Customer Service Gripes Revealed In New Survey

Published on: 28 November 2020 Last Updated on: 12 September 2024
Customer Service
  • Are you an eCommerce business looking to address the problem of abandoned carts on your platform?
  • Do you know how you can ensure that more people close the sales and move cart items into final purchases?
  • Have you tried using some strategies like offering coupons and discounts to sweeten the deal?

According to a new and very important study made by Feefo, it has been found that there are more than 79% of customers abandoning their carts and not closing purchases on e-commerce platforms. The question, which many eCommerce-based companies are asking is- how can I change this?

In this article, we speak to leading digital marketing specialists and ask them about the various strategies, which can be used to ensure that the items are moved from the cart into the final purchase.

Why Consumers leave Items in the Cart According to the Feefo Study?

The survey is very important to read and understand if you want to improve the sales and revenue generation for your e-commerce business.

According to Feefo, most consumers leave items in the cart because of one specific reason- High Prices! In most cases, the prices displayed on the product pages are exclusive of additional costs like taxes, shipping charges, and in some very weird cases, packaging!

According to the study, it is time for eCommerce businesses to start becoming honest and transparent in showcasing prices to the consumers on the product page itself. This may remove the entire magnet strategy of-

  • lower pricing,
  • moving to the cart
  • seeing the higher pricing
  • however emotional investments and time
  • ending up with the purchase

Ecommerce businesses need to realize that digital audiences have started to move beyond just baits and value transparency on digital platforms.

The study pointed out specifically to High Shipping Costs as the primary impediment to abandoned carts. Taxes too are something, which most of us take into consideration. However, additional shipping expenditures are still not acceptable to the vast majority.

How the World’s Best Ecommerce Sites Handle the Abandoned Carts Issue?

According to business experts at the best-performing sites, the need of the hour is to help customers at this stage with a small incentive. In other words, customers are already through 80% of the things a business needs to close a sale. At the cart stage, what you need is a small push, which can be offered by brands to the customers.

Not only will this result in the final sales happening, but it will also boost the image of the brand in the eyes of the customer in a positive fashion.

Some of the best businesses go for the following strategies-

  1. Using promotional codes for both new and existing customers.
  2. Taking away the Shipping Charges for customers and showing the discounted price.
  3. Creating personalized packaging and offering incentives to buy.
  4. Having multiple shipping vendors on the business and comparing prices.
  5. Rewarding the customer in other ways (social media shout outs).

Why Building Positive Business Relationships matter for Ecommerce Businesses?

Building a positive brand and making the customer feel special is critical for the success of your e-commerce business. This means that e-commerce businesses need to invest in their communication. In-app messages, email newsletters, WhatsApp communications, etc. are good ways to ensure that you are always having an open channel of communication.

By valuing your existing customers, you will be able to win repeat purchases for your business. Your existing customers can also spread a positive word about your brand to their family and friends, leading to more sales and revenues.

However, taking care of the costs is the number one thing, eCommerce businesses should look to address at all costs. If eCommerce businesses are able to bring their operational costs down, they will be able to further incentivize sales.

You can view the Full Study and Report of the excellent Feefo Study below:



How do consumers think and behave across the purchase journey? [Infographic]


