What are the biggest lies in survival movies

Published on: 07 July 2018 Last Updated on: 22 February 2020
survival movies

Survival movies can be a great source to learn new skills and helpful survival lessons. But sometimes we delve into the engaging plot without noticing obvious lies and tricks. Discover what major lies in movies are frequently left unnoticed.

A pistol with a damper shoots silently :

The truth is, the real shot can spread the wave of 160-decibel sound. This range is unacceptable for human ears – you can permanently damage your hearing. If you stay next to a working firearm, it will be loud enough for your whole body to shudder at its sound. The muffler or a damper can reduce the noise to 120-130 decibels, which corresponds to the sound pressure level of the jackhammer. It is still loud enough to cause physical pain if the source of such sound is close to you.

Chloroform can instantly make a person unconscious for a couple of hours :

To lose consciousness, a person has to inhale chloroform for at least 5 minutes. He or she can wake up anytime – this method is very unreliable. Furthermore, the inhalation of chloroform causes nausea.

Turning over a table will keep you safe from gunfire :

In most occasions, even a thick wall will not be a good idea to save you from a hail of gunfire.

Sinking people usually call for help loudly :

In fact, it is very difficult to notice someone sinking, like water, especially cold, can prevent people to cause noises and make harsh moves. In the case of Titanic, it was nearly impossible to survive; but if you cry for essay writing services there is no reason you won’t get it in the era of the Internet.

You can move effortlessly when everything behind you explodes in survival shows

The shock wave and the explosive energy will not allow you to do this. The energy is quite capable of breaking internal organs, which can cause great injuries.

Automatic gunfire is easy to avoid :

You have probably seen that in some movie: there is a burst of gunfire and your favorite hero escape it easily. There is no doubt that you want your favorite hero to be saved, but come on! Is this possible? Of course, not! The truth is, it’s not that easy to avoid gunfire and escape unharmed.

You can shoot from two pistols simultaneously

Such shooting is ineffective, as it will be extremely difficult to hit the target and control the recoil.

Any padlock can be opened by gunfire

A small bullet is not able to penetrate the thick arch of the padlock. The padlock mechanism is complicated. Thus no bullet can magically cause the crash.

A defibrillator can revive a stopped heart

If the heart stops, the defibrillator will not help on such an occasion. In fact, it may burn up the heart muscles. Only when the heart beats unevenly, then electricity is used.

Truth serum can urge you to speak the truth  

There is no such serum with the help of which you could force a person to tell you their deepest secrets. There are only special psychoactive substances that work so that it becomes more difficult for a person to control themselves and, therefore, to lie.

Landing in a large rubbish container won’t harm your body

It is a typical situation when the main characters of our favorite survival movies jump out of a skyscraper’s window and survive by landing in a dumpster. The truth is that jumping from a great height; you will break your neck.

You can easily chat during a parachute jump :

Remember those romantic scenes where the couple jumps from 7 km height with a parachute and chats casually all the way down? The reality is that they won’t be able to hear each other voices because of terrible air roars around them.

You can pull the pinout of a grenade with your teeth :

If you try to do this, you will break your teeth, because the pin is not easy to pull, as it is from steal.

Don’t buy into miracles – there are lots of survival films, but they don’t always reflect the real state of things. Enjoy your favorite action films with a little skepticism!

Sandra Hayward is a content writer. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Literature and currently, she is working towards my Master’s thesis. She is a passionate traveler, and during 2017 she has visited more than 12 countries. She shares experience from traveling in your valuable articles, posting them on a personal web page.

I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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TVs In Bulk

Where Do Healthcare Companies Buy TVs In Bulk?

