Why Do Crypto Investors Need To Diversify, Too?

Published on: 07 October 2021 Last Updated on: 13 January 2025
Why Do Crypto Investors Need To Diversify,

We all are quite aware of the phrase, “Never put all your eggs in a single basket.” They say it because in case anything happens with the basket, all your eggs will be wasted. So, instead of putting all your eggs in a single basket, divide them and put them in different baskets.

In case you drop one basket, you will lose a few of the eggs. Still, you will have the others that you have kept in other baskets. This is one of the major and intelligent strategies when it comes to Crypto investments.

As per the experienced Crypto investors, you should diversify your investment amount in different Cryptos in order to get a better return. The reason might be understandable to some of you.

On the other hand, you might think that when Bitcoin is performing really well, it will be an intelligent choice to invest as much as you can particularly in Bitcoin. But experts never recommend that. Here we will discuss “why?”

Why Do Crypto Investors Need To Diversify

The main benefit of diversifying your Crypto investment is protecting them from risk. Yes, it is true that eliminating the risk of Crypto is nearly impossible. But when you diversify your Crypto assets, you are getting benefited from the passive income of stable coins.

This means that you need to be smart about investing in Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin and other cryptocurrencies. Buy Dogecoin in Canada as this is going to be the hottest new thing after Bitcoin and Ethereum in this industry. You are sure to generate a high return on your investment in the near future.

Plus you are also reducing the impact of volatility in a single asset that will affect your portfolio as a whole. So, ultimately it is minimizing the risk of permanent loss, as in case any one of your assets crashes, the rest of your assets will be performing differently at that particular point in time.

So, upto a certain level, you are minimizing your risk factors while diversifying your Crypto investments. As a result, you are increasing your chances of getting more returns over time.

Top Crypto Diversification Strategies

Now, you know why it is always advised to diversify your Crypto investment. Now we will also guide you with the process; that is how. However, crypto genisus is always there for guiding you on Crypto investment.

Knowing these tactics will help you in making firmer decisions on Crypto investments and diversification of your Crypto portfolio.

1. Diversifying By Industry

Just the way you invest in stocks from different sectors for protecting yourself in case one sector takes a hit. You also can apply that strategy here in your Crypto investment. Diversify your investment in Cryptos from different industries.

Here is a list of some of the major industries with considerable Crypto projects.

●  Energy.
●  Supply chain.
●  Medicine.
●  Decentralized finance.
●  Finance.
●  Identity.
●  Data and analytics.
●  AI or Artificial Intelligence.

Regional diversification, which means Crypto projects from different regions of the world, is also an excellent way of diversifying.

2. Diversifying The Type Of Cryptocurrency

There are a huge number of options when it comes to Cryptocurrencies. So, instead of putting all your money in a single Cryptocurrency project, you can diversify your investment in several Cryptocurrencies.

It does not mean you will just select a random coin and invest 20% of your total investment amount there. You have to consider some essential factors for selecting the right Cryptocurrency to invest in.

3. Time Diversification

We hope you get this point from the very name itself. Time diversification implies “investing over time”. You might also have heard the term “dollar-cost averaging,” both of them are the same. Suppose you have $40,000 to invest. Instead of investing the whole amount at once, you can think of investing $1,000 to $4,000 on a monthly basis.

This automatically lowers the risk of having to time perfectly the market for making the best return. Time the market is an effective strategy in the investment sector, but it also comes with its own risk. So, if you want to avoid the risk, you should think of time diversifying.

Diversify Your Crypto Investment

When you are strategizing your Crypto investment and developing a proper planning point-wise, do not forget to include diversification. As we have discussed in this article, it has the potential to offer you higher returns by lowering the investment risks upto a certain level. However, always remember, there is no strategy that will eliminate the risk of Crypto investment.

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Mashum Mollah is the feature writer of Search Engine Magazine and an SEO Analyst at Real Wealth Business. Over the last 3 years, He has successfully developed and implemented online marketing, SEO, and conversion campaigns for 50+ businesses of all sizes. He is the co-founder of Social Media Magazine.