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Struggling Company

How to Save a Struggling Company

Operating a struggling business can feel like an extremely stressful uphill battle, especially when there doesn't seem to be any light at the end of the tunnel. Luckily, there are dozens of ways to bring a failing business back from the brink of failure. However, it will take some willpower and a multifaceted approach to pull it off. Things aren't going to fix themselves, and in most cases, a full recovery will require the implementation of some radical changes. That being said, here are some steps you can take to save even the most troubled business from its own demise: How to Save a Struggling Company: 1. Apply for a Loan: Regardless of which approach you choose to take, chances are you'll need a bit of extra funding to facilitate a full-fledged reform. If you have decent credit and can show proof that the business is earning some form of revenue, you can probably get approved for a loan on a same-day basis. Small business loans from Become. Lending Express has become a popular option for struggling companies that need extra cash flow to get out of the hole. 2. Find New Customers and Clients: While a loan can keep you from going under, to really get back on your feet you'll need to start focusing on generating additional revenue. Be competitive in your niche, provide unique products/services, and utilize aggressive promotional techniques to spread brand awareness. Most struggling businesses simply aren't making enough sales to cover their operating expenses, so the straightforward solution here is to bring more business in the door or to your site. 3. Halt All Unnecessary Expenditure: Excessive overhead is the last thing a struggling business needs hanging over them. Make a minimal list of everything your company needs to continue operating and scrap everything else immediately. After all, if you're at the stage of needing a loan or a ground-breaking ad campaign to keep the business afloat, you don't want to be wasting borrowed money on expenses that aren't even necessary. 4. Bring in New Management: When you're trying to find the root of where your business went wrong, nine times out of ten there is somebody that can be held accountable. Assess the company's primary mistakes and try to ascertain who was responsible for allowing those decisions to be made in the first place. While letting go of employees can be a difficult adjustment to make, bringing in fresh perspective and talent could be all that's needed to turn things around. Better yet, consider the advantages of taking matters into your own hands for a while. Create a Comprehensive Recovery Plan: In closing, all of the above steps should be incorporated into an overall recovery plan that will guide the business back into a state of solvency and profitability. Try to be as detailed as possible when coming up with specific goals, budgets, deadlines, and agendas. The more specific and realistic your plan is, the greater your chances of success will be, so it's important to take everything into account, even if it takes days to run all of the calculations and brainstorm it out. Read Also: Importance Of Flexibility With Business Technology 6 Loan Mistakes Every Business Owner Must Avoid

Electric Companies

The Best Advice For Emerging Electric Companies

For an emerging electricity company like ELEVO Norge, there are a number of ways to achieve success. The hardest part of all? Charting a successful course, while remaining true to core values. The process of building something from scratch is not always easy, but those who stay the course? They are able to build something that stands the test of time. In order to become a strong player in the modern marketplace, here are a few things that need to be remembered: 1. Remain Connected to the Community Being Served Too many companies make the mistake of remaining remote when they should be accessible. The consumer should be able to reach out and touch the electric company in question. Let’s say that the electric company is being started in Norway. This is not an invitation to leave the company and try to operate remotely. When a company of any kind is unwilling to remain present, they leave themselves outside of the loop. There is no shortage of activities and opportunities for networking for an electric company that is trying to gain its footing. This is how companies are able to align with like-minded individuals in their region and learn more about the experiences and advice that they have to offer. Those who attempt to run their companies from afar are never going to have the same success as their more forward-thinking counterparts. 2. Speak Directly With The Customer It is not enough to have a physical connection with the region in question. An electric company that is looking to establish a long-term connection with its customers cannot take shortcuts. Fortunately, it has never been easier for an electric company to do so. The vast majority of communication takes place electronically now. While no company is truly dependent on geographical proximity, that does not mean that they should be neglecting the importance of direct contact. The top companies will take the right steps, such as focus groups and hiring test people. Conducting market research is also a must. These are invaluable resources that provide actionable information to the top electric companies. Furthermore, these are resources that need to be tapped into once the company is in its early stages. This teaches the company leaders about the marketplace and what the customer is willing to pay for. 3. Assembling The Right Team Of course, the success of any company does not depend solely on the actions of the entrepreneurs who sit at the head of the table. The proper team needs to be assembled so that the company does not rise and fall on the sole basis of the entrepreneurial efforts. The more talented people that the leaders of a rising electric company surround themselves with, the easier it becomes to delegate daily duties. After all, the best leaders are not supposed to be doing everything on their own. Honesty and open dialogue should always be encouraged as well. The more tasks that they are able to delegate, the more time that they are able to spend on big picture concerns. If the head of a company is more focused on day-to-day issues, this is inherently limiting to the company’s long-term prognosis. Those who are looking to truly stand apart will typically focus more on the team’s personalities, as opposed to their work experience. It is simply too costly to re-train new employees who need to be let go for not working well with others. 4. Share In The Successes This is a common mistake that is made by many electric companies when they are first starting out. The best workplaces, like the electricity company ELEVO Norge, bring out the best in the team of employees that have been assembled. In order to keep getting the best out of these employees, it is important to include them in all of the successes that take place. They need to know when their performance has had a direct impact on the company’s results. No electric company has a work environment that creates itself. These environments are always the result of the hard work that the employees have put in. Companies that truly wish to appreciate their employees will always come up with bonus incentives and public events that make their gratitude abundantly obvious. The best employees should never have to guess where they stand. Read Also: 10 Best Lifestyle Entrepreneurs Of All Time In 2021 7 Best Employment Law Tips For Businesses In Dubai Business Tips For Beginner Entrepreneurs

