Using Feng Shui in Your Bathroom Design

Published on: 05 September 2016 Last Updated on: 04 September 2024

The ancient Chinese firmly believed that there is a spiritual connection between our fates and inanimate objects that surround us. According to them, everything in our surrounding radiates a certain kind of energy, so your furniture and equipment pieces in combination or in a certain position can affect almost any aspect of your life. One of the easiest places where you can follow feng shui principles is your bathroom. Why? Well, in the bathroom, it is quite easy to combine four natural elements and, this way, clear your entire place of the negative chi.

Feng Shui and Our Mindset

Setting your chi right may improve your finances, help you make up for lost opportunities and even act favorably towards your health. Sure, some may be skeptical about this, but even modern psychology recognizes a certain value behind this ancient decoration art form. Namely, our mindsets are influenced by everything in our vicinity.

Sometimes a cabinet, a flower pot or even a floor mat may seem out of place. As soon as we wake up, we go to the bathroom, so if the first thing you see is a thing out of place, it’s not unreasonable to believe your day may start on a wrong foot. This perfect positioning has found its appliance in all spheres of our life, including the business world. This, more science-backed version of the feng shui most commonly goes under the name office ergonomics.

The Position of the Bathroom

When first buying a house, you might want to make sure that the very position of the bathroom is in agreement with the rest of your home. What you want to avoid is having a bathroom that is in the center of your home. Other things you should try to avert are that your bathroom is near or facing the front door or that it’s in the same position regarding your kitchen. You want your bathroom out of your relationship and money feng shui areas.

Bathroom redesign

Making Your Bathroom into a Money Area

However, when it comes to money, you can easily make your bathroom into a money area. With the right use of wood, water and earth colors, a bowl of multicolor crystals and 8 stalks of lucky bamboo, you are bound to improve your wealth situation. On top of it all, this kind of layout can be extremely aesthetically pleasing. This may help you achieve that spa-like feeling you planned for our bathroom in the first place.


Turning Elements to Your Advantage

Finally, you can try and turn the natural elements to your own advantage with just a few simple tricks. For example, seeing how the toilet flushes water in a downward spiral, it is easy to see how energy may leave your bathroom in the same manner. This is why people sometimes decide to separate it from the rest of the bathroom with a door of its own, or at least, a curtain. Experts dealing in bathroom renovations claim that this unorthodox design practice is rapidly gaining on its popularity. Furthermore, the influx of sunlight and fresh air improve the energy flow, and starting your day in a bathroom like this is bound to invigorate you from the very morning.

While most of these feng shui improvements aren’t that difficult to make, they have the potential to turn your life around. Paying just a bit more of attention can turn your home’s most hazardous area into your greatest asset. To make the long story short, organizing your bathroom with the use of feng shui is bound to bring your good luck or prosperity. For all those who still have some small dosage of suspicion in their mind, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

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Pool in the Fall

8 Reasons to Build Your Pool in the Fall

When you start thinking about buying and installing a nice swimming pool, of course, you want to make sure that the installation process goes right. That means accounting for things like temperature and how busy the construction season is. Summer is pool season, so many homeowners opt to try for a spring installation. But our pool builders in south Florida would caution homeowners that fall is actually the best time for a pool install. 8 Reasons to Build Your Pool in the Fall You may be thinking that fall seems like an odd time to install a pool, but there are a few good reasons why it is a perfect time. Let’s take a look at 8 of them. 1. Construction Season Spring and summer are the busiest seasons for construction workers and contractors, including pool companies. By waiting until fall, you are likely to enjoy a much shorter install time. With fewer jobs to bounce between, your pool installers are more likely to be able to devote their full attention to your build. 2. Temperature Fall temperatures are mild and make it easier to work outside. This is especially true in places like Florida where summer temperatures can be scorching hot. In the fall, your pool construction team will be able to concentrate on the task at hand, rather than feeling overheated or worried about how long they have left in the day. 3. Landscaping Think about what sort of weather you want to be working outside in. Once your pool is installed, you will likely want to do some landscaping, maybe place some furniture, or do some planting. Why not take advantage of the cooler temperatures and enjoy fall in your backyard with your new pool? 4. Pricing At the end of the summer season – which is the height of pool season – you may be able to negotiate a better price on materials and labor. Often, pool companies have overstocked items or discontinued inventory that is less expensive. You may also be able to check out pre-owned items. 5. Weather Conditions Pool construction during spring is often thwarted by rapidly changing weather conditions. This can mean delays in your pool installation. If you are hoping to have your pool installed by a certain month or date, spring storms can be a very real concern. Related Reads: Swimming Pool Cleaning and Maintenance: Cheap Online Pool Supplies 6. Ready-made Summer Fun By installing your pool in the fall, you can start enjoying your pool as soon as the temperatures are warm enough for your liking. Or, any time of year if you opt for a heated pool. In Florida, temperatures start to warm up in early spring, and by having your pool installed the previous fall, you have more time to enjoy the warm weather and pool fun. 7. Why Not Add a Hot Tub? Have you considered adding a hot tub to your pool installation? If so, think about how much you will enjoy the cooler fall and winter evenings in your new hot tub with the view of your new pool. 8. Tax Considerations A pool is a major purchase and is considered a home improvement. It can also increase your property value. Home improvements like adding a pool can be claimed on your taxes. If you install your pool in the fall, you will be able to claim it on the taxes you file in early spring the following year. Imagine relaxing by your new pool enjoying the sun and the knowledge that you got tax benefits from your installation. Of course, not everyone wants to miss this pool season in order to do a fall pool install. But these eight considerations are certainly worth considering before you hire your pool contractors. The best way to decide when is the best time is to contact a pool builder in your area. Read Also: What is the Right Age to Start Swimming Lessons? All You Need to Know About Pool Maintenance Services Risks of Imbalanced Swimming Pool Chemistry

