5 Best Ways For Seniors To Pass The Time


12 March 2020



One of the benefits of growing older is the abundance of free time. Most people above the age of sixty-five are either retired or are taking on fewer professional commitments. This free time can, however, be harmful rather than beneficial if you don’t have some constructive way to occupy yourself. To avoid loneliness and enjoy a senior lifestyle, here are 5 activities that you can spend your time on.

Here are 5 Best Ways For Seniors To Pass The Time:

1. Yoga


Yoga is an activity that has a positive impact on your physical and mental well being. It helps you relax, achieve stress relief and gain mindfulness. As an activity that promotes movement and agility, your physical fitness levels should significantly improve a few months into practicing yoga regularly. Yoga is also ideal for seniors since the physical activity involved is usually not overly strenuous, there are programs that are customized for seniors to engage in safely. There is even chair yoga for seniors who may have mobility issues

2. Puzzles and Games

Puzzles and Games

People across all ages require some form of mental and intellectual stimulation. Younger members of the community usually get this ether from school and their careers. For seniors, retirement does not mean their intellectual abilities have to be underutilized. Puzzles and games will not only stimulate one mentally, but it also offers the perfect opportunity to collaborate with others and improve your social life. Puzzles can be enjoyed with friends, family members, and other puzzle enthusiasts. Since most of the exertion is mental, age-related physical restrictions will not take away from your enjoyment. The social aspect of involving others in your puzzles and games should also not be underestimated. These sorts of board game activities are available at many aged care centers like Kew Gardens Aged Care, where you play with other seniors. Having an active social life is the best way for seniors to avoid depression and loneliness.

3. Walking


Walking is arguably the best form of exercise for seniors. For starters, you don’t need any fancy equipment, just some loose clothing, and supportive comfortable shoes. If your budget is permissive, you can go for specialized walking gear, but this is not necessary. Walking is perfect for seniors since it does not require much physical exertion. Taking a short walk around the block per day is sufficient. You can also engage in walking within indoor or outdoor spaces, which makes it ideal if you are in a nursing home or an assisted living facility. The key is ensuring that you don’t push yourself past your physical limits; you might be surprised by how enjoyable walking is. Apart from the exercise element, you also get a few moments to yourself for reflection.

4. Learn a new language

new language

Regardless of what people say about old dogs and new tricks, it is never too late to broaden one’s horizons. The additional time available to most seniors can be productively focused on learning a new language. Most people have a foreign language that appeals to them in some way, take this opportunity to learn it! With most seniors having the opportunity for international travel, learning a new language can make it easier for them to operate abroad. The process of learning a new language can not only be fun, but it also provides much needed intellectual stimulation and a sense of achievement.

5. Gardening


Gardening has to be the quintessential senior citizen pastime, and there are very good reasons for that. Gardening allows you to be out there in nature, which has been proven to have a positive health impact. The physical activity involved in gardening can count as daily exercise and improve your overall physical well being. As a pastime, gardening can lead to huge savings on your grocery bills or even become an income-generating activity if you produce more than you need. Even without making any money from it, being out in the fresh air and nurturing your plants will do wonders for your mental health.

Overall, being a senior should not exclude you from physical activity and fun pastimes. Most of these recommended activities, such as yoga and gardening, can also improve one’s mental and emotional health. Other benefits you will receive by being active include intellectual stimulation and a sense of achievement. So get out there today and try out at least one of these hobbies and activities!

