5 Important Things You Did Not Know About Hemp Oils

Published on: 15 December 2020 Last Updated on: 06 June 2021
Hemp Oils

Are you someone who is investigating the potential benefits of hemp oil and do not know where to start?

Do you know Hemp Oil is different from CBD Oil, which can also be extracted from the Marijuana plant and has THC content?

Have you looked at some products made from Hemp Oil, which can help you with inducing natural sleep, joints pain, etc.?

In the past few years, a number of leading research articles and studies have been published in reputed science journals on the benefits of Hemp Oil. Just to be clear, Hemp Oil is made from the Hemp plant. Unlike CBD Oils, which can be made from the marijuana plant and have a high THC Content (THC is the element, which makes one feel high).

In other words, CBD oil can be extracted from both-

  • The Hemp Plant
  • The Marijuana Plant

In this article, we are going to look at five important things you did not know about Hemp Oils. We speak to leading brands experimenting and creating products with Hemp oil in Colorado and ask them to shed some light on the matter.

List of 5 Important Things you did not know about Hemp Oils

Hemp Oils

1. Hemp Oils do not have any THC Levels in them-

Hemp oils are derived from the Hemp Plant. This is also called CBD Oil. However, a lot of people confuse CBD Oils with being derived from the marijuana plant. The same contains THC levels and is responsible for making someone feel high. Hemp Oil on the other hand does not have any traces of THC in it. In scientific parlance, there are no psychoactive substances in it.

2. Hemp Oils are packed with Nutrients-

Scientific studies on Hemp have shown the presence of the following nutrients-

  • Proteins
  • Unsaturated Fatty Acids
  • Omega 3s
  • Omega 6s
  • Insoluble Fibres
  • Vitamin E Antioxidants

In other words, they are packed to the rafters with nutrients, minerals, and proteins, which are great for human beings.

3. Scientific studies have proven their efficacy in fighting diseases-

A number of leading research firms and pharma companies have published reports to show that using hemp oils has reduced and prevented heart disorders and other cardiovascular illnesses from taking place. They also point out that applying hemp oil to our external skin helps it glow in a natural manner. Studies also show its role in fighting autoimmune illnesses.

4. Great for Women’s Reproductive Health-

Women who suffer from PMS, Menopause-related disorders, and hormonal imbalances before, during, and after childbirth can benefit from hemp oils. As it is richly packed with proteins and has been shown to positively react against hormonal imbalance, it is proving to be a boon for women in improving their reproductive health issues.

5. Can be taken by Vegans-

As most are aware, seafood is a great and active source of Omega 3s and 6s. However, the same is not possible for vegans and this makes them lose out on the multiple benefits of Omega. Hemp oil has rich elements of Omega 3s and 6s and can be taken by vegans without any issues whatsoever. They do not have to worry about it being an animal-derived supplement.

Is it Legal to use Hemp Oil and Products?

Many of you reading the article might be wondering about the legal status of Hemp Oil in different parts of the world. To be honest, lawmakers are still trying to figure out the actual details. However, most importantly, what you should know is that the legality concerns THC levels. If a CBD or Hemp-based product contains 0.3% or lower THC content, it is absolutely legal to use. However, if the percentage of THC in the product increases beyond the permissible 0.3% then it falls under the psychotropic substances list.

