7 Ways Criminal Defense Lawyer Can Help You

Published on: 05 August 2022 Last Updated on: 19 May 2023
Criminal Defense Lawyer

A criminal conviction, in essence, is capable of changing your life in an instant. Whether you have been arrested for thievery, driving under the influence, or anything else – your future and freedom will be at stake here. So, who’s going to be your savior?

In a jurisdictional system where it feels like everything’s you, only one individual can protect you against everyone – a criminal defense lawyer. They’ll take care of your psychological health, attempt to unearth the truth, and ensure that you’re getting the best possible outcome for you.

The Role Of A Criminal Defense Lawyer

Role Of A Criminal Defense Lawyer

A criminal defense lawyer, who’s specifically trained to handle a criminal case, can be quite a help in your war against the defendant. Here’s how they can offer their assistance in this aspect.

Responsibility – 1: Investigate The Case.

A professional attorney from The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall will always begin by listening to what you have to say. The situation has been experienced and dealt with by you. So, they’ll talk to you first, ask you about what happened, and note everything down.

While discussing the case with them, you should ensure that you’re telling them the truth. If you lie to them, it’ll be impossible to jot down the story for you and back it up with proper proof. This way, you might end up losing your case if you’re not careful.

Responsibility – 2: Looking At The Police Conduct.

Sometimes, the police might make misconduct while arresting you. It may include violating your constitutional rights, preventing you from gathering the required evidence, etc.

Hence, if something as such happened in your case, it’ll be best for you to tell your attorney all about it. This way, they can pin the case on the office for misconduct and reduce your sentence to some extent. If you’re lucky, you might become a free bird as well.

The legal procedures, which govern a criminal case, can be quite complicated. Hence, unless you’ve studied law or have a clear idea regarding the same, it’ll be nearly impossible for you to take care of everything alone. You may end up getting entangled in a false claim too.

However, a professional criminal defense lawyer will have a proper idea of how criminal law works in the state where you live. Hence, with them, it’ll be easier for you to tackle the case and avoid any kind of dodgy situation accordingly. They can also protect you from violation of your rights. Moreover, if you’re in need of a criminal defense lawyer, consider the exceptional legal services of Greg Brodsky who offers top-notch legal services to clients in need of expert representation, and you can learn more about his services by visiting gregbrodsky.ca.

Responsibility – 4: Developing The Right Defense Theory.

If you’re tackling a defense case, you have to create a storyline for your own sake. And, it has to be believable, backed with the right sort of evidence. Even if a minor aspect looks a bit out of place, you’ll get arrested and convicted for the same. There are no two ways about it.

An attorney, on the other hand, will look at your case thoroughly and start creating a defense theory from the beginning. Apart from that, they’ll also investigate everything and collect the right information needed to keep the storyline intact. So, there won’t be any loopholes at all.

Responsibility – 5: Supporting You At The Trial.

Your attorney is going to your voice in the courtroom.

And, they’re also going to work on your behalf against the jury and try to convince them of your innocence. Additionally, they’ll also object to any kind of improper testimony and evidence the defendant is throwing at you. Besides, their role will also include –

  • Examine and cross-examine your and the opponent’s witnesses.
  • Present your defense case to the jury.
  • Offer supportive evidence regarding your case.
  • Select and eliminate a jury member or two.
  • Provide whatever evidence you have regarding your case to prove your innocence.

Furthermore, an attorney will also teach you how to dress and talk in the courtroom. Hence, even if you’re inexperienced, you’ll be ready for everything when the time is right.

Responsibility – 6: Bridging The Gap Between You And Your Family.

If you’ve been arrested by the police due to committing a crime, it’ll be nearly impossible to see your family even once. This, in turn, can increase the sense of tension within them. And, in some cases, they might become restless and end up doing something wrong as a whole too.

However, with an attorney, you wouldn’t have to worry about it anymore. With their sense of judgment and experience, they’ll take out the time to meet them and offer insights about you. It will ease up their anxiety and you’ll get to know how they’re doing as well.

Responsibility – 7: Negotiate If Needed.

Before the case goes to court, it usually follows through a specific negotiation procedure. In this aspect, you can talk to the opposing party and come to a proper conclusion.

If you’re the one at fault here, you might have to pay a certain amount of money to the team of the defendant. And, if you’re the one who made the claim, then you can get whatever you are looking for as well. The whole thing will be sorted out by the negotiation procedure.

