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Beauty Lips

How to Achieve Kissable and Healthy Lips

Lips do not have oil or sweat glands and there are times that our lips take a lot of abuse from our surroundings - from the food we eat, the weather, down to the pollutants in the environment. There are toners, moisturizers, and the whole nine yards for skincare routine but the lips are often times neglected. It is high time to keep your lips healthy to achieve soft and kissable lips. What causes dry lips and irritation? Some habits can cause dry lips such as licking your lips. While it is true that licking your lips can cool them down, it can also make them drier. The contents of your saliva are harsh to the lips. Breathing with an open mouth will make your lips dry. Every breath you take with an open mouth takes away the moisture from your lips leaving your lips dry. How to Take Care of Your Lips There are just times when you just cannot do anything about your dry lips, no matter the weather.  Here are some useful tips to make your lips healthy and kissable. Maintain clean lips Aside from the food and drinks, the lips are also exposed to dust and dirt in the environment. Keep it a habit to clean your lips. Wash it during the day or rub honey on them to cleanse the lips and get a fresh look. Don't forget to floss as this can also be another reason for having cracked lips. Maintain lip moisture Sometimes, despite getting enough water, your skin still feels dry. Use a good humidifier to maintain moisture in the environment. A humidifier can decrease the amount of moisture that evaporates from your skin. The use of lip balm can maintain the moisture and keep your lips hydrated throughout the day. Have a lip balm ready and apply it whenever you feel like your lips are getting dry. If you have dry lips, apply lip balm first before you apply lipstick. Stay hydrated The first sign of dehydration can be seen on the lips. Drink plenty of water and avoid too much alcohol. Use olive oil for dry lips The lips are very sensitive. For dry, chapped lips, use extra virgin olive oil to help soften them. Olive oil is quickly absorbed and it will not cause any irritation. Other oils that you can use on your lips are coconut oil, rice bran oil, rosehip oil, sweet almond oil, and Shea butter. Exfoliate your lips Weekly exfoliation of your lips will remove the dead skin cells and leave you with soft and kissable lips. Choose a piece of fruit and sprinkle some sugar on it and rub it gently on your lips. Choose the right lipstick Cheap lipsticks or those that look shady can dry out your lips. Invest in a good lipstick, one that contains vitamin E. This will prevent your lips from drying. Keep your lips healthy If you encounter problems with your lips that do not go away for quite some time, see a doctor right away. Sometimes, persistent lip problems can be a symptom of an underlying disease. Read  More :  Proven Ways To Grow Hair Faster And Stronger How To Pick The Right Hair Brush For Different Hair Types Hair Styling Equipment – Creating Your Look How Can A Cardiologist Save Your Life?

anti aging cream

Anti aging Creams – What to Consider Before You Purchase?

