How To Select The Best Catering Service For Your Next Corporate Conference Event?

Published on: 11 December 2020 Last Updated on: 06 September 2021
Corporate Conference
  • Have you been given the responsibility of planning the next corporate conference or event for your company?
  • Do you know how you can choose the best catering service that will win over your co-workers, bosses, and industry colleagues?
  • Are you looking for some tips and tricks, which can help you zero down on the best caterers for your next event?

Corporate Conferences and events can be important milestones for a company’s future. It can be your Annual General Meeting or a Shareholders Meeting, or even something like a Retirement Party for a dear colleague.

However, the important thing to note is that the food should be top-notch at all times. Everyone who attends the conference or the event should leave satisfied after tasting the food being served.

This is why it is so important that you hire the right catering services for your next corporate event. Hire the best one and you are looking at creating a memorable experience for everyone to remember. Hire the wrong one, and your office colleagues will make sure to keep discussing the ‘what went wrongs’ for a very long time!

List of 5 Easy Steps to help you select the best Catering Service for Corporate Conferences

1. Start with In-depth Research and Planning-

When it comes to any corporate event planning, catering is right up there in the first or second positions. It is important to understand the budget, get a sense of what the higher management feels, and then start with finding the right caterers.

During the shortlisting stage, look for small details like the promptness of the catering company when responding to your requests of quotations, sample requests, and references. This will give you a better idea about their professionalism and help in the selection process.

2. Be Sure about the Food from the Start-

Everything that the prospective caterer offers you in terms of food is going to increase the confusion in your head. This is why it is important that you have a set idea of the food, which you can then take to the catering service.

You also need to understand that caterers will suggest food options, which are cost-effective for them, but not for you. It is also important to see whether the caterer is taking interest in knowing about your company, its culture, and then making suggestions.

3. Food, Beverage Options, and Service-

We often have this misconception about catering being all about the food. What we tend to forget is that it also involves beverages and the overall service experience. This means that the choice of beverages, how good they are or not also matters when choosing the right caterer.

Corporate event catering should always take into account the level of service, which is being offered. Smartly dressed catering professionals, polite behavior, and a calm demeanor are what you should look at. Trust us, these things make a lot of difference.

4. The Experience of the Catering Company-

When it comes to corporate catering, the experience matters a lot. This is because the inherent nature of the catering experience in a corporate setting is radically different from the one at a wedding, or a birthday party.

It is important that you see the number of years of experience the catering service has. You can also ask them specifically for the kind of corporate events they have serviced to. This will help you get a better idea about whether they will be the right fit or not for your conference.

5. Look for Flexibility in the Catering Service-

Catering Service

There might be times when things do not go according to plan. For example, an announced client walks in with his entourage of five people as the event is going on. If you are seriously sticking to headcounts, this can cause some problems.

This is where a good caterer will be able to help you out. This is what is meant by flexibility in the catering service. These kinds of situations will arise from time to time and you need to be prepared for them. Asking the catering service about such issues in advance will help them and you prepare better for such contingencies.

The Final Word

It is important that you start planning in advance for your next corporate event. The success of the same will depend in a major way on whether or not you have been able to hire the right catering services for the same. By paying attention to the points in the article, you can ensure that you at least have all the boxes checked to help you narrow down your selections for the best catering services.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Hiring a Recruiter in the Food and Beverage Industry

A Guide to Hiring a Recruiter in the Food and Beverage Industry

The outbreak of the covid-19 pandemic taught us a lot of things. This is despite the negatives that came with it. For instance, it helped us better understand the concept of essential and non-essential services. Speaking of essential services, the food and beverage industry is important and should always be up and running. This is why these companies need a perfect approach to hiring operational and non-operational staff members. One of the best ways to go about this is engaging the services of a capable beverage and food recruitment company. These professional services consist of staff members that are specially trained to source the right candidates for the food and beverage industry. They also help draw up contracts between employees and their clients. For the most part, the contract details are in the best interest of their clients. Considering the importance of these recruiters in the industry, this article will discuss how to find and hire a good one. This is so that you end up with the right staff and have a good working relationship with the recruiting agency. Tips on How to Hire the Right Food and Beverage Recruitment Company- Hiring the right hands to fill various positions in the food industry is non-negotiable. To make sure this is the case, here are some tips to help you: Years of Active Experience: Frankly, these are one of the service providers that thrive on the experience. For this reason, make sure the agency you end up with has a wealth of experience. This will enable you to check their profile and see if they are up to the task. This is very important considering that you cannot afford to take chances when it comes to hiring the right employees. Helping your H.R Team: Engaging the service of a recruitment agency does not mean you should not have a fully functional HR department. This is because this department is very essential in the food and beverage industry. For instance, this department helps to come up with the right reward system to motivate the staff of the company. Also, they ensure that operational and non-operational staff members undergo the needed training when necessary. If you are interested in finding out more about their responsibilities, you can check here. Well, a good recruitment firm should do more than just helping with the recruitment process. They can help the HR department in some other ways. For instance, this might be about suggesting training and resource persons that can handle the training. The Required Area of Core Competence: The truth is that experience is not all it takes to hire the right recruitment agency. You also have to be certain the engaged service provider is good at supplying the kind of staff members you need. This is why you should know their area of core competence before bringing them on board. For instance, if your company is into the production of organic food items, you should make sure the agency has a good history of supplying the right kind of candidates to such companies. The point is that it is not enough to hire a random recruitment agency. Be sure that they understand the responsibilities of the employees that you need and can deliver to expectations. Good with Paperwork:   The job of a recruitment agency is not only to identify and refer the right candidate. They also need to be good at coming up with paperwork in the best interest of their clients. While the contract details should not be geared towards extorting the candidates, it should favor the clients. For instance, there should be a clause that protects the clients from employees abruptly resigning. This is so that the essential service of the company is not affected adversely in any way or brought to a standstill. Good at Identifying Red Flags: Many recruiting experts and human resource personnel have come to understand that all that glitter is not gold. This is because some unworthy candidates are good at making everything look perfect to recruiters that are not quite observant. It is for this reason that you should deal with a recruiting agency that can identify red flags on time. For instance, a highly qualified candidate that has changed jobs very often should be properly drilled. This is to be certain that your company will not experience the same fate with such a candidate. To find out some more red flags your recruiter should be able to notice, you can watch: Conclusion: For us, ending up with the right employees in the food and beverage industry starts with hiring the right recruitment agency. We have shared tips on how you can end up with the right recruiting firm in this article and hope that you make informed decisions from now on. Read Also: How to Choose the Right Commercial Collection Agency