Three Rules for How to Buy Bitcoin as a First-Time User – Make Sure You Follow These Steps!


17 September 2021


Buy Bitcoin

Investing in bitcoin can be a fun way of expanding your investment portfolio. Since Bitcoin was launched in 2009, the cryptocurrency has experienced immense growth.

For example, its value increased by almost 30,000% between October 2013 and July 2021. Although that boom is meteoric, to say the least, experts predict that the value of Bitcoin could shoot up even further as people gradually adopt cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology.

As a newbie to the world of crypto, figuring out how to start investing in Bitcoin, or any other cryptocurrency for that matter can be overwhelming at first. But learning the ropes is very easy and doesn’t require any special skills.

Here are three steps you need to follow to start buying bitcoin in IRA.

1. Select a Reliable Crypto Broker or Exchange Platform

You need to pick a crypto exchange or broker if you want to buy bitcoin. Although either will let you buy bitcoin, there are a few vital factors that set them both apart.

Crypto brokers remove the complexity of buying bitcoin by providing easy-to-use interfaces that allow people to perform exchanges. Although they’re very convenient, you need to be careful with brokers since some are costly and place certain restrictions on moving bitcoin holdings off the platform.

Crypto exchanges, on the other hand, are platforms where buyers and sellers trade cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. They usually charge lower fees but have complex interfaces, which you might find daunting as a newbie.

Make sure you evaluate the pros and cons of each option before making your final pick.

2. Choose a Safe Method for Storing Your Crypto

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Crypto brokers and exchanges are not backed by institutions such as the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp (FDIC), meaning they’re not protected from the risk of hacking and theft. If you lost the access codes to your account, you could lose your investment regardless of how much you spent.

As such, you need to have a safe storage place for your Bitcoin. You can either leave the crypto in the account you have with the exchange platform, or you could move it to a hot or cold wallet.

Hot wallets are internet-based but face a high risk of theft since they’re online. Cold wallets aren’t online and take the form of external devices such as a hard drive, making them very secure.

3. Deposit Cash and Place Your Order

You’ll need money to buy bitcoin, so you need to make a cash deposit into your account. You could either link your bank account or pay with a debit/credit card.

Once the funds reflect on your account, you’re ready to place your first Bitcoin order. Key in how many Bitcoins you want to buy, and once the transaction is complete, you’ll be a happy Bitcoin owner.

Why Not Integrate Bitcoin in IRA

Why Not Integrate Bitcoin in IRA

As the proud owner of Bitcoin, including Bitcoin in IRA, could add a valuable touch of diversity to your investment retirement portfolio. You’ll also enjoy higher returns when you decide to sell your Bitcoin some few years down the line.

However, given the volatility of the crypto world, if you’re close to retirement, you may want to reconsider opening a Bitcoin IRA.