Aging is a natural procedure that might also influence the method of your skin looks and feels considering that it manages to lose elasticity just with age and might result in deep age spots, fine lines, and wrinkles. Using great care of the skin is essential which might include moisturizing it to maintain it is looking beautiful and youthful. Anti-aging creams are numerous these days and also to obtain the best outcomes with your choice you require making sure that you buy the most effective wrinkle cream ever. Skin type: It is one of the most significant factors to make before purchasing your anti-aging products. Just the cream which works for dry skin might not be fantastic on the oily or even normal skin? The particular secret to great anti-aging product outcomes is to begin by learning your skin type after that limiting the look for the best products regarding that skin. Emollient creams happen to be excellent for dry skin while gel-type moisturizers might be good for oily skin because they soak up quicker and also keep no greasy feel. Just for acne sensitive skin and prone skin creams free from fragrances and also irritants happen to be best. Adhere to hydrating formulas and also emollient creams regarding your dry skin. Antioxidants: Whenever buying your anti-aging cream, make certain that you select a great one which is ripened with antioxidants. They happen to plant-dependent substances that assist in decreasing oxidative stress which results in aging the skin. The particular skin tissues break down just with the pressure which leaves behind your saggy skin due to free radicals. To prevent skin cell distractions, antioxidants happen to be essential because they avoid free radicals. Usually, you might have firmer, smoother and much younger skin when utilizing products abundant with antioxidants. They happen to be a simple remedy to maintain skin cellular structure condition. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500"] image source:[/caption] Hydrating formulations: Your anti-aging cream can be a hydrating formulation to assist in maintaining skin moisture that is essential in trying to keep the aging symptoms away. Overcleaning the genes, skin and also bad skincare a few of the aspects that might result in dehydration of the skin. Additional hydrating skin cream formulations will make sure that the skin moisture is maintained in the correct quantities for attractive skin. Select the creams just with hyaluronic acid that is a substance in coconut and fish oil and also assist in keeping moisture and also restored skin suppleness plus softness with decreasing wrinkles and fine lines.        Read also: How to Remove Acne Scars Naturally Collagen production: A great anti-aging cream is just one that increases collagen production. Usually, the structural protein in connective tissues maintains the skin supple, smooth and also firm, however, the production reduces with age leading to the skin to sag and also wrinkle. Creams that increase the formulation of collagen happen to be the best in battling with the wrinkles and also restoring suppleness both the density and volume. Utilizing the creams on a normal schedule can make the wrinkles much less visible. Cream quality: It is essential that you select anti-aging creams and even wrinkle killer creams through the trustworthy brand for the best quality uses. Despite the fact that they might be a little expensive, they have the correct components to bring you the desirable skin outcomes. It is necessary to have the required knowledge about anti-aging creams whenever you move to shop. I will suggest you take this post as a unique guideline to help you choose the best one and also to give you a younger look. Read More:  Dore Aesthetics: Proven And Safe Acne Treatment 6 Stunning Long Hairstyles For Oval Faces


Top 5 foods for healthier and thicker hair

Healthy hair is closely related to your diet. We all know that dying and curling your hair can make you more attractive, but those are not the best things for your hair in the long term. What it really needs is essential nutrition. We listed the top 5 foods that will keep making sure it’s as healthy as possible. Spinach Spinach is rich in iron and also contains high amounts of vitamin A, vitamin K, and folate. One of the main causes for hair loss or breakage is a lack of iron. Iron helps in producing red blood cells called hemoglobin, which carry oxygen to different parts of the body and distribute essential minerals and nutrition for our cells to function properly. When iron levels are low, the number of red blood cells is decreased. As a result, our body experiences fatigue and weakness. A decrease in red blood cells means that oxygen is unable to reach derma papilla cells, which are the main source for nourishing hair follicles. Spinach also contains the highest amount of Vitamin K of any other vegetable. Vitamin K helps blood circulation by preventing blood from getting clogged in the body. One cup of spinach provides about 200% of the daily recommendation of vitamin K. Salmon Salmon is a great source of Omega 3 fatty acids. According to, our bodies are not capable of producing Omega 3 fatty acids alone, so it is important to eat foods or hair growth vitamins that include this source.            Read Also: 6 stunning long hairstyles for oval faces Omega 3 fatty acids have a direct link to the health of hair follicles and keep our hair growing stronger by regulating sebum production. More hair care manufacturers are introducing new products that contain alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which is a vital part of Omega 3 fatty acids. Eggs Our hair is largely made of protein but also contains a small number of lipids (a key source of moisture for hair). In order to keep hair in an optimal condition, providing enough protein is essential. Eggs, especially the egg yolks, are loaded with protein and vitamin B-12. Vitamin B-12 is another important component to nourish follicles and maintain normal hair growth cycles. Egg yolks are also often used for hair mask treatments as one of the many hair growth natural home remedies. Mixed with a couple of teaspoons of honey or olive oil, the mixture should be applied to your hair (including your scalp) for 20-30 minutes. Cleanse by rinsing it with warm water. This egg hair mask is another great way to strengthen hair and add moisture. Bell Peppers Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) plays a protective role in the health of our skin and hair. Its antioxidant properties help by preventing harmful free radicals from damaging our body parts. One of the early signs of a lack of Vitamin C is dry skin and breakage of hair according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. Bell peppers contain high amounts of Vitamin C and Vitamin B-6. One medium-size red bell pepper provides 292% of the suggested daily value of Vitamin C. Oysters Oysters are packed with Zinc (about 30 mg per serving), which plays a vital role in overall human health. Considering the daily intake recommendation for Zinc is 8 to 11 mg, it’s obvious that oysters can be very beneficial. Zinc helps by contributing to a healthy immune system, cell growth, and renewal of cells for skin, hair, and nails. By regulating appropriate hormone levels, Zinc-rich foods such as oysters can prevent premature hair fallout.

