Blogging to Live Better: 10 Benefits of Blogging

Published on: 05 June 2018 Last Updated on: 09 August 2019
Blogging Benefits

Remember back when blogs weren’t really a thing?

Not the case anymore. As of 2015, 28.3 million Internet users updated a blog at least once a month.

If you’re not sure what all the hype is for, here are ten benefits of blogging that you shouldn’t miss out on.

1. Share Your Passions :

Maybe you have a deep-seated love of French baking. Or maybe you’re gung-ho about knitting. Maybe you’re a talented underwater basket-weaver.

Whatever your passion project might be, a blog is a great place to share it with the world.

Because where else but the Internet can you find people with so many different passions wanting to talk to each other?

2. Get a Better Job :

If you’re great at blogging, you can even turn it into a better job.

Maybe you use blogging as a tool to help improve your online profile, show potential employers your chops, and get hired.

Or maybe you love blogging so much and get so good at it that it becomes the better job you always dreamed of.

Either way, if you dedicate yourself to learning how to blog well and writing regularly, you could parlay it in to a better job than the one you have now.

3. Become a Better Writer :

And while you’re at it, you could become a better writer in the process.

After all, blogs update all the time–every week, every few weeks, or every month (or, for the very ambitious, every day!) Where else would you have so many opportunities to practice your craft?

And if you’re worried about how blogging translates into more technical writing like whitepapers, reports, emails, or essays, think of it this way: the only way to get better at writing is by writing. A lot.

Blogging is, as a rule, a conversational form of writing. It’s a great way to get comfortable writing, and writing quickly.

Once you’re thoroughly comfortable around your own language, how to structure a piece, and how to rock a word-count, translating those writing skills into other forms of writing is a breeze.

4. Practice Another Language :

Since you have so many opportunities to write, why not use them to practice another language?

If you’re consistently forcing yourself to form coherent thoughts, sentences, and paragraphs in your non-native language, you may be surprised to find how much easier it is to work with that language.

And, as you establish a following, you’ll have more opportunities to interact with native speakers of the language, which means you’ll be able to practice even more.

Who knew blogging could help you learn so much?

5. Improve Your Technical Knowledge :

Of course, it doesn’t have to be languages. You could also flex your blogging muscles to improve your technical know-how.

Let’s say you want to write about failed back surgery syndrome, like this website. What’s the easiest way to learn about failed back surgery syndrome?

By writing about it and doing the research required to write about it with authority.

Always been curious about coding or economics? What better way to talk your way through what you’ve learned that blogging about it?

6. Connect with New People :

And while you’re blogging, you’ll have all kinds of opportunities to connect with people as you establish a following.

These could be people you’d like to add to your professional network. Maybe they’re potential blogging clients of yours. Or maybe they’re people who are just as passionate about interior design as you are.

Either way, learning how to spread your opinions and engage with your comments section is a great way to bring more people into your orbit. That’s the beauty of the Internet.

7. Get Immediate Feedback :

Plus, while all kinds of new people are engaging with your work, you’ll have all kinds of opportunities to get feedback on your work.

Did you ever take a writing class in high school or college? Think back to how that process worked–you wrote something, turned it in, and waited a week or a semester to hear back about it. It was a decidedly one-sided process.

Blogging is different. When you post something, people have a chance to engage with it in real-time via your comments section–and you have a chance to talk right back.

This is especially useful if you have an idea you want to develop further. Put it out into the world on your blog and see what people say. Sometimes, a little outside perspective is just what you need to make progress.

8. Establish Yourself as an Expert :

Let’s be honest–anyone can blog about something.

Let’s say you want to be a travel blogger. You can totally start a blog and write about far-off places.

But as you spend more time on your blog, doing your research, writing about what you’ve learned, and sharing your expertise, the more your blog turns into a demonstration of your expertise in your chosen field.

One post about something is one thing. But if someone comes to your blog and sees twenty in-depth pieces about a particular subject, they’ll view you as someone who knows what they’re talking about.

9. Get More Exposure :

Of course, not everyone starts a blog just to write about their dogs. Plenty of businesses start blogs to help boost their online exposure.

Who says you can’t do it too?

