9 Things need to Know When Moving to a New Neighborhood

Published on: 15 December 2017 Last Updated on: 24 February 2020

Moving to a new neighborhood can be daunting. Just because a neighborhood looks inviting does not necessarily mean peace of mind. Ever gone phone shopping without knowing the specifications and how it will meet your needs? Shopping blind means you may go home with something less than ideal for your needs.

The same goes for looking for a new neighborhood to move in. You can’t call your agent after moving in a couple of days to say you do not like the place. Before you sign a lease or mortgage do your homework first.

Thanks to the internet, you don’t have to worry about how to find a job based on your geolocation. I mean, online Ghanaian job postings for employers have facilitated the search for jobs.

Nevertheless, searching for the neighborhood of your dreams means you have to consider a lot of other things. For instance, you might want to consider safety, amenities, architectural style, just to name a few.

These are some questions to ask yourself before moving to a new neighborhood. These questions will help you to streamline your search in finding the perfect neighborhood with your specifications.

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Question 1

Does the neighborhood have sidewalks?


A lot of people do not think of sidewalks when searching for a new neighborhood. Sidewalks actually say a lot about the neighborhood. Sidewalks suggest an active presence of your neighbors. It means amenities are easily accessible either by walking or jogging.

Sidewalks also mean the neighborhood is safer. This is because you are less likely to get hit by a car when taking a stroll. The safety of sidewalks makes it extremely desirable especially if you have children and pets.

Question 2

Do you have to take care of taxes and other expenses?


Most often than not, we focus on buying a home but forget additional expenses. These costs should be an important factor in your decision to move to a new neighborhood. For instance, you may be responsible for your pricey home owner’s association fees when moving to a condo or country club. Some of these fees come with rules so you need to understand these before making a decision. If the association forbids parking of motorcycles in driveways and you happen to own one, it is time to consider.

Property taxes are another important cost people overlook particularly if you escrow and pay as part of your mortgage payment. Property taxes are taxed based on the value of your home. Therefore, they can increase if you escrow which changes your monthly payment. Prepare yourself to make sure your budget can handle such increment.

On the other hand, if you decide to move to a declining housing market, your taxes may decrease. It has its own perks as well. Moving to such a neighborhood means less access to good public services.

Question 3

Does the neighborhood have amenities for you and/or your family to indulge in activities?


This is a pretty obvious question. Whether you’re single, have a family with children or is retired with your spouse pretty much sums up what you should look out for in a neighborhood. You will want a new neighborhood that has everything to suit your lifestyle.

For families with children, they might be interested in communities with parks, a swimming pool, libraries, and others. A young single person with a dog might want a neighborhood with a dog park or bike trails. If you enjoy a good movie at the cinema and you have to drive a long distance to access one from the new neighborhood you might want to reconsider.

On the other hand, a new neighborhood may not have some amenities. You will have to compromise in some situations. Make sure the necessary basic amenities are within your reach.

Question 4

Does the neighborhood provide you with convenience?


Convenience is walking to a shopping center nearby and accomplishing several errands within a very short period. Convenience is getting easy access to stores you frequently visit. The biggest convenience is the ease to commute to work daily.

In other words, the more convenient your neighborhood is, the more it affects your happiness. Moving to a neighborhood that has your favorite stores within reach is a plus. Not only do you save money on gas, but you also get to patronize these services at your own time.

Ask yourself this, do I have to double my commute trip to work or to school if I move to this neighborhood? Is it really worth that trouble?

Question 5

What are your plans for the future?


The neighborhood may look great in the present but may be liable to change in the future. In a neighborhood you move into, living in the here and now may be a good outlook on life. However, it does not necessarily mean a good neighbourhood.

Check with your local planning office about future developments in your area. It is because you may not want to purchase a new home only to find out it’s in the middle of a new community college. Visiting the planning office and inform you of any future construction project that will affect the neighborhood.

So you like the quiet private nature of the neighborhood with mature trees lined up along each side. Probably in the future, these trees will be cut down to build another subdivision. So even if your lot is not directly affected, it may impact the serene environment you’ve come to love. All this may affect your decision of moving to the neighborhood.

Question 6

Is the neighborhood situated in a noisy place or has a bad smell?


