How Cold Weather Affects the Cancer Patients


05 December 2020

Health & Fitness

Cancer Patients

As the weather once again turns colder, most of us are thinking of ways to keep ourselves warm. Whether it is warm clothes, fixing up the furnace in your home, or something entirely else, we all appreciate the warmth and the need to keep warm.

Cancer patients are among the most sensitive people, which is why it is natural to wonder whether the cold affects them in any particular way. We reached out to cancer treatment researchers at Odonate Therapeutics to learn a bit more.

Why cancer Patients Are Sensitive?

In order to understand why people combating cancer may be more susceptible to external influences, cold temperatures included, it is helpful to remember what cancer treatment involves.

The standard fare treatment for cancer is chemotherapy which is often complemented with radiation treatment. That means that their immune systems are quite strained as it is and should not be pushed further.

Hypothermia Is a Real Risk

Cancer treatment can have many side effects, which include anemia and dehydration, among other things. These two conditions in particular make the organism far less capable of combating the cold.

In essence, that means that a cancer patient may be less capable of maintaining body heat. Fortunately, there is one simple way to ensure that cancer patients are safe from the negative effects of the colder weather – keeping them warm.

This includes making sure they are properly dressed for the weather, as well as that their homes are nice and warm when they return from their treatment sessions.

Frostbites Can Also Occur

Whereas most people would be aware of the cold because their body will naturally tell them, some cancer patients may be denied that. Certain cancer medications may cause what is known as peripheral neuropathy. This neuropathy affects the digits and can spread to affect hands and feet.

Without being able to tell how cold you are, you may not react in time and get yourself to warmth. After prolonged exposure to cold, the skin and the tissue underneath can become damaged, causing frostbite.

Neuropathy Can Cause Falls

Apart from damaging the cold receptors, neuropathies can also affect a person’s sense of balance. The unsteadiness can quite easily result in a fall if the person is not tended to carefully. Even though falls can affect anyone, and cause quite a lot of pain, they can be particularly nasty to some cancer patients.

More specifically, leukemia patients who have low platelet levels in their blood. This component of blood helps the wounds heal by creating clots. Cancer patients whose platelet levels are low cannot heal wounds properly, making even smaller injuries potentially dangerous.

Cold Weather Ushers the Flu Season

Seasonal illnesses such as the flu and the common cold typically spike with the colder weather. Most people stay indoors, they interact with other people and can easily get ill.

Cancer patients can be quite susceptible to those types of illnesses because their immune system is suppressed by the medication and can be completely destroyed by radiation therapy.

Keeping cancer patients from contracting these common diseases can be a struggle, but it is vital.

COVID 19 Complicates Things

No roundup of issues that negatively affect people in 2020 would be complete without the ever-present COVID-19. This illness has affected millions of people across the world and taken quite a few lives.

Due to the nature of the illness, it is most damaging to those who are already fighting another illness. Just like with the flu and the cold, COVID-19 can quickly infect a cancer patient and do a lot of damage.

Cancer patients need to focus on the most important battle in their lives- defeating cancer. They need all the help and the support they can get from their loved ones. Keeping them safe from the cold weather and everything it brings is just another step in their fight for recovery.

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The Truth About Prenatal Fluoride Exposure and IQ

Fluoride first rose in popularity in the mid-20th century when it was discovered that residents living in areas with naturally high levels of fluoride in the water have stronger and healthier teeth than those without the supplement. Subsequent research led to fluoride being added to the water to help strengthen teeth and bones in the general population. Today, it isn’t just in the water, it’s in toothpaste and a variety of other products. Unfortunately, some studies today also suggest that there is a link between fluoride consumption and an increased risk of cancer. It’s worth noting that this research is limited to rats and hasn’t been borne out in human studies yet. In short, don’t give up the fluoride or stop taking your children to a reputable paediatric dentist Sydney yet. Other studies have suggested there could be a link between fluoride consumption during pregnancy and reduced intellectual ability in children. Of course, this is difficult to study effectively. How It’s Studied The study involved assessing the children born over several years in a specific area with at least half of them living in places that added fluoride to their water. At the age of four, the children all undertook IQ tests in accordance with the Wechsler Primary and pre-school intelligence standards. The results of this study showed that women who had higher levels of fluoride during pregnancy had children with lower IQ scores. Although one study cannot be considered conclusive proof, it is enough to raise questions and, when erring on the side of caution, make sure expecting mothers reduce fluoride intake. At least while they are pregnant. The biggest issue for this study and future studies is that it is only one possible reason for the reduction in IQ. Genes, lifestyle, and other factors can also affect the IQ of an unborn child, creating a controlled study to assess the severity of the impact of fluoride is difficult.  Future Steps: As mentioned, this is one study, and more are needed to confirm or expand on the findings. However, if you’re pregnant or thinking of becoming pregnant it is advisable to assess your fluoride consumption and reduce it. The simplest way to do this is to check with your water board. Not all treatment centers add to the water. If you’re in an area that dos you’ll want to invest in a water filter at home. This will remove any fluoride and reduce the potential harm to your unborn child. Of course, you’ll still be exposed to fluoride in toothpaste and other products. But, you can check these ingredients and decide whether you should be using them or not. At the moment, the studies are too small and too vague to confirm the role of fluoride in IQ. This means there are not yet guidelines regarding the safe amount of fluoride that can be consumed daily. In other words, you’ll have to check the products you’re using and decide whether to have them or not, based on their fluoride content. Read Also: Is It Healthier To Have Dentures?7 Health Tips For Medical StudentsHow To Help Sensitive Teeth After Whitening?Creating Health Advice Resources? Foreign Language Versions Are Essential

