Brand Ambassador Application – How to Find a Brand Ambassador

Published on: 01 June 2021 Last Updated on: 11 November 2022
Brand Ambassador

Having a brand ambassador who will represent your brand and company goes a long way in increasing sales and goodwill among the people. They are able to win the hearts of people due to their influence and the trust which has been placed in them.

Knowing that you need an ambassador is one thing, finding one is another matter on its own. With the competitive nature of the industry, many companies require these influencers. Hence, you must employ certain methods to find these talented individuals.

In this article, we will discuss one of the main ways to find a corporate ambassador. And to ensure that you exhaust every means available, we will also discuss 5 other ways to find these influencers.

increasing sales

1. Brand Ambassador Application Form:

This is a major method that firms employ when seeking a representative. Your company’s brand ambassador program can be promoted using this method.

All you need to do is publish the brand ambassador application and wait for interested ambassadors to contact you. The application form or the form’s link can be sent via targeted emails, pages on your organization’s website, post-sales messaging, etc.

The ambassador application form should contain questions that query the potential influencers why they purchased your product or patronized your service and the reasons they adore your products.

Furthermore, ask them if they would like to share those products consistently with their network. From the answers you get, you ought to be able to determine if the customer is fit to be your company’s representative.

An interesting thing about this method of finding ambassadors is that only truly interested people will fill the form. Include a website application once you are done with your section to further streamline the top candidates.

Tip: An NPS survey can be used to ask the kinds of questions contained in your application form.

2. Informal Application:

This is informal in the sense that it doesn’t carry an official format. It is more or less like a referral platform that invites almost everyone to be brand representatives.

Customers who join do so using a basic form published on the company’s website. After signing up, a link or code is sent to them. This code can then be shared with their network. When anyone employs the link to buy a product, the ambassador will receive an incentive.

While this is informal, there is still a need for you to contact your customers personally to inform them of the ambassador program. An informal application can be sent to every customer so that they can join. Then, the top customers or those that do well in the informal program can be invited to join the formal program.

The only difference is that the formal ambassadors should receive more incentives than those who belong to the informal program.

3. Search on Social Media:

3. Search on Social Media:

This is the simplest way to find influencers; however, it requires your time investment. Start with individuals that have posted about your company or brand if you know any.

If you don’t know anyone like that, then you need to go through the process of searching. Run a search using your brand name or hashtags. But bear in mind that not everyone who makes use of your hashtag is suitable to be your brand influencer. Visit to learn how to use hashtags.

4. Use Software Programs:

There are some software programs you can use to help you get the best brand ambassador. This is advantageous as it saves you precious time and stress from manual searching.

These programs reveal individuals that are mentioning your brand and company. They can also filter through these mentions to make the process easier.

Once you find a potential ambassador, some software programs can aid you in reaching out to them.

5. Use Customer Data:

This is dependent on whether you have collated customer data over time. So, you can sieve through your previous data to find out who has been loyal to your brand. You must select only loyal customers as they would be eager to promote your brand since they’ve used your products. Click here to learn more about customer data.

6. Ambassador Marketing Platforms:

6. Ambassador Marketing Platforms:

Since the number of influencers has been rising, many of these individuals have created platforms where they can interact and also be easily reached by brands.

So, you can make use of such platforms and just go through the list of influencers there and make your pick. You can use filters to streamline your choice of what you are looking for.


After you get your ambassadors, establish a rapport with them. Then make sure you follow their social media accounts and like and comment on their posts. You can also share their posts that will be impactful to your followers.

Which of these methods will you employ? Or have you employed any of them in the past? Feel free to let us know…