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Ear Health

Important Habits to Protect Your Ear Health and Hearing

Hearing loss isn't always something that can be prevented. Sometimes loss of hearing is just something that happens as you get older. But in an increasingly loud and busy world, hearing loss might be caused early or worsened by the environment around you. And once you're hearing is gone, it can be gone for good. Can you imagine life without being able to hear? It's a scary thought for many and should be. And yet, very few of us take the proper precautions in protecting our ears and our hearing. That changes now. If you're committed to the concept of ear health and protecting your hearing, read on. We'll discuss several ways to help ensure that your hearing stays strong and true for many years to come. The Case For Earplugs : You likely rolled your eyes back in your youth when your parents advised you to wear earplugs to that rock and roll concert. But they were on to something. Approximately 15% of Americans lose hearing as a result of too-loud work or leisure environments. If you work or spend lots of time in an environment where the sound level forces you to shout to be able to communicate, it's likely that the sound levels there are dangerously high. This loudness could be due to a concert or club, or even more often, due to some form of loud and consistent machinery. If you know that you spend many hours around this kind of noise level, you should absolutely invest in a good pair of earplugs. Earplugs are easy to obtain, generally affordable, and can even be made individualized for your ears upon request. They can dampen the level of sound coming in from your environment by a significant margin, helping to curb the possible loss of hearing. Keep The Volume Low : According to the World Health Organization, over a billion people each year are at risk of hearing loss due to the unsafe use of audio devices. Earbuds, like the popular headphones designed by Apple, are especially dangerous for ear health as they fit directly into the eardrum. If you're a music lover, you probably spend a lot of time listening to music on headphones. If you care about the health of your ears, though, you should make an effort to keep the volume at a lower level. Doctors recommend a philosophy they've dubbed the 60/60 rule. The rule is a recommendation that you listen to music through headphones at 60% volume for less than 60 minutes a day for the benefit of your hearing. Even when not listening to headphones, you should aim to keep music played at a normal level to ensure long-lasting ear health. Avoid Cotton Swabs : One of the most common items in any household bathroom cabinet is a jar of cotton swabs. These little tools have been used by people to clean out ear wax for years and years, but it's only more recently that their nefarious reputation has begun to reach the public. It actually turns out that a little wax in the ears is both healthy and normal. Ears are self-cleaning organs and the wax in your ears actually serves to prevent dust and other particles from entering your eardrum. If you do have excess wax, it is not advisable that you use a cotton swab. You can very easily damage your eardrum by using a cotton swab. Instead, considering using a damp towel to gently clean around the canal. There are also various ear wax solutions that are available in stores. These are applied to the ears overnight and can help to dissolve and soften ear wax so that it can flow out of the inner ear on its own. Keep Your Ears Dry : Another frequent cause of ear damage is extra moisture. Excess moisture can allow bacteria to enter the ear canal and cause serious problems, such as a swimmer's ear or other infections. Following swims at the pool or beach, showers or baths, or any other water-related activity, you should be sure to gently towel-dry your ears. If you can feel the moisture in your ear following swimming or bathing, tilt your head to the side and tug lightly on your eardrum to help water drain out. There are also specially designed swimmer's earplugs available on the market, which can help prevent water from entering your eardrum during a swim. They work great for any age, kids or adults, and can be individually fitted for your ear by a licensed physician. Consider Getting Regular Check-Ups : Especially as you get older, you should ask your physician to incorporate hearing screenings into your regular checkups. Hearing loss doesn't happen in a flash of light, it is a very gradual process. It's recommended, then, that you have yearly consultations with a hearing healthcare professional, who can recognize the signs of hearing loss while it is still in the early stages. Taking action against hearing loss is important, as is discussing it with your doctor. Loss of hearing has been linked to other health concerns such as depression, dementia, and heart disease. Establishing a relationship with your doctor in regards to ear health early on can contribute to better overall health later on. If you do find yourself losing hearing, you should ensure to invest in a proper hearing aid. With all the advances in rechargeable hearing aids over the past few years, they now serve people with hearing impairment much better.  A well-designed hearing aid can help improve the quality of life for someone who has lost hearing and can stave off the other health issues previously mentioned. If you're interested in the best hearing aids on the market, you can learn more here. Read Also : 5 Dental Hygiene Tips For A Healthier Smile Essential Health Benefits Of Coconut Oil Must-Have Appliances For A Healthier Life