Non-Alcoholic Drinks

How To Quit Alcohol: Consider Non-Alcoholic Drinks

Some people perceive drinking alcohol as fun. They, therefore, indulge in it without knowing its harmful effects when overly consumed. So, if you are overdoing alcohol, it is essential to change the habit before it’s too late to Quit Alcohol. Fortunately, there are other options you can choose to replace alcohol. One of the best drinks is Seedlip Spice. It’s a perfectly distilled spirit but non-alcoholic. Your agenda is to avoid alcoholic drinks. It does mean you stop having fun. However, for you to enjoy a non-alcoholic drink, you have to quit the alcoholic drinks. Besides, how do you mix the two? A nonalcoholic drink allows even a pregnant mother to enjoy some drinks during a baby shower as the rest of you do. So, here are ways to quit alcoholic drinks. Be willing: You have to decide to stop alcohol intake. If it doesn't come from you, you'll never quit. Involve your family. Ask them to pour you a glass of Seedlip Spice as they pour theirs. Once you involve your family, they will ensure you succeed in quitting alcohol. Avoid bad company: There is one person who influenced you to drink alcohol. Avoid the person until you are sure you can stand the company without taking alcohol. Otherwise, temptations of taking alcohol are as high before you completely recover. Gradually stop taking alcohol: As much as you are willing to stop alcohol intake, being an addict can stop you from it. Besides, sudden withdrawal may cause more harm than good. The point is quitting alcohol without the need to attend a rehabilitation center. So, choose the days you’ll be taking alcohol and which not. Gradually reduce the days until you completely recover. Identify the need to quit alcohol: Why are you quitting alcohol? Does it have any health effects? If alcohol has made you an irresponsible father or mother, then you need to quit. Identify what alcohol addiction has caused your family because your family is more important to even think of destroying it with excessive alcohol consumption. Identify the benefits of quitting alcohol: If you quit alcohol, what will change, how will you benefit? If the benefits outweigh the disadvantages, quit alcohol. When you quit alcohol, sleep patterns are restored, you enjoy a better life, and you can have a meaningful conversation with your friends. So, why not quit? Reward yourself: Once you take a step towards quitting alcohol, you move a step closer to its success of it. Therefore, reward yourself with a bottle of Seedlip Spice or a trip to Hawaii, which depends on the budget you have. The point is, reward your bold steps toward quitting alcohol. Influence your friends: Once you can avoid alcohol even among your friends, try to introduce them to nonalcoholic drinks. Otherwise, you will remain without a friend. Quitting alcohol shouldn't lead you to lose friends, not unless they are a terrible influence. But, if there is a chance to change their views about alcohol, try and influence them. Quitting alcohol shouldn’t be boring primarily if you have a non-alcoholic drink to replace it. Take one step at a time and don’t overwhelm yourself. Read Also: The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Non-Alcoholic Spirits 3 Alcohol Prevention Tips To Kick Your Old Drinking Habits To The Curb Am I Drinking Too Much? 5 Subtle Signs You Are (Even If You Don’t Think So)