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Business Card

10 Tips to Design the Perfect Business Card

Handing out business cards is a good way to promote your brand and foster personal connections. But, the creation of perfect and memorable cards clearly remains a challenge. Research shows: 88%—or 9 out of 10—of distributed business cards will be thrown out within one week. How to Design the Perfect Business Card So, what makes these tangible objects impressive? A lovely design. The perfect business card doesn’t only present your contact information. It also communicates your brand’s professionalism. So, if you’re interested in making a positive impression, consider the business card design tips below. 1. Adhere to the Principles of Good Design The perfect business card is a visual representation of your brand. It’s a determining factor in whether people trash your card. And, the following elements of good design are important in capturing people’s attention: Alignment and length Color scheme Content hierarchy Typography Kern Layout Tracking White Space 2. Avoid Complexity in Design When designing the perfect business card, you should aim for simplicity. Simplicity in color and contrast to prevent overwhelm. Simplicity in fonts to prevent difficulty in reading. Remember, you want a prospect or customer to reach out to you for help with their needs. And, by avoiding complexity, you make it easy for them to read your contact information, call your number, and partner with you for your services. 3. Provide Key Information Above, we discussed simplicity in design. And, you can keep it simple by only presenting the information required to communicate who you are, what you do, and how to contact you. Details such as: Name Title, role, or function Business name and logo Physical address Telephone number If space allows, for social connections, you can also add virtual information. For instance, you can include: Professional e-mail address Website landing page or blog address One or two professional social media handles QR code 4. Emphasize Benefit and Value You should also take it a step further and emphasize your benefits. In other words, the perfect business card should do two things: Tell (or remind) people about what you can do for them Tell (or remind) people about the value you offer Limit your explanation to a line or two, describing your service, specialization, and value statement. 5. Consider a Nontraditional Shape Can you choose the standard 3.5x2 inch horizontal rectangle/square? Yes. But nowadays, you also have more creative options available. With die-cuts, for example, you can choose from a variety of shapes: Circle Folded Half-Circle Leaf Oval Rounded Corners Single Rounded Corner Slim Vertical 6. Improve Your Card’s Appearance Additionally, you can improve the look and feel of your business card, through imprinting. Again, you have several methods to choose from: CMYK or Four-Color Printing Embossing Debossing Foil Stamping PMS or Pantone Matching System Depending on your chosen imprint, “finishes”—such as lamination, UV, and spot coatings—can also positively enhance your card’s quality and design. 7. Invest in High-Quality Materials Presentation is an important part of designing the perfect business card. And, the quality of your chosen material impacts your brand’s impression. You have a few choices, when choosing your card’s paper, weight, and thickness: regular, plastic, textured, thick, thin. But, high-quality material is a better investment. How do we know? The National Institutes of Health’s research on haptic sensations found: physical touch can influence the impressions and thoughts formed about people and situations. 8. Ensure Branding Consistency What you shouldn’t do, when designing your business card, is display a lack of cohesion in branding. If there are style, color, and typography inconsistencies in your marketing materials, then people will notice. Remember, your brand identity helps customers and prospects recognize your business. And, when consistent, your business cards reinforce your visual elements. 9. Double-Check for Errors and Unreadable Text You want customers to take you seriously. To trust you. So, double-checking your business cards, before printing, is critical. Read, reread, and edit. Search for spelling, punctuation, grammar, layout, and omission mistakes. But, don’t stop there. Also, make sure your business card is readable by: Using at least 8 point fonts Using font colors complementary to its background 10. Beware Printing Specifications When designing the perfect business card, you must ensure optimal printing. Many printers stop at a certain point. So, it’s important to consider the following specifications: Bleed Area. You should include at least a 1/8” bleed area as it eliminates white space during printing. Safe Area. The center of the business card is the safe area, so you want all your readable text and graphics there. Ready to Design Your Card? Now, you're armed with 10 good design tips for creating the perfect business card. Use this Vistaprint coupon code to save on your next order. Will you apply them? If so, you'll have what you need to increase your brand awareness, make a memorable impression, and even attract new clients. Read also: Tips For Small Businesses To Raise Funds For Their Projects

