How You Can Choose the Ideal Ceiling Light for Your Living Area


26 October 2019

Home Improvement

ceiling light

Your house can certainly benefit from the right lighting – lighting is, after all, essential for any living space. With the proper lighting, you can have warmth and homeliness in your abode, but you can also have an entirely functional element that can help you perform certain tasks and see everything clearly. But lighting can have an impact on other elements as well, and it can affect your space’s wall color to the color of your flooring or carpet. It is therefore essential to have an ideal plan for your lighting, especially when it comes to your living area. The correct light can go a long way in giving your home the ambiance and serenity it needs, and it can lend a great atmosphere to your living space as well. The ceiling light you choose, in particular, can make a huge impact. Here, then, is how you can select the ideal ceiling light for your living area.

How You Can Choose the Ideal Ceiling Light for Your Living Area:

The height of the ceiling and the available space:

Ideal Ceiling Light

Firstly, you should try to figure out how you use the room and the time of day you often spend there. It is also important to note the available space – how big or small it is – as well as the height of the ceiling. If, for instance, the ceiling in your living area is low, a large fixture such as a chandelier may not be such an ideal choice, as it may make your living room appear cluttered and smaller. On the other hand, if you have a high ceiling, a small ceiling fixture may look awkward and may even ‘disappear’ in a room with a high ceiling.

If your living area has a low ceiling, you could go for semi-flush mount or flush mount lighting fixtures, as these kinds of fixtures have a small drop and don’t extend too far from the ceiling, which adds to the illusion of a higher ceiling or space. For high ceilings, big, bold chandeliers or lighting fixtures are an excellent option.

The type of lighting:

You should know that different ceiling lights will have a variety of functions, which leads us to the different types of lighting. You should ask yourself this important question as well: what is the purpose of your ceiling light, especially when taking into consideration the kind of ambiance you would like your living area to have? Essentially speaking, there are three major types of lighting: task lighting, accent lighting, and ambient lighting. In general, a ceiling light in the living area provides ambient lighting because it gives a wide illumination, and you can also control it with the use of a dimmer. You can complement ambient lighting with the use of layers in the lighting scheme and design of your living area. You can add layers with lighting fixtures such as lamps (both floor and table lamps), sconces, drop lights, downlights, and recessed lighting. Lamps serve well as both accent and task lighting too.

The bulb:

LED bulbs

The bulb you choose also makes a difference, as any expert will tell you – and many of us make the error of overlooking the bulb, even though it can impact the overall elegance of our lighting design. Modern lighting often involves the use of LED bulbs, as they are bright and energy-efficient, and they can last for a long time. Living areas can definitely benefit from the use of LED bulbs, because living room lighting is used almost every day, most especially at night, and LED bulbs are ideal for this type of use. There are decorative LED bulbs which you can also make use of, and they are often great for any living space – this is especially true for filament bulbs, which are trendy yet have a unique vintage appeal.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Air Conditioning Costs

How To Save Money On Your Air Conditioning Costs This Summer

For most people, summer is the most joyful of all seasons. There’s something precious about those warm evenings, whole days spent swimming, and enjoying the great outdoors. Unfortunately, summer’s not all sunshine and flowers. As a lot of homeowners know, during the summertime our bill tends to spike as our air conditioning costs keep piling up. But what if you could cut those costs by as much as half. In a lot of cases, high AC costs are the result of improper maintenance and malfunctioning AC systems. The experts at Howell’s were kind enough to share a few useful tips that can help you save this cooling season. Look For Leaks In The Ducts If your cooling bills unexpectedly start to spike, there could be a technical issue behind it. Central AC systems use ductwork to deliver any cooled air throughout your home. However, as they age ducts become more susceptible to tears and fissures. This not only makes the AC less efficient but demands more power to keep the required temperature levels in your home. This is usually the main reason behind increased energy bills. If you haven’t inspected your ductwork in a while and are paying more than usual, have a professional determine whether leaks in the ductwork are to blame. Replace Your Air Filter One of the things homeowners are most likely to forget about is the air filters in their AC systems. When is the last time you replaced or at least cleaned your filter? If your answer is “I don’t remember” now is the right time to do so. A clogged filter may make your air conditioner less effective as it struggles to push the cooled air through the filter. This will likely result in an increased energy bill, but poor air quality as well. If you want to keep your energy bill low, make a habit of replacing your air filter at least once every two months. If you are not sure how to do this, you can always hire a professional. Have A Professional Tune-Up Another often neglected part of owning an AC system is having regular inspections and tune-ups. With a professional tune-up at least twice a year you can be sure your AC will be up to standards and working properly. This way you won’t spend a cent more than you need to in order to enjoy the comfort in your home. A tune-up entails a professional testing every component of the system to make sure everything is working in harmony. If any part of the AC system is malfunctioning, professionals can detect this early and prevent expensive repairs down the line. Finally, they will clean the entire system, replace the filters, and offer valuable advice on proper AC maintenance. Having your AC system running at optimal conditions is perhaps the best way to ensure that you don’t end up spending more money on it than necessary. As the old adage goes, sometimes you gotta spend money to make money; well, in this case, save money. Read Also: Things to Consider Before Relocating the Outdoor AC Unit AC Repair Austin: Tips on How to Choose an AC Unit 13 Ways to Maintain the Coolness of Your Air Condition Unit