Improve Refrigerator

7 Smart Tips to Improve the Efficiency of your Refrigerator

Thanks to some home appliances such as air conditioners, fans, air coolers, inverters, and of course refrigerators; we can tolerate the summer easily.  During the summer season, the amount of power used is directly proportional to the temperature. With an increase in mercury, the need for cooling appliances also goes up and so is the electricity bill. Talking about the fridge, it is not only storage for storing perishable items but also a savior during the summer season.   Right from cold water to chilled shakes to ice creams to fresh fruits and juices, ice cubes, and more, it provides us with all.   Nonetheless, with all this, it also leads to an escalation in the monthly electricity bill. A great example is with the residents of Texas for taking care of their electricity bills.   They are able to choose the best and cheapest electricity plans from the most reputable electric companies in comparison websites such as HomeEnergyClub, where they can compare Texas energy plans side by side.  In the same context, here are some simple tips that will not only increase the efficiency of your refrigerator but even help save power. Read on!  Follow these Tips to Make your Fridge Efficient Want to make your refrigerator even more efficient, and sustainable for use? Follow these following steps.  1. Set the Temperature right Do you know that keeping the fridge at a high temperature consumes more energy, leaving you with a higher power bill?   Hence, to make your fridge’s compressor work easily, keep the temperature lower between 0 and 5 degrees.  2. Don’t Let Your Fridge Face the Heat It is recommended to keep your refrigerator away from direct heat such as sunlight, oven, or stove heat. It is because the fridge will then use more energy to adjust the continuous heat on it to maintain the chill.   On the other hand, if you place it under a shadow with proper ventilation, it will help in the reduction of energy.   Proper ventilation is needed in smooth heat flow produced from the fridge.  3. Defrost the fridge often The defrost button on your refrigerator could be a lifesaver for it! Doing that on a frequent basis will help your fridge to maintain efficient cooling!   Also, you will be able to save up to Rs.10 per day on the electricity bill.  4. Storing open containers is a no-no If you keep the already opened food containers and bottles in your fridges, then the internal moisture level will rise to force the compressor to work hard.   It will reduce your fridge's efficiency and increase the power bill.  5. Regular fridge maintenance is a must It should be your duty to clean your refrigerator on a frequent basis if not daily. It can help the compressor to work even more efficiently.   You only need to spare 30 minutes out of your busy schedule to do it, and your fridge will thank you by working powerfully.  Also, you should ensure to get the condenser coils of your fridge cleaned at least once a year.   You can do that by unplugging the unit and brushing or vacuuming the coils carefully. It will help to enhance the fridge’s efficiency by up to 30%.   If you are unable to do that, you should get it done by a trained professional once a year. 6. Make room You should also make sure that there are a few inches of space between the wall and the fridge to maintain good circulation. It will also help your refrigerator to run without issues and proficiently.  7. Practice some smart habits You can also practice some smart habits so that your fridge gets some rest. Have a look:  Try to open your refrigerator less frequently  Cool the hot foods before keeping them in the fridge  Cover foods  Label the leftovers  Ensure to keep your freezer full  Buy a new fridge this summer and grab savings and cashback You can continue having your refrigerator working for years at its optimal level if you can follow the tips discussed.  If you are ready to buy a brand-new refrigerator, then you don’t have to stretch your budget by paying the entire amount of your purchase in one go.   Instead, you can divide the cost between a tenor; pay only a fixed amount and nothing extra. This way, you won’t need to handle paying additional charges other than EMI and save more.  