online shop

How to Pack Clothing Properly for Shipping

If you have a business which is engaged in the shipping of various clothing items, whether you have a small online shop or a retail brick-and-mortar store, you need to know how to pack and ship clothing in the appropriate way. Clothes are some of the most common items shipped today, but not everyone knows how to pack and ship clothes properly. You want your customers to open the parcel and be impressed not just with the clothing itself, but with how it’s packed and presented. But more than this, you want to make sure that the parcel doesn’t get damaged during transport, especially if you are planning to ship it overseas. It’s important to lessen the risk of damage to your parcel so that your customers can receive it in tip-top condition. Here, then, is how to pack clothing for shipping properly. It takes but a few minutes to pack clothing, but it's essential that you know exactly what you are doing and what materials to use. It also pays to be as quick and efficient as possible. The materials you need You don’t need much in terms of packing materials, but you do need the right ones. Most clothes being shipped will be sent in a simple envelope, but sometimes, the clothes can come out wrinkled or crumpled. So aside from making sure you have the right packaging materials (which includes scissors, the envelope or box, and tape), you also have to fold it properly. If you want to be sure that the clothes are packed well and will not be damaged, it's often better to go for white postal boxes which look sleek and simple. There are postal boxes that are specially designed to be easy to use and to offer ample protection for the items inside, and these postal boxes are made in such a way that they already come with tabs which are self-locking, reducing the need for tape. Your step-by-step guide to packing clothing for shipping First, make sure you have ample space in front of you on a flat surface where you can fold the clothing. Never try to roll the piece of clothing up – this will only make it look wrinkled and crumpled, and it doesn't give the right impression. Fold the clothing as neatly as you possibly can and avoid creases. There are various guides that can tell you how to fold specific pieces of clothing, so it pays to educate yourself as well. When you have folded the clothes, make use of some extra wrapping (bubble wrap is often a good choice). This will help you make sure that the clothing will not become water-damaged while it is in transit. Also, see if you can place any additional padding in your box or parcel so that you can further reduce the likelihood of damage to the item. You don’t have to worry about the weight of the bubble wrap or other padded materials you use, as they shouldn’t weigh enough to affect your shipping costs. The next step is to seal the box's lid; this is where those self-locking tabs can really come in handy because you don't have to use tape to seal the box. But here's one more tip for you: avoid attaching the shipping labels after you have already inserted the clothing into the box. The clothing can plump up the parcel, and this can make the shipping label peel off. Simply attach the labels prior to putting the clothes inside the box, so the label is less likely to peel off. Read Also: Ship Packages Often? Why You Need A Courier Broker! Important Things To Consider When Packaging Your Product Simple Packaging: Your Guide To Branded Design


Work from wherever you want

Surely we would all be aware by now what it’s like to be in the working environment. You’re often stuck in one place, doing the same old repetitive things for who knows how long and then being expected to do things in the way the boss tells them to. You need to work from anywhere. Moreover, in all this, they are to maintain a good level of motivation so that their mood and levels of fatigue do not take a toll on their workload. As we know, it's just not possible to keep a high level of motivation in a confined environment, you are bound to let it get to you no matter what. Compromising on the quality of work, in turn, could have your boss reprimanding you or in some extreme cases even fire you. So what do you do? How do you even get out of a situation like this? We may have a solution to your issue should you choose to go with it. Northbridge Secure is a company which looks to take people out of the office environment and places them in a more comfortable setting. A setting which they are familiar with and where they will be able to perform better, a setting of their own choice. Whether it's their bed, a park or just sitting around in their living room, the company looks to bring the entire work environment into one centralized location where you can access them from just about anywhere. Essential Things You Need To Take Care Of While You Work From Anywhere What is NetConnect? What net connect is, is a software system launched by Northbridge Secure. It’s a system which allows the user to get out of an uncomfortable environment and move into a more comfortable setting in order for them to increase productivity. They have access to all their files and everything else they will need, just like as they were in their office environment, yet with the comfort of being wherever they want. This way the worker is in touch with their other coworkers and can get whatever work which they want to be done with whatever help they need through the online support of their colleagues as well. It’s basically your entire office on your device, be it a computer or cell phone. This makes it great for people who are constantly on the move. Is it secure? Northbridge Secure claims that they have indeed met whatever safety considerations a usual business is concerned about. It’s common for hackers and other rogue agents to try and infiltrate such a system and take advantage of key data. This could cost your company a lot of money if sensitive information gets into the wrong hands, not to mentioned ceasing to be a company as a whole. Just an overall nasty situation if you think about it, one which you don’t want to get caught up in. For this reason, the company has taken the best measure to ensure security when it comes to their NetConnect software. They have taken note of the potential dangers to the company of working from a software and on personal devices and tried to ensure that there is no access route for hackers to potentially get in and steal data. Long story short, yes, it is secure. You can use it anywhere We talked about this briefly earlier. So on one of those days when you’re out with your friends or family and you remembered that there is a little bit of work to be submitted and you can’t be late. You don’t even have your computer nearby and you start to panic. Well, fear not. NetConnect works on any device you choose, whether it's a cell phone, laptop or tablet. Now you can work anywhere and at any time. You can catch up on work which you are late on either while you’re sitting in the park, or at a bar with your friends. You really don’t need to worry about anything other than getting it across in time and the quality of work.  That’s somethings Northbridge Secure cannot help you with. Hopefully, something like this can help you and your work life out just a little bit. It certainly makes things much more efficient for people who don't work well in an office environment and are working part-time in different places.  We hope that Northbridge Secure business can be useful, yet feel free to scout the market for whatever suits your needs best. Final Take Away  Hence, these are some of the core factors that you have to take care of while you want to improve your work from anywhere. Try to fetch the best results while you want to improve your Read Also: 5 Informal Team Building Activities To Break The Ice Among Co-Workers What No One Tells You About Working Remotely