Cubicle office space

Choosing Open Office Space vs Cubicle Office Space

The right environment is essential for the growth of a business and for the employees to be result-driven. A healthy environment can either boost your productivity or hamper it. While deciding on office space, I am sure you would be going through different factors in mind. Here I am discussing one of the most important factors which are usually ignored by the people. While trying to decide between an open office space and cubicle office space, wither people will choose the one which is cheaper or they will opt for a cubicle just because they are more habitual to it. The importance of office layout depends on the type of work a person has to do. If somebody is into developing and he or she does a lot of coding, then a cubicle would be more suitable for them as they would be able to concentrate more in a cubicle than an open working space. And if a person writes blogs or does creative writing, then they would not mind an open environment. And they can even draw inspiration from their surroundings. While both the options are not bad if you’re co-working space is good, but both of them have some pros and cons. Let’s discuss some points here. Choosing Open Office Space vs Cubicle Office Space: Open Office Plan: Open office plan also called a modern layout, which is most commonly seen in a Google office, is an office layout where you do not have any kind of cubicles and environment is open and casual. These days more and more people are considering these types of offices because it makes their company look cool and employees also consider it these days more than a corporate environment. But you have to understand not all types of employees like this type of environment, so it is very important for you to analyze your team first and then decide. Cubicle office plan: Cubicle office space is often seen at corporate offices and banks. The cubicle option in a co-working facility is often an expensive option, so you need to consider what do you need a cubicle or not. Type of people: Suppose if you have introverts in your team, then they wouldn’t really be comfortable with working in an open environment, as they enjoy being in themselves and more people's presence can make them uncomfortable, but if the majority of people are extrovert than the case would be vice versa. Idea generation: An open office plan encourages communication which is great for idea generation and brainstorming. So it is great for idea generation as people can bounce off their ideas off of each other and can come up with great concepts and collaboration ideas. Lack of Privacy: An open office plan can severely affect a person’s privacy which can interfere with the employee's mind and they cannot express openly, as they fear that other people might be judging them. It also not great for someone who has to do a lot of client interaction and through calls and Skype, it would disturb other people also and the person who is on the call also. A Common Solution: This would be the best option for any kind of business, as a person who loves to work in a cubicle can work there and if a person wants to work in an open space, they can do that. Employees can even switch places so that they can get a break from spending their whole day at the same place. The open office space can also be used the time to time as an accelerator for idea generation. If you are a new business owner: If it's your first time managing a business and trying to expand it most efficiently, you may find that there are many tips and tricks that you can keep in mind while you are growing. With office rental options in Miami, you can ensure that you can find a working space where you can constantly find new clients, allowing you to help your business develop. It's not easy to have all of the answers at the beginning, but having an office where you can quietly get down to work with your employees is one of the most important factors to a successful business. Read More: Making Your Office Safer For Workers Top Expert Tips For A Stunning Condo Interior! Why Your Business Should Care About Social Responsibility