Delta 10 Flowers

Is It A Good Idea To Buy Delta 10 Flowers From The Sale

Is Delta 10 the new revolution in cannabis products? If you have been exploring online, you must have encountered these products floating around. These are among the most sought-after cannabis products in the market due to their distinctive characteristics. As more states legalize it for various uses, more people are looking to buy delta 10 flower for sale as an alternative to traditional forms of marijuana. This product is becoming popular among many users with its purported more potent effects and smoother taste. In this blog post, we will look at the advantages of buying Delta 10 from the store sale versus other alternatives available today so you can make an informed decision when purchasing cannabis products. Here Are Seven Reasons Why It Is A Good Idea To Buy Delta 10 Flowers On Sale: 1. High potency: When buying Delta 10 flowers, looking for high potency is essential to maximize your experience. Fortunately, you can find just that when shopping for the sale. High power is crucial, allowing for a more potent and noticeable effect. That said, it is essential to note that potency levels can vary from product to product. Thus, finding a trusted and reliable source can ensure quality and consistency. Whether you're a seasoned consumer or a newbie, purchasing these from the sale can guarantee a satisfying experience. So take advantage of the incredible deals and treat yourself to a high-quality product. 2. Unique effects: Delta 10 flowers have been making waves in the cannabis industry for their unique effects, and rightfully so. They boast a well-rounded cannabinoid profile that offers a smoother experience than other strains. Delta 10 THC is regarded as an option over Delta 9 THC and is gaining popularity amongst users looking to experience a balanced high. Buying these from a sale is an excellent idea because it lets you get your hands on these sought-after buds at a discounted price. With its complex cannabinoid profile, it is an intriguing strain worth trying if you want something new to add to your collection. 3. Versatility: These are incredibly versatile, making them an excellent investment for anyone in the cannabis industry. These buds offer a well-rounded experience that can be enjoyed in numerous ways. Whether you prefer smoking, vaping, or even cooking with cannabis, Delta 10 flowers provide an exceptional taste and aroma that work perfectly in any application. Buying them during a sale is a perfect idea because it saves you money while benefiting from their broad range of uses. From unwinding after a long day at work to getting creative in the kitchen, Delta 10 flowers are an excellent choice for anyone looking for a high-quality cannabis product. However, it is essential to know everything about cannabis before buying it. 4. Flavorful terpenes profile: If you've been looking for a quality cannabis product, buying Delta 10 flowers from a sale may be the way to go. Its unique and diverse terpenes profile sets it apart from other compounds, lending itself wonderful flavor and aroma. Terpenes are a crucial component of cannabis, producing the distinctive scents and flavors we all know and love. With Delta 10, you can expect a variety of terpenes that engage your senses, adding an extra level of enjoyment to your experience. Also, it is a relatively new compound on the market, making it an intriguing option. So why take advantage of a sale and explore the fascinating and flavorful world of Delta 10? 5. Consistency: When it comes to purchasing Delta 10 flowers, consistency is critical. This is why taking advantage of sales and buying in bulk is a great idea, ensuring a steady supply of high-quality buds. Maintaining consistency in the potency and effects of these products is crucial for those seeking a reliable and enjoyable experience. The flowers should be well-grown, properly cured, and free from contaminants. By purchasing during a sale, you can feel confident in the quality of your Delta 10 flowers at a price that won't break the bank. 6. Quality relaxation: If you’re looking for a relaxing experience, Delta 10 flowers may be just what you need. These flowers are becoming increasingly popular due to their unique effects on the body. It is a form of THC found naturally in cannabis plants. It might provide a gentle potent experience and deliver a sense of relaxation and calmness that users search for in their cannabis products. By purchasing these on sale, you can enjoy the benefits of this strain without breaking the bank. So why not indulge in some quality relaxation and give Delta 10 Flowers a try? 7. Price: They have recently become popular with cannabis enthusiasts due to their ability to provide a unique experience. While their rising demand may have led to higher prices in certain places, the current sale of Delta 10 Flowers offers an opportunity for customers to obtain high-quality cannabis at a much more affordable cost. It is vital to understand the effects of cannabis on the body before purchasing it in bulk. This sale proves the value of purchasing it and allows individuals to experience its unique effects cost-efficiently. Plus, with numerous strains available, customers can select the perfect one to meet their needs, whether for relaxation or energy. Ultimately, purchasing these in the sale will provide customers with a satisfying and cost-effective experience. Conclusion: It is up to you to decide if Delta 10 flowers are worth the purchase. They may offer unique benefits not available in other cannabis compounds, but more research needs to be done on this relatively new cannabinoid. Suppose you’re looking for a potentially safer, low-THC option while adding some kick to your cannabis experience. In that case, it might be the right choice for you – check with your local dispensary or online store first to see what available products are. And remember, as with all marijuana use, it’s essential to practice safe consumption and follow applicable laws in your area. Do your research and talk with professionals if necessary to make an informed decision that creates a positive experience for yourself or your loved ones. Read Also: Things To Consider While Buying CBD Gummies Online 6 Things To Know About Delta 9 THC Before Trying It Delta 8 Vs Delta 9: What’s The Difference?