How To Select The Best Catering Service For Your Next Corporate Conference Event?

Published on: 11 December 2020 Last Updated on: 06 September 2021
Corporate Conference
  • Have you been given the responsibility of planning the next corporate conference or event for your company?
  • Do you know how you can choose the best catering service that will win over your co-workers, bosses, and industry colleagues?
  • Are you looking for some tips and tricks, which can help you zero down on the best caterers for your next event?

Corporate Conferences and events can be important milestones for a company’s future. It can be your Annual General Meeting or a Shareholders Meeting, or even something like a Retirement Party for a dear colleague.

However, the important thing to note is that the food should be top-notch at all times. Everyone who attends the conference or the event should leave satisfied after tasting the food being served.

This is why it is so important that you hire the right catering services for your next corporate event. Hire the best one and you are looking at creating a memorable experience for everyone to remember. Hire the wrong one, and your office colleagues will make sure to keep discussing the ‘what went wrongs’ for a very long time!

List of 5 Easy Steps to help you select the best Catering Service for Corporate Conferences

1. Start with In-depth Research and Planning-

When it comes to any corporate event planning, catering is right up there in the first or second positions. It is important to understand the budget, get a sense of what the higher management feels, and then start with finding the right caterers.

During the shortlisting stage, look for small details like the promptness of the catering company when responding to your requests of quotations, sample requests, and references. This will give you a better idea about their professionalism and help in the selection process.

2. Be Sure about the Food from the Start-

Everything that the prospective caterer offers you in terms of food is going to increase the confusion in your head. This is why it is important that you have a set idea of the food, which you can then take to the catering service.

You also need to understand that caterers will suggest food options, which are cost-effective for them, but not for you. It is also important to see whether the caterer is taking interest in knowing about your company, its culture, and then making suggestions.

3. Food, Beverage Options, and Service-

We often have this misconception about catering being all about the food. What we tend to forget is that it also involves beverages and the overall service experience. This means that the choice of beverages, how good they are or not also matters when choosing the right caterer.

Corporate event catering should always take into account the level of service, which is being offered. Smartly dressed catering professionals, polite behavior, and a calm demeanor are what you should look at. Trust us, these things make a lot of difference.

4. The Experience of the Catering Company-

When it comes to corporate catering, the experience matters a lot. This is because the inherent nature of the catering experience in a corporate setting is radically different from the one at a wedding, or a birthday party.

It is important that you see the number of years of experience the catering service has. You can also ask them specifically for the kind of corporate events they have serviced to. This will help you get a better idea about whether they will be the right fit or not for your conference.

5. Look for Flexibility in the Catering Service-

Catering Service

There might be times when things do not go according to plan. For example, an announced client walks in with his entourage of five people as the event is going on. If you are seriously sticking to headcounts, this can cause some problems.

This is where a good caterer will be able to help you out. This is what is meant by flexibility in the catering service. These kinds of situations will arise from time to time and you need to be prepared for them. Asking the catering service about such issues in advance will help them and you prepare better for such contingencies.

The Final Word

It is important that you start planning in advance for your next corporate event. The success of the same will depend in a major way on whether or not you have been able to hire the right catering services for the same. By paying attention to the points in the article, you can ensure that you at least have all the boxes checked to help you narrow down your selections for the best catering services.

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Staying Local vs. Expanding Globally

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What Is Channel Management And How Does It Work

What Is Channel Management And How Does It Work?

