas is something that isn’t very old. It is one of the newer versions of parties. These Neon themed parties are something that the teens have been raving about and I’ll be honest, it does look pretty awesome! You can cut alphabets or designs from neon-colored paper and paste it on a black back-drop to give a unique look to the event! You can also use neon lights and neon drinks to add to the theme. You can try Neon Signs Depot for the best neon decor items. 5. Sleep Overs: This is one of the cheap but fun ways of having fun! Depending on the crowd, you can rent a movie of the majority’s choice, make popcorn, have cookies and milk, paint toenails, play board games, tell scary stories and what not! 6. Trick Candles: This one always gets everyone! Place a few trick candles on the cake along with a few real ones. The birthday boy/girl will have a tough time blowing them out, and the rest of the crowd will have a good laugh! Don’t get stressed about the planning birthday party ideas! These are only six ideas that have always made me very happy and that have helped engage the crowd the most. There are a ton of other ideas like musical chairs, and themed parties to make your party a memorable one. You can always brainstorm and make changes as you wish! Feel free to add that whatever you want, as long as you can manage it. If something does not go as planned, don’t freak out, roll with the punches. You should always remember that apart from planning the event, you should also enjoy the game equally! Your efforts will pay off, and people will have fun, and so should you! Read Also : 10 Awesome Gift Ideas For The Person Who Has Everything A Fashion Gift Guide For Special Occasions

CBD for Kids

CBD for Kids

Since CBD is doing miracles for a lot of adults it is normal to ask about the possibility to use it for kids. People are not only using CBD products for themselves but also for their pets. The results and benefits are the same or very similar because both have the so-called endocannabinoid system. And when it comes to kids, parents want to know more about the benefits and possible side effects. Assuming that you know enough about CBD, we will not dive into details of explaining what CBD is again and again. Instead, we will dive right into the pros and cons of using CBD for kids. Are parents using CBD to help their kids? Yes. Parents around the world are using CBD products such as CBD oils to treat some conditions. Children may suffer from anxiety and hyperactivity and CBD can help against both. And not only that because other parents who have children with autism use it to reduce symptoms of autism. While there is some evidence about the effectiveness and benefits of CBD, more research is underway. That is because some parents are still unconvinced and uncomfortable giving it to their kids. As we mentioned above, the main factor that is pushing parents to try CBD on their children is the fact that CBD helped them well. These parents took the advantage to use it on a daily basis until it worked. Even though a cannabis plant's ingredient, CBD is legal and safe to use without a prescription in most countries. And the list of health issues it fights is long and getting longer after each scientific study. If we are to mention a few health conditions that some children face, then epilepsy, autism, and anxiety are what CBD is successful in fighting. Assuming that you are sure of using CBD oil, then we recommend you buy the best CBD oil out there. Are there any risks of using CBD for kids? Medical cannabis has a rich history of usage, for hundreds of years to be more informative. CBD oil as a derivative of that is still a bit new to the market. That means that this product hasn't been researched enough for use in children. It helps the adults, it helps the animals, and may also help the children. But when it comes to children more studies are needed to find more about its effects. We are saying that because if the child is taking other medications it is not safe to use other compounds without talking to the doctor first. The interaction between CBD and non-all-natural products may produce negative side effects. While CBD oil has shown to be quite successful for the treatment of seizures in kids, for other issues there is little evidence. In conclusion, it is obvious that more parents are using CBD oil for their kids. These parents are also recommending it to other parents stating that it is very beneficial. However, when it comes to you, we recommend that you think of it one more time and always talk to your child's pediatrician. This is a must if your child is taking other supplements. Read Also: The Top Benefits of CBD Oil For Dogs Are CBD Lotions Good For Your Skin? What is the best way to consume CBD? CBD capsules & softgels! CBD the Solution to Insomnia

baby shower gifts

Why Dutch Birth Plates Are the Best Baby Shower Gifts?

Are you invited to a baby shower that’s coming up soon? Are you still deciding what a beautiful baby shower gift that the parents-to-be will love? You’re lucky if they sent out a wish list. But if not, squeeze out your creative juices for ideas. Here’s a hint though, the best baby shower gifts are personalized baby gifts! Thinking of the best gift idea will have you thinking hard. However, there is an ideal solution that won’t make you think twice once you know it. Yes, personalized baby nameplates are at the top of the list for the perfect baby shower gifts. We all know a bunch of people will give clothes, stuffed animals, socks, etc. to the newborn. It’s easy, but it’s also conventional. You’re supposed to get a unique one to give to the expecting parents. Gift the would-be parents handmade, customized Dutch baby nameplates to make the delightful day something to remember forever. Here are the reasons why: Why Dutch Birth Plates Are the Best Baby Shower Gifts? Sentimental Value The most exceptional gifts will be those that promote an emotional connection for how intimate they are. If your gift is handmade and etched, it becomes even more meaningful. The Dutch birth plate, exquisitely designed to perfection, is also an original antique. These represent tremendous historical significance as it had been considered as one of the most prized items of trade back then. Only the wealthiest could afford these expensive goods. Your gift is a luxurious piece, rendering it even more remarkable. Unique You realize that your gift will catch everyone’s eyes, accentuating its value and meaning for how distinguished and outstanding it will be. You can create your custom birth plate as personal as you might want to since you can include your message with it. A beautiful quote, or just a few sincere expressions of love, will go a long way. The statements you add will remain not only inscribed on the birth plate but will stay for a long time with the baby as it grows up. Symbolism The birth plate, which would be preserved over the years, will become a valuable emblem for the day when the child is born. Display items and room furnishings that tell their legends, draw the curiosity of visitors far more than any other. By personalizing your styling, size, and message, your gift would always be endeared and acknowledged as a reminder of a magical day. The best element is that, if held in complete care, the plate will not be worn out like toys or sweets. The baby will not grow out of it like how they do for baby chairs and cute outfits. Instead, it can be kept over for several years and preserved against the test of time. These birth plates can be excellent gifts not only for the baby shower but any baby-related events like: Baptism Christening Birthday Just put it in a lovely package with a cute bow, and you’re prepared to go! The parents-to-be will appreciate anything you give them as long as they know that you have gifted it with love and affection. Giving new parents a portion of your time to celebrate a precious event in their lives is the unique gift that you can give them. Here is the list of baby shower food ideas: The baby shower has always being a perfect event for everyone. On the other hand, many housewives face difficulties to make amazing baby shower food. Most of the family members lack the ideas of baby shower food. So here is the list of baby shower food ideas that you can make for the event: Veggies and Dip Cups. Italian pasta salad. Fried Mac and Cheese Bites. Healthy fruit skewers. Spicy tuna with crispy rice. With the baby shower gifts and foods, you can also present your guests with the baby shower cards to make the moment more cherish. Read Also: Baby Shower Party: What To Expect Why Baby Formula Should Be A Consideration For All Parents Ways To Improve Children’s Parties