Securing A Home Renovation Loan

10 Crucial Points To Master The Art Of Securing A Home Renovation Loan

When it comes to enhancing the appeal and functionality of your property, a home renovation loan can be a valuable financial tool. Undertaking a property valuation is a crucial initial step in this journey. Whether you plan to remodel your kitchen, expand your living space, or add energy-efficient features, securing a home renovation loan can make your dreams a reality. In this article, we will delve into the process of successfully applying for a home renovation loan in the UK, exploring the steps involved and providing essential tips to help you navigate the process smoothly. What's A Home Renovation Loan?  Prudence dictates a harmony of fiscal discipline, for creditworthiness unlocks the portal to favorable terms. Whether seeking refuge in collateral's embrace or coalescing with a guarantor's benevolence, fortify your stance. Armed with a tenacious spirit, let the hammers sing the symphony of dreams materialized. Also known as the home improvement loan, the home renovation loan refers to a type of loan that lets you carry out any renovation to your house. This category of Home Loan is the one through which an individual can make both small and big changes to their house.  Here are a few important tips to keep in mind when you want to secure your home renovation loan.  1. Assess Your Home Improvement Needs: Before applying for a home renovation loan, take the time to thoroughly assess your property's renovation requirements. Identify the areas that require improvement and prioritize your projects based on urgency and feasibility. This evaluation will help you determine the estimated cost of the renovations and the loan amount you may need. 2. Research Loan Options: There are various types of home renovation loans available in the UK market. Each option caters to different financial needs and qualifications. Research other lenders and loan products to find the best fit for your renovation project. Consider factors such as interest rates, loan terms, and repayment options. 3. Gather Your Financial Documents: To increase your chances of loan approval, it's crucial to present a comprehensive financial profile to the lender. Gather essential documents, including proof of income, tax returns, bank statements, and other financial records. A strong financial background will demonstrate your ability to repay the loan. 4. Understand The Loan Terms And Conditions: Before committing to any loan, carefully read and understand all the terms and conditions associated with it. Pay close attention to the interest rates, repayment schedule, and any potential penalties for early repayment. Seek professional advice if needed to ensure you comprehend the agreement fully. 5. Enhance Your Credit Score: The benefit of having an enhanced credit score is undeniable. In order to improve your chances of securing a favorable loan, work on enhancing your credit score. Pay off outstanding debts, avoid new credit applications, and regularly monitor your credit report for inaccuracies. 6. Create A Detailed Renovation Plan: A well-structured renovation plan not only keeps you organized but also impresses lenders. Include detailed information about your renovation project, such as contractor estimates, timelines, and materials. A comprehensive plan demonstrates your commitment and preparedness to complete the renovations successfully. 7. Provide Collateral Or Guarantor: If you have a less-than-ideal credit score or face challenges in securing an unsecured loan, consider providing collateral or having a guarantor co-sign the loan. Offering an asset as collateral or having a trusted guarantor with a strong financial background can boost your loan application's credibility. 8. Apply For The Loan: Once you’ve gathered all the necessary documents and prepared a solid renovation plan, it’s time to apply for the loan. Submit your application to the chosen lender and be patient during the approval process. Keep track of any additional information the lender may request so that you get immediate assistance on the loans. 9. Execute Your Renovation Plans: After your loan is approved and the funds are disbursed, it's time to set your renovation plans in motion. Work closely with contractors, stay within budget, and ensure that the project progresses smoothly. Effective communication and careful planning will help you achieve the desired results. 10. Monitor Your Finances: During the loan repayment period, it's essential to manage your finances responsibly. Stick to your budget, make timely loan payments, and avoid unnecessary expenses. Maintaining a healthy financial routine will build your creditworthiness and open up opportunities for future financial endeavors. Eligibility For Availing A Home Renovation Loan To secure almost any loan, you must have a certain eligibility. Here are a few criteria that must be fulfilled in order to avail a loan for your home improvement: Age If you are a fresh loan applicant or a contemporary borrower, you are most likely to receive home improvement loans from lenders. All in all, people above 18 years can easily apply for this loan until the age of 70 years.  Credit Score As mentioned already, credit score plays an integral role in home renovation loans. If you are a loan applicant with 750 credit scores or more, congratulations. You can easily get approved for a home improvement loan.  Co-Borrowers As a borrower, you can easily improve your home loan eligibility by combining co-borrowers. All you have to do is select a longer tenure for a loan or offer an additional income source.  Don’t forget to consider all three of them when it comes to applying for home renovation loans. The Bottom Line Keeping these invaluable considerations close to heart, homeowners can unfurl the wings of their aspirations, soaring towards an enchanting metamorphosis of their abode. With an astute grasp of your property valuation, embarking on this transformative odyssey becomes a rhapsody of possibilities. Ponder the nuances of loan options, allying with the most suitable financial conduit. Embrace the ardor of meticulous planning, for a well-wrought blueprint lays the cornerstone of triumph. Thus, as the phoenix rises from the embers, dare to envision the phoenix of your dwelling's metamorphosis. Embrace this moment, breathe life into your aspirations, and witness your homestead bloom under the enchantment of a successful home renovation loan. Additional Resource: Buying or Selling a Home in Seattle? Best Home Buying Tips for First-Time Buyers Things to Know Before Applying for a Vermont Mortgage Loan

