How Dangerous is Ransomware Anyway?

Published on: 19 January 2019 Last Updated on: 09 August 2019

Ransomware alerts are a bit over-the-top. A victim might think the infection is a joke. The pop-up stating the computer owner must pay up a credit card-delivered ransom to regain access to a computer seems like something out of a sci-fi/espionage movie. Here’s some news: ransomware is no joke. The infection doesn’t exist solely in the mind of a creative filmmaker or novelist. Ransomware is real and, yes, the virus is dangerous.

What is Ransomware?

Ransomware is a virus that locks down a computer. As the name suggests, ransomware overrides a computer user’s password access to his/her computer. Depending on the situation, being locked out of a computer proves troubling. Even a short lockout presents disasters. And the ransomware might not be the only virus infecting the computer. What if the hard drive’s contents are being stolen and downloaded? Out of panic, some may think to pay the ransom will get them out of a bad situation. Ransomware architects probably aren’t the most trustworthy of persons. Paying up money won’t automatically lead to the desired outcome or stop ransomware threats in the future.

The Dangers of Ransomware:

Anyone who doesn’t think a ransomware attack represents serious dangers should look at the 2018 attack on the United Kingdom’s National Health Service. The NHS serves as the epicenter of healthcare in the U.K.

The “WannaCry” cyber attack put hundreds of thousands of computers on lockdown. Thousands of appointments ended up canceled — a dire situation. Not everyone booked to see a doctor requires only minor treatments. With the hackers demanding a massive Bitcoin payment to unlock the computer systems, many people were left unable to see a healthcare provider. By the time the situation concluded, the NHS lost £92 million in IT costs. The NHS also learned a valuable lesson: don’t use outdated IT systems. Reliance on the archaic Windows XP system made things easier for hackers.

Take Steps to Prevent a Ransomware Attack:

Contacting a computer security expert to solve a ransomware attack makes sense. So does contacting the same experts to discuss methods to stop ransomware and prevent an attack. Keeping hackers out is a lot easier and less stressful than dealing with the aftermath of their attacks. Sometimes, preventive measures involve little more than not falling into the most common ransomware trap: opening an infected email file. Yes, the age-old concept of malicious fishing still works. So does taking common-sense security steps and updating all security measures.

Ransomware Expands Its Targets:

Although reports of sensationalized ransomware attacks may be down, the threat always looms over computer systems. Don’t think solely relying on Linux OS will save you. Ransomware may hit any operating system. The designers of the virus want to hit as many targets as possible. More targets mean more potential ransom money.

While no one should experience paranoia about ransomware-impending doom, it never hurts to be cautious. Learn about trends in ransomware and other viruses. This way, you can take steps to prevent and deal with the threat.

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Security Keys

5 Tips to Safeguard Your Home From Intruders

Do you know that there is someone in your home behind your back? What will you do? Who will you call? How will you protect your belongings? And the most important, how will you safeguard your family? Security today has become one of the paramount things these days. With crime rate increasing day-by-day and housebreak becoming a common thing, it has become essential to give your family and business a safe shelter. After all, no matter how safe the area or the street you live in, burglaries still happen. However, you don’t have to install a missile or hire a professional on the rooftops to keep evil people away from your property. Instead, all you need is to be extra cautious and smart. So, make it tough for the intruders and have a look at some of the essential tips to safeguard your home from outside: Scout Out The Weak Spots: Think like burglars and survey your house from the eyes of thief’s if you want to protect your home entirely.  If you are easily able to break or pry the window, the thief will surely be able to. However, safeguard it using wooden rods or metal pipes from inside. Also, check the things that are visible from the windows, there perhaps be expensive painting, glassware or any expensive electronic item.  If there’s any, make small adjustments and move the things from getting seen by thieves. Install A Good Sensor: Let the intruder be in the eyes of sensors even before they touch the doors and windows. Install electronic doors and window sensors and cameras to detect the robber. You can also call a professional automatic locksmith service to take charge of securing your house from outside. The expert will install cameras & detectors to vigil 24/7 so that you have a relaxed sleep. From their plethora of services, you can pick your suitable one to protect your place. Some locksmiths even provide services like garage doors, CCTV cameras and many more. Keep The Entrances And Walkways Short And Trimmed: Don’t make hiding spots for the thief to hide when attempting to intrude-in. Trim the shrubs from the entranceways and install light to make the place glowing even at night. Also, this will eliminate the risk of having no place to hide, and the thief will not even try to do it. Moreover, for added security, you can plant thorns at the windows making it difficult for the intruder to jump-in the house. Build A Protective Fence: A fence is an excellent way to not only keep intruders but unwanted visitors away from your property. You can use the open-chain link or metal fence to secure the place. Some owners also prefer solid barriers for limiting the street noise as well as for privacy; such rails are easy to climb and hide. Don’t Leave Expensive Things Open In The Garden: Things like expensive cars, bikes, kitchen BBQ grills make easy targets for the burglars to grab them. Bonus for the thieves if these things have got wheels! Moreover, if you have open street parking, lock your car properly and make sure to bring out all the important things from the car. We live in a constant threat of someone hampering our property and family. So, keep in mind the above mentions tips and stay protected and safe! Read More : Why Should You Consider Security Doors for Your House? 5 Ways Camera Monitoring System Will Enhance Vehicle Safety  