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Retirement Funds

The Best Strategies for Retirement Funds Distribution

Now that you have done an impressive job of accumulating your retirement funds, the next step of figuring a strategic means of distributing those funds with minimal impact on the tax efficiency of the various retirement accounts. However, this is often the hardest part. It involves calculating your retirement resources in a way to determine a smart way to maximize your benefits. Although everyone reserves a unique situation at the point of retirement regarding financial circumstances, needs and goals, there are a couple of strategies that cut across the retirement funds distribution process when planning your strategy. Consider the following few approaches to get you on the right track: Different Ways You Can Make Use Of The Retirement Funds  There are multiple ways you can make use of the retirement funds to develop your financial planning for the future. Work out the strategy that can work well in your favor. Work out the best plans that can help you to lead a stable life in your fifties. 1. Do an inventory Before you can figure out a withdrawal strategy, you must fully understand the available retirement resources so you can exploit them optimally. An inventory will give you a clear picture of the records you need to consider, among them, pension, social security, health savings account, ownership or interests in a business, real estate, FSBO Businesses, among others. All these assets are significant, but you must analyze what it really means and how it can work for you. What this means is that some assets have an income stream, while others do not. For those with an income stream, determine when the income will start coming in, for example, pension. 2. Understand the rules for your retirement assets As enlisted above, the retirement assets differ, and in this case, in the kind of returns, you get. With some items, the benefits of the assets increase every year, up to a certain limit. Consider, for instance, a pension. While you may receive a pension as early as 55 years of age, waiting until 65 can maximize your benefits. Understanding the rules for the assets allows you to make a calculated projection of how the overall retirement resources can benefit you a long while. While some people still work part-time jobs after retirements, the needs of people differ, and depending on what your needs are, with some assets, the longer you wait, the better your results. Remember that the resources need to support a reasonable life expectancy and that each plan is usually different. 3. Strategize your withdrawals The biggest mistake, common among people, is the assumption that they know how much to withdrawal. Fundamentally, the values in your accounts and your age, determine how much you can withdraw. Taking out more funds than you are required to attracts more significant income tax, and if you are not careful in your bulky withdraws, you could easily sacrifice the potential future tax-deferred growth of those funds. While your needs could play a big role in influencing your withdrawals, you must be smart and strategic. For instance, since the government allows you to delay your retirement distributions until around age 70, then that means you have to wait a longer period of time translating to withdraw more money. 4. Use the calendar to your advantage: The time of the year you consider your withdrawals has an often unseen impact on your fund distribution. The idea is to cut down on income tax for your distributions. For example, if you take a distribution on 1st of April, you would need another before 31st December, which would require that you pay income tax on multiple distributions. 5. Consider all accounts In your strategy for retirement funds distribution, you must calculate the required minimum distribution (RMD) for each of the accounts. Considering all your retirement accounts allows you to analyze all the assets you have. Still, you do not have to withdrawal from all accounts. The idea is to ensure that all your withdrawals, whether from one or several accounts, is that the money you take out must meet the overall required distribution. If managing all your accounts gets too overwhelming, consider a Rollover IRA to help you with consolidating your retirement savings. 6. Avoid guesses and calculate Every year has a different economic environment from the previous. You can therefore not assume that your RMD withdrawal amount is the same every year. Depending on the value of your retirement accounts, the year, and your age, you should be able to calculate the changing RMD in comparison with your cash flow needs, so you can determine whether your withdrawals would be enough to meet the requirements. Overall, some of these strategies might be cumbersome and overwhelming for you, particularly with age, and multiple retirement accounts to consider. For this reason, as you consolidate on those strategies, employ some insights from a tax advisor to help you understand the processes. Read Also: How To Become Financially Stable Before Age 30 How To Protect Your Finances While In A Nursing Home

