The Best Personal Protection Devices to Keep You Safe

Published on: 13 July 2018 Last Updated on: 29 October 2021
Personal Protection

Ever feel nervous about walking in your neighborhood late at night? Have you ever wished you could bring something to keep you safe but not something as hazardous as a gun?

The total violent crime reported in the United States is 1.2 million. While the crime rate in the country is on a decline, you can never be too careful when it comes to your safety.

Whether you’re a man or a woman, you need to have the best personal protection devices around.

In recent years, there has been a growing awareness around personal alarm for seniors. With a lot of senior citizens staying alone and away from their children, their safety should be a top priority. They might not be physically strong enough to combat criminals with self-defence strategies. Using a personal alarm that is GPS-based can help them alert the police authorities and ensure that help arrives.

No one wants to become an attack victim no matter what location. Depending on your area, crime might not be that common and you can walk without having to worry about getting mugged.

With this, you have a lot of options when it comes to getting the best self-defense weapons. These are non-lethal and allow you to at least escape from your assailant, such as:

The Stun Gun :

One of the most standard means of defending yourself, stun guns charge attackers with electrical shocks. Its primary function is to weaken the attacker, which gives you a lot of time to escape them while they lie incapacitated.

After all, after pulling the trigger, these self-defense weapons can pump around 700,000 volts into your assailant’s body.

Some of the stun gun models are minuscule enough that you can hide it in a cigarette pack. Their power source is lithium batteries that you can carry in handbags or waist straps.

They’re faster and can stop a person more efficiently than an airsoft gun.

The Stun Baton :

This device’s primary use is to disrupt the attacker’s brain and muscle communication capabilities. What this means is that they become paralyzed and lose balance as well as muscle control. It disorients them in a way that makes them incapacitated within 5-10 minutes due to the 800,000-volt discharge.

This baton can run using rechargeable batteries. It comes with a belt loop to make it easier to carry around and reach if things become dangerous.

The Pepper Spray :

One of the most preferred self-defense weapons for women, the pepper spray looks like a lipstick. The container is available on a variety of colors females like. However, it packs a punch due to the fact that it contains oleoresin capsicum, an oily liquid that comes from the Cayenne pepper, which is 4 to 20 times hotter than the Jalapeno pepper.

It’s small and easy-to-access since you can fit it into your pocket or purse. It’s simple to use, and you can pretend like you’re applying lipstick before you spray it on your attacker. It gives them short-term blindness as well as unbearable pain, sneezing, coughing, and streams of tears, allowing you to flee.

Not sure where to get the best sprays? You can find some of the better options in the market at this website.

The Stun Ring :

This legal weapon to carry can pass for a common fashion ring with its elegant design. What’s more important is that it gives you safety since it contains pepper spray within. This allows you to strike at your attacker when they least expect it.

The Personal Alarm :

It’s a really small device but it can emit a loud scream when you push a button. That means you can attract people’s attention when you’re attacked. Sometimes, it’s enough deterrent to attackers since it continues emitting the screams until you stop it.

Some of the models come with a built-in light. This allows you to use it outside of emergency situations. For example, you can use it to find your way when it’s too dark for you to see.

The Lightning Strike :

Police officers used to have exclusive use for this product. However, most civilians use it in recent times as well. It works by producing several lumens of strong white light that blinds and disorients attackers for short periods of time.

This device with its LED light is small and portable enough. You can carry it anywhere, even when you’re jogging early in the morning.

The Mace Spray :

Much like the pepper spray, this tube-like device causes temporary eye impairments by causing capillary inflammation. Aside from this, it causes the following effects to your attacker:

  • Choking
  • Sneezing
  • Burning Sensation (eyes, nose, throat)

The effects are temporary. But it gives you enough time to ensure your escape. It’s a great way to break free from someone grabbing you.

The TASER Device :

This device has the capability to make an attacker stunned from within 15 feet away. However, if you’re stuck within melee range, this device can also deliver powerful stunning capabilities. It’s easy to use and effective due to the fact that it can incapacitate the attacker no matter what part you hit.

The TASER device is a lot more effective compared to pepper sprays and other self-defense weapons. After all, you don’t need to target your attacker’s face to get the most out of its effects.

