How To Choose Mattress For Overweight Person

Published on: 08 March 2018 Last Updated on: 31 March 2021

When you decide to buy a new mattress there are plenty of factors that need to be considered. If the mattress is for an overweight person then the basic factors may remain the same but some additional factors need to be focused on. There are certain attributes that play a crucial role while buying a mattress for heavy people and ensure better sleep for them. Let us learn about some characteristics that will help you buy the right mattress.

Thickness of Mattress

Firstly and most importantly, thickness is very important when you decide to buy a mattress for an overweight person. Many people neglect this factor. For sleepers who weigh below 200 pounds a mattress of 10” is more than enough. For heavier ones, you should consider a mattress that has at least 12” thickness. The basic idea to look into thickness is to check for its deep compression support. If you are overweight and leave increased pressure on the sleeping mattress then the thinner mattresses will not offer the right kind of support that you need.

Some mattresses available with the thickness of 10” use modern foams which offer extra thick and comfortable layer or some other designs with advanced specifications that provide enhanced compression support can help them provide a better function for the overweight sleepers. Basically, it is always better to look for a premium Signature mattress with a perfect thickness as it will offer deep compression as well as consistent support in the long run. Deep compression support plus the thickness of the mattresses become extremely important for those who are overweight.

Edge Support is essential

While selecting the right mattress for overweight people make sure you do not overlook edge support. Mattresses are generally used while you sleep at night still play an important role for you during the day as well. If you are someone who loves throwing yourself on the bed often or completing different tasks sitting on the bed, then edge support is something you need to look at. When you are just sitting on the edge of your mattress it should be stable and strong so that it prevents sudden collapse even when you roll onto the edges while sleeping. You can get better edge support in mattresses made from hybrid designs, coil-on-coil, or springs. You may not find better edge support in mattresses made out of foam.

Firmness makes a difference

Deciding the firmness of a mattress entirely depends on the type of sleeper one is. If you are a heavy sleeper then the firmness should range from medium to medium on the firmness scale. Here again, your weight plays an important role as you may face a deeper sinkage and if you buy a softer mattress then it is again going to give you the same feeling. So firmness measurement is something that you need to consider if you are overweight.

Mattress should breathe

Some heavy sleepers often complain of sleeping hot which means the mattress that does not breathe or ventilate well during the night. When you add some additional sheets, kids, comforter, etc, you will find it so uncomfortable. If you are an overweight person more hair is produced so the mattress should breathe well. If the mattress doesn’t ventilate well you may feel uneasy and get up in the middle of the night in disturbed sleep.


It is important to consider the type of mattress you want to buy for an overweight person. Some of the different types of mattresses available are


Latex mattresses are best known for perfect ventilation and durability. These two attributes are crucial for overweight sleepers.

Memory Foam

These mattresses are ideal for heavy sleepers as they offer better cradling support and if you decide to buy one check if it gels as it remains cool at night


This is advanced mattresses that are ideal for overweight people as it uses the combination of two different materials to make one. For instance, the top layer is a little springy and is durable because of latex, and has a spring base. It is quite affordable.


It is a feasible mattress for overweight people. It can be designed using various coil arrangements. It offers better edge support and ventilation too.

The above-mentioned factors can be helpful for you to determine the right kind of mattresses to be purchased for overweight people. When you have known what you need the decision would certainly be a smart decision. Above all durability and affordability does matter. Check if the product you want to buy is within your budget. Overweight people should buy mattresses that offer good support, comfort, and proper ventilation. Most mattresses give importance to ventilation, firmness, and comfort. They do not pay attention to the edge support which is equally important to avoid accidents while you fall asleep.

If you are an overweight person and looking out for the right mattress, then look for trusted companies that help you buy the right mattresses. The reliable companies often guide their customers on which mattress would be suitable for overweight people. Do not compromise on any of the factors stated above. Also, do not compromise on price as you may end up spending a little more but get all the features that you need. Sound sleep is important and so is your posture and comfort. Look for the mattress that meets your needs as an overweight person.

Many people believe that quality mattresses come for an expensive price but that is not always the case. The market is flooded with quality mattresses at an affordable price. Spend some time finding out what you need to invest in the right mattress. Many people spend most of their time even during the day in bed and they certainly need to look into how much time they are spending on their bed. A comfortable, ventilated, firm mattress with perfect edge support will give you an enjoyable experience of sound sleep. So go for something that suits your needs.