As we noted, blogging is a great way to attract an audience and engage with people. If you run a business, a blog is a great way to bring attention to that business and topics related to your business.

It might even bring you a few customers.

10. Build Your Portfolio :

Finally, the only way to build a writing portfolio is by writing. A lot.

Blogging is nothing if not writing a lot on a regular basis.

If you need to beef up your portfolio and show your own expertise on a subject, a blog is a great way to start getting your name on articles online. Even if it’s just your own blog, it gives employers, clients, and fellow enthusiasts a chance to read your work in a casual setting.

More Benefits of Blogging (and Writing)

Now that you know so much about the benefits of blogging, why not start a blog for yourself?

If you’re not sure where to start, no worries. We can help with that.

Check out our blog for all kinds of tips to boost your writing and blogging, like this post on the common mistakes every new blogger makes.

Read Also :

I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Bloggers, Beware! Blogging Mistakes You Should Avoid

Blogging as a career and source of income is more than just taking pictures, eating good food and writing articles. When blogging turned into a business, there are a lot of steps that bloggers need to make sure to attain success. In other words, upgrading a blog into a business is more complex than what people think. However, it can also be rewarding and fun at the same time. To ensure success in blogging, listed here are some of the blogging mistakes that every blogger should avoid. As they say, prevention is better than cure.  Read also: Doing It The Right Way: Common Mistakes Every New Blogger Commits Not using whitespace or header When a reader first visits a blog and sees a wall of pure text, they’ll immediately close the tab without looking back. No matter how amazing the ideas are, the visual presentation makes up half of the battle. Bloggers or writers should learn to break their paragraphs to avoid chunky-looking parts. Use subheadings to give the readers eyes a breather and anchor points. If possible, cut down to 3-5 sentences each paragraph. Not knowing the audience Among the common mistakes that bloggers need to avoid, being clueless about their target audience is on the top of the list. It is sometimes unavoidable that bloggers will write and create content depending on their mood without even taking consideration of the readers. Lacking knowledge about the target audience can create complications in the future. Without considering the target audience interests, the content will be useless. Before starting on writing, create an image of the audience that the content is targeting. After making an image of the target audience, do some research on the things they want to read. Researching about the audience is the smartest technique a blogger can do. Avoid posting every day After considering that blogging is a career and part of the content marketing strategy, bloggers must be knowledgeable about search engines. Because of search engines, bloggers tend to publish a new blog entry every day just to improve ranking. However, posting on a daily basis can greatly affect the engagement level of the blog. And also it can be a disservice on SERPs (Search Engine Result Page). Keep in mind that the search engine value is a fresh, informative and relevant content. If the published articles don't give benefit to the target audience, then it’ll be a waste of effort. To ensure the quality of the articles, creating a schedule when to post articles is beneficial. It can give bloggers enough time to create a high-quality and well-researched article that can benefit its readers. To fully learn about SEO, some sites offer a crash course about SEO. Visit Website for more information. It usually tackles the effect of content to blogs. Also, it includes the importance of SEO in rankings. Read also: Avoid These 5 Mistakes Before Starting An SEO Stop trying to sell something in a blog post Blogs are tools to promote products, but not as a sales method. Current and future readers usually remain anonymous when reading an article. So they can just immediately leave an article in the middle reading if it gives them pressure or threats. Instead of selling products, use the blog to validate credibility, build authority and instill trust. If the readers find the contents and the blog reliable, then they can become the sales opportunity of business. Using Inappropriate Titles Headlines and titles are one of the most important things in a blog post. Titles and headings tell the readers a good deal of the content. Also, it helps in setting expectations to the readers. A title must be compelling and are creative to attract readers. However, certain headlines don't fit to what the content talks about. Sometimes, the title itself is not compelling enough to attract people to click and read the article. Bloggers should consider human elements before coming up with titles. Let the title and headline speak for the content itself. Make it as descriptive as possible to have an impact on potential readers. Uses a Generic Logo Bloggers don't need to invest all their cash in having a custom design to complete their blog. However, bloggers should consider a personalized logo. It is one of the first few things that new visitors look at when visiting a new blog. Usually, the logo speaks for the blog itself. Takeaway Listed above are the four basic and common mistakes that a blogger should avoid. Even if mistakes are inevitable, avoiding them can help in the success and growth of the blog. It may be a little mistake, but its impact can greatly affect the business and ruin the reputation of a blog.  