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New Hobby

Riding the Hobby Horse: 4 Benefits of Starting a New Hobby

Starting a new hobby may seem like an arduous undertaking, but the benefits make all the decision-making well worth the effort. Not only are hobbies a fun way to take a break from the stresses of everyday life, but they can have tremendous benefits for both the mind and body. Read on to learn about some hobbies and the benefits that accompany them. Hobbies that pull their weight There are so many possibilities when it comes to finding the right new hobby. No matter how you usually fill your spare time, there’s a hobby for you. For example, gardening might be an excellent new hobby for more outdoorsy folk. It is relaxing, healthy for the body, and yields a rewarding product in the form of beautiful flowers and food. If you prefer the great indoors, scale model building is an excellent hands-on hobby that you can do from the comfort of your home. Scale model hobbyists can also put their work on display for the world to see in a nice display case with battery-powered LED lights. Cooking and reading are two more classic hobbies with notable mental and physical benefits. Those looking to engage their bodies and get closer to nature may decide to take horse riding as a hobby. Some may decide that collecting things is the right new hobby for them, while others may choose to try learning a new language. No matter your preferences,  the world of pastimes has a spot waiting for you. Benefits of starting a new hobby Whatever the hobby may be, multiple benefits come with filling your time with something that makes you happy. 1. Health benefits Hobbies have a wide array of health benefits. Not only do many activities engage the body to ensure that the hobbyist is meeting their exercise needs for the week, but all hobbies reduce stress. When a person does not address stress, they can develop any of the following symptoms: Aches/Pains Low libido Chest pains High blood pressure Digestive issues Muscle cramping By relieving stress, hobbies also lead to better quality sleep, which improves health significantly. 2. New challenges New hobbies provide new challenges, allowing people to think in different and more creative ways. This novelty not only contributes to personal growth, but it can also help in terms of career. Enhanced creative thinking and having an outlet to balance stress can lead to considerable improvements in a person’s work life. 3. Transitioning to retirement When the time to retire rolls around, people with a new hobby will have an easier time adjusting to all of the newfound free time. As a hobbyist, filling that with something you enjoy will be easier than it is for someone who has only worked their lives. Not to mention, some people become so skilled at their hobbies that they can receive a profit from providing others with their goods and services, allowing them to earn money from their favorite retirement activities. 4. Building relationships Finding a hobby can aid in meeting new people and creating new relationships over a shared interest. In addition to this benefit, it can rekindle sparks in old relationships by giving two people a new pastime to learn alongside each other. Final word Hobbies are great for just about every aspect of life, from health to personal relationships, to careers. Not only are pastimes great for the body and soul, but there is such a long list of potential activities that there is undoubtedly a hobby out there for everyone. Read Also: The Importance of the Domestication of Horses How Much are Horse Riding Lessons? 5 Myths About Horse Racing That You Must Know


Five Important Wedding Catering Considerations for Event Planning

Planning for your wedding event is not easy, as there are a lot of considerations that must go into catering selections for your wedding day and not everything revolves around in the type of foods you have. These are five important wedding catering considerations for planning your event. 1. Caterer’s recommendation When you have already selected the best catering service provider for your wedding event, know what their recommendations and suggestions are. Well, if you have decided on the types of foods you’re going to serve before selecting a caterer, there may be limited cuisines that what you expect. But, if the caterers you hired have sufficient experiences about the catering service, they will easily know the best picks to suggest. Read also: Give Amazing Look Using Balloon Centerpieces In Wedding 2. Budget Sad to say, planning for a wedding event is extremely expensive. That’s why before they decided to hire a professional wedding catering service provider you should have enough budget. You need to make sure that everything is well budgeted to prevent any trouble while planning for your big event. 3. Variety & desire The couple should have input into their wedding menu. Take note it’s your special day and you’re the most important persons at the event. When searching for wedding caterers in Birmingham, couples will find a variety of skilled chefs ready to turn their special day into a gastronomic feast.  Make sure that the foods are something that you will truly enjoy. In any big gatherings, varying tastes of the foods are allowed for diversification. Some planners and organizes of a wedding usually ask expected guests if what they prefer based on the limited choices. Doing this can help a lot to prevent wasting foods during the event. Also, if your caterer is well-known for other specialties that are based on successful recipes, that could be a great addition. Anything that is little unusual like unique dessert can add enjoyment and excitement for everyone. 4. Timing & location This is another important factor to consider when planning for your wedding event. Planning for your wedding event is all about making choices. Timing and location are very important determining factors for your big day. Some couples prefer a beach wedding while others prefer a church wedding. Seasons and locations play a big part when it comes to foods and menus that expect by your guests. Although sometimes you don’t follow the standard, things just work well once you do. 5. Taste test Food tasting is also very important to consider during the preparation of your wedding event. Wedding caterers will always provide you samples and pictures of their menus. Don’t be satisfied with the pictures alone. Make sure that you taste the foods that will be served during your event. Also, be more attentive when it comes to the presentation of the foods. This can help you to know exactly how the foods will be presented, helping you to suggest additional things for improvement. A good wedding catering service provider shouldn’t take any exception to dry run. It’s also for their protection. Considering these five factors while planning for your wedding catering event is very important. These are all significant to make your wedding event great and successful. Read also:  Save Money Buying Engagement Rings And Wedding Bands Using These Ingenious Tips