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Interior Design

Interior Designing: A Great Art To Make Your Home Look Beautiful

Home is the most exquisite place, one can imagine living in. Have you ever thought, what makes home a desirable living place? Obviously, people residing in it and the other significant thing is its interior design. The way you keep the design reflects your personality on your guests. As per the studies, if you want to discover someone personality. You don’t have to evaluate their past, just simply pop in their house and see what type of interior they got and you will get your answer right away. It’s good to be choosy when it comes to decor your home interior. There are numerous tricks which are available to transform your home interior design: Use bright colors: Choosing the right amount of color for your room is an art. But they are the most significant component, in terms of interior designing. If you have a smaller room, it would be ideal to go with a bright color. By practicing this you would be able to get a new and spacious look for your room. This technique has been used by a seamless number of people and the review they got after was remarkable.  Use decorative mirror: The living area is the center of attraction for the guests. That’s the first meeting point, where you can entertain your guests. You have a great opportunity to leave a remarkable impact while not hampering your budget. A small improvisation can bring the difference even. By simply hanging a decorative mirror on the wall, you will get a completely new look of your living space. Read also: Convex Mirror – An Essential Thing For Your Daily Needs Hang beautiful chandeliers: Hanging chandeliers, either in your living space or in your bedroom provides good lighting experience and bring a glow to your home. Procuring them can be considered as a right time investment. Numerous design with varieties of lighting option is available to obtain. Some innovative and creative designed chandeliers will desperately draw your jaws and it would be hard for you to resist without them. Read also: Different Types Of Conversions To Make The Most Of Spare Space In Your Homes Custom old Antiques: Everybody loves the products which speak out the long tale of history. And keeping antiques in your home, for decorative purpose, you can provide a different and unique look to it. Antiques, you can procure in the form of statue and furniture as per your home interior requirement. Designed curtains: Curtains play a very crucial role vast range of curtains are available to lift up the spirit of your home interior. As per the experts, bright color curtains provide more charm. But still, it is an individual choice, what they prefer to have. LED or dim Lights: Believe it or not, but LED can change the night view of your home Interior. These lights are easy to get install and their lighting can be adjusted as per the requirement. The ideal spot to get them installed would be either in your bedroom or in the living space. Their frequency of lighting can be adjusted as per your requirement. Read also: 5 Perfect Ways To Create Size Illusion In Room With Home Accessories Artificial Flowers: This is the most effective and economical way to decorate the home interior. These artificial flowers can be easily available from your local shop. You don’t have to devote your time to caring them such as watering, trimming the extra branches and all. Most of them are available in numerous fragrance. Spot them on your center table, so that fragrance can spread evenly. Home decoration is an essential part of life and which needs to be modified from time to time. As per the latest trends, some affordable methods have been searched by me. You can try the up-mentioned method and see the difference all sudden. Read More:  Home Decor Is An Art Itself – Things To Know How To Make Your Home Look Like A Splendid Hotel? Interiors To Reduce The Heat Build-Up In Your Homes