The Selfie Culture: Should we be worried?

The Selfie Culture: Should we be worried?

Selfie trend is spreading everywhere in teenagers and teenagers. If you visit Facebook or Instagrams you can see many selfies posted by teens. It is very rare that you scroll on Facebook or any social media site, and you do not find any selfie posted by teenagers. Research shows that 91% of teenagers daily post their selfies on Facebook. Selfie has become a harmless habit of teens. Selfie is not dangerous in actual, but it could be harmful in many ways. Parents should ask their children to avoid this habit of always taking selfies. Inform them about the risks they can face. Selfies and Self-Esteem Many teenagers think that before the trend of selfies they were extremely camera-shy. But now they feel confident while taking selfies as well as in normal life they are confident, but this is just the thought of teens. In actual, the craze of taking selfies is a reason for the development of poor self-esteem. A survey has been made which shows that 65% of teenagers think that selfies are a way of increasing self-confidence, 40% of them believe that social media is a good way to share pictures with others in this way, they can show their beauty to others while 53% believe that if their photos are posted by someone else, it makes them feel bad. On the other hand, American plastic surgeons declared that more patients are visiting them for surgery because they think their face does not look good while taking selfies. They are not happy with their pictures on social media sites. There is a story of a UK teen which shows you how bad is selfie habit? He left the school and stayed at home for six months and spends 10 or more hours in selfie-taking. In the end, he attempted suicide due to over craze of a selfie. Now you can understand how selfies hurt teen’s self-esteem. Read More: App Development Benefits: Here’s Why You Should Go Mobile Selfies and Your Online Reputation As some activities on the internet or social media sites can be dangerous for your children and selfie is one of them. Teens post and share their selfies on Facebook or any social site with their friends. This can have a harmful impact on their reputation if their friends give bad comments on their selfies it may also hurt their relationships. Teens focus on online reputation more than the real world, if someone hurt their reputation they may get emotional and can take wrong steps. So, sharing selfie can be very harmful. Selfie Safety Tips: Parents should discuss with their children that too much enthusiasm for selfie-taking is not okay. Also, the comments of people on their pictures should not be related to their reputation. Make sure that your child is using all the security settings in their social accounts. Explain to them that they should take care of their personal things and do not share selfies with strangers or person to whom they cannot believe. Only post those selfies on social media on which they feel comfortable. Read More: Google Getting Into Phones – And It’s Changing The Mobile Internet Best IPhone Spy Apps Without Jail Breaking Top 5 Digital Wallet Apps For Android