However, if you’re tackling it alone, the opposing party will surely weasel you out a little on the money department. And, you might not even get what you were looking for in case you don’t have a sweet tongue. So, in this case, a lawyer’s help is needed for you. If you need help from a lawyer, click to find the Top-rated Rockford criminal defense lawyer.

Finalizing It All Up!

When it comes to tackling a criminal case, most people tend to make the same mistake again and again – calling the lawyer at the eleventh hour. But, that’s not how it’s supposed to be.

In fact, you should hire a professional right after you’ve been convicted of a crime. It’ll help you get adequate time to create your case and strategize accordingly. And, with their help, you can also ensure that you’re not making a costly mistake in any way. So, give up on overthinking and hire a criminal defense lawyer today!

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Arnab is a professional blogger, having an enormous interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, He carries out sharing sentient blogs.

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Worker's Compensation Lawyer

Pros & Cons Of Hiring A Worker’s Compensation Lawyer

As you are reading this article, we can assume that you or any of your close ones have encountered an injury at the workplace. If you encounter any accident and get any injury at work, you become eligible for worker's compensation. This program is particularly designed for offering you financial support during the time when you are unable to work and also creating income. When you are filing worker’s compensation benefits, you might be going through a dilemma about whether you should hire a worker’s compensation lawyer or not. Here we must say that both of them have their own benefits and disadvantages. Here, in this article, we will talk about both the pros and cons of hiring a worker’s compensation lawyer for your worker’s compensation case. Pros Of Hiring A Worker’s Compensation Lawyer: In case you are thinking about hiring a worker’s compensation lawyer from the best Law Offices of William F. Underwood, III, P.C., You will be able to get the following benefits. 1. Puts An End To Your case In some cases, the worker’s compensation dispute might take several months or even years. This long duration will always invite more financial problems when you are already losing your wage and carrying a treatment cost. An experienced worker compensation lawyer will be able to handle things with their expertise, and the matter will get resolved efficiently. 2. Shortens The Wait We all are a little aware of the court system and also know how much time it consumes to resolve a matter if we follow the same traditional way without any legal agent or lawyer. As we have mentioned earlier, it will take a long time, especially in case your injury is more serious and you need a huge amount, as your employer’s insurance company will always want to delay the matter. Here, having a lawyer will ensure that you are getting fair compensation as soon as possible. 3. Allows A Lump Sum Payment Often judges feel hesitant when it comes to awarding a lump-sum amount of compensation at the trial. As per that, you might be limited to weekly or monthly payments for a period of a number of months or years. In case you are carrying any major medical treatment, it becomes really difficult to pay for it. On the other hand, when you hire a lawyer, the professional will be able to manage a settlement and get you a considerably huge amount. 4. Eliminates The Risk When you are thinking about an out-of-court settlement, it is really difficult to reach a settlement because both parties do not want to come to an agreement by making smaller compromises. In this case, a lawyer will be able to bring both parties together at a common ground and that too out of court. Because when you are appealing to the court, there will always be a risk that you might come out empty-handed. 5. A Better Negotiation During the settlement proceedings, an attorney can perform the negotiation on your behalf. The insurance company already has an attorney; when you are also hiring a legal professional, your worker’s compensation lawyer will be on equal footing with the other party. When the insurance company gets to know that you have a legal professional to represent you, they will be more willing to respect your rights. Cons Of Hiring A Worker’s Compensation Lawyer Now you know the advantages of hiring a worker’s compensation lawyer. But when you are thinking of hiring one, you also should know the drawbacks that you might be inviting in order to get the good things. So, here are the major disadvantages of hiring an attorney for your worker’s compensation claim. 1. Can Cause Give Up Your Right When you are thinking of hiring a lawyer and getting the amount that you have claimed and willing to take the matter to court, the insurance company does not agree to pay you that. In this case, ending the case with an out-of-court settlement means you are giving up on some particular benefits. There are a lot of insurance companies that come with a clause that when you are receiving a claimed compensation, you will not get worker’s compensation for the same injury. 2. Could Be Really Expensive. Hiring a lawyer means you need to pay them. In order to ensure winning your worker’s compensation claim lawsuit, you must opt for the best one or at least a good one. And good lawyers always charge more. Due to your injury, you are already paying a huge medical bill and also not getting paid enough as you are unable to work for a few days. In this situation affording a lawyer can cost you a lot of your savings, and you might run out of money. FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) When you are going to deal with worker's compensation, it is obvious that you will have a lot of queries and doubts. In order to handle a legal matter, you also need to know the basic and adequate knowledge of the laws. So, here are some questions you might have in your head, along with their answers. Q1: What Are The Disadvantages Of Worker's Compensation? A serious disadvantage of worker’s compensation is that it might discourage the employees from pursuing further employment. Many individuals might feel that to continue getting worker’s compensation payment, they must obtain from working some specific jobs to prove the severity and seriousness of their injuries. To learn more, visit Employment law firm in Miami. Q2: What Are The Pros And Cons Of Worker's Compensation? The pros of Worker’s compensation are; No more litigation. The opportunity to revisit the settlement terms. In exchange for future benefits, recompense. Now let’s look at its cons of it. You might end up with less than you actually deserve. In the future reopening, a case might lead to a lower award. Q3: What Is The Highest Workmans Comp Settlement? Till now, the largest worker’s compensation settlement payment is a $10 million settlement agreement. The case came in March of 2017. Read Also: Injured At Work? Claim Your Compensation! Can an Employee Claim for a Personal Injury When Working From Home?