Blogging Tips

5 Blogging Tips for Beauty and Fashion Bloggers in 2018

If you have the good fashion sense and people admire you then why you don’t go for fashion blogging. If you help your friends in styling and go with them for shopping and they ask for your suggestions to buy new clothes then you should start your own fashion blogging and earn a lot via it. This is the digital time and nothing is impossible at this time, you should start our own blogging. In this article, we will give you the 5 Blogging Tips for Beauty and Fashion Bloggers in 2018. 1. Find the best blogging platform: The first step to start your fashion blogging or any other blogging is to find the best available blogging platform. The main blogging platform which is very common these days is WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal. WordPress is leading in this race and it depends on you that which platform you find the easiest one that you can handle on your own. Every platform is based on your posts, images and graphics content. So, the first step is to find your blogging platform. 2. Choose the domain name:  A domain name is the first thing which will mark your impression on others. Domain name basically consists of three things, the short one is better, make it specific and make it more about you. The URL name should be attractive that people like to open it and see what content you have. No one remembers long URL, try to get that short and the catchy one. This one will work better than any long URL and people dislike long URL. 3. Link your account with hosting provider: After choosing the domain name, the next step is to link your domain with some hosting provider. It works like that if we buy some clothes from a well-known brand so you should get some better hosting provider. Whenever a user opens your URL, you don’t get any crash or lags. These things depend on your hosting provider. So, it should be good. 4. Make your blog online: When you get some hosting provider like the Blue host, which is the best hosting provider till now. After buying that host you have to set your account as basic or premium. I will suggest you start with the basic one and after that choose your theme. The theme should be a simple one and if you don’t have any IT information then go for the simplest one. It will work better for you. 5. Choose the best Plugins: Plugins are the first thing which decorates your whole website. Plugins same works like the way we decorate our home, it depends on where we upload our images, videos or any other graphic content. The way which we show your clothes and guide others that how they can improve their wardrobe. Try to get the best slideshow, subtitles for your posts or social buttons on your picture. These all thing enhances your blogging site and makes it catchier for the fashion lovers. Carolina Owens is a business graduate from the London School of Economics. She likes to blog about the latest business news and trends. She likes hanging out with friends in her free time. You can read her latest post on Outsourcing Virtual Assistants Read More: How To Ensure You Have The Perfect English To Enhance Your Blog Bloggers, Beware! Blogging Mistakes You Should Avoid Doing It The Right Way: Common Mistakes Every New Blogger Commits

is mcdonald's open on christmas

Answering The Most Asked: Is McDonald’s Open On Christmas? 