Healthcare companies buy their TVs in bulk because they need to put a TV in every room, every waiting room, the lounge, and the exam rooms. You are trying to keep your patients as comfortable as possible, and you can buy bulk TVs from a company that makes the most durable products for your facility. There are some tips below that make it easier for you to buy the products you want. Plus, you can choose TVs that you believe will suit your facility. How Large Is The TV? Buying hospital grade TVs from MDM Commercial is a good way to get enough TVs for the whole entire facility. You need a TV that is the right size for each room. Some hospitals or medical clinics use smaller TVs because they do not have much room. However, you can buy much larger TVs that will be mounted on the wall or hang from a special rack. Plus, you need to look at how much space you have on top of a dresser or cabinet if you are putting a TV in each room. The TVs also come with accessories that make them easier to use. Can You Bolt The TV Down? You need to buy a TV that you can bolt to a cabinet or the wall. TVs can be secured, you will be sure that they are not going anywhere. When you buy a TV with the right accessories, it is much easier to use. Plus, you will not need to worry about theft. You may be surprised by this, but many TVs in communal areas are stolen because they are not bolted down. Does TV Have Accessories? The TV that you buy should come with a remote control, cables, and a base that you can bolt to a cabinet or dresser. The TV should come with a power cable that is more than long enough for most rooms, and you need to get a TV that has digital capabilities so that it will be easier to install. The TV should have an HDMI cable and a coaxial cable that you can connect to any outlet. This is a very large part of your purchase. Some facilities are using cable boxes and HDMI cables, but other facilities still use coaxial cables that are fed from the wall. Are These TVs Durable? The TVs that you buy should be durable, and you need to make sure that you have found a company that has good reviews. When the company has good reviews, you can be sure that their TVs will last for a long time. You are making a long term investment in your facility, and that is why you need a durable TV. The screens tend to be much thicker, and the housing for the TV should be so strong that it cannot be damaged because of normal wear and tear and people walking through the room. Conclusion: The healthcare company that you run should use TVs in every room to keep people comfortable and entertained. Make sure that you have worked with a TV company that can sell you bulk units. You need a TV that is the right size for the facility, and you need TVs that you can bolt to the cabinet or a hanging rack. Also, you must get a TV that has all the accessories you need. When you do not have enough accessories, it is very hard for you to maintain your investment. Read Also: TV Wall Mount Ideas For Living Room The Ultimate Streaming Guide To Watch TV Online The Top Five Ways To Decorate A TV Stand  

'Breaking Bad'

Why ‘Breaking Bad’ Is The Best Ever TV Shows

The overall impression that this show has left in the hearts and minds of many is one that comes with the territory. It is very interesting to see the extent of how situations can change how a person deals with life, much less the effects it has – most which are never planned. Walter White did not set out to be a meth manufacturer, but the circumstances he found himself in gave him no choice. If you want a crash course on being an entrepreneur and the challenges that come with being one, look no further than Breaking Bad. Easily one of the most popular shows in television history, it not only offers a glimpse into the life of drug addicts, teaching on drug addiction like drug and alcohol rehab resources PA but also the businesses that fuel the drug trafficking trade – and that is worth looking into (even if you are not a drug dealer). It is important to have a product or service that stands out from the competition : If there is an aspect that was helping Walter in the drug business, it was his insistence for perfectionism. That was the reason he made crystal meth that had such high quality – in fact, at a level of 99 percent purity, with a characteristic blue color. That was the secret to his success, and he consistently delivered on his promise, leading him to work with more drug dealers that wanted his stuff. He even consistently reminds Jesse that the product they make will not be substandard, and he sticks to this rule. As an entrepreneur, the key to having a successful business or brand is exactly that – making sure that the product or service you offer is of the best quality. You want people to spend money on your product, so make sure you are providing the best. Taking control of distribution : During the starting stages of a business, the entrepreneur does almost everything. This can be a good or a bad thing, depending on how you handle it. Walter has the same situation on his hands. He has the knowledge of making the drug, but he does not stop there – he wants to have control of the distribution as well, therefore eliminating the cases of ‘middlemen’. Sometimes for a business, that is the way to go regardless of whether you are starting or at the advanced stages – a similar real-life situation being that of Apple Inc. You need to be passionate about what you do : Walter White was a very passionate man when it came to chemistry and teaching high school students the subject. It translated into his work of ‘cooking’ crystal meth – one could tell he had a deep understanding of what he was doing. So many people are in jobs that they are not passionate about, and some entrepreneurs are unfortunately in businesses they do not enjoy. However, the secret to enjoying your work is to have a passion for it, and it will give you the drive to accomplish the goals you have set for your business and yourself. Having a team is important : No man is an island – and it applies to business as well. Running a business takes a lot of dedication and hard work, and it is very difficult to make it on your own. The dynamic duo of Jesse and Walter teaches us the value of having a solid team behind you and your brand. The two individuals worked very well together, despite them having very different approaches to the business. That already teaches you that taking on the complete responsibility of operating a business alone is a huge task and you need some help. Delegating tasks to others and holding each other accountable will help all the people involved to grow. This is similar to how these two pushed each other to get their responsibilities done. The networks you gave are just as important as the product you sell : Walter was a brilliant man with the best product – but he did not have the negotiation skills of Jesse. That means that he would not be able to succeed if it was not for the help of Jesse since his ability to network and build relationships was key to business growth. The networks you have are vital to the growth of your business, and it will allow you to grow the business to the next level. You will need the right people to achieve this, so make sure you as an entrepreneur prioritize that aspect. It is important to realize you have much in common with your competition and enemies : In the series, Walter’s brother-in-law, Hank, is an agent of the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration), who stops at nothing to arrest drug dealers and manufacturers. That puts him in direct opposition to the goals of Walter as well as the business itself. In addition, the introduction of Gus in the later episodes of the series posed a direct threat to Walter’s interests, since he is just as ruthless in dealing with competition as Walter is, and he even threatens to kill him at some point in the story. All these threats, in addition to other problems that Walter faced throughout the series, made you realize that all these threats were mirrors of Walter’s character – ruthless, determined and dedicated to the goals they want to achieve. Be patient with the people you are dealing with because it is essential to your growth : There are business transactions you will not enjoy, and that is a guarantee you must live with as an entrepreneur. However, those uncomfortable choices come with the territory. Some clients will annoy you, while others will be very difficult to deal with. The difference is that social preferences need to be kept aside when dealing with such issues, as they are more important at that moment - priorities. Final thoughts : You do not need to see Breaking Bad to get the important lessons it teaches you – it shows that most inspirations come from the most unlikely of places. His enterprise was illegal, sure, but the lessons he teaches are not, and they can truly help you to grow your business. Read Also : The Ultimate Streaming Guide To Watch TV Online Best 7 Torrent Sites Of 2017