Your well being and health is one important factor when choosing a neighborhood to move into. Visiting the neighborhood several times during the day is extremely important. On paper, the place might be a perfect fit for you, but visiting the place will reveal its secrets.

The perfectly lined trees behind the house may be hiding a major road. Train tracks, restaurants, clubs and all that create noise that may be a menace. These bothersome noises will never go away. So while you may get used to them is a gamble.

In addition, in the eventuality that you want to move from the place, it is usually harder to sell a place with so much noise. While you are listening, you may want to get a good whiff of the air in the neighborhood. A stagnant lake, sewage problems, and even a corner BBQ joint can create some odors that do not go away.

Question 7

What is the crime rate in the neighborhood?


This is for your own sake and safety. You do not want your new home to feel like you are trapped in a war zone. It is also easier to know the crime rate of the neighborhood as they are many websites available for that.

This makes it especially easier for you to decide if you are stuck between two neighborhood choices. If you find a neighborhood you love and to your dismay, you find it has a questionable crime rat, you should speak to your local police office for more details. It could be just a small area away from your new home acting as a crime magnet.

Question 8

Are they good schools?


This is a very important question to ask if you have children. The presence of public and private schools from kindergarten to high schools affect the value of a home. If you do not have children, it is very important to understand that the quality of the school system in that area will affect the resale of your home.

Also, good schools may add unnecessary costs to your rent if you do not have children. If you do have children, research about the school by seeking advice from fellow parents in the neighborliness. Most schools give tours as well, so might want to take advantage of this. Also, inquire about school activities and extra-curricular activities the school permits.

Question 9

What is the neighborhood culture?


So you’ve found a neighborhood that fits your budget, has low crime rates, great reviews and all that, what of the culture? Your dream neighbourhood isn’t about statistics and information, is about how the place makes you feel.

If you are used to a hip urban neighborhood, you may not be happy in a quiet, family-oriented neighborhood. Doing so means you have to compromise on some things if that’s your wish. The bottom line is, you won’t be happy moving to a neighborhood that does not fit your lifestyle.

Make sure the neighborhood you choose has the right culture, then other pieces may fall into place.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Garden During Winter

How to Maintain a Bright and Beautiful Garden During Winter

Throughout the year our gardens are constantly changing from season to season, which creates a fresh and exciting feel every month. From beautiful blooms in the spring to crisp, frosty layers during the winter, our gardens always provide a captivating aesthetic to enjoy. When it comes to the winter months, many people neglect their gardens and wait until the warmer days arrive again, but this shouldn’t be the case. There are lots of ways to keep your garden looking its best throughout the winter, including adding a deer fence to protect your garden and property from animals and wildlife, and here’s other tips… Invest in a Greenhouse Greenhouses are a must for anyone keen to continue gardening during the winter months and maintain a beautiful garden aesthetic. From the moment you introduce a greenhouse, you open up your gardening options, giving you the chance to work on all kinds of wonderful projects. You’ll also find that a greenhouse helps to bring character to the garden, adding to the overall look of your outdoor space. A greenhouse also enables you to work on projects that may need a little encouragement in a warm environment, before adding them back to your garden to help brighten the area and enhance the aesthetic. Take a look at Two West’s wide selection of greenhouses here to find the right fit for your garden. Embrace Winter Colour Keep your garden looking bright and colorful by adding a selection of winter-blooming plants to your pots and beds. From winter-blooming daphne to pansies and cyclamen, you can bring an assortment of gorgeous winter colors to really bring life to your garden. Whether you opt to plant these bloomed plants during the winter for instant color, or you decide to plant your seeds earlier in the year for winter blooms, you can create a stunning aesthetic and add a trendy feel to your garden. Find the perfect winter blooms here available at Dobies to bring a seasonal touch to your garden. Install Outdoor Lighting Having a display of outdoor lighting can really help to illuminate your exterior, not only adding to the overall aesthetic but also enhancing your home's security. There are lots of different ways to introduce lighting, from subtle lights positioned neatly along the outskirts of your lawn or along the path, to brighter lights that stand tall and brighten the whole space. Do a little research into different types of outdoor lighting to see which would work best with your home's style and layout and invest in the best style for you. It’ll be much easier to enjoy your garden on those darker evenings once you have your outdoor lighting fitted. Visit Lights.co.uk here to find inspiration for outdoor lighting to introduce to your home and garden. Frequently Sweep Up Leaves   Many people see sweeping up the leaves in the garden to be a pointless task, as sooner or later they’ll be back to sweep up again. This may be the case, but by sweeping up the leaves you are able to keep your garden looking its best, even during the winter. Leaves and generic debris can create a very messy, untidy look for the garden so it’s always beneficial to keep on top of sweeping them off to the side or removing them from flower beds and your lawn area. You’ll be amazed how much of a difference this small but practical task will make! Read Also: How to Maintain Your Garden Railings? Grow these flowering plants in your home garden 5 Best Vegetables You Should Try Growing In Your Garden Looking for a Gardener: 8 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Professional

