How Customer Success Can Help Grow Your Business

Published on: 17 December 2019 Last Updated on: 03 September 2024
customer success

You might have commonly heard an age-old proverb- ‘the customer is always right’. Even though this statement us very old, it still resonates today in our modern economies. This is because satisfying a customer and customer success is at the heart of any business.

Customer Success is not a narrow term. Rather, it stands for all interaction and engagement that a consumer has with your brand and product/service at all levels. This means right from Marketing to Sales and After-Sales. All the experiences together are cumulatively focussed on attaining customer success.

In this article, we will look at why ensuring customer progress is so important for any business. We will also look at how technology and software have enabled businesses to accurately fulfill customer success parameters for their brands and products.

Customer Success: Meaning and Definition

In recent years, business software that helps brands fulfill customer success is helping businesses contribute directly to profits and revenues. While there is no one standard definition of customer success, we have tried to create one for you-

“Customer Success is the process of creating positive and meaningful relationships with your consumers that encourage them to fully explore your brand, product, and services. It is also a process, which has at its heart, a desire to improve the longevity of commercial transactions and understand the evolution of a customer’s wants and requirements.”

Every brand, which utilizes a customer success strategy, wants the customer to feel like they are successful post purchasing a brand’s product. Think of all the automobile advertisements, which you have seen on YouTube. All of them have a highly successful executive who is well-groomed and dressed come out of his office and drive the car.

When it comes to customer success, it is important to remember that in addition to the usefulness of the product, it is also the experience, which matters. This is where the entire journey of the customer becomes important. It is also equally important to remember the period of engagement.

Is Customer Success Essential to growing your Business?


It is important to note that we live in a world where customers have access to information. From the web to social media pages, everyone is doing research all the time. An informed potential customer is more likely to evaluate his options and choices.

In such a situation, a customer success strategy should cover all the bases. This includes having an attractive and updated website, engaging content on social media and positive reviews on aggregator sites, Quora, Reddit, and other review sites. Please bear in mind that this is just the pre-sales research part.

All these characteristics are part of something which is known as the ‘Customer On-Boarding Process’ and the ‘Buyer’s Journey’. Once a potential customer is attracted to the next team/department and feature takes over. A robust and strategically executed customer success plan interacts with the customer on at least ten different levels.

In today’s times, customers are spoiled for choices. According to experts, customer success is probably the best-kept secret to increase overall productivity, generating revenues and scaling up the business.


Even though there are significant benefits to customer success, it is important to note that the field is vast and diverse. This is why most serious brands and businesses are turning to customer service software to help them automate the process. The software ensures the right data collection, maintains a track of actions taken and follow-ups made.

In the following years, customer service is going to be a number one priority for all businesses, irrespective of size or output. Do you think that customer success is essential for the success of every business? Drop your answers, in the comments section below.