Smart TV

5 Key Factors to Consider Before Buying the Best Smart TV in India

How a television set could be used has evolved over the years with better sets being launched in the market with the advancement of technology. Yes, you can easily play games, live stream your favorite web shows, watch movies from your USB drive, browse websites and use apps right on your TV screen. Thus, when a TV is able to accomplish these tasks, the market for the best Smart TV in India has also increased. But, you just can’t go and bring any Smart TV without considering vital aspects. Read on to know more! Screen resolution TV resolution denotes the sharpness of the picture, in terms of horizontal pixels. TV companies are now shifting from HDTVs to Ultra HDs or 4K. Such models have four times the pixels’ number compared to the current breed of HDTVs. Not only Ultra TVs look great, but even streaming services like Netflix and more are offering 4K content. Hence, 4K TVs are becoming the new standard these days. It’s better to opt for higher screen resolution if you want the best Smart TV last long without being outdated. HDR HDR is a new element of the 4K Ultra HD best TVs, and it stands for High Dynamic Range. It is capable of delivering more contrast levels, brightness, and colors. Nowadays, a quite growing number of new movies in your 4K Blu-ray disc format with an increased number of shows in HDR are available through streaming services. Those may be Netflix and Amazon Prime and more. You should buy the best TV with HDR as it’s a format that will be more likely to be gaining popularity. Refresh rate The Refresh Rate refers to how many times per second; a picture gets refreshed on a TV screen, which is expressed in Hertz (Hz). The standard rate of refresh is 60 Hz. When you are playing an action game or watching a sport live, a lower refresh rate can make things to appear blurry. Hence, if you don’t want your TV watching experience or internet browsing experience to go wrong, buy a Smart TV with at least 120 Hz. HDMI, USB and other connections The next thing that you need to pay attention to while buying the best Smart TV in India is the number of HDMI and USB ports along with other connections provided. The more the best TV is able to provide, the better! You will be able to use these ports quite fast – count speakers, gaming console, a decoder. You should ensure that your Smart TV provides at least 4 HDMI ports and 2-3 USB ports. It should also be able to support future HDMI with the option of connecting via the HDMI 2.0. Contrast ratio Contrast ratio refers to the brightness range level that a best Smart TV in India can showcase. The best TVs with better contrast ratio are able to display more hues and slight shadows and hence, better detail. But, TV companies determine such as ratios differently. Nonetheless, it’s good to check for yourself how the best TV is able to display shadow detail by playing a movie with dark scenes. Thus, you can see how well it is able to detail in the shadow of, for example, a Harry Potter Movie. You can also experiment with the brightness of the TV, sharpness and other picture settings before deciding for the final TV set that you intend to buy. It would also be suggested that while you test this aspect, choose ‘cinema’ or ‘movie’ mode on your TV set. Before investing in a best Smart TV in India, you should be smart while relying on the discussed factors to find the best one that accompanies you for longer. You can now spread the price of any Smart TV in India over a tenor as per your needs and pay only fixed EMIs and save huge by managing outlays easily. The facility is now available in India on the Bajaj Finserv EMI Network Read Also: 8 Things You Can Do With Your Smart TV Besides Watching Movies TV Wall Mount Ideas For Living Room The 6 Best 70-Inch TVs In 2018