The easy EMI facility is offered by Bajaj Finserv EMI Network across India. Bajaj Finserv is also here to offer the Special Summer Offer on refrigerators and more.   This way, you can buy an LG fridge, Godrej fridge, Haier fridge, Hitachi fridge, and more on easy EMIs to indulge in a hassle-free shopping experience.  Tips for First-Time Renters on Using a Refrigerator Efficiently  First-time renters, especially those new to managing a home, might find it tricky to keep their energy bills low. All the while keeping their fridges running efficiently.   While the original tips are great for everyone, this section is specifically for renters likely dealing with space constraints, older appliances, or tight budgets!  Here are some additional tips and tricks to keep your fridge in good shape and your energy costs down!  Adjust the Fridge According to Your Space Renter-friendly kitchens are often small, and sometimes, you must make do with what you have.   Also, suppose your fridge is fully cramped in a tight space next to a heat-generating appliance (like an oven or microwave).   In that case, it works harder than necessary because of the proximity and exertion of excess heat.  If possible, make sure your fridge has some space between the wall and other appliances to allow for good air circulation.   Keep the Fridge Balanced Believe it or not, an unlevel fridge can impact how well it runs. Often, rentals are equipped with old or slightly wobbly fridges.   If your fridge is tilting one way or the other, just use simple shims or small pieces of cardboard to level it out.   A balanced fridge guarantees that the doors seal properly and that the cold air doesn’t escape. In fact, it also helps alleviate extra stress on the compressor, decreasing its energy consumption over time.  Therefore, keeping it on a good stand is important. If you cannot buy a new fridge, at least buy the right equipment for it.  Organize Smartly for Efficiency When you rent a home or an apartment, specifically if you choose to live in shared apartments, you don’t have an entire fridge for yourself.   So, it is crucial to keep it clean but also to be able not to keep the fridge open for that long.   I use little baskets or containers within my fridge so I can easily grab things without having to have the whole front spend open for too long.  Use Electricity at Non-Peak Times If your rental has smart meters or time-of-use rates, then try to use the electricity that isn’t charged at a premium rate.   Running the defrost cycle, cooling hot foods, or restocking the fridge during non-chargeable hours also helps.  Insurance or Maintenance Plan on Rental Appliances Most landlords have maintenance plans, but it’s something renters tend to overlook.   Before you start calling a technician over minor issues such as a cracked door seal or noisy motor, find out if your lease includes repairs/maintenance or insurance on the appliances.  A well-functioning fridge also consumes a lot less electricity.  Temporary Fridge Fixes for Old Units Rentals often come with older appliances. If your fridge lacks modern energy-saving features, there are small tricks you can apply.   For example, adding a seal strip around the door can improve insulation. A simple thermometer can also help you keep the internal temperature just right—no need to run it colder than necessary!  Be Mindful of Sharing Fridge Space If you’re sharing a rental with roommates, make sure everyone understands fridge usage.   An overstuffed fridge can cause airflow problems, which means the food will cool unevenly and the appliance will use more energy.   Also, ask others to keep things clean and remove old food when necessary.  Final Thoughts for First-Time Renters  Sure, everything has a learning curve, and running a home is no different. But hopefully, these extra tips will help you avoid energy-draining mistakes.  (I’m talking to you, not throwing out anything that’s expired).   Little choices can add up—your fridge will run more efficiently, and so will your wallet!  Read Also:  Important Things To Know Before Starting A Home Improvement Project Home Sweet Home Improvement: How To Find The Best Home Improvement Loans 10 Tips To Pick The Best Table Saw For Home Improvement Projects