Remodeling Tips for New Homeowners

Remodeling Tips for New Homeowners

Everyone has their reason for embarking on a home remodeling project, but the thrill remains the same, especially as a new homeowner. Perhaps, you want to improve the value of your home or want it to fit your style? Regardless, it's an exciting project that comes with a lot of work— sometimes more than bargained. It can be devastating to embark on a remodeling project only to realize halfway that it's unachievable. So, whether you will be getting the assistance of a remodeling company or you'll be handling this project alone, here are five tips you should know before starting. 1. Try to ask for help: It takes more than a pair of jeans and a well-equipped toolbox to produce quality work on a renovation project. First off, as an amateur, certain tools aren't suitable for you. Secondly, YouTube tutorials may not always have all the answers and solutions you need. So, except remodeling is something you have years of experience in, don't shy away from asking for help. A simple Google search should come in handy in this respect. For example, if you live in Houston, Texas, a quick search for Houston, Tx remodeling company should deliver some viable results. 2. Make a priority list: While some people can afford to stay in hotels during home renovations, you may not have that luxury and will have to keep living in your home during the renovation. The best way to avoid feeling overwhelmed by the home renovation process is to tackle time-sensitive projects first, like water damage or a leaking roof. Additionally, areas of the house you use frequently should be a top priority. That way, you can still go about your daily life even though your home is under renovation. 3. Set a budget: Contrary to what some TV shows make us believe, remodeling a house can run your account dry, especially if you don't have an accurate budget. So, the next step after drawing out a plan would be to determine your budget and financing. Although budgeting isn't the most fun thing to do (as it requires you to find a balance between the available finance and your dream design), it's an essential part of the remodeling process because it helps you gauge your expectations. Your budget should ideally include everything from the costs for permits to building materials, labor, painting, and cosmetic touch. It's easier to stick to your budget if it's accurate. So, make sure you get a contractor to review it or request cost estimates from professionals. You can look up companies in the Houston area that offer free estimate and consultation services to save costs here. 4. Remember the big picture: When taking up a remodel project, it's essential always to keep the big picture in mind. Remember that energy costs, water bills, and repair expenses can add up quickly in the future. So, make sure you include them all in your plan. Furthermore, since you're remodeling, you may want to invest in sustainable appliances that respect resources and support sustainable living. This is especially vital for a bathroom renovation. This area of the home can spike up your future heating and water costs. In a nutshell, you need to consider ways to save money both now and in the future; your bank account will thank you for these decisions in years to come. 5. Don't focus solely on design: Sure, many of us have a design that fits our style in mind before embarking on a remodel project. Perhaps, it's your kitchen, bedroom, or study that concerns you. However, you'll have to find a balance between getting the design you want and maintaining functionality. Many contemporary homes now blend functionality with design. For instance, if you have a small kitchen space, you may want to consider forfeiting some fixtures like the planning desk that no one really uses. That way, you save on space and maintain functionality. Read Also: Home Improvement Hacks to Add to Your Space Ideas for Modern Flooring Designs for Home Improvement Plans 6 Interior Design Tips to Make Your House a Home