The Tear Gas Spray :

The device utilizes tear gas, which could cause irritation of the nose, throat, and eyes. However, it’s not as widely used as pepper spray due to its less effectiveness. Its main redeeming feature is that it’s much cheaper than most of the other devices around.

The Ultrasonic Dog Repellant :

If you’re in a situation where your attacker isn’t a human, this is one of the most effective ways for determent. After all, it emits sonic waves with high frequencies, ranging from 20,000Hz-25,000Hz. This type of sound is so high that humans can’t hear it–but dogs and cats can.

What this means is that, with a press of a button, you can point it on an aggressive canine to irritate it and chase it away. The ultrasonic sound emitted by the device doesn’t affect human attackers.

However, it helps give you a safe distance away from wild, hostile dogs that would otherwise assail you.

Are You Prepared to Counter an Attack?

When it comes to attackers, it isn’t always a weird, creepy guy hanging out in dark alleyways waiting to pounce. After all, more than 66% of all rape victims are at least acquaintances with the people who assaulted them. As such, it’s safe to assume that the majority of the attacks happen when least expected.

A good self-defense weapon only plays a part in defending yourself from an assailant. After all, your weapon won’t have any use if you aren’t prepared. It’s especially important when you need to use it on someone you didn’t expect.

If you make a proper self-defense plan, you can avoid becoming victimized. Here are some things you need to prepare for a counterattack:

Knowing Your Weapon :

You need to familiarize yourself in such a way that you can use it as an extension of yourself. There are some safety mechanisms that can slow you down if you aren’t trained in their tricky operation.

Actions, like pressing the right button or uncapping your pepper spray, will make a crucial difference on whether you can fend your attacker of in time or become a victim.

Have a Quick Access :

Always keep your weapon reachable whenever it’s necessary. If you need to fumble through your pockets or purse during an attack, you might not have the time to defend yourself. That will only help your attacker catch you better.

If you keep your weapon on a purse, make sure it’s in a place where it won’t get buried by your other essentials. Better yet, if you’re walking to your car or some dark alley, hold it at the ready.

This will enable you to use it as soon as the danger comes your way, offsetting their advantage if they get a drop on you.

Stay Aware of Your Surroundings :

In the best-case scenario, you should always avoid dangerous locations and shady people. However, if you can’t, make sure that you stay alert and keep your distance from possible threats. This reduces the chances of you getting attacked by the people who lurk around waiting for you.

Know your location, specifically the nearest exits and safe areas. Know where the security doors are and where you might get trapped or locked in.

That way, you have an escape route that can get you to a place close to police stations and other bustling public locations. After all, a lot of attackers become deterred when they know that it’s possible for people to witness their possible crimes.

Get Your Personal Protection Devices Today!

It’s important to keep these personal protection devices in mind.

Getting at least one or two can help you get a greater degree of protection that can offset a potentially dangerous situation. After all, it’s always better for you to prevent a crime from happening instead of becoming a victim of one.

Do your best to avoid becoming a crime victim with these devices. Also, make sure that you at least know how to operate and reach them should the need arise. After all, your device is useless if you don’t have the skills and confidence to use them when a crisis comes your way.

But don’t stop here!

There are more important survival tips to learn! Feel free to visit us today and discover more, like this post showcasing the biggest survival lies in movies.