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Mold Inspection

Mold Inspection And Testing

An initial visual mold inspection is the ideal way to quickly detect potential issues with moisture-rich areas in your home and identify those that need further investigation or sampling. Mold testing can be accomplished using various approaches: air testing, bulk sampling (tape lifts and swab samples), laboratory analysis, or both. Lab results may sometimes be vague and misleading. Moisture Mapping Moisture is key to mold growth, and managing moisture is therefore one of the cornerstones of mold prevention or remediation plans. Mold spores can aggravate the respiratory systems of people who are sensitive, leading to symptoms ranging from congestion to wheezing. Some fungi also release toxic compounds which can be hazardous for humans, pets, and livestock - thus it is critical that any suspected mold problem be addressed promptly in order to stop its further spread and the formation of toxic colonies. You can click here for more information on these health concerns. Mold spores float freely through the air and when they land on moist surfaces they quickly form an active colony that threatens both structures and human health. When left unchecked this can create serious structural and health issues; mold inspectors employ various tools to identify mold and moisture problems. These tools include moisture meters for structural components; non-invasive thermal imaging technologies; borescopes to visually identify problem areas inside plumbing pipes or other components; as well as various mold testing kits which enable them to determine type concentration levels of mold in an area. Inspectors often utilize a moisture mapping system to gain an accurate and detailed picture of moisture levels within structures. This tool offers a straightforward method for tracking changes in building materials' moisture over time by comparing temperature with water absorption rate at each point - this way they can easily spot areas with high or low levels, and gather vital data necessary for managing drying processes more effectively. An inspector conducting a mold inspection will examine for moisture in unexpected places - such as behind walls, under sinks, attics, crawl spaces, and basements - where mold typically hides out of sight and often signals something is amiss. You can visit this homepage for more information on this testing. Furthermore, a visual inspection must take place to detect mold hiding behind ductwork, on windowsills, and in other difficult-to-reach places. Air Sampling Air testing can be an invaluable asset in finding and eliminating mold issues, but it should not be seen as the sole tool in an inspector’s arsenal. A visual inspection, other types of testing and taking surface samples should all be used together for effective mold investigation and elimination. Air sampling provides spore counts from various species of mold or mildew; however, results may not always reflect accurate representation; there can be many factors which skew results and alter them over time. Some factors are easily controllable, like weather conditions at the time of sampling. Windy conditions can alter air pressure differences inside and outside a building and thus alter how quickly mold spores enter it, potentially misdiagnosing any mold problem. Rapid changes in barometric pressure can similarly lead to inaccurate readings due to rapid air movement between rooms; similarly, these fluctuations may alter mold growth rates within buildings as well as alter spore loss rates. You can visit this helpful site to learn more about barometric pressure. Also important in air samples is the length of chains of spores left intact in them, as these chains will normally dissipate as they travel through the atmosphere - giving a good indication of the size and direction of the source(s). If too many chains remain intact they could provide misleading data, giving a false reading on the size and direction of the source. Surface samples may be collected using a tape lift, sterile swab, or by taking pieces from suspect materials. This allows an inspector to identify the genera of mold present, assess the spore count and pinpoint possible reservoirs where mold has yet to become airborne. Related: Mold Growth At Home: What You Should Know And What You Can Do Surface Sampling Assorted methods exist to test for mold spores on surfaces, including bulk, swab, and tape samples. When taking bulk samples from suspect surfaces and sending them off for analysis in a lab, bulk sample removal and lab analysis are both done simultaneously; when taking swab samples against those surfaces a sterile swab rubbed against it collects microbes which is subcultured to growth media such as Trypticase Soy Agar. These methods of testing mold can identify some of the more prevalent types of mold; however, they may miss or undercount spores that don't grow on an incubation medium used during testing. Experienced inspectors understand their limitations and will avoid using such tests in situations when they're inappropriate. Homeowners typically arrange for mold inspection prior to buying an older home while newcomers might request one after experiencing problems with moisture or mold in their new residence. Testing for mold does not indicate whether it is harmful, will grow, or how many spores will need to enter a person's system for health problems to occur; that depends on their susceptibility and exposure levels. Because of this, an experienced inspector should conduct assessments and report on any visible mold present in a space. Laboratory Testing Laboratory-based analyses specialize in testing biological specimens and provide written reports with their findings, which help determine both genus and species identification of any found molds. Some companies sell Do-It-Yourself (DIY) mold testing kits, but these can often lead to false positives and should only be performed by certified mold inspectors. It is strongly advised that those conducting mold tests in their home or business contact a certified inspector for these assessments. Read Also: How to Prevent Mold Damage In a Building Top 6 Reasons To Use Soft Washing Services Selecting The Perfect Real Estate Agent Is Essential For Home Buyers