Men's Gift

Men’s Gift Guide Cheat Sheet

Getting a gift for a guy can be a real challenge; obviously, the present will depend on his individual preferences, on whether he’s your bae or just a friend, but nonetheless, there are some universal gifts you can simply never go wrong with. To help you pick out the perfect gift and spare you the torture of making lists in your head, we’ve put together a checklist that will definitely stir you in the right direction. Without further ado… Vacation Coupon/Ticket There is no person on this planet who wouldn’t jump through the roof to get a voucher/coupon/ticket to their favorite destination, or, come to think of it, any destination. Everyone loves traveling and, as irony will have it, so little people actually do something about it. Often we either don't have the time or the budget, or someone to go with. Therefore, surprise your man with two tickets – one for him and the other one for someone dear to his heart. It may even be you, you never know! Gadget Love For some reason, men are suckers for all kinds of gadgets which certainly helps: you can pay closer attention to what it is that your friend's been talking about lately and buy it for him! However, gadgets can get incredibly expensive, so if his needed gadget is out of your price range, buy him a store coupon in his favorite gadget store, set it to a certain amount you've planned on spending and give it to him. He'll love it! Fashion Statements You've probably noticed that male fashion has taken a huge spin in the positive direction and we've now got so many fashion conscious man that it's absolutely amazing! If your friend is one of the guys who likes to look good and has nothing against spending a little more on his outfit, then a fashionable statement piece is an absolutely wonderful gift! Leather gifts for men are our favorite as leather will, obviously, never go out of style and it's giving the entire outfit the edge it lacked. For instance, surprise your guy with a cool leather rocker bracelet from this website or a good leather bag/rucksack of classic cut or a wallet. Awesome, right? What, he’s into leather belts? Even better! Read More: 5 Perfect Fashion Clothing Choices For Petite Women Book Love Every intellectual knows the worth of a good book, and we're sure your friend would, too! Depending on his preferences, buying a book he'll be using for work, or simple enjoyment will be everything he needs and be sure he'll always think of you when he sees it on the shelf (after he's read it, of course)! Make sure you write a dedication that will make his heart melt! Vine/Food Tour Who doesn't love the sweet enjoyment of food and vine! Give your friend a gift like no other and take him to a wine or food tour in a nearby restaurant or vineyard he's never been to. Make it a whole day adventure that he'll never forget! You may even organize something like a wine cake or a dish made especially for him big day. Hey, and don't forget to take a lot of photos – after all, this is going to be an exceptional experience! Throw Him a Surprise Party Yaaaaaaaay! Nothing is as awesome as a surprise party when they least expect it! It doesn't necessarily have to be in his apartment but maybe in his favorite restaurant or club! Gather all of your closest friends (obviously, call them at least two weeks ahead so they can plan everything ahead) and organize it so that your friend saves the date too without knowing what happening. Then, take him to the place where the party is and voila! You've given your friend the cutest gift ever! Read More:  The Style Bible: How To Dress Up Like Millennial Before You Forget: Shoes To Wear With Your Favorite Skinny Jeans A Style Guide For Wearing Men’s Sweatshirts How To Choose The Right Shoelaces For Your Shoes