When you are a manufacturer or the handler of a company, you have to understand that you can not manage all the work yourself, especially the production and the selling on your own. Manufacturing and looking after the production lines is the essential job of a manufacturer. But out of the product sales, the company will make a good profit. If you want to grow your company, you have to concentrate on selling the goods primarily. Here the names of the channel management process are becoming stronger.  Without a successful, efficient channel management process, your business and the products selling both are turning to be hectic jobs. But when you involve channel management software in the system, your sales and marketing work is becoming more simple and more productive. Let’s see first the answer to ‘ what is channel management?’ What Is Channel Management? The manufacturers are looking after the product’s production. After the production of the product, these products are heading towards the market for sales. Channel management is a process where the channel partners look after the product selling and product marketing with a specific channel. Channel management is working as the connecting bridge between the customer and the manufacturing company. The channel partners followed an individual target to sell the product and make the communications between the customer and the manufacturing company. Most of the channel partners are following the contractual bond between the company and them. And they are communicating on behalf of the manufacturer of the company. The channel partners can individually develop any new channel management strategy to improve the marketing plannings. The relationship between customer service and channel management is quite dependable. Customer service is an essential key integral part of the channel management process.  When the channel management partners represent the company brand, the customer care services should be pretty strong and professional as the customers do not lose their faith in the brand. Now we think the channel management definition is clear to you. Now let’s jump into the next phase of the question of the importance of channel management. The channel management example is giving you a better understanding of the topic. Pros Of The Channel Management Process For Running a business, the necessity of a productive channel management process is to help you to grow. The main working area of the channel management process is to streamline all the business and customer communications. This is the reason in the positive channel management process that customer communication is so important. Here are the pros of the channel management process. Take a look at this and plan your successful channel operation module. The Channel management process is looking after the communications between the customers and the manufacturing company. And make a better relationship with good customer care support. Along with good revenue generations, the customer relationships and the bonds are going to be stronger when you are using the successful channel management process. Each channel partner is responsible for streamlining the communications with the customers in the channel. Every channel follows different types of strategy and different types of customer care services. Along with the goal achievements, you will know which module is the best suitable for your business. Techniques and strategies wise, each and every channel is using different techniques. But business protocol remains in the same position. The channel partners are establishing direct communications with the customers of the specific channels. So every time the customers need any specific help, the channel partners are present to provide the customer support. Along with the good customer support, your brand value is also going to increase, and your products are going to reach a good number of customer connections. These are the attractive features of the channel management process. And if you want to grow your business, the first thing you have to do is develop attractive channel connections and develop a good channel process model. How To Boost Your Channel Partners? Boosting your channel partner means you are taking action to grow your business. Successful channel management is the only way by which you can spread your product sales areas. Successful channel management has multiple benefits for your business. The best of all is the manufacturers do not have that much time for customer communications and looking after marketing and sales. But direct recruiting is very costly here. Here is some strategy that you can follow to boost your channel partner’s energy. Excellent cooperative collaboration with the channel managers and schedule data exchange is a regular job to boost the channel partner’s energy. And the meetings and essential training are the compulsory tasks to grow the channel engagement process and improve the communications. Announce the suitable incentive models for your channel partners. And elaborate the model structure in the open seminars. Always give the achievable target and a different target scope with different incentive structures. The target should be on the basis of the experiences and the channel’s nature. So for every channel partner, the target is distant. Seminar meetings are helping you to develop a stronger bond with your channel partners. Always communicate with the partner, and the channel manager should always maintain the communications between channel partners and the company. The company goal and the channel partner’s cooperation are helping you develop a solid and productive channel management system. More you recruit the new channel partner, their different perspectives, and the additional business terms are helping you to make progress and generate a new productive channel management process. Wrapping It Up The channel partners are a great help to spread your business and develop a more productive sales and marketing team. Hence, you are a manufacturing company and do not have time to look after sales and marketing.  Therefore, creating a good channel management process offers the best facility to your customers. What is your opinion about the channel management process? Do not forget to share your opinion with us. More Resources 5 Tips to Improve Your Internet Privacy Why Your Business Needs Call Center Tracking IT Quick Fixes for Your Business During the Crisis by Paul Belogour


Investing In Office Space For Your SME: What To Consider

So, your business is thriving. All the hard work is paying off and you’re starting to reap the benefits – repeat customers, growing workload, increased revenue, so is it time to move out of your 3rd bedroom-turned-office, into a more professional environment? It can be tricky to take the leap as an SME owner – so here are key things to consider when buying or renting office space for your business. Shared or Private Space? There are many options for professional working environments, including the private vs shared space debate. There are pros and cons for each option, so it really is down to how your business operates. If you are currently the only worker or you have 2 to 3 employees, you may benefit best from a co-working environment. This means you will be in a larger office space which other business people are using at the same time. You can take advantage of an office environment with internet allowance, desks, lockable storage units, and telephone systems without having to pay a hefty price tag for private space. Alternatively, if you have a larger amount of staff, or the business you run is highly confidential or sensitive, you may be better off in a private space where you can discuss business freely and openly without worrying about being overheard. There are many serviced offices across the country, with companies such as BE Offices and Prime Office Space offering both shared and private spaces so you are sure to find something to suit your business. Renting or Buying? When looking to set up your first office, you will no doubt deliberate over renting or buying. The rental market is extremely popular as it gives you the flexibility to move on at the end of the lease. So, if your business grows significantly and you need more staff, you can move to a larger space in line with business requirements. This flexibility may also be useful if you decide an alternative location may be better down the line for your business, due to localised demand for products or services. Renting also usually means fewer upfront costs than buying, but you do run the risk of rental values inflating, with a subsequent high impact on your finances. Buying is obviously a huge commitment and requires a larger investment up front. This may be suitable for you if you have a good idea of your long-term business requirements and you know that the property will serve these. This may be the case for businesses requiring large factory spaces, for example. It also gives you the ability to make any changes to the property that you desire –you own it, so you can do what you like to it. Is It Practical? It is also important to consider whether the location is suitable for you and your staff. It is easy to get to via public transport? Does it have sufficient car parking? Finally, always put your Health and Safety hat on and make sure the building abides by current health and safety standards. It may look pretty, but it needs to be a safe place to work with comfortable conditions for you and your staff. Undertake a risk assessment before you move in to highlight any potential issues and implement strategies to mitigate risks. Read Also: Choosing Open Office Space Vs Cubicle Office Space Necessary Spaces To Include In Building Your Office