Term Insurance Plan

Everything you Need to Know About Term Insurance Plan Premium

Term insurance plan is a type of insurance policy that offers pure life protection to the family of the insured in case of an uncertain demise of the insured person. This is the most basic kind of insurance policy that you can opt for. The premium amount on the term plan is also the lowest as compared to other life insurance policies. What Is A Term Insurance Policy? The term insurance policy offers life coverage for a specific period of time to the family of the policyholder in case of any eventuality. In case the policyholder expires within the tenure of the policy then the nominees get the sum assured amount. If the policyholder, however, survives all through the term plan and the policy expires then no maturity benefit is offered to the policyholder. The term plan is designed in such a way that it protects the family financially in case of the policy holder’s death. The online term plan is also for a set period of time. There is no wealth creation or investment benefit when you invest in a term plan. Term Insurance Plan Offers an Affordable Premium Rate: The offline/ online term insurance plans offer the lowest premium as compared to the other kinds of insurance policies. This is because the plan has no investment component attached to it and it is pure life protection. So in case, the policyholder expires during the policy term then the nominees will get the benefit. However, the term plan has no survival maturity benefit. This makes the term plan different from the other insurance policies that offer a maturity benefit to the policyholder in case the policyholder survives the entire tenure of the policy. How Is The Premium Of The Online Term Plan Calculated? Term insurance is basically a contract that the policyholder and the insurance company get into. The insurance company agrees to financially protect you and your loved ones in case of any eventuality within the policy term. In return for this security, you pay a premium amount to the insurance company. Having an online term plan is a great idea and should be apart of your financial plan. Life is unpredictable and your family could get into a big financial crunch if you leave them without any financial backup. Thus if you are not financially secure then your family could be in big trouble. If you leave without insurance then you may leave your family in big debt and thus you need to make it a priority to protect your family in every possible way. The term insurance plan is simple and the most economical way in which you can insure your life. The insurance plan lets you to financially secure your loved ones even when you are not around. Terminsuranceplansattract a premium amount and thus you need to know first what decides the premium amount that you pay towards the term insurance policy. The Term Plan Premium: The premium of an online term insurance policy is calculated based on some simple aspects. This is the premium rate which is multiplied with the coverage amount that you have chosen. Mathematics and statistics are used to decide the premium rates. The risk is calculated to determine what the term premium is. The risk is basically how likely you are to place a claim. The lower is the risk attached to you the lower is the term insurance policy premium rate. Factors That Affect the Term Insurance Premium Rate: The insurer determines the premium amount based on the various factors when you apply to buy a term insurance plan. Your age Age is one of the most important factors that determine the premium amount of the online term plan. The older you are the more is the premium amount that you will have to pay. This is because as you age you are a higher risk to the insurance company and the chances that you will be claiming the insurance amount is high. This is why it is advised that you get the term insurance plan when you are young. Gender It is studied that women have a higher life expectancy than men. The insurance companies feel that women are less likely to die and thus they are charged a lesser online term plan premium than men of the same age. This is why the premium that is charged for men is higher than that for women. Job profile What your occupation also determines the online term plan premium amount that you will pay. There are some job profiles that are high risk as per the insurer and thus you will have to shell out a huge premium if you are working in any of those profiles. Those that are in some dangerous professions like an army, pilot, etc. have a higher premium rate than those who work in safe working conditions. Geography Where you stay also plays a very vital role in deciding the premium amount. Those places that are less prone to disaster charge you less premium than those places where natural calamities could charge anytime. This includes places that are prone to earthquakes or hurricanes. BMI Your body mass index is calculated by the insurance company. If you are overweight then you are likely to suffer from medical conditions like heart diseases and thus you will be paying a higher premium towards the life insurance policy. Smoking Smokers have a lower life expectancy and thus if you smoke then get ready to shell out extra towards the term insurance policy. This is because smokers have a high probability of having cancer and lung disorders. The cost of premiums can vary more wildly for smokers than non-smokers, so it is even more important to compare quotes. You could use a comparison website or a regulated broker such as Reassured. Alcohol If you drink a lot then you could be prone to health problems related to alcohol. This is something that is considered when calculating your insurance premium. Medical history Your past medical state is also considered to calculate the premium amount. If you have ever suffered from illness in the past then this could cause the life insurance premium to increase. Also if your family member had some life-threatening disease at an early age then this could cause you to pay a higher premium towards the term insurance plan. This is because you are likely to get affected by the same disease at a later stage in your life. Adventure Sports If you are into adventure sports then you are likely to die having met with an accident. If you are too much involved in adventure sports then the premium charged to you will be higher. Other factors There are many other factors that could affect the premium that you pay towards term insurance policies. This includes your travel history, marital status and whether you have chosen for an additional rider. Every factor of your life determines how much premium you will be paying towards an insurance policy. It is important that you declare them all when buying a term insurance policy. There is no point keeping the insurer in the dark because in case they get to know about it after then they would reject the claim. Thus your whole purpose of having a term insurance plan in the first place gets nullified. How Much Premium Do You Need To Pay Towards Your Term Insurance Plan? If you are wondering how much premium you would have to pay towards your term insurance plan then here you go. You could use a term insurance premium calculator that will be available for you to use for free on the website. All that you will have to do is to key in some details required and this will calculate the premium amount for you. How much insurance coverage you will need is dependent on your age mostly. You need to add your present income and multiply it roughly with 15 and then add any of the outstanding debts or loans to it. This will give you an approximate amount of the coverage that you need. This just gives you an approximate amount. You will also have to figure out the premium based on your retirement age, present age, inflation, liabilities that are existing and other needs. It is important that you consider the information and put in as much information as required and accurately you can come up with the most approximate figure. Some of the details that will be required when you use the online calculator are your name and age, purchase year, tax liability, date of birth, gender, total coverage amount, etc. You can use the term insurance premium calculator to get a rough amount of premium that will be charged towards your term insurance plan. Choosing the Best Term Insurance Plan- Term Insurance Comparison It could be a little tricky to decide on the best term insurance plan. You need to keep the following things in mind to make an informed choice. The reputation of the insurance company Coverage required The claim settlement ratio of the company Factors that could affect the coverage Terms and conditions associated with different companies Online or offline term insurance plan purchase. All these will let you decide on the term insurance premium calculator on the best term insurance plan for your needs. The premium of the term insurance plan is comparatively lower than any other insurance plan that offers life coverage. It is however advised that you buy a term plan because it offers higher life coverage for a very low premium amount. Read Also: 5 Must-Have Long-Term Goals For A Secure Future 10 Estate Planning Tips To Help You Prepare For The End

