Does Bitcoin Harm the Environment?

Published on: 21 August 2021 Last Updated on: 21 February 2023

One of the biggest concerns surrounding cryptocurrency, in general, is the impact that they have on the environment. In a world that is already struggling to catch up with the expectations that previous generations set, how much of an impact does Bitcoin make in the long term?

Bitcoin Mining and Energy

Bitcoin Mining and Energy

Bitcoin mining involves using a high-powered computer to solve a huge amount of cryptographic puzzles and problems, awarding bitcoins to the miner who operates that computer. This is a core part of how Bitcoin works and is also used to keep the blockchain behind it functioning.

However, since computers need to become stronger and stronger to satisfy these requirements, they also need more power. Dedicated ‘rigs’ have been built that are focused on nothing but mining bitcoin, which consumes even more power at a faster rate.

Over the last two years, Bitcoin mining caused an extreme spike in emissions, producing more than some countries would in the same length of time. While this is not an acceptable level, it also is not impossible to fix, and many people are already working on solutions.

Renewable Energy

Bitcoin mining has already begun to switch to renewable energy, with around 40% already having changed over. This does not sound like much, but it means that 40% of Bitcoin miners are using energy that is not going to pump CO2 into the atmosphere.

This switch has helped a lot, but there is still more progress to be made. Until a massive proportion of Bitcoin mining is done with renewable energy, it will keep contributing to pollution and climate change.

Elon Musk and Bitcoin

Elon Musk and Bitcoin

While many people associated Elon Musk with Bitcoin, part of his reason for distancing Tesla from the currency was the Bitcoin environmental impact. Bitcoin had begun to create so much pollution that Musk actively suspended purchases using it, moving on to other cryptocurrencies instead.

Considering that this came only a few weeks after he had announced buying almost $2 billion of Bitcoin, it was a surprising change, but one that made sense. However, Tesla has been open about the fact that they will return to using Bitcoin once it is more sustainable.

The Future of Bitcoin

The Future of Bitcoin

Many people who are new to crypto often assume that Bitcoin means ‘cryptocurrency,’ even though there are plenty of other crypto options out there. This has led a lot of people to assume that every kind of crypto is just as risky, even though some are purpose-made to use sustainable options.

This even includes Bitcoin itself, in some cases. The president of El Salvador tweeted about the state-owned geothermal power company using volcanos to create clean mining energy shortly after accepting it as a legal tender. This is meant to help keep Bitcoin circulating without those downsides.

Bitcoin is not going away any time soon, but it will not return to the same level of popularity until it is cleaned up a bit. However, this also means that the price is lower now – people who are adopting sustainable mining options ahead of time will have plenty of Bitcoin before the next big spike.

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First Country to Allow Trading BTC