Claim In A Single Car Accident

Can You File A Claim In A Single Car Accident?

Car accidents can be complex and stressful situations, but what happens when you're involved in a single-car accident? Can you file a claim in such cases? The short answer is yes, you can often file a claim in a single-car accident, but the process and outcome will depend on various factors, including the circumstances of the accident, the type of insurance you have, and the applicable laws in your jurisdiction. Here, we want to explore the ins and outs of filing a claim in a single-car accident. Determining Liability The first step in filing a claim for a single-car accident is to determine liability. Liability refers to who is legally responsible for the accident. In a typical two-car accident, liability is usually assigned to one of the drivers involved. In a single-car accident, you are essentially claiming that your own actions or external factors caused the accident. Liability can be established in various ways: Negligence: If you were negligent in your actions, such as speeding, running a red light, or texting while driving, your own negligence may be the cause of the accident. Mechanical Failure: If a mechanical failure in your vehicle, such as brake failure, caused the accident, you may have a claim against the vehicle manufacturer or a maintenance provider in the form of a product liability claim. Road Conditions: Poor road conditions, such as potholes, poorly marked construction zones, or lack of proper signage, can lead to accidents, and you may have a claim against the responsible government agency. Wildlife or Weather: If an animal darted in front of your car, or adverse weather conditions caused the accident, you may have a claim if it can be shown that you reacted reasonably given the circumstances. Insurance Coverage The ability to file a claim for a single-car accident largely depends on the type of insurance coverage you have. There are several types of insurance coverage that may come into play: Liability Insurance: This covers damages and injuries you cause to others. If you were at fault in a single-car accident, your liability insurance may cover damages to others involved or their property. Comprehensive Insurance: This coverage typically includes damages to your vehicle resulting from non-collision events, such as hitting an animal or damage from natural disasters. If your single-car accident was caused by an event covered by your comprehensive insurance, you may be able to file a claim. Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage: This coverage can apply to a single-car accident if the responsible party is uninsured or underinsured or if you are the victim of a hit-and-run. Gathering Evidence To strengthen your claim in a single-car accident, it's crucial to gather evidence. This may include: Witness Statements: If there were any witnesses to the accident, obtain their contact information and statements about what they observed. Police Report: If the police were called to the scene, a police report will be generated. This report can be valuable in documenting the accident and its cause. Photos and Videos:  Take pictures and videos of the accident spot, including your vehicle’s damage, the road situation, and any relatable traffic signals or road signs. Maintenance Records: If mechanical failure is a potential cause of the accident, provide maintenance records to show that your vehicle was in good working order. Medical Records: If you sustained injuries, keep records of medical treatment and expenses related to the accident. Filing A Claim Once you’ve determined liability and gathered the necessary evidence, it’s time to file a claim with your insurance agency. Be prepared to provide detailed information about the accident, including the date, time, location, and any relevant circumstances. Your insurance company will investigate the claim and, depending on the circumstances, may approve it. Possible Challenges As mentioned by the Chicago car accident lawyers at Smith LaCien LLP,  a claim for a single-car accident can be more challenging than in two-car accidents because there's no other driver's insurance to turn to. You may encounter several challenges: Policy Limitations: Your policy may have limitations on the types of single-car accidents it covers. Read your policy carefully to understand the extent of your coverage. Deductibles: You may have to pay a deductible before your insurance coverage kicks in. Make sure you understand your policy's deductible requirements. Coverage Denial: Insurance companies may deny a claim if they believe the accident was the result of intentional or reckless behavior or if the event is not covered by your policy. Disputes: If your claim is denied or you're unhappy with the insurance company's offer, you may need to engage in negotiations or, in some cases, consider legal action. Legal Considerations If your single-car accident claim is denied, or if you believe you're not being treated fairly by your insurance company, you may need to seek legal counsel. An attorney experienced in personal injury and insurance claims can provide guidance on how to proceed and help you understand your legal rights. Filing a claim in a single-car accident is possible, but the outcome depends on various factors, including liability, insurance coverage, and the circumstances of the accident. If you find yourself in such a situation, it's essential to act promptly, gather evidence, and understand the terms of your insurance policy. Additionally, consider consulting with legal experts to ensure that your rights are protected and that you receive fair compensation for any damages or injuries resulting from the accident. Read Also: Why It’s So Important To Hire A Lawyer After A Fatal Car Accident Car Accidents From Hitting Florida’s Wildlife Car Accidents in California- What Does the Law Say?