4 Things That You Must Be Aware Of In Your Car

Lights are one of the most important parts of the car. Lights keep us safe on dark roads, they also help us be sure of where the path is. Hence installing good lights is very important for various purposes discussed below. There are various lights available in the market but you have to be careful while buying them as some of them may be illegal or some of them may also not be good for the eyes of fellow drivers. Check out LED lights for cars for good quality lights at reasonable rates. For more tips, visit Vehicle Freak for more tips on buying a car. In This Article, You Will Know About 4 Things That You Must Be Aware Of, In Your Car. 1. Importance Of Good Quality Headlights In Car: Car headlights are important because they help you see the road clearly as you drive at night. Without good headlights, you can drive into oncoming traffic, crash into parked cars, be unable to see a vehicle ahead of you, or run into a pole or tree. However, some people are concerned that car headlights have been getting worse as time goes by. This is because the headlights may not be of good quality. 2. Different Lights Of Cars: There are various colors of car headlights available in the market, and it is a good idea to know about them before you decide to purchase one for your car. The headlights play an important role in the safety and security of your car and its passengers. There are various types of headlights available in the market, you need to be careful while purchasing the same. Plenty of research is currently being conducted on the benefits of having different types of headlights on a car. These research results have proven that it is much better to have more than one type of headlight so your car can see better in different conditions. 3. You Should Not Compromise On Safety: When it comes to safety, one must be determined and a firm believer of safety being the number one priority. You should never compromise on the safety aspect of things. When we talk about headlights, it is really important to have good headlights installed in your car. They are a source of light in the dark areas where danger can be present at any moment or step of the road. Hence, do not try to save money or try to install cheap headlights with little to zero visibility. Put in some money and try to get premium quality lights installed in your vehicle. 4. Do Not Spend A Lot Of Money Too: As important it is to not try to save money, it is also important to not overspend the money. If a similar kind of product with the same quality and looks is available cheaper but with different branding, consider buying it and saving a few bucks for something else. You can spend the money by investing it for your future or just save it so it may help you later. Read Also: Perfect ways to Earn from your Wonderful Car  


CRM and ERP Combination for Business Solutions

A major component of running a business successfully -any business- is being able to have all your information integrated. At MCA Connect we have the ability to intertwine both your CRM and ERP needs seamlessly. Every business has 2 sides. You have the customer base side and you have your employee sides. Both of these sides are vital to your business success and both sides have unique needs. It is crucial for business owners to understand the needs of both sides. The owners can work with technology experts on how best to combine those two, ensuring that all needs are being met. Let’s take a look at each aspect and how it affects your business: ERP, Enterprise Resource Planning, is a vital component of your business’ operations. To run ERP successfully you will need to implement this software within your company. ERP software will help manage sales and marketing, human resources, accounting, manufacturing, order management, and distribution. Using ERP software effectively will help your company with product and purchase planning, manufacturing and delivery planning, inventory management, shipping and payment, supply chain management, accounting, marketing and sales, and customer relationship management. An ERP system can be comprised of a single suite of software or multiple software applications that can be integrated with each other. CRM stands for Customer Relations Management. This type of software is used to assist the customer-based side of your business. This software will help your business to keep track of customers and their purchasing patterns, identify business opportunities and new sales leads, streamline the sales process and reduce paperwork, automate the marketing process, manage social media, and facilitate support for current customers. You can purchase different software to handle all of these applications, but there are some all-inclusive software options available. So how do both of these functions work together? Both ERP and CRM systems will help your sales force automation and marketing automation. There is where the overlap ends. If you are using an ERP system that you like, then you can just integrate a CRM system. If your business is growing or you just need to revamp your current system, then it is recommended that you upgrade your ERP. Once you have your updated system in place, you can add in CRM components to best fit your company’s needs. Using a combination of both ERP and CRM systems will streamline your business and be a positive change for your company. By using both technology systems, you are integrating both sides of your business. A good combination system will allow you to be up to date with your manufacturers and suppliers and to have up to the minute info on orders and deliveries. Your company will also be able to accurately and quickly answer questions from customers and manage their needs.  And everyone in your company will be using the same technology and will have access to all up to date information. This combined CRM and ERP technology will assist your company seamlessly and help it to continue to grow and be successful. Read Also: CRMDialer: A Zoho Alternative 6 Top CRM For Small Businesses In 2019 Cold Calling Script For Successful Sales Persons