Customer Service Gripes Revealed In New Survey

Published on: 28 November 2020 Last Updated on: 12 September 2024
Customer Service
  • Are you an eCommerce business looking to address the problem of abandoned carts on your platform?
  • Do you know how you can ensure that more people close the sales and move cart items into final purchases?
  • Have you tried using some strategies like offering coupons and discounts to sweeten the deal?

According to a new and very important study made by Feefo, it has been found that there are more than 79% of customers abandoning their carts and not closing purchases on e-commerce platforms. The question, which many eCommerce-based companies are asking is- how can I change this?

In this article, we speak to leading digital marketing specialists and ask them about the various strategies, which can be used to ensure that the items are moved from the cart into the final purchase.

Why Consumers leave Items in the Cart According to the Feefo Study?

The survey is very important to read and understand if you want to improve the sales and revenue generation for your e-commerce business.

According to Feefo, most consumers leave items in the cart because of one specific reason- High Prices! In most cases, the prices displayed on the product pages are exclusive of additional costs like taxes, shipping charges, and in some very weird cases, packaging!

According to the study, it is time for eCommerce businesses to start becoming honest and transparent in showcasing prices to the consumers on the product page itself. This may remove the entire magnet strategy of-

  • lower pricing,
  • moving to the cart
  • seeing the higher pricing
  • however emotional investments and time
  • ending up with the purchase

Ecommerce businesses need to realize that digital audiences have started to move beyond just baits and value transparency on digital platforms.

The study pointed out specifically to High Shipping Costs as the primary impediment to abandoned carts. Taxes too are something, which most of us take into consideration. However, additional shipping expenditures are still not acceptable to the vast majority.

How the World’s Best Ecommerce Sites Handle the Abandoned Carts Issue?

According to business experts at the best-performing sites, the need of the hour is to help customers at this stage with a small incentive. In other words, customers are already through 80% of the things a business needs to close a sale. At the cart stage, what you need is a small push, which can be offered by brands to the customers.

Not only will this result in the final sales happening, but it will also boost the image of the brand in the eyes of the customer in a positive fashion.

Some of the best businesses go for the following strategies-

  1. Using promotional codes for both new and existing customers.
  2. Taking away the Shipping Charges for customers and showing the discounted price.
  3. Creating personalized packaging and offering incentives to buy.
  4. Having multiple shipping vendors on the business and comparing prices.
  5. Rewarding the customer in other ways (social media shout outs).

Why Building Positive Business Relationships matter for Ecommerce Businesses?

Building a positive brand and making the customer feel special is critical for the success of your e-commerce business. This means that e-commerce businesses need to invest in their communication. In-app messages, email newsletters, WhatsApp communications, etc. are good ways to ensure that you are always having an open channel of communication.

By valuing your existing customers, you will be able to win repeat purchases for your business. Your existing customers can also spread a positive word about your brand to their family and friends, leading to more sales and revenues.

However, taking care of the costs is the number one thing, eCommerce businesses should look to address at all costs. If eCommerce businesses are able to bring their operational costs down, they will be able to further incentivize sales.

You can view the Full Study and Report of the excellent Feefo Study below:



How do consumers think and behave across the purchase journey? [Infographic]


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your business

What To Think About When Making A Name For Your Business

Are you trying to pick a name for your business? If so, this might be harder than it appears. Fortunately, this is not something you have to do on your own. You might be able to use a business name generator to help you generate a firm name for your company, such as Namify.  There are plenty of options available, and you might be wondering how to pick the right one. Take a look at a few important tips below, and take the time to think carefully about what name will work best for your company. 4 Tips To Making A Name For Your Business If you pick a firm company name, you can make a positive first impression on your customers. This could help you make inroads in a competitive marketplace. Here are the four tips for making a name for your business.  1. Consider Your Products And Services First, you need to think about your products and services. Even though this might seem obvious, there are a lot of people who get lost in the weeds, and they are trying to develop a company name.  Therefore, you might totally forget that your business name has to relate to your products and services. People are going to make a split-second decision about your company. If they cannot instantly figure out what it is that you do, they may decide to go somewhere else.  Take a close look at your company name and make sure it is related to the products and services you provide. This will convince people to learn more about your business if you decide to use a name generator. Your name might even come with a free logo.  2. Think About The Future Of Your Business Next, you also need to think about the future of your business. You need to select a company name that is going to scale with time. As your business grows, you may decide to offer more products and services.  You need the name of your company to open doors to these new products and services. If you select a company name that is too narrow, you might have to rebrand your company if you decide to expand.  A strong business name generator can help you future-proof your domain, placing your business in a position to grow.  3. Your Business Name Must Be Marketable Finally, the name of your company also has to be marketable. The vast majority of people use the internet when they are looking for something they require. Therefore, you need to make sure your business has a solid online presence.  For example, you should select a company name that is short enough to be used in social media handles. This is another situation which can help you.  You don't want to place yourself in the difficult position of trying to shorten the name of your business. Make sure it can be shared easily online. Social media marketing is going to be a critical part of your advertising strategy.  4. Select The Best Possible Name For Your Business You have to keep in mind several considerations when you are trying to find a firm name for your business. First, even though there are plenty of options, do not overlook the importance of avoiding trademarks and copyrighted material.  If you have thought of a perfect name for your company, other people might do the same. Therefore, you need to use a business name generator that can help you stay away from names that have already been picked.  That way, you can focus on developing quality products and services instead of being involved in legal battles related to your company name.  Conclusion: The name for your business reflects the nature of your business. But while renaming your business, the first thing you have to remember is to pick the less complicated and meaningful name. The less complex names are easy to remember. So follow these tips and let us know which types of strategy you are following? Read Also: Ways That You are Wasting Money on Marketing Functionality – an important aspect of good web design: Sydney digital marketing services for your growth Behavioral Targeting – A potential DSP strategy for media campaigns Creative Marketing Strategies to Put Your Small Translation Business