How Your Hedge Fund Will Benefit from a Virtual Deal Room

How Your Hedge Fund Will Benefit from a Virtual Deal Room

The 21st century has been a time of great improvement within our society, and as it has progressed, it has become evident that these changes are only going to continue even further. Our society has undergone a major transformation in the past 20 years, as the Internet and other technologies have become completely ubiquitous all over the world. One of the most important technologies that hedge funds invest in to protect against hackers is virtual deal rooms.  People have adopted technology into their personal lives and it has also pervaded into the professional sphere as well. The Internet has totally revolutionized the economy and as it continues to do so, its effects will become even greater. While there is a multitude of industries where the impact of the Internet can be witnessed, hedge funds are one of the most affected fields.  What Does Technology Do for Hedge Funds? There has been a major transformation throughout the entire investment industry and hedge funds have been greatly influenced by the prevalence of the Internet. All hedge funds do at least some of their business online in the modern era, so it is imperative that these companies are prepared for the needs of a modern investment sphere. Hedge funds are frequently handling extremely large sums of money in their computer systems, so it is critical for them to ensure that their cybersecurity is up-to-date. Having advanced cybersecurity is essential for hedge funds, especially when working on large deals, and utilizing the top tools available is crucial for their success. One of the most important technologies that hedge funds invest in to protect against hackers is virtual deal rooms.  What are Virtual Deal Rooms? There are numerous cybersecurity tools that hedge funds utilize, and virtual deal rooms are one of the most prominent. A virtual deal room is a secured online database where information surrounding a deal can be effectively protected. Virtual deal rooms are used by hedge funds for their security features, but they also have numerous other helpful facets as well. Some of these include IPOs and due diligence and learning about how they aid these types of companies is essential before deciding to invest in one for your business.  How Do Hedge Funds Benefit from a Virtual Deal Room?   There are numerous security features that all top hedge funds utilize, and virtual deal rooms are one of the most secure. Protecting financial and other sensitive information is imperative for hedge funds, so learning about the features of a virtual deal room is essential. Some of the top features include customizable NDAs, view only-access for documents, dynamic watermarking on documents, and assign granular permissions. Other features are permission-based user roles, streamlined organizational processes like data room archiving, drag and drop uploading, and much more. Understanding how virtual deal rooms benefit top hedge funds is an essential step before deciding to invest in it for your business. Final Thoughts The investment industry is undergoing major changes as the Internet becomes more prevalent in the industry throughout the 21st century. Web-based tools like virtual deal rooms are extremely important to hedge funds and understanding their benefits is critical for the success of your company. Read Also: Characteristics Of That Dreadful Landlord You Should Avoid Debt Management: Why It Pays To Seek Help From The Experts? Recognizing How Important Inventory Management is to Your Ecommerce Store