How to Remove Acne Scars Naturally

These days, more and more people become interested in natural acne scar treatment. It has become a clear fact that acne scars especially the big one can create unpleasing experiences because they can ruin someone’s physical appearance. Greasy skin that is often found in people with acne scars also creates a problem. People with acne scars usually must conceal the scars with a certain cosmetic product so that their face will look flawless. This effort actually does not solve the problem. If the cosmetic is removed, the scars can be easily seen. To have acne scars free skin, you need to know how to remove acne scars effectively. In this case, natural treatment can become your consideration. What is the natural treatment? Referring to its name, natural acne scar treatment that is also known as the home remedy is an acne scar treatment that is made or uses natural ingredients. In this case, natural ingredients include fruits, leaves, and seeds. Because these natural ingredients can be found easily in almost all households, they can become a perfect emergency solution for acne, pimples, and acne scars. Why to Choose Natural Treatment There are 3 reasons why many people choose natural treatment. The first reason is availability. Ingredients for natural treatments can be found easily in almost all households. You do not need to leave your home to get an acne scars treatment because the ingredients are available in your kitchen. The second reason is a comfort. If you can find the treatment in your kitchen, you can surely apply the treatment at your most convenient time. Anytime you want to remove acne scars, you can take the ingredients in your kitchen and then apply them on your scars. Then, the third reason is economical. The cost to buy it is lower than the cost to buy over the counter medication because you usually buy them for cooking purpose in a bulk amount. Further, the last reason is to avoid harmful side effects. Products made of chemicals are reported to have side effects. Their side effects can promote health risks. Because natural treatment has no side effect, it is surely a perfect solution. Is Natural Acne Scar Treatment is Right for You? Before you apply the natural treatment on your puberty Scars, it is better for you to know whether natural acne scar treatment is right for you. Visit sites like to get reviews on products to help you on your journey to find a natural acne treatment that works. This is important to consider because the knowledge will avoid you from wasting your money, energy, and time. Basically, removing acne scars naturally will only work on light, superficial, and new scars. Home remedies work on the superficial skin; they are not able to go deep down the skin. Even, they usually work slowly. This means that if you want to remove your acne scars fast, you should not use home remedies. Patience is the key to success when taking home remedies. Actually, if your acne scars are old and deeper, you will need a more complicated treatment. In this case, chemical peel and laser treatment can become a solution. Because it works by naturally exfoliating and renewing your skin, it is certainly a solution for superficial acne scars problems. Also, it can help to remove blackhead and whitehead. Ingredients to Remove Acne Scars Naturally The followings are natural ingredients that are powerful in removing acne scars naturally 1. Lemon To use lemon as natural medicine, you should mix a teaspoon of lemon juice with 2 teaspoons of Vitamin E well. In this case, to get vitamin E, you can pop a capsule. After the mixture is made, apply it on your acne scars. Next, massage your face gently for about 30 seconds. Then, apply your normal moisturizer. Basically, lemon works in two powerful ways. It can bleach skin, resulting in lighter skin. It can help to rebuild collagen because it is high in vitamin C. Vitamin E has a ton of antioxidants that are able to protect your delicate skin. The combination of lemon and vitamin E will result in lighter yet delicate skin. 30 seconds massage is intended to break down damaged scar tissues and stimulate the growth of new skin. To get the best result, you should avoid sun rays while wearing this natural acne scar treatment. You should also use this treatment once a day. 2. Papaya To use papaya as a homemade treatment, you should take 1 ripe papaya. Remove a bit of the flesh and mash it. Apply it to the scar (You should have previously wash the face cleanly) and let it sit for 15 minutes. Then, remove it with warm water. Papaya is an effective natural skin exfoliator because it contains natural enzyme papain. This natural enzyme is often used as a meat tenderizer. However, because papaya is powerful, you should not leave it too long. You can use this treatment once a day. 3. Egg whites To use egg whites as a natural acne scar treatment, you should take 3 egg whites and a small bowl. Whip the 3 egg whites in the bowl until they become fluffy and white. You had better use your fingers to spread the mixture onto your skin gently. You need to apply a double layer on the affected area to give it a stronger effect. Let the egg whites dry on your skin. Rinse away the dried egg whites with warm water. For the best result, you need to use this treatment 2 to 3 times a week. 4. Aloe Vera To use Aloe Vera as your homemade treatment, you had better use fresh Aloe Vera. Even though there are many over the counter products containing Aloe Vera, those products are not as effective as fresh Aloe Vera. There are incredible health benefits of Aloe Vera juice to our health, body, and skin. In this case, you need to take fresh Aloe Vera leaf that usually can be bought at your local grocery. Then, peel of the green part and take the gel-like part. Apply it on your car gently and rub it several times. Leave it for 20 minutes and wash it with warm water. Aloe Vera can soothe inflamed skin, boost the immune system and regenerate damaged tissues. Read Also: Ways to Rejuvenate Your Skin in Montrose Top Simple but Effective Ways To Get Your Eyebrows Thicker Is Surgical Treatment the Best Option to Treat Essential Tremor? Best Hair Loss Treatment: 5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Getting One