The use of credit cards has tremendously increased in recent years. Apart from providing credit usage to its customers, a credit card is a must to have possession in the financial market due to the ever-increasing prices. Besides providing creditworthiness to your financial profile, it comes with lots of additional perks. If you already have availed a credit card, or on the verge of getting one, it is important to have an understanding of all the benefits that it offers. A credit card can be considered as the most beneficial tool only when you have the capability to pay off the dues. Now make your every purchase through Standard Chartered credit card types that would provide you with better savings. And as you get aware of the key benefits of using credit cards, just pave your way towards making the best use out of it.
Most noteworthy benefits of credit cards:
Credit card perks drive the users to make significant use of their credit cards in order to maintain a good credit score that would yield a better credit history of the cardholder thus increasing his creditworthiness in the financial market. Also, a credit card can be great assistance to your overall travelling expenses, including stay, food and luggage management. Credit card perks are the benefits obtained by its users using its key features effectively. In order to procure the credit card perks, one must be confined to its terms of usage. A credit card offers a requisite margin of perks to its users. Some of them are as below:
5 Credit Card Perks that are Noteworthy:
1. Interest-free credit:
Generally, a specific rate of interest is involved in the credit value of your card. The more the credit value, the higher, is the rate of interest. Thus the interest rates depend on the price of credit. Certain credit cards offer the benefit of availing interest-free credit on the creditworthiness of the users. This implies that the user can enjoy the use of interest-free credit without paying the extra charge in the form of interest on availing whatsoever credit amount for his use.
2. No-cost EMI:
This facility enables the user to purchase goods of his choice without the need for paying interest on EMIs. Thus credit card perk offers an undisputed advantage of availing goods on credit without incurring the extra charges on it. Usually, the rate of interest depends upon the price of the goods procured on credit. Thus credit card perks work well towards removing such inconveniences on the purchase based on price, by enabling the users to buy goods irrespective of the price on no-cost EMI.
3. Reward programs:
One of the significant perks of credit cards is the application of reward programs on credit cards. Rewards on credit cards work wonder on building credit scores. Reward programs mainly consist of the facility of cashback and other perks as per the type of credit card. It provides its users with the opportunity to earn in thousands through reward points or to spend lavishly using those points. Amongst which the benefit of cashback on credit card is the key highlight of the reward program, which provides an opportunity to make double purchases of the same amount using a single reward point.
4. Fraud protection:
Credit card perks act as a shield against various fraudulent incidents that may come across the way of its holders by providing insurance coverage for the loss or damage of the product purchased by using it. Hence providing a carefree usage of the commodity, the credit card perks work efficiently in covering the various losses incurred by the cardholder on the purchases made by using it. This ensures the user a risk-free usage of the credit card by eliminating the fear of risks that may arise in the near future.
5. Warranty extension:
The credit card provides the benefit of extending the warranty period of the respective purchases made through it. You can easily extend your warranty period of the goods by making a purchase by the credit card. This may render a free service of your purchases for an extended period in addition to the existing one, thereby eradicating the future expense that may incur on the grounds of malfunctions. So users are free to make purchases enjoying an extended warranty period, thus removing the extra cost involved in repairing or service of the purchased goods.
The above-mentioned credit card perks are most suitable for frequent users and those who maintain a regular balance. In order to avail of the above benefits using the credit card, the cardholder must make sure to make regular payments of his monthly dues effectively. Otherwise, it would negatively affect your credit scores. You can make effective use of the credit cards by renewing the credit rewards based on your purchasing scale. The more you use your credit scores, the better the facility it would provide you with.
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