Semi-Truck Accident

Have you been in a Semi-Truck Accident? Here Are 4 Reasons You Need to Hire a Lawyer Immediately

Every year there are a half-million accidents that involve semi-trucks. Beyond the damage to cars and vehicles, these accidents can lead to serious injuries and in some cases death. Unfortunately, most insurance companies and trucking companies don’t want to pay enough to victims of these crashes. Without a skilled legal team, all the liable parties could not be held accountable. When you’re interviewing semi-truck accident lawyers, Columbus, Ohio, New York City, New York, and places around the country, they should have incredible legal professionals who can help you get everything you need after an accident. Here’s Why You Should Hire A Semi-Truck Lawyer Immediately: 1. Your Legal Team Can Identify Who is Liable Insurance companies often want to settle right away and for amounts that are far less than what you are owed for a crash. What most people don’t realize, however, is that in a semi-truck crash, there are multiple liable parties. Semi-truck accident lawyers will help you identify if the driver is responsible, the trucking company, the insurance company, the truck manufacturer in the event of equipment failure, or if there is an additional person at-fault. Related Resource: The Most Common Causes of Truck Accidents 2. Semi-Truck Accident Lawyers Can Negotiate With the Semi-Truck Company The last thing you want to deal with after a major crash is negotiating with a semi-truck company. They also have skilled lawyers who know how to defend their interests. And they don’t want to pay any more than they have to. Having a legal team who can do this on your behalf can help alleviate stress and help you recover better after a crash. You can rest up, while your legal team goes to bat getting what you’re entitled to. 3. Lawyers Have Intricate Knowledge of Truck Driving Laws in Your State Did you know that each state has specific laws that truckers must abide by? These laws determine things like where they can drive, how many hours they can be on the road, and what kinds of goods they can haul. If a truck driver were to break one of these laws and were involved in an accident, they could be liable, at least in part, for the crash. Good lawyers will have an in-depth understanding of these laws and how they apply to your case. 4. Legal Professionals Can Help Craft a Strategic Case Holding each party responsible for their part in the accident helps you not only get what you need but also helps if there are additional criminal ramifications. Semi-truck accident lawyers can develop legal strategies that focus on each aspect of the accident. If the roads were dangerous, they can hold government entities accountable. Faulty brake systems mean that the manufacturers can be held responsible. Additionally, they can determine if any of your driving habits would’ve contributed and how much you’re liable for as well. Hire an Experienced Semi-Truck Accident Lawyer Today It's critical to use semi-truck accident lawyers when you’ve been involved in a crash. You need a team who can defend you and your interests and ensure you get appropriate compensation to cover damage to vehicles and medical costs for injuries. Read Also: 5 Different Types of Car Accident Claim 7 Ways Truck Accidents Differ from the Regular Car Crashes Understanding Truck Accidents in Indiana