Family Business

4 Tips for Dealing with a Family Business in Divorce

Divorce brings a lot of problems in every part of your life. However, it makes the situation by dividing a family business particularly complicated. Therefore, you have to be prepared and get the necessary help before you start any legal proceedings. There are no avoiding problems when managing a family business in a divorce. However, you can minimize them if you go about it right. 1. Study your papers very closely : The first and most important thing to do is to get a professional lawyer to examine your business paperwork. They’ll need to see all agreements, contracts, and other papers that have some bearing on defining the ownership of the business. Note that these examinations might prove to be very surprising. For example, you might find out that some of your distant relatives become stock owners of the company. To prepare for any nasty surprises and develop a strategy for managing possible problems, you need to determine what those problems might be beforehand. 2. Consult as many different lawyers as you need : Employing the assistance of a divorce lawyer is essential when going through this process. However, in the point mentioned above, you might also need to consult a company lawyer with experience in family businesses. You’ll also be facing other issues that might require specialized legal assistance. For example, the division of assets during a divorce usually means you’ll need to get a lawyer specializing in foreclosure. If your family business is home-based, you’ll need all three experts’ help. Therefore, it’s usually best to employ a law firm with a versatile team. In case you already have a company lawyer, connect them with your divorce attorney. 3. Talk to a counselor before making any major business decisions : Roughly 95% of people who received marriage counseling state that they were extremely satisfied with the results. Note that this doesn’t mean they solved all their problems and chose to remain together. What counseling offers is assistance with finding the right direction to move on. When it comes to managing a family business in divorce, partners usually need to decide whether one will buy out the other’s share or if they can work together. Many people are able to maintain a successful business relationship even after a divorce. A counselor is a person who can help you determine if that would be the right choice for you. 4. If keeping the business, do not make any changes right away : If you are the partner who gets to keep the business, it might be tempting to ‘bury yourself in the work’. However, you should abstain from making any major changes or improvements until your divorce is legally complete. Otherwise, you’ll increase (or decrease) the value of your assets. This will make it necessary to renegotiate the entire ‘division of assets’ balance and can prolong the legal proceedings. This might also lose you a lot of money in the future and at the very least increase the lawyer’s fees. Managing a family business in a divorce is always a struggle. That’s why you shouldn’t rush and let your emotions dictate your decisions. Instead, focus on working through your current problems and get professional assistance whenever it’s needed. Read More : 1. Why Your Business Should Care About Social Responsibility 2. Why Lead Generation Is Essential For Business? 3. Resolutions To Help The Small Business Owners To Avoid Being Bankrupt

board members

How Portal Software Improves Communication Between Board Members

Managing the board of a corporation or not-for-profit, no matter how large or small always comes with a number of challenges. Board members, who may be based in several different cities, need to be able to communicate easily and openly with each other, but they also need to be mindful of security issues. Because board members tend to be quite busy people, finding time for preliminary discussions is as important as it is difficult. As anyone with board management experience knows, the key to running an efficient board meeting lies in the planning and preparation that takes place in the days and weeks leading up to the meeting itself. Ideally, board members should always have all of the factual information they need before the meeting starts and be ready to discuss higher-level questions, which is why making sure there is a secure forum for board members to discuss the information and clarify any questions they might have beforehand is vital for ensuring that meeting time is used as efficiently as possible. One of the most common complaints about board meetings is that valuable time gets wasted making sure everyone is up-to-date on the issues being discussed that could have been spent debating motions and planning for the organization’s future. At the same time, some of the most popular electronic communications tools, such as Jook SMS and Gmail, are notoriously susceptible to hacking. This makes them a risky way to hold discussions ahead of a board meeting and often leads board managers into a double-bind: the tools that their members are most comfortable with and most likely to use in preliminary discussions also pose serious threats to the organization’s security. So how can boards strike a balance between facilitating good conversation while also maintaining security? One of the most popular solutions to both of these problems is board portal software. Companies like Vancouver’s Aprio have developed software that allows board members to share and discuss information through a secure electronic portal that they can access from their mobile device or desktop computer. Portal software not only makes it easy for the board manager to deliver all of the necessary documentation to board members before the meeting begins, it also provides the members with an intuitive, easy-to-navigate way of accessing the documents from anywhere in the world. The portal software also streamlines governance by making everything that board members need available in a single place. Instead of having to scroll through email threads to find the right documents, and potentially getting into inefficient discussions about which version of the document is most up-to-date, with portal software members literally have all the information they need at their fingertips. Board portal software can play a major role in helping boards communicate more effectively, and by giving board members a chance to do more of their work in advance they can drastically improve the efficiency of board meetings. With better communication comes better decision-making, and it is no surprise that some of the most innovative businesses in North America have turned to board portal software to create stronger, more networked leadership and improve board governance. Read also: 6 Things You Should Know Before Starting A Business