Cyber Attacks

1 In 10 Cyber Attacks Is Driven By Espionage

According to Verizon’s data breach report, 89% of cyber attacks aim to gain financial incentives. The other 11% of attacks happen to get some form of leverage through espionage. Also known as cyber spying, such malicious attempts target businesses and governments. The goal is to access sensitive information, classified data, or intellectual property for various benefits. Main tactics used in cyber espionage Cyber espionage targets and exploits the exclusive nature and anonymity of information networks. As technology advances, hackers are becoming sophisticated, meaning their tactics are diversifying. In general, their methods include: Supply chain attacks. Supply chain attacks target systems rather than networks. Hackers first infiltrate an organization’s outside provider to get access to the data. Watering hole attacks. Watering hole attacks involve compromising legitimate websites in high-valued industries with malware. The aim is to trick people into accessing a bad site. The goal is to hack an organization’s network by injecting harmful software into users' computers. Spear phishing attacks. Spear phishing is a customized form of cyber espionage. The method targets high-profile people via email messages that look legitimate. The goal is to make recipients share personal information. This approach allows attackers to access their credit card details or passwords. Zero-day vulnerabilities. A zero-day vulnerability is a tactic used to exploit software flaws overlooked by security teams. It involves implementing malicious code into the software before developers can get a chance to fix it. How to prevent cyber espionage Cyber espionage aims to be undetectable from start to end. Perpetrators generally use extreme measures to conceal their motives, identities, and actions. As a result, business leaders must pay attention to how they perceive their organization’s cybersecurity. In 2020, a nation-state attack targeted several businesses and government agencies in the US. Leading software company SolarWinds got hacked, exposing nearly 18,000 SolarWinds customers, including several US government agencies. The hack compromised systems, data, and networks via a masqued software update. A supply chain attack was the method used to conduct the attack. It involved inserting malicious code into SolarWinds’s Orion system. To prevent such attacks, every organization should implement basic prevention practices such as: Risk assessment analysis Every organization should recognize the worth of its data and who might want it. Risk assessment is the base for setting up a risk-based security strategy. Being aware of potential threats makes detecting vulnerabilities much easier. Build a secure system infrastructure Set a secured perimeter around your organization’s network. An excellent prevention strategy is multi-level security. A layered approach makes cyber espionage attacks more difficult to penetrate. Start by separating your corporate network from sensitive data and limiting access. Implement the zero-trust model to check user identity whenever someone accesses sensitive resources. Develop a cybersecurity policy When building a cybersecurity policy, include clearly defined rules around topics such as: Network security. Explain security rules and implementation tactics. Include clear guidelines for accessing computer networks. Network security awareness. Inform all employees about your security mechanisms and processes. Employee onboarding & offboarding. Ensure all security procedures are defined, explained, and followed during the onboarding/offboarding. Password control. Set strict rules on how employees must create, store, and manage passwords within your company. Restrain password reuse on multiple websites and browsers. Network & system access management. Specify procedures for accessing data for remote, regular, and privileged users. Data breach response. Build an action plan for what employees must do if a data breach occurs. Make sure everyone follows the security rules developed. How to develop a company culture that values security There’s only so much the IT department of an organization can do to spot a cyber attack. In 2022, 85% of data breach attempts were human-driven. Security awareness training remains one of the best defense mechanisms against cyber attacks. With a strong security-focused culture, employees gain confidence to make more sensible decisions. This leads to lower security incident risks and reduced time security teams spend addressing threats. How do you build a company culture that values security? Don't make security policies too technical. Make learning how to scan a file for viruses and using multiple-factor authentication (MFA) easy to understand for everyone. Make sure employees understand why they shouldn't share passwords and access codes. Talk about incidents that have happened to reinforce the need for security best practices. ●         Set standards, performance metrics, and goals. Track progress frequently. Reward employees for their contribution. Implement an incentive plan to praise employees for improving security throughout the organization. In conclusion, employees will fail to understand the importance of security if they believe it's the responsibility of IT. That’s why prevention practices often rely on establishing a strong security culture beforehand. Read Also: The Importance Of Cybersecurity In The Digital Age What Are Some Best Practices To Prevent Phishing Attacks? Learn Everything About Google Verification Code Scams In 2023