We Buy Houses: Don’t Build Without Permits

Published on: 07 September 2017 Last Updated on: 09 August 2019

If you have ever spent any time at the building permit office, then you probably understand how big of a headache it can be. Even if you are just wanting to make a small home update, you probably found yourself questioning, why do I need a permit for that? Why is it so expensive?

The permits themselves are very expensive and that doesn’t take into consideration the repair cost on top of that. If you have thought about starting major home renovations without having the proper permits, then you should certainly reconsider. If you are starting these home renovations because you are looking to sell your house, then I would recommend selling your home to a cash home buyer instead and saving thousands of dollars and eliminating headaches altogether.

If you attempt to sell your property and you have completed repairs without a permit then there could be a lasting impact if a home inspector finds out. If that does become the case and an inspector sees that you have completed non-permitted repairs, then its as if you purchased a home without a salvaged title. Sure you have a home, but because you didn’t get the permit, you did more damage than good and could be forced to sell for much lower than market value as this is a huge red flag for buyers.

There could also be huge fines associated with unpermitted work. These fines are always much higher than the cost of the actual permit, thus incentivizing people to get permits. Even if you think you won’t get caught, the drawbacks and fines just aren’t worth the risk. In fact, if you are in the middle of the construction and an inspector requests to see your permit, you must be able to provide it on hand or they will order you to completely stop construction. At this point, you risk having an open house or the city demanding that all unauthorized work be demolished. If it has come to this point that the cost of the permit is just too much, consider selling your home for cash to a reputable home buying company.

Read also: How to Buy a House With No Money in the Bank

The last positive of selling your home for cash is that you will have more available funds to complete your next project and you won’t have the fear of doing the work without permits. By completing a cash deal, you can use a large portion of that cash for a down payment on a new home, and still, have money left over to complete and add ons or new construction projects.

Starting any type of construction without the proper permits can seem like a sneaky, cost-saving opportunity. The idea of increasing your home value is appealing to everyone, but you have to do it the right way. If you don’t want to pay the permits, consider reaching out to a home buying company that will buy your house as-is. Never, under any circumstance let someone tell you that it is ok to build/remodel your home without the proper permits unless of course, they are willing to pay the fines and backlash that may come afterward.

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  2. Buying Or Selling A Home In Seattle?
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Real Estate Farming Postcards

Here Are a Few Reasons Why You Should Use Real Estate Farming Postcards to Increase Visibility of Your Business

In this age of digital marketing, you might be wondering whether postcards still work? Well, the truth is that they are still a highly effective marketing strategy for realtors. In fact, the right postcard can give you a better ROI than more conventional advertising methods. Real estate postcards can be a valuable asset to your real estate farming strategy since they are easy and cheap to make. Real estate farming is where you plant, nurture, and cultivate leads in a specific geographical area or demographic. But affordability and simplicity are not the only reasons you should consider adding real estate farming postcards to your strategy. Here are a few compelling reasons why you should incorporate real estate farming postcards within your marketing strategy. If you’re looking for some unique real estate farming postcards for your business, visit Wise Pelican for more information. 1. Postcards are More Likely to Be Opened and Read Picture this scenario: you’ve crafted the perfect marketing email and sent it to everyone on your emailing list. How many of those emails will land in the recipients’ inbox? Of those that do, how many are actually opened? With email marketing, you’re not really sure if all, or at least most of your intended recipients, will receive the message. But with postcards, you can be certain that everyone you send a postcard to will receive it in their mail. Postcards exponentially increase the probability of your leads learning about your real estate business tips. 2. They Can Give You Better Response Rates  Direct mail isn’t obsolete. In fact, it’s still a common form of communication among people of all age groups, including young people. Since you’re directly sending the postcards to each individual on your list, the postcards will have a personal touch and, therefore, yield better response rates. A recipient is likely to pay attention to the message on your postcard, and if it’s convincing enough, get in touch with your real estate business. While designing the postcard, try and think of ways you can make your postcard stand out from the pile to further improve your response rates. It could be adding persuasive keywords, using the recipient’s name, and using a professional color scheme. 3. They Will Act as a Tangible Reminder of Your Business How many times have you seen a TV commercial that you found interesting but ended up forgetting about it within the next hour- or even minutes. Not quite effective, right? A postcard, however, is a tangible and lightweight piece of marketing collateral that your clients will find easy to keep. And, if you design it in the right way, your target leads will likely hold on to it for longer. What does that mean for your real estate business? Postcards won’t just put your business out there. It will also act as a reminder of your business. Your leads won’t forget about you quickly, and even if they do, the postcard is there to remind them. They are also likely to pass on your card to others who may need real estate services. Use Real Estate Farming Postcards to Get Your Business Out There Cheaply Postcards, if used appropriately, can give you better results than most hyped digital marketing solutions today. Not only do they help you reach your potential clients directly, but they also increase the probability of the target recipients taking the next step of action depending on your CTA. Additionally,  they are very cost-effective, meaning you can create brand awareness without spending thousands of dollars that you could otherwise focus on other more pressing business concerns. Read Also: You Need to Know the Pros and Cons of a New Career in Real Estate Stocks Versus Real Estate: Which Is The Better Investing Option?