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Chemical Spills

Dangers Of Chemical Spills On Humans, Buildings, And Environment

Do you work with chemicals? While working with chemicals, do you take all preventive measures? Whether you have years of experience working with chemical spills or you are new to chemical handling, proper safety is vital. A spillage can happen at any time and can cause massive damage not only to the person handling the chemical but to the surroundings also. Dangers Of Chemical Spills On Humans, Buildings, And Environment: We will make you aware of the different dangers that are associated with chemical spillage. Effects on Human Health: The threat of chemicals varies from one type of chemical to another. Even their effect varies from person to person.  But if we talk in general, the more the concentration of the chemical spill higher are the risks. Chemical spills can have some adverse effects on the humans. Transferring chemicals without using safety equipment can even lead to loss of life. When a human body comes in contact with the corrosive chemical, you can suffer burns, damaged eyesight, and your respiratory system can also be harmed. Some chemicals also have delayed effects. For example, if a person inhales asbestos accidentally, the chemical can show its effects years later in the form of lung cancer. Moreover, some of these substances are flammable and makes significant damage via fire burst. Direct contact with these toxic substances is hazardous to health. They spread quickly and damage the tissue by getting absorbed through the skin. Effects on Structural Buildings: When a chemical spill occurs, it possesses immense damage to the property. The equipment can get fully damaged, or it can also make colossal destruction to the complete structure or the building. A fire can break out as a result of the chemical spill. If this happens, it causes massive damage to the building, and if workers are present, their life is also at risk. Transferring chemicals without a secure liquid transfer pump can put both the operator and the property at risk if there is a spill. If a spill does occur depending on the chemical that was spilled workers may not be able to enter the facility until the spill or chemical is removed entirely which could prove costly for clean up and removal. Whenever such a spill takes place in a building, the person cleaning the spill is also at risk. It is advisable not to make attempts for protecting property if there is a possibility of any damage to human health or life. Effects on the Environment: A chemical spills has a high impact on the environment. Spilled chemicals can run off into the water and cause considerable damage to marine life by making the water contaminated. When these spills reach the soil, severe ecological damage can be observed. That further results in making the area not suitable for flora and fauna. As the chemical penetrates deep into the soil, it lets the plant absorb it during its growth period. It shows its disastrous results someone consumes these contaminated plants or crops. Moreover, after penetrating deep into the soil, it reaches underground aquifers and spreads to a large area with the natural water movement. As the water tends to keep moving at its pace, it lets the toxic chemical keep spreading. When its effects are detected, it is difficult or also seems impossible to trace the origin or source from which it had spread It doesn’t matter how carefully you handle the chemicals, spillage still happens. This is not the event that occurs rarely. So, it is advisable to use proper safety measures and make full proof, spill response plans to minimize the damage. It is also advisable to approach environmental protection agencies to clear the toxic sites from spills before the contamination spread to a broader region. Read Also: Use Floor Polishing For Keeping Your Flooring Looking New Staying Safe In The Office: 8 Workplace Safety Tips Everyone Should Know

Online tools

Identify Malicious Emailers With Online Tools

Email and various online tools have become a valuable means of communication among business users and individuals over the years. Many of us now use email daily for work purposes and get in touch with friends, family, or businesses that we are dealing with. When you use email, you can benefit from a convenient and speedy method of communication, and you can even send attachments and documents instantly to people. Unfortunately, another group of people who turn to email technology is scammers, and there are all sorts of email scams that have done the rounds over the years. On top of this, email technology is also used by people with similarly questionable motives, such as those sending abusive, malicious, and even threatening emails to others.  Naturally, steps need to be taken in all of these situations. Among many AI-powered online tools, online email lookup is an excellent example of a perfect online tool to provide a fast solution. Why Are Online Tools A Simple And Effective Solution? These online tools are the solution that provides valuable and simple clarification for both businesses and individuals who want to learn more about malicious emailers and scammers. It can possibly provide a range of information that can help identify who is behind the emails. Some of the information that you can find out by using these tools could include:      The real name of the person linked to the email address      Age of the person      Any criminal history      Address details      Social media profiles of the person With all of this information in hand, it makes it far easier for you to identify whether suspicious emails you receive are from scammers. In addition, it makes it easier for you to find out who has been sending the emails, which then means that you can take action with far greater ease and speed. The Advantages Of Using The Online Tools One of the great things about using these tools to help identify malicious and scam email senders is the simplicity involved in using them. In addition, you can access the tools with ease online, which means that you can conduct your research from the privacy and comfort of your own home or place of work.  All you need to identify email senders is the actual email address you are suspicious about, and you can then run a search against this online using these tools. Once you have done the search, you could have far more detail about the sender, and this can make it much easier to make informed decisions. You will be able to tell whether the emails are scam ones rather than from bona fide emails.  In addition, if you have received malicious emails, you may be able to find details of the person linked to that email address. Once you have details such as these, you can report them to the relevant authorities to take action. Online tools are helping you to identify the suspicious activity on your accounts and find the source of the mails. However, spam emails are the biggest challenge for any personal and professional mail handers. Even the spammy mail, the hackers are also trying to enter into your system. When you are using the online AI-powered tool, you can block and identify the source of the spam emails. Often the young people face many troubles, and the stalkers are tracking them down from their social media profiles. When you are using online tools to track the source of spam emails or malicious emails, you will find the stalker’s address, social media profiles, and many other documents that are enough to file a report to the police authority. Conclusion: As you can see, these online tools can prove invaluable in terms of helping those who are being subjected to these types of emails. This can help reduce the stress of this situation and get them sorted out with speed and efficiency. Your safety is the most priority. From your social media profile, everyone can track down many other details about you. So if you are facing this type of trouble, first identify the source then take legal actions against them. Read Also: 6 Benefits of Microsoft 365 Security 5 Tips to Improve Your Internet Privacy Ways Of Protecting Your Privacy Online