Concrete repair

All You Need To Know About Concrete Repair Solutions And Services

Concrete repair solutions can be just what the doctor ordered to make sure your old concrete structures remain spruced up and in shipshape condition. Concrete is an inherently very long-lasting building material, which can outperform and even outlast most other construction materials by up to a factor of 3. However, several factors can come into play to cause the degradation of concrete installations. This may include attrition, prolonged foot, and automobile traffic, and even prolonged exposure to the forces of the elements. Fortunately, first-rate concrete Colorado Springs services will be exactly what you require to effectively resolve all these issues in a markedly hassle-free manner. At the same time, improper installation can as well contribute much to the premature degradation of concrete. Once again, quality concrete repair solutions can be just what you need to preempt this concern. These essential services will prove to be a practical and cost-effective means of upholding the structural integrity and aesthetical appeal of concrete installations for longer. Experienced concrete repair contractors are, at all times, in the know of all the industry-recognized best practices in troubleshooting disrepair challenges with concrete. When all is said and done, they always will be in a good position to effectually resolving the underlying issues behind the exact disrepair problem you might be the encounter with your concrete structures Professional concrete contractors take great pride in its unparalleled capabilities to deliver top-notch concrete repair solutions to all clients who request for them. These establishments have to be in the concrete repair business for a relatively long period of time now. As such, expert concrete contractors always have a solid reputation for excellence in the provision of quality concrete repair services. To this end, these businesses have managed to help many homeowners execute first-rate repairs on their old concrete installations. It goes without saying all these past customers were suitably impressed with their unrivaled prowess to deliver truly professional concrete repair solutions. Professional concrete contractors always go the extra mile to make sure all property owners who have recourse to their concrete repair services are happy and content. So, you can rest assured that they will always move heaven and earth to make sure you are perfectly satisfied with our outstanding concrete repair solutions. These concrete repair specialists have to be highly privileged to do as much to many other homeowners in this part of Colorado, and your own case won’t be any different. Above all things, they derive much satisfaction in delivering maximum customer satisfaction in their concrete repair services all the time. This definitely means they got what it takes to furnish you with the finest concrete repair solutions in Colorado Springs. You can never go wrong by giving their value-added concrete repair services a try today! With that said, let us now briefly take a look at some of the most common concrete repair solutions you could settle for. Concrete piers: This is the more traditional concrete contractors Colorado Springs solution for dealing with disrepair issues with concrete structures. Concrete piers are designed to efficiently address structural unsoundness troubles in concrete slabs, mostly notably concrete foundations. As such, there are 2 major sorts of concrete piers, which you might look into. These are the poured piers and the pressed piers. The first solution uses poured in place concrete to resolve structural integrity problems in concrete slabs. On the other hand, pressed concrete piers utilize concrete pilings that are driven deep into the ground around the perimeter of the structurally compromised concrete slabs. Mudjacking and foam jacking: Mudjacking otherwise known as slab jacking is yet another efficient concrete repair solution you would like to give a try if you ever encounter challenges with your concrete installations. Generally speaking, mud jacking is designed to resolve settlement and sinking in concrete structures, particularly on slab concrete, hence the name ‘slab jacking.’ This concrete repair process involves pumping a grout mixture under pressure beneath the undermined concrete slab. Once this has been accomplished, the grout mixture will then fill in the voids below the concrete slab, and, in the long run, lift it to its original height. On the other hand, foam jacking is yet another concrete repair solution you might like to give a try if you experience challenges with your concrete installations. Just as with slab jacking, foam jacking sets to work by raising sunken or settled spots on concrete slabs. The only major difference between these two solutions is foam jacking makes use of high-density polyurethane compounds as opposed to the mixture of grout used in mud jacking. Concrete resurfacing: This is yet another efficient concrete repair solution you can opt for when you experience issues with your concrete structures. Concrete resurfacing is specifically designed to hide the superficial flaws on old and worn out concrete slabs. Typically, It entails removing the top surface of a concrete slab and then overlaying a brand new surface in its place. The old concrete structure is not eliminated and usually serves as a stable base for the new surface. This concrete repair process can conveniently revitalize your old concrete in an infinitely convenient and stress-free way. Concrete caulking: This yet another invaluable concrete repair procedure that is highly renowned for substantially boosting the visual appeal of concrete driveways, which have been subjected to mud jacking or foam jacking. In essence, when done right, it will result in a driveway that is smooth and devoid of any signs or flaws of previous damage. To which end, it can effortlessly conceal unsightly bumpy cracks, and even minimize the probabilities of grass or weeds sprouting on your driveway. There are several key tools, which concrete contractors have recourse to when performing driveway caulking. To begin with, they always ensure they utilize heavy-duty water-resistant caulk products. In essence, the most popular variety of these products is polyurethane caulk. Ideally, polyurethane caulks are divided into 2 different solutions, which are the self-leveling as well and non-sag types. Depending on the exact condition of your driveway, these expert contractors will choose the most suitable variety. Moreover, they will need the services of a caulk gun, to drive the caulk into the cracks in a hassle-free manner. Read Also: Tekmetric: Auto Repair Software and So Much More Top 10 Signs You Might Need Auto Repair Services