Pipe Recovery

5 Important Tools For Pipe Recovery Operations

For well lodging and digging you use many types of equipment like drilling tool, lodging tool, measuring tools and more for perfect well. You can attach these tools with a single string or with group o strings and put them down in the wellbore. However, due to some reasons, either the wireline string breaks or the digging tool gets stuck in downhole formations. Does your drilling string often get set stuck inside the well? If so, then use pipe recovery operations to release the string or to make it free from the blocked position. Pipe recovery services use to make the portion of jammed string free from well formations. These services help you in identifying the location of block pipe, to cut the stuck string and finally to bring back the free portion of the pipe from well. If your pipe gets stuck and you wish to release it then, below are some tools that will help to take out the portion of blocked pipe from downhole or well. Free Point Indicator Tool: This tool is used for pipe recovery services to identify the location of stuck pipe in the wellbore. It works by measuring the torque and pressure of wireline in the downhole to identify the location of blockage in the well due to the stuck pipe. You can also use it to judge the stuck point in all type of tube wells, coiled tubes, and well casing. Back Off Tool: Once you are done with a location check of the stuck point of pipe, you might be thinking on the way to release it. There is a back off a tool that helps you to remove the free portion of the string from the well. It works by applying the torque on a stuck portion of wireline and detonate it. Hence the free string gets separated from stuck string and can be pulled up from the wellbore. Chemical Cutter: It is a good tool for the recovery of electric wireline services and is widely used in operations where no need of any torque to pull up the string. It is capable to cut coiled tube, well casing and drill pipe without providing any harm to other portion of pipe or well. These tools are designed to operate in conditions like extreme pressure and temperature which make it best tool for oilfield well. To make a clean cut and not leave any debris in the hole. Radial Cutting Torch: It is lowered down into the well to cut the stuck string. It uses the mixture of powdered metal that a burn with high temperature on ignites and it melts to become molten plasma. This plasma is then ejects through a nozzle onto the target string and cut. Fishing Tool: You can use this tool to release or remove the stuck pipe and any other suspended material from the wellbore. There are many fishing tools available such as spear, overshoot, junk mill and boost basket that help you to recover the stuck string from the well.  A spear is a tool that can fit within the pipe and help to grip the pipe from inside. However, overshoot tool grips the pipe from outside and help to bring it up from the well. Recover the wireline as soon as possible to save the drill time off well. Recovery of the pipe is also a need that protects further damage to the good casing. If you feel that wireline recovery operation is not easy for you then, you may call any pipe recovery service provider. Read Also: Power Drill Safety Tips Guide To Different Types Of Water Flow Meters

House Movers

What Should You Do Before The House Movers Arrive?

Moving to a new house is exciting. However, the chaos and stress in preparing to move are not welcome. If you are a parent, you can probably envision how much work you will do to pack everything you possess before the arrival of the removal company. Fortunately, you can hire a house removal company with the type of service that fits your budget. A removal company offers professional services with trained staff, industry organization membership, and comprehensive insurance to cover damages or loss of items. The company can help make your move as pleasant and easy as possible. However, you are still responsible for ensuring that there will be no mishaps on the day you move. Here Are 3 Important Things Should You Do Before The House Movers Arrive: Even if you choose to have the removal company do the packing and unpacking of everything you own, your preparation before the movers come will minimize the cost of removal. 1. Create a plan of action You should have a plan of action that will involve every capable member of your household. Each one should know what they should do and when the deadline is to complete their task. The plan will ensure that every person completes the task early so as not to cause confusion or delay. Creating a list of tasks and posting them on areas visible to everyone can serve as a reminder of the tasks they should do and who is responsible for specific responsibilities. Darvills of Leeds, a trusted home removals company that has been in business since 1876 suggests so. 2. Take out everything from cabinets, cupboards, drawers, and closets You will be more organized if you see the items you will pack. If you are doing the packing, segregate the items and put them in the boxes the removal company will provide you with. Separate the things you want to throw, give away, or donate. Label the boxes properly once it is full. If the company will do the packing, segregate and place the items on one side of the room to give them plenty of space to work.   3. Make an inventory of all items Making an inventory of everything in your house will ensure nothing is missing. It will also make it easier to find the things you need. Include photos and videos of every room and the contents within. You can visit this website to find more information on preparing for a move. After packing everything, make another inventory of all the boxes the movers will transport in their trucks. The list will help you identify if anything is missing. The inventory can also help prevent disputes over the value or number of items/boxes. For instance, you may indicate whether you placed other boxes in storage. Whether the removal company does the packing and unpacking or you do the packing yourself, it will make your move smooth sailing if you plan and organize the activities before the move. Get your family members to help pack and sort items. This will systemize the process of transporting the belongings you need and coordinating with the movers. Read Also: Top Things To Do Before Moving Into Your Own HomeWhy Are Lenders Moving Towards Automated Mortgage Processing?Top 10 Household Items That Are Commonly Damaged During Moving