Using Feng Shui in Your Bathroom Design

The ancient Chinese firmly believed that there is a spiritual connection between our fates and inanimate objects that surround us. According to them, everything in our surrounding radiates a certain kind of energy, so your furniture and equipment pieces in combination or in a certain position can affect almost any aspect of your life. One of the easiest places where you can follow feng shui principles is your bathroom. Why? Well, in the bathroom, it is quite easy to combine four natural elements and, this way, clear your entire place of the negative chi. Feng Shui and Our Mindset Setting your chi right may improve your finances, help you make up for lost opportunities and even act favorably towards your health. Sure, some may be skeptical about this, but even modern psychology recognizes a certain value behind this ancient decoration art form. Namely, our mindsets are influenced by everything in our vicinity. Sometimes a cabinet, a flower pot or even a floor mat may seem out of place. As soon as we wake up, we go to the bathroom, so if the first thing you see is a thing out of place, it’s not unreasonable to believe your day may start on a wrong foot. This perfect positioning has found its appliance in all spheres of our life, including the business world. This, more science-backed version of the feng shui most commonly goes under the name office ergonomics. The Position of the Bathroom When first buying a house, you might want to make sure that the very position of the bathroom is in agreement with the rest of your home. What you want to avoid is having a bathroom that is in the center of your home. Other things you should try to avert are that your bathroom is near or facing the front door or that it’s in the same position regarding your kitchen. You want your bathroom out of your relationship and money feng shui areas. Making Your Bathroom into a Money Area However, when it comes to money, you can easily make your bathroom into a money area. With the right use of wood, water and earth colors, a bowl of multicolor crystals and 8 stalks of lucky bamboo, you are bound to improve your wealth situation. On top of it all, this kind of layout can be extremely aesthetically pleasing. This may help you achieve that spa-like feeling you planned for our bathroom in the first place. Turning Elements to Your Advantage Finally, you can try and turn the natural elements to your own advantage with just a few simple tricks. For example, seeing how the toilet flushes water in a downward spiral, it is easy to see how energy may leave your bathroom in the same manner. This is why people sometimes decide to separate it from the rest of the bathroom with a door of its own, or at least, a curtain. Experts dealing in bathroom renovations claim that this unorthodox design practice is rapidly gaining on its popularity. Furthermore, the influx of sunlight and fresh air improve the energy flow, and starting your day in a bathroom like this is bound to invigorate you from the very morning. While most of these feng shui improvements aren’t that difficult to make, they have the potential to turn your life around. Paying just a bit more of attention can turn your home’s most hazardous area into your greatest asset. To make the long story short, organizing your bathroom with the use of feng shui is bound to bring your good luck or prosperity. For all those who still have some small dosage of suspicion in their mind, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Read More: Home Hacks: Stuff You Can Clean In One Hour Or Less How To Find The Best Hotel In Dwarka How Can You Choose An Efficient Waterproofing Contractor?

Move House

A List of Last-Minute Things You Should Check before You Move House

When we are moving house, it’s relatively easy for us to remember a good number of things, such as packing our belongings for our move and making sure all the items are properly packed and secured, and making sure that we inform our utility providers, both present and future as well. But there are indeed some other aspects which we may end up forgetting or neglecting simply because we are too focused on the major things we have to do. So what are these last-minute things you should check before you move house? Here’s a list. Things from repair shops, dry cleaning shops, tailors, and more: Yes, you probably have a lot of clothes to pack. But before you close and seal your boxes, make sure you have collected all your clothing from the dry cleaning shop and tailor, and you have taken all your items from repair shops as well. If you neglect to take things from the dry cleaners or the tailor or the repair shop, you may be faced with regret, especially if you are moving hundreds of kilometres away. Your personal paperwork, records, and documents: It may be surprising, but many individuals actually neglect to take care of their personal paperwork, records, and documents before it's too late. In essence, you should be taking care of your paperwork, records, and documents about two months prior to your move, as some files and documents may take time to process and retrieve, such as health records for your family from your local GP and records from the veterinarian if you have pets. If you have a local pharmacist, you may also want to take your list or a copy of your prescriptions from them. Some medical centres and pharmacies can transfer your records to your new general practitioner; it's still best to make sure of this before you move. Valuables and spare keys: You shouldn’t forget your valuables and spare keys, either, especially if you have a spare key with, for example, a neighbour, or hidden somewhere in your garden or property. Make sure you give your extra keys to the new occupants of your home; this is good protocol, even if the new occupants choose to change the locks in the end. Before you move to your new home, make a thorough sweep of your old home to see if there are any valuables you may have forgotten about, such as wads of cash hidden in a tin box, or jewellery which you have stashed away in a cupboard or shelf. You never know if you have forgotten a particularly valuable item, especially if you have lived in your old home for a long time, this is a common occurrence according to Advanced Removals & Storage, who offer a man with van in Cheltenham moving service. Gym memberships and library books: Aside from the things mentioned above, don't forget your gym memberships and library books too. Return whatever library books you may still have in your possession, and remember to inform the library about your move as well (this way, they can cancel your library card). If you have a membership for the local gym, make sure to cancel your membership – better yet, if they have a branch in your new location, you can simply ask them to transfer your gym membership to the other branch. Good luck, and happy moving! Read Also: 8 Home Gym Systems You’ll Want To Try Out Moving House? Here’s The Ultimate Checklist How To Sell Your House Fast?! Five Must-Know Tips To Move Your Property!