Demystifying the common GDPR Myths

As one of the most common discussions around the internet today, data protection has seen huge changes in 2018. Indeed, the introduction of the European Union’ General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) program is making companies finally face up to their corporate responsibilities. While this has been more than a long time coming, it has not been dealt with well for the most part in the recent decades. This step from the EU is a merciful way to help make the regulation change as soon as possible. However, like all major regulatory changes, some half-truths and full-blown myths have emerged. What are some of the common tall tales told about GDPR that you need to look out for? 1. GDPR is just a mechanism to fine companies! Absolute hogwash, to put it bluntly. GDPR is a mechanism to send data protection back to the people who the data actually is about, not the company. A company can be fined as much as £17m, or 4% of their annual turnover, by the GDPR. However, this isn’t some committee looking to pay for their holidays and Christmas party: this is here to stop citizens being ripped off any longer by companies. 2. GDPR fines are handed out without warning We don’t know where these kinds of ideas come from, but it’s just not true in any capacity at all. fines in GDPR will be proportionate to the issue at hand: a small company with a GDPR breach will be fined a reasonable amount. Also, you are given two – almost three – warnings about GDPR compliance failure. You won’t just find a team of armed guards in EU flags turning up, don’t worry! 3.GDPR came from nowhere For years, GDPR was reported on and discussed at length. It was not a surprise. Companies were given the best part of a full calendar year to get their systems into spec before the May 2018 roll-out. Companies that missed the GDPR call-out would simply have not been paying attention to data protection policy changes. This was not a surprise for anyone who followed the industry. If you were a business that did not see GDPR coming, then we recommend that you spend some more time looking at European law changes: this was not a surprise! 4. GDPR is constraining businesses Again, not true – GDPR merely makes businesses take responsibility for the data that they have. GDPR is making it harder for consent to be presumed, and instead, it has to be clearly provided. The days of pre-ticked boxes for consent are gone. It’s also going to be much easier for people to withdraw their consent if they so choose. This is not constraining businesses, it’s merely making a part of the web that was thoroughly amateur in its people protection a bit more stringent in the way that you think and acts like a business. 5. GDPR was not necessary This is also quite untrue: GDPR was absolutely necessary. It’s simply putting in place a foundational program that reinforces key terms such as the Data Protection Act, and also makes companies more likely to care for the data they hold instead of using it recklessly. This myth, that GDPR is not necessary and was just added in to add more ‘red tape’ is not the case at all. All of the data breach stories of the recent years would have been almost impossible under GDPR: in a bid to give people back power over their own data, GDPR was essential. GDPR compliance is a fixed process This has been around for some time and is not the case at all. While it may have rolled out in 2018, the EU is fully aware that getting ready for it will take some time and effort. While the two years to get ready was more than enough, with ICO regulation kicking in as of May ’18, there is going to be change to it as time goes on. This is not like the Y2K bug; out of all the painful misconceptions about GDPR, this may be among the worst. You might not like the need to be more specific with data regulation, but GDPR is a good thing – the myths make it sound like the end of the world. All it is, in reality, is an end to lawlessness in data protection and regulation. Final Take Away    Hence, these are some of the crucial facts that you have to take care of while you want to improve your business in the correct order at the correct point in time. Do not make your choices in grey while you want to develop your current business in the right direction. Read Also: 4 Secret Ways To Help You Download Torrents Safely Top Cloud Security Controls You Should Be Using