Canada Is the First Country to Allow Trading BTC on Its Stock Exchanges

Bitcoin has officially been introduced at the traditional stock exchange. The first country to make this significant move was Canada. Before that, the only way to buy and sell BTC was by using a digital currency stock exchange, which is still the most popular way to trade Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. The Great White North officials authorized a Bitcoin fund that was immediately introduced to the stock market. This event will pave the way for many investors to access the popular cryptocurrency and try to make a profit with its help. The Bitcoin index fund was proposed by a company called Purpose Investments. The Toronto Stock Exchange approved the start of the fund on February 18. As announced by the spokesperson from the Ontario Securities Commission, the fund uses the acronym BTCC. The role of the fund’s administrator belongs to a Canadian company called CIBC Mellon Global Securities Company. The sub-custodian is the Gemini Trust Company. There are no similar traded Bitcoin funds anywhere in the world. It means that Canadian stock traders could start a trend where many other stock exchanges will introduce a cryptocurrency-backed fund. Purpose Investments issued an official press release declaring that the fund was the first in the world to be physically settled in BTC and not derivatives. It means investors will access cryptocurrencies conveniently without self-custody risks and all associated dangers that digital cryptocurrency wallets bring. The main risk brought by digital wallets is the usage of keys. A private key is the only thing that allows you access to your cryptocurrencies. This key is like a password, but it’s irretrievable, meaning your Bitcoin storage will be lost forever if you forget the key. For instance, if you lose your Facebook password, you can always send a request to change it. The platform, being a centralized entity, will grant you that request. Unfortunately, that option isn’t available when it comes to digital wallets, meaning a lost key is gone forever. Many people don’t feel confident about this arrangement and believe handling your own keys brings a certain risk. That is why an exchange-traded fund seems like a better option at the moment. In other words, being in charge of your own fortune requires having a high level of responsibility and keeping your private keys safe and secure. Bitcoin Reaches New Heights: When Bitcoin was introduced to the world in 2009, it was worth almost nothing. You could buy hundreds of Bitcoins for a couple of dollars. The first time that the cryptocurrency peaked was in December 2017, when the price reached almost $20K. After that, the price started going down, with many pessimists predicting the ultimate fall of BTC. However, there was no reason to worry. After a somewhat quiet period in 2018, when the BTC rate reached as low as $3,500, a slight bump happened when the price increased to more than $10k in 2019. Then, the Covid-19 pandemic started, and people started looking for a way to store their wealth. At that moment, Bitcoin turned out to be one of the most lucrative solutions. Therefore, they joined a stock exchange cryptocurrency and started massively buying BTC. The price first reached around $30K, and it is currently being traded at about $45K. This was a reason good enough for many people to consider buying “digital gold.” Another reason why this cryptocurrency increased in value was the fact that big companies started investing in it heavily. For example, Tesla invested approximately $1.5 billion in bitcoin, and many smaller investors followed its steps. What About Other Cryptocurrencies? So far, Bitcoin has been the most popular cryptocurrency, traveling the longest distance on the road to widespread adoption. However, it’s definitely not the only crypto out there, as many other altcoins are pretenders to BTC’s trone. Some of them might even get a similar treatment by traditional stock exchanges. The most likely candidate for that is Ethereum, a cryptocurrency supporting the Ethereum platform. Besides Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash is doing a pretty good job, as well as Tether, Binance Coin, Ripple, Litecoin, and more. Final Thoughts: The introduction of Bitcoin to the traditional stock exchange gives Canadian investors more room to access the cryptocurrency. They’ll be the first ones to test how that works and whether one can make a profit by investing in the Bitcoin ETF. If all goes well, we could expect other exchanges to do the same. All eyes are now on the Wall Street exchange, which is expected to copy the homework from the Canadian stock exchange. Will there be additional Bitcoin funds used by investors to trade on stock exchanges around the globe? At this moment, everything seems possible. Read Also: Exciting Facts About Cryptocurrency And Crypto Wallets How to Buy Bitcoin From Norway HybridBlock: Why Binance Is Investing In Crypto-Fiat Trading Everything You Must Know About Bitcoin Circuit: Legal or Scam

Balancing Risk And Reward In Investment Portfolios

Balancing Risk And Reward In Investment Portfolios

Investing is an art and a science, requiring a soft balance between reward and risk. Although high-risk investments can lead to greater returns, they also have the potential for significant losses. Conversely, low-risk speculation typically offers more modest returns but provides a sense of security.  The key to successful investing lies in understanding and managing this balance. This article delves into the intricacies of balancing risk and reward in investment portfolios, offering insights and strategies to help investors make informed decisions. The journey of balancing risk and reward is not a solo endeavor. Guidance from experienced professionals like Monty Cerf can provide valuable insights into navigating the complex world of investments. With a deep understanding of market dynamics and investment strategies, such guidance is instrumental in shaping a well-balanced portfolio. Understanding Risk And Reward The Nature Of Risk Risk in investment refers to the possibility of an asset losing its value or not performing as expected. This risk comes in various forms - market, credit, liquidity, and more. The level of risk is often tied to the potential reward; generally, higher risks are associated with higher potential returns. Reward Expectations Reward, on the other hand, is the return on investment. This could be in the form of capital gains, dividends, or interest. An investment's potential reward attracts investors, but it's crucial to weigh this against the associated risk. Balancing The Scales Diversification: The First Rule Of Balance One of the fundamental strategies for balancing risk as well as reward is diversification. By dissipating investments across multiple asset classes (stocks, bonds, real estate, etc.), geographical regions, and sectors, investors are likely to reduce the effect of poor performance in any area. Diversification doesn’t guarantee against loss, but it can significantly mitigate risk. Risk Tolerance: A Personal Benchmark Every investor has a different level of comfort with risk, known as risk tolerance. Several factors influence this, including age, investment goals, financial situation, and personal temperament. Understanding your risk tolerance is crucial in creating a portfolio that aligns with your comfort level and financial objectives. Strategic Asset Allocation Asset allocation involves dividing an investment portfolio among different asset categories. This allocation should reflect an investor's goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon. For instance, younger investors might lean more towards stocks for long-term growth, while older investors might prefer bonds for stability and consistent income. Advanced Tactics For Seasoned Investors Rebalancing: Keeping Your Portfolio In Check Over time, market movements can cause your initial asset allocation to change. Rebalancing involves buying or selling assets in your portfolio with the aim od maintaining your original asset allocation. This keeps your risk level in check and disciplines you to buy low and sell high. The rebalancing process is crucial, especially in volatile markets, as it helps maintain the alignment of your investments with your risk tolerance and financial goals. For instance, if your portfolio has become too heavily weighted in stocks due to a market rally, you might sell some of your stock holdings to purchase more bonds or lower-risk assets, thus returning to your original asset allocation. Such a disciplined approach can help mitigate the emotional decision-making often associated with market highs and lows. It’s recommended to review your portfolio regularly, possibly annually or after significant market shifts, to determine if rebalancing is necessary. Utilizing Hedging Techniques Hedging is akin to insurance for your investments. It involves using financial instruments or strategies to offset potential losses. Options, futures contracts, and asset correlations are some ways to hedge against market volatility. However, hedging can be complex and is typically suited for more experienced investors. For example, options can be used to protect against downside risk in a stock portfolio. If you hold a significant position in a stock, buying a put option can help limit your losses if the stock price falls. Similarly, futures contracts can be used to hedge against commodity price changes or foreign exchange risks. Another strategy involves investing in negatively correlated assets, so when one asset class performs poorly, the other tends to perform well, thus balancing the overall portfolio risk. While effective, these strategies require a deep understanding of financial instruments and market dynamics and often involve additional costs. Considering Alternative Investments Alternative investments like private equity, hedge funds, and commodities can offer unique benefits and risks. They often have a low correlation with traditional asset classes, providing diversification benefits and potentially higher returns. However, they can also be less liquid and more opaque, requiring careful consideration. Private equity, for instance, involves investing in private companies and can offer the potential for significant returns; however, these investments often need to be more balanced and have a long investment horizon. Hedge funds employ a range of strategies to achieve returns, including leverage, short selling, and derivatives, which can be profitable but also carry a high level of risk. Conclusion Balancing both risk and reward in investment portfolios is a continuous process that requires diligence, research, and, sometimes, professional advice. By understanding the types of risks, determining your risk tolerance, diversifying your investments, and employing strategies like asset allocation and rebalancing, you can create a portfolio. Furthermore, ensure that it suits your investment goals while managing the level of risk you’re comfortable with. Read Also: Investing In Machinery For A More Productive Business What You Must Know About ELSS Before You Invest