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Tax Return Processing

Delays In Tax Return Processing: Common Reasons And How To Resolve Them

Filing taxes is an annual obligation that individuals and businesses must fulfill. As tax season approaches, taxpayers eagerly anticipate their tax refunds, which can provide much-needed financial relief. However, delays in tax return processing can be frustrating and worrisome. This article aims to shed light on the common reasons behind tax return processing delays and provide practical solutions to resolve them. Understanding Tax Return Processing A tax return assessment includes assessing and computing income tax declarations submitted by individuals and businesses. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or relevant tax authorities review the information provided, verify the calculations, and determine the taxpayer's liability or refund amount. The processing time for tax returns varies depending on various factors, such as the complexity of the return, the accuracy of the information provided, and the volume of returns received by the tax authorities during peak season. Common Reasons for Delays in Tax Return Processing Incomplete or Incorrect Information One of the primary reasons for delays in tax return processing is the submission of incomplete or incorrect information. Mistakes in providing essential details, such as Social Security numbers, income figures, or deductions, can trigger a delay in the processing of the return. Missing Supporting Documents Taxpayers are required to attach supporting documents, such as W-2 forms, 1099s, and receipts, to validate their reported income and deductions. Failure to include these documents can lead to processing delays as tax authorities may request additional information. Filing Multiple Tax Returns Some taxpayers may unintentionally file multiple tax returns, especially if they have moved or changed their address. This duplication can confuse the tax authorities and result in delays. Complex Tax Situations Tax returns with complex financial situations, such as investment income, rental properties, or self-employment income, require meticulous examination. As a result, these returns often take longer to process. How to Resolve Delays in Tax Return Processing Double-Check Your Information To avoid delays caused by incomplete or incorrect information, carefully review your tax return before submitting it. Verify all personal details, income sources, deductions, and credits. Gather All Necessary Supporting Documents Before filing your taxes, ensure that you have all the required supporting documents. Organize your W-2s, 1099s, receipts, and other relevant records to provide a complete and accurate picture of your finances. Contact the IRS or Tax Authorities If you suspect a delay in your tax return processing, consider reaching out to the IRS or the relevant tax authorities. They can provide information on the status of your return and offer guidance on resolving any issues. Seek Professional Assistance In cases of complex tax situations or uncertainty, seeking help from a tax professional or accountant can be beneficial. These experts can navigate the complexities of tax laws, ensure accurate filings, and minimize processing delays. When it comes to finding the best assistance for your tax needs, companies such as Ideal Tax are a viable option. Checking the Status of Your Refund As a taxpayer, it’s always a relief to know when to expect your refund. Luckily, the IRS has made it easy to check the status of your tax refund through the “Where’s My Refund?” tool. This online tracker can be accessed simply through the IRS website or the IRS2Go app. To proceed, you will need to provide your Social Security Number or taxpayer identification number, along with information about your filing status and the exact refund amount that is listed on your tax return. Please note that these details are required. Whether you filed electronically or through the mail, this tool will update you on the progress of your refund. So, skip the stress and check on the status of your refund with this easy-to-use and essential tool. How Long Does it Take to Process a Tax Return? While there is no definite answer, there are some general guidelines to keep in mind. For electronic returns, the IRS typically processes them within 21 days. For those who choose to file their taxes on paper, the processing time may take a bit longer - usually around four weeks. However, these are just ballpark figures, and there may be extenuating circumstances that cause delays. In the end, it's always best to stay patient and keep tabs on your refund status through the IRS's online tracking tool. Avoiding Future Delays To prevent future delays in tax return processing, adopt the following practices: File your tax return early to avoid the peak season rush. Use reputable tax software or consult a tax professional for accuracy. Maintain well-organized financial records throughout the year. Keep track of tax law changes and updates that may impact your return. Conclusion Delays in tax return processing can be frustrating, but they are not uncommon. By understanding the common reasons behind these delays and taking proactive steps to resolve them, taxpayers can ensure a smoother and more efficient tax filing process. Remember to double-check all information, provide the necessary supporting documents, and seek professional help if needed. Read Also: Important Things You Need To Know Before Filing For Bankruptcy Raising Capital For Startups: How An LLC Structure Attracts Investors Glenn Sandler (CPA) of G.I. Tax Service: What to Do If You Can’t Pay Your Taxes

Investment Plan

How to Select the Best Investment Plan for Your Child?

As parents, you want many things for your child - happiness, health, and a secure financial future. You also want that your child should excel in his/her career. Just imagine your kiddo becoming a star athlete or a budding biologist or a successful entrepreneur who appears in headlines from time to time. Your joy will know no bounds! However, when you want to provide the best of everything to your child, you will have to move beyond the basic parenting skills and contribute to his/her holistic growth. For that purpose, it is sensible to save money for your child’s future and keep him/her financially secure, even in your absence. A good way to start is to invest in an Online Savings Plan, popularly known as ‘Child Investment Plan’. An online savings plan serves the dual purpose of investment and insurance. Most importantly, it fulfils two major requirements: It secures your child’s future financially It provides financial aid at various stages of your child’s life such as higher education, starting a business, or getting married However, with several child investment plans available in the market today, it can become difficult to choose the plan that best meets your child’s needs. Following tips will help you make an informed decision: Determine the Monetary Value Attached to Your Child’s Dreams As a responsible parent, your first step should be identifying and prioritizing your child’s goals and the monetary value attached to them. The two main goals for which you would need significant financial funding is your child’s education and marriage. As far as education is considered, for the time being, decide your child’s goal on behalf him/her and know for sure when the cash is required. Reach a decision, for instance - "I am saving for my son’s engineering degree in 2025, and I may require 20 lakhs for the same". Along these lines, calculate the required funds while taking into consideration the year of the requirement for the respective milestones. Also, with respect to your child’s education, don’t just consider funds for primary and higher education, but also plan for extracurricular activities. In short, make estimates of the amount you intend to spend on your child’s education or marriage. Doing so will help you choose the premium amount and the policy term for the best child investment plan. Go for Equity-linked Online Saving Plans If you have a higher risk appetite for equities and a considerable investment time frame (more than 10 years), you can consider opting for an online savings plan. It is essentially a unit-linked child investment plan that offers you investment as well as insurance feature in a single product. Further, this plan provides multiple investment options like equity, debt and balanced funds. So, if you have a longer investment timeframe, you can go for equity funds as investing in equities for longer duration gives the best returns. On the other hand, if you have a lower appetite, you can go for an online savings plan that offers a balanced mix of growth and debt funds. Remember that just choosing to invest for your child is not enough. Selecting the right investment plan is most important! Therefore, while making your investment decision consider the amount you can spare for investment, your income, cost of higher education, time in hand, and the level of risk. Look for Premium Waiver Benefit Almost all insurers, including Max Life Insurance, offer child plans with premium waiver benefit as a key feature of the base plan. This benefit acts as the most vital feature in case of demise of the parent. In such a situation, the child plan pays a lump sum amount to the nominee. Further, the insurer waives off all future premium, and the plan continues to be active until the entire policy term. This ensures that the maturity benefit remains intact as planned. Check for Provision of Partial Withdrawals Online saving plans also allow partial withdrawals on fixed intervals. The idea behind such partial withdrawals is to allow parents to meet the financial needs of their kids at the key milestones in their life such as admissions for extracurricular activities, admissions in educational institutions, or marriage. This option is also helpful for meeting unplanned expenses in case of medical emergencies. Other Factors to Consider for Child Investment Planning Start investing early. It will help achieve your investment target easily. Also, ‘Power of Compounding’ will play an important role when it comes to investing for your child’s future Know the different premium payment modes. You can opt to pay premiums on monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annual basis Invest in a plan that offers a well-balanced mix of equity and debt funds Track your investment at regular intervals and make appropriate changes if required Select a tax-efficient investment option Concluding Today many insurers have come up with attractive child investment plans. However, you need to be judicious about what plan you want to opt for. Also, while making your decision don’t forget to consider criteria like time horizon and age of your child. We hope that this guide will help you choose the right plan for your child and make his or her dreams a reality! Read Also: Investing And Trading 101: Investment Ideas For Newbies How Digital Advisors Have Transformed The Investment Sector Pros And Cons Of Oil And Gas Investment