term insurance policy

Term Plan Riders: Enhancing Coverage For Specific Life Situations

Term insurance, a form of life insurance, grants a lump sum to the beneficiary after the policyholder's demise within the policy's term. It is one of the most cost-effective and straightforward methods to safeguard your loved one's financial well-being in your absence. Term plan riders are optional features that you can add to your base term plan by paying a nominal extra premium. However, term insurance may not cover all the possible risks and contingencies you may face. For example, what if you survive a critical illness or a road mishap that leaves you disabled and unable to work? What if you lose your income due to a temporary disability or unemployment? How will you pay the premiums of your term plan if you are unable to earn? To address these gaps and enhance the coverage of your term plan, you can opt for additional benefits called term plan riders. Term plan riders provide extra protection against various eventualities. Different Types Of Term Plan Riders There are several types of term insurance riders that you can include in your base to improve coverage based on your specific needs. These riders usually have some common categories: 1. Rider of Accidental Death Benefit The rider dedicated to accidental death benefit offers an extra sum assured to the beneficiary if an insured person passes away as an outcome of an accident. Further, this percentage of the additional sum is determined based on the original sum assured and can differ among insurance companies. Some policies may impose a maximum limit on the sum assured for this rider, but the premium remains constant throughout the policy’s duration. For example, suppose a person has taken a Rs 60 lakh term plan and included the accidental death benefit rider for an additional Rs 20 lakhs on accidental death. If the policyholder experiences an unfortunate demise, the insurance will pay Rs 60 lakhs for non-accidental death and Rs 80 lakhs for accidental death (60 + 20). 2. Accidental Total And Permanent Disability Rider This add-on provides coverage if the policyholder becomes totally and permanently disabled because of his involvement in an accident. The disability could be loss of limbs, eyesight, speech, hearing, etc. In such a scenario, the rider pays the policyholder a certain percentage of the sum assured as regular installments or lump sum. The benefit of this rider is that it provides economic support to the policyholder in case he cannot work and earn due to a permanent disability. Before buying this rider, it is recommended to use a term plan calculator. 3. Rider Of Critical Illness The critical illness rider provides coverage when an insured individual gets diagnosed with any of the critical illnesses mentioned in the policy brochure, like heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, or even cancer. The rider pays a lump sum equal to the rider sum assured to the policyholder upon diagnosis of any covered illnesses. The policyholder can use this amount for treatment expenses, lifestyle changes, debt repayment, or other obligations. 4. Waiver Of Premium Rider Such a rider waives off all the future premiums of the term plan in case the policyholder becomes disabled or critically ill and is unable to pay them. The term plan continues without interruption and provides the benefit of death to the nominee. For example, suppose a person has taken a Rs 50 lakh term insurance policy with an annual premium of Rs 10,000 and included the premium rider waiver. If he becomes paralyzed due to an accident, he will not have to pay any more premiums for his term plan. 5. Family Income Benefit Rider This add-on provides a regular income to the nominee. Especially in case of the death of the policyholder during the policy term. The income could be a fixed percentage of the sum assured or a fixed amount paid monthly, quarterly, or annually for a certain period. The income benefit rider is usually offered along with the death advantage of the term plan. The rider becomes a must-have if the insured is the sole breadwinner in his family. Conclusion Term plan riders are a great way to customize your term insurance plan according to your specific needs and preferences. They provide extra protection and peace of mind to you and your family in case of unforeseen events. However, you should thoroughly analyze the various types of term plan riders available in India. Further, choose the ones you can afford. You should also read the policy document carefully. Make sure to understand each rider's terms and conditions, exclusions, and limitations before opting for them. Term plan riders can assist you in making your term insurance plan more comprehensive and effective. So, don’t wait any longer and add the best term plan riders to your term plan today! Read Also:  How to Get Low-Cost Life Insurance for Seniors Some Kinds of Death are Not Covered by Term Life Insurance How Private Hire Insurance Takes You Out from Problems?