government debt relief

Government Debt Relief And Student Loans

Graduation from a college or a university is a terrific accomplishment. However, the last thing anyone wants to worry about after all those years of hard work and late nights of studying is thousands of dollars in student debt or government debt relief. Unfortunately, that's the reality for millions of graduates around the country. Currently, the national student debt sits at a staggering $1.73 trillion. If you are one of the many US citizens living under a dark cloud of student debt, it might be time to start thinking about government debt relief and student loans. If you don't know where to turn, US government debt relief programs are an excellent place to start. What Are The Student Loan Debt Forgiveness? The US Department of Education offers a federal student loan forgiveness program that offers debt relief to some public service workers who have made payments for a certain number of years.  The government debt relief and forgiveness programs are for workers such as teachers, law enforcement, medics, and nurses. However, there are other types of student loan forgiveness, including the scenario where you find yourself with a disability and are unable to work in your chosen field.  Even if you think you know everything about your student loan situation, it never hurts to double-check. You should always do your research to find out whether you qualify for any kind of student loan forgiveness program before moving on to another option. When Doesn’t You Qualify Consumer Debt? While we’re on the subject of government debt relief, it’s important to note there are no government programs for dealing with most types of consumer debt, such as credit cards, personal loans, and the like.  Consumer debt is not always available for everyone. Many times you are applying for the debt but can not get it. In these types of cases, you will get two options to settle the issue. If you need help along those lines, you can turn to the private sector for options such as debt consolidation and debt settlement.  1. Get The Debt Consolidation In a government debt relief consolidation program, you can have loans (including certain forms of student debt) combined into a single loan with fixed interest. From that point on, you'll pay a single monthly fee that will go towards all your loans at once.  This is a great option if you have a hard time keeping track of all your payments or are finding yourself buried under interest rates. However, it's important to find a program that is realistic for your circumstances.  You could end up in an even worse position than you started if you are unable to make your new payments. The pacers are the most critical factors. Gather the pacers, which you can submit as proof for your words and the circumstances. 2. Settle The Debt Debt settlement involves working with creditors to negotiate a one-time payment in full of satisfying a debt in exchange for interest rate and fee concessions — and sometimes even a portion of the principal amount borrowed. This can be a good option if you are close to or have already defaulted on your government debt relief loans, as most creditors won't agree to settle if you have been consistent with your payments. However, you don't want to purposefully avoid paying your loan off in the hopes of reaching a settlement.  Doing so will detract from your credit score, which can affect your ability to apply for other loans or be approved for mortgages in the future. Conclusion: People often feel hopeless when in debt because they don't know they have options. The first step is learning everything you can about your student loans and the services available to you. Knowledge is power, and in this case, it might also be a relief. Government debt relief programs make it easier for you to move on with your life and pursue your dreams so that hopefully, you never have to think about such matters again. Read Also: Need Some Help Saving Money As A Young Professional? Use Mycare To Learn How To Budget! The 8 Smart Tips To Get A Smart Repayment Plan Understanding the Steps in Debt Collection