Content Rally

How to Bring Summer into Your Space

With the winter far behind us and the cheating half-rainy half-sunny spring about to leave, it’s finally time to welcome the most beloved season of all – the summer. Although this is the period when we spend most of our time outside, it would only be fair to show our house some sweet summer love and refresh it with joyful and bright elements. For too long your home has been burdened with heavy fabrics, shut windows, heating systems, and all the other remnants of the harsh winter. It’s the time to bring spring cleaning to shame, by giving your house a complete summer facelift. Here are a couple of tips that should help you to do that. De-Cluttering Summer does not stand layers and clutter, not in clothes and surely not in the house. So, just like your summer outfits are lightweight and minimalistic, your home décor should also be. One way of de-cluttering is to get all the stuff out, and then put back in just the things you need. If your home is not that burdened with clutter, you can just remove the items you don’t need, or store them into boxes, bins, etc. [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="1599"] Image source: Pixabay[/caption] Deep Cleaning If deep cleaning was not a part of your spring endeavor, then you should consider doing it now, so that your home would be fresh and breezy. Some of the things/places that should be deep cleaned are under the sink, oven racks, the oven, the freezer, the curtains, the carpets, the windows, and the furniture. When cleaning the windows, do not forget to clean the blinds too. Don’t use harsh chemicals. Most of the cleaning can be done with DIY cleansers (baking soda, vinegar, lemon, etc.). The carpets and furniture can be cleansed with steam vacuums, so you don’t spread dirt and allergens throughout the air. Getting Rid of the Wintery Fabrics The last things you want to look at in your home are layers of heavy and dark fabrics and textures. Replace them with lightweight materials (e.g. heavy drapes with sheer curtains). Get rid of blankets and knitted items. If you have to cover your furniture, use slip-covers in light summery colors. [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="1599"] Image source: Pixabay[/caption] Letting the Air and the Light In This is easy – just open your windows and let some air in. Remove curtains for a day or two, just to allow clear passage to sunlight. Afterward, you can use the sheer curtain so that you always have sufficient light. Seasonal Products as Decorative Elements If someone were to ask us what is the most beautiful thing about summer, we would instantly reply strawberries (well, right after the beach). So use them and other fruits and vegetables as home décor. Arrange some colorful fruits and vegetables in baskets and bowls and use them as centerpieces. Fresh flowers are a great alternative. [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="1599"] Image source: Pixabay[/caption] Grow Fresh Herbs There is nothing more delicious than fresh basil in a salad or on a homemade pizza. So, get creative and make yourself a wall-mounted container garden, where you will be able to plant and plunk herbs. Not only will you add a touch of greenery into your space, but you will always have fresh herbs within your reach. Outdoor to Indoor Create a connection between outdoor and indoor by adding some elements you would normally use on your terrace or in the backyard, such as a jute area rug, plants (palms, bamboo, etc.), and some cane and wicker furniture. Pops of Color Summer home décor is not as hard to pull off as you might think, basically everything is the same as in fashion. Think about styling your outfit with a colorful accessory, and translate that into your home by adding pops of color in each room. Those can be vases, bed coverings, curtains, rugs, etc. You can start small by adding subtle summer shades like an orange rug in the living room or a teal table runner in the dining room to add a summery pop of color to your home. [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="1599"] Image source: Pixabay[/caption] Pantry and Refrigerator Do-Over Here, you really need to give it your best shot. First, get everything outside the fridge and pantry, check the labels for expired items and throw them away. Also, if some products have been opened and not used for an extended period, you should throw them away, even if the expiration date isn’t due yet.  Once you are done, put everything back, but arrange the products into groups and types (e.g. dairy goes in the door, cheeses on the upper shelf, meat products on the lower, etc.). Turn all labels facing out, so that you could always see which product you are taking and is it expired. Summery Scents All-Around Start with your skincare and hygiene products. Replace the wintery aromas of chocolate, milk, honey, etc. with refreshing scents of fruits and flowers. Move on to air fresheners throughout the house. Go fully natural with homemade fresheners. Some of the common ingredients are lemon, rosemary, orange peel, essential oils, lavender, basil, etc. [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="1599"] Image source: Pixabay[/caption] As you can see, summer is not reserved exclusively for the outdoors. If you try, you can bring it inside your home. Spring cleaning is so last season. Read More: How To Choose The Right Containers For Your Container Garden Grow These Flowering Plants In Your Home Garden To Remove Vastu Related Problems 3 Amazing Flower Street Garden – How To Design