Connect with nature

3 Ways to Connect With Nature and Quiet Your Mind

Living near nature can help women live longer, with women in the greenest areas living as much as 12 percent longer than women who live in more built-up areas. You need to connect with nature to stay fit and healthy. Although male mortality rates do not show as much of a clear link, making time to connect with nature has many positive health benefits for both men and women. In fact, a range of studies have shown that regular contact with nature can improve everything from pain control to eyesight, as well as reduced stress levels and less anxiety. But, that's not to say that we all have to move to the countryside to take advantage of these health benefits. Simply making time to connect with whatever natural surroundings you live close to is enough to refresh your mind and improve your health and well-being. Here are three ways to connect with nature and quieten your mind. 1. Create Time Alone in Nature : It's great to experience the beauty of nature in the company of friends or family. But, when we're with other people, we tend to talk. This may be because we worry about what the people we're with think of us. Or we might just feel the need to fill the silence with chatter. However, the best way to connect with nature is by experiencing it alone. Being alone in nature allows us to focus on what we can hear, see and feel in these natural surroundings. Whether it's blades of grass between our fingers or the rush of water from a nearby river, you'll become much more aware of what's around you. So, if you go for a hike with friends, ask for an hour by yourself. Or head to the park or even out into your garden and emerge yourself in the sensory experience that nature offers. Other than hiking, traveling different beautiful locations is always a great way to behold the true beauty of nature and fall in love with it all over again and again. If you have the love for travel, you should consider traveling as much as you can and plan to visit some of the most naturally beautiful countries in the world. Some naturally beautiful places include the fjords of Norway, the Greek Islands, Islands of Maldives,  Switzerland, Kashmir in India, Nepal and so on. 2. Find Your Special Spot : You'll find that as you spend more time in nature, especially alone, you'll start finding special places that you're drawn to. It could be a tree you like to lean against when you visit your local park, or the rocks you often sit on to watch the ocean waves crashing on the shore. Wherever you feel most connected to nature, take the time to really get to know it. Go there in the heat of summer and the midst of winter, know it by day and by night. Noticing the small changes in nature as well as the contrasts between seasons helps you put things in perspective as you become more aware of how you are a part of something bigger than yourself. 3. Sleep Outdoors : Since Americans spend around 93 percent of their time indoors, it's important to actively seek out ways to experience longer periods immersed in nature. There's no better way to get in touch with nature than by waking up to a stunning sunrise, the sounds of birdsong and the smell of fresh morning dew. It certainly beats your alarm clock! Make Time to Connect with Nature : Whether you live in an urban area or in the middle of the countryside, it's important for your mental and physical health to take time out to connect with nature. Do you feel that you spend enough time in nature? Let us know your thoughts by commenting below, or contact us for more information. Read Also : 5 Ways You Can Be Inhibiting Your Fitness Top 10 Muscle And Strength Building Exercise At Home Choosing A Diet Based On Your Personality Type

Releasing Stress

Releasing Stress Even if You Don’t Leave Home

You don’t need to go elsewhere if you feel like you want to release stress. At home, you can do things to help you forget what stresses you out. Don’t let stress consume you. It is possible to suffer from illnesses because you can’t manage your stress levels. These are great ideas you can do now. Meditate: Meditation helps in releasing anxiety. You need a few minutes of meditation each day to clear your thoughts. Several things consume your mind, both positive and negative. When you meditate, you forget all of them, and you start over again. It is quite simple to meditate as there are different strategies to follow. The easiest one is to sit with both of your feet on the floor. You may also walk around focusing only on your steps, and not on anything else. It might be difficult to concentrate at first, but once you get the hang of it, you will love regular meditation. Reach out: You don't need to bear your cross alone. Some people can help you deal with your problem. Reach out to them via social media. Give them a call if need be. Let them know that you have a problem, and ask if they are willing to listen. Talking to them allows you to have a better perspective on life. Real friends will be there for you. It is not even a requirement for them to tell you what to do. Having someone listen to you when you are down is sometimes enough. Try to decompress: You can put a warm heat wrap on your shoulder or neck area. Let the wrap stay there for about 10 minutes and then shut your eyes and rest for some time. After 10 minutes, take off the wrap and massage the area. Do it at least once a day to stop tension in your body. Watch funny shows: As always, laughter is the best medicine, and when you feel stressed, laughter helps a lot. Check your favorite TV shows. You might be missing out on the latest episodes, and now is your chance to catch up. If you don't want to watch TV shows, find other ways to lighten your mood. Chatting with someone who can give you a smile is also a great idea. Clean up: Some people hate cleaning the house, but for others, it is a way of releasing stress. Perhaps, it will help if you spend time cleaning up your place. Aside from enabling you to relax, it also keeps your surroundings clean. You can even feel more relaxed if you have a lovely environment. Shop online: Take time to shop without leaving home. There are a lot of online stores for you to purchase almost anything you want. If you need new furniture at home, you can check out furniture on credit online. Compare the choices and find something that fits your home perfectly. Shopping is therapeutic, and if you are a shopaholic, you need a few minutes of shopping time in your life. The goal is to help you deal with stress. It does not require you to leave home to relax. With these activities you can do at home, you can soon say goodbye to stress. Read Also: Unhealthy And Healthy Solutions For Coping With Stress Bed Time Yoga To Sleep Well