5 Good And Bad Things To Consider Before Investing In Bitcoins

Have you developed a liking towards Bitcoin investments? Are you thinking of investing in Bitcoins? Do you know the goods and bad of Bitcoin investment? Before putting your money into something, you should get the proper knowledge and understanding about it. The same also goes for Bitcoin investment as well. So, before you start your investment procedure, here are some good and bad things you should consider before investing in Bitcoins. This will help you to sort things out accordingly. 5 Good Things To Consider Before Investing In Bitcoins Let’s start the discussions with the good things that you will be able to utilize when you invest a considerable amount of money in Bitcoin. 1. Massive Potential Returns You might have heard several crazy stories about people making money with Bitcoin. Well. All of them are not scams, and some of them are actually true. Bitcoin investment has the potential to reward you with massive returns only if you plan properly. 2. Liquidity Bitcoin’s liquidity is another good thing you should consider while thinking of investing in Bitcoin. You can buy Bitcoins whenever you want with your traditional cash money. You also can transfer your Bitcoins into traditional fiat money. 3. Transparency Blockchain is the foundation stone of Bitcoin or almost any other Cryptocurrencies. Blockchain is an open-source ledger, which is famous for its transparency. The same also goes for Bitcoin as well. All of the bitcoin traders are in love with the transparency of Bitcoin. 4. Decentralized Bitcoin is totally decentralized. It means no centralized system or government has authority over it. It is free from all centralized rules and regulations. The legal changes that the government imposes on the traditional currencies are not applicable for Bitcoins. 5. Limited Numbers The number of Bitcoins is limited to 21 million. That means only 21 million Bitcoins can be mined, among them more than 18 million, i.e., 83% of the Bitcoins are already mined. This ensures there will never be inflation in the Bitcoin Market. 5 Bad Things To Consider Before Investing In Bitcoins After considering the good things about Bitcoin, it is time to look at the bad side of investing in Bitcoins. Apart from knowing the advantages and starting your investment planning, it is crucial to get a proper idea about the dark side of Bitcoin investments. Only then will you be able to strategize your investments. 1. Inexperienced Teams In order to invest and trade with Bitcoins, you will need the assistance of several online and offline tools, like Bitcoin wallets, exchanges. As the concept of Bitcoin is not so old, the teams of all these solutions are also in the newer age with less experience. 2. Technical Difficulties As the whole thing of Bitcoin and investing in Bitcoin is digital, it becomes hard to handle everything smoothly for many investors. Apart from that, you need to get your Bitcoins only from the right Bitcoin exchange and keep them safe in your Bitcoin wallets. All these technical things are not that easy to handle. 3. Security Issues When we talk about the online world, it will bring possible risks as well. Though it was being claimed that the Bitcoin system can not be hacked, we have already found out that It can be hacked. So, just like other online things, Bitcoin is also exposed to cyber crimes and hacking. 4. Volatility Volatility is one of the major characteristics of Bitcoin. We all know how the value price of Bitcoin fluctuates in the market. It can reach its peak right now, and in the next hour, it can fall down. So, you have to plan accordingly to cope up with it. 5. Costlier Mining However, Bitcoin mining is quite accessible, but at the same time, it requires a high-end computer with the best and heavy-duty hardware and software. All these are for solving the complex computational calculations for mining Bitcoin. Final Thoughts Before you are putting your money in Bitcoin, ensure that you are totally aware of the pluses and minuses of Bitcoin investments. Along with focusing on the benefits, you also have to consider the drawbacks of developing your investment strategies. Read Also:  Top 5 Investment Decisions You Need To Make In Your Thirties Investing and Trading 101: Investment Ideas for Newbies Why Off-Plan Investment Is Beneficial For Expats