Everybody celebrates Christmas in a different way. Some may prepare a large roast dinner, prepare a festive side dish to go with a special dinner, or they may even order takeout. While some families may choose not to stress over preparing a big Christmas meal, others who are working or out and about during the holiday season will be searching for something to eat. A burger and fries will be on some of their minds when it comes to fast food. After eating a big Christmas meal, some of you may simply be craving a sweet treat, like a McFlurry or late-night ice cream. On Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, a lot of restaurants will be closed, but a lot of McDonald's restaurants will be open on Christmas Day. Since McDonald's is a franchise and 93% of its restaurants are run by independent business owners, some diners won't be open, according to the company website. As a result, McDonald's opening hours vary by location, with each business owner setting their own hours. The fast-food chain advises hungry customers to use their restaurant locator or give them a call in advance to find out the exact hours for their location in order to avoid any disappointment. McDonald's Menu Image Source During the Christmas season, McDonald's provides a plethora of festive treats, and every McDelivery order earns customers points towards MyMcDonald's Rewards. The Golden Arches will be serving up a Smoky BLT Quarter Pounder and a Smoky BLT Double Quarter Pounder with cheese for a short period of time. For those on a tight budget, the $1, $2, and $3 menu will also be offered, featuring time-honored favorites like the McChicken, Sausage McGriddles, and the McDouble. During Christmas, McDonald's restaurants in Canada will be serving a few new menu items for a short period of time, such as the Carolina BBQ Quarter Pounder and the New Oreo Fudge McFlurry. Other fast-food chains that are anticipated to be mostly open on Christmas Day include Waffle House, Domino's, and Burger King. On Christmas Day, Subway is anticipated to be mostly closed so that employees can spend time with their families and loved ones. Along with Golden Corral, Red Lobster, Ruth's Chris Steak House, and Village Inn, a large number of Applebee's locations are also intended to be open. It's advisable to call your local location in advance to find out their opening hours on federal holidays, just like you should with any restaurant or store. Is McDonald's Open On Christmas? According to a company representative, not all McDonald's locations will be open on Christmas Eve in 2023, but the majority will. As you can see from the company website, 93% of McDonald's restaurants are run by independent business owners. The restaurants are franchises. This implies that each store owner sets their own hours, so while your neighborhood branch may be open, it's not guaranteed. For information on opening and closing times, the store advises calling ahead or using their restaurant locator. (Alternatively, since many convenience stores will be open during regular business hours on Christmas, you could pick up something from any of the grocery stores open on that day!) McDonald's Christmas Hours Generally open all year round, McDonald's sees a higher volume of business on festive days due to the fact that it receives more guests than usual on these days. Thus, it is open on designated days, but Do they open at McDonald's on Christmas Day? Not at all. Christmas Day is a big holiday, so the fast-food restaurant chain will be closed on that day. To give its employees time to spend with their families on Christmas Day, it stays closed. Regarding McDonald's Christmas Hours, the fast-food restaurant chain will close early on Christmas Eve. The hours of closure may fall between 8 and 11 p.m. The franchise owner has the sole authority to determine the business hours. Thus, before you go there for some hardcore snacks, you can give the local franchise a call to confirm the times. You can visit the 24-hour McDonald's if you really want a treat because it is open on Christmas Eve. Regarding McDonald's Christmas Hours, the fast-food restaurant chain will close early on Christmas Eve. The hours of closure may fall between 8 and 11 p.m. The franchise owner has the sole authority to determine the business hours. Thus, before you go there for some hardcore snacks, you can give the local franchise a call to confirm the times. You can visit the 24-hour McDonald's if you really want a treat because it is open on Christmas Eve. There are certain McDonald's locations that are only accessible via the official website and the McDonald's app that will be open on Christmas Day. From there, you can also locate McDonald's Christmas Day Hours. Find the McDonald's location nearest you with the aid of the store locator. From there, you can also easily obtain information about the festive menu. McDonald's Festive Menu Here are some special numbers added to the McDonald's menu for the festive occasion. Christmas Share Box Image Source The Christmas Sharebox is a great way to share food during the holidays. It includes four standard dips, four select dips, and a minimum of 20 Chicken McNuggets and 10 Chicken Selects. The combo is priced at more than $16.41 and will only be offered while supplies last. Even though the Sharebox can accommodate up to four people, it's acceptable to use it alone if that's your preference. Chicken Big Mac Image Source In the upcoming weeks, the chain will launch new specials and promotions in addition to the new holiday offerings. Fans can currently get some of the most popular McDonald's dishes, like the Big Mac, for as little as $1.24 with the Christmas offer. You can redeem the offer from the chain's website or the app's offer section. This is a limited-time offer. Galaxy Chocolate Flurry Image Source Swirled ice cream and Galaxy Chocolate Stars with Galaxy Chocolate sauce combine to create a festive take on a classic dessert: the Galaxy Chocolate McFlurry. You can get it for more than $1.63 for a small serving, or more than $2.18 for a regular serving. There is a caramel sauce option for the new Galaxy McFlurry. Wrapping Up if you are craving McDonald's on Christmas just check your location with the official McDonald's website. This will help clear all your doubts and you can peacefully enjoy the burgers and fries. Did you look up Google saying "is McDonald's open on Christmas?" Then we hope this article helped. If you have thoughts to share or questions to ask about, please leave a comment below. We would love to hear from you. Learn More About: 5 Reasons Why You Need To Throw An Office Christmas Party Walmart Pharmacy Hours: What Time Does Walmart Pharmacy Close And Open? Is Walmart Open On Christmas? Get To Know What Is Open And What Is Open And What Is Not