Anti-Social Kids

Can Dogs Make the Anti-Social Kids Socialize Better?

A dog is a man’s best friend, and this best friend helps in making new friends. Dogs give you more than what you can think of—emotional, mental, and social support. Apart from improving social skills these furry companions also play a significant role in teaching kids important life skills such as empathy, kindness, and responsibility. Caring for a pet dog, making sure the dog gets his nutritious meal, has access to freshwater and stays healthy, can also aid in boosting your child's self-esteem thereby increasing their ability to interact with the people around. With the increasing usage of technology and gadgets, children are becoming lazy, lonely, obese, stressed, and may develop severe mental and heart disease. To socialize children, dogs are the right reason for them to go out, interact, make friends, and play! Dogs have such outstanding qualities including faithfulness, compassion, companionship, and obedience that anyone would love to bring home a dog. Even the most lonely and anti-social person out there can crave for the presence of a furry pooch. Research on Pet Ownership and Social Interaction: Studies have shown that pets positively influence the lives of their owners, and help in attaining physical and mental well-being. Latest surveys have shown that pets not only benefit the cognitive and emotional skills but also improve their social skills. The University of Western Australia, WALTHAM Centre for Pet Nutrition, and Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health surveyed on how pets help people socialize better. The results based on responses of 2,700 pet owners showed that pet-ownership is the 3rd most common way to help people socialize in their neighborhood. The survey has also shown that dog owners, in particular, who took their Fidos on daily walks, were more likely to befriend other pet-owners, veterinaries, behaviorists, and trainers. A survey by PLoS has shown that pet ownerships promote interaction between people. The results of the report revealed that “Around 40% of pet owners reported receiving one or more types of social support (i.e., emotional, informational, appraisal, instrumental) via people they met through their pet.” Around 148 studies have shown that social connections are helpful for maintaining long-term mental and physical health. Moreover, people having social networks had 50% higher chances of living longer than those having less social interactions How do Pets Increase the Chances of Social Interaction? If you are a new dog-parent, you must have noticed how people are attracted by your pooch everywhere you go. Such small social interactions will create positive feelings in you and develop your confidence to communicate with anyone even strangers. Similar is the case with anti-social and shy kids. With greater interactions with other kids, your child will develop the confidence to confront more people and other kids. It helps in the development of a balanced personality of your child as the dog provides emotional support and people provide social support. Moreover, dogs have shown to increase the emotional intelligence of kids. Emotional intelligence includes feelings of compassion, kindness, sharing, care, and love, etc. These qualities will help your child gain acceptance and appreciation from elders. Such confidence boost can help the child make a bigger social circle. Endorphins, the happy hormones, are released due to physical activities of your child with the dog. They strengthen the bond of the child with the pooch and develop feelings of affection in the child. Along with that, taking care of the pooch each day develops a sense of responsibility in the child. Such characteristics add up for balanced personality development of the child. The children should be given an opportunity to take the dogs out every day. If you are worried about flea infestation, have a look at UHL selected flea collars. It is well-known that the children, who go out, have a positive and creative outlook towards life. Do you know positivity is the most sought out personality trait? The children perform better in their academics. Dogs help them earn acclaim at the school. They develop better communication skills as well. Many people identify with others having a similar pet or dog breed. As the two pets interact, the pet owners form a social bonding with each other. Kids having similar pets can relate to each other easily at the pet parks. Read Also : Can Dogs Help Writers Stay Positive During Stress? 5 Reasons Why Your Child Needs A Dog Dog Bites- Steps To Follow When A Dog Bites Your Kid