Does Vinegar Harm Gun Bluing?


27 June 2022


Gun Bluing

Gun safety and maintenance are at the forefront of most gun owners’ minds.  We want to be able to clean our firearms without worrying about damaging them. 

If you’ve looked at online forums at any point, you may have seen some people recommending using vinegar in cleaning.

Is this safe, though?  Well, I’ll explain to you why it’s probably not the best thing to use in this article.  There are better alternatives that can clean it without any risk of corroding the metal – especially something like aluminum.

Cleaning our Weapons

As I mentioned above, if you look at any forums like this one,, there is a hot debate on how to properly clean our weapons.  A variety of methods are suggested.  It’s important to remember that bluing on our guns is a vital part of it.

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You see, it protects the metal beneath from oxidation, usually known as rust.  Besides being ugly, it can negatively impact its integrity of it.  If there is already rust, though, you might need to scrape it away.  This can remove some of the bluings.

How can you clean them, then?  Some recommend vinegar or a combination of that and other materials such as peroxide.  Unfortunately, this can damage it.  Acids and other corrosives probably are not a good idea.

What Should We Use Instead?

There are a few ways that we can go about this.  You are probably wondering what the best rust remover for guns is, so I’ll discuss a few options here.  The first thing I will cover is prevention.

If you store your firearm in a cool and dry place, it will most likely not oxidize at all.  This is a good way to keep this problem from happening in the first place.  However, if rust does occur, you can go on to the next methods.

You could try a battery charger.  For this, though, you will need a few other things.  This will probably only work for one made of something like aluminum or copper, as well.   Locate some baking soda, a battery charger, a steel rod, and a plastic container.

No matter which way you are cleaning, make sure the gun is not loaded.  This is for your own safety as well as everyone else around you.  You should look in the barrel and double-check, maybe even triple-check, that there is no ammunition within.

vinegar alternative

Next, you might try a traditional cleaning kit.  You can get them at most retailers that sell weapons like this.  This might be a slightly pricey option, but because the products are designed for this purpose, they are safe.  There is a low chance of damaging the bluing.

Of course, you could also use steel wool and some oil.  If you use a form of lubricating oil before going in with the abrasive surface of the steel wool, you will most likely be able to remove the rust without causing any damage.  You need to have a careful and methodical process.

As you go about the process of your choice, you will want to keep in mind some essential parts of cleaning your gun.  As you disassemble it, you should only do it in the way that the creator of it tells you to.  Otherwise, you may be risking your own safety.

Wherever you decide to do it, it should not be a closed space.  Having proper ventilation is critical so that you do not inhale anything toxic.  Some firearms use lead in them or ammunition.  Breathing this in is not something you will want to do.

If you didn’t know, it is recommended to care for your weapon after each time you use it.  Whether you go hunting or to the shooting range, getting rid of the residue is a part of being a responsible owner.  What you use for this might vary depending on the type you own.

For example, rifle users may want to get a barrel snake.  This probably is not necessary for pistols or other smaller barreled guns, though.  My recommendation is to do your research on what to use for your specific weapon, and you probably should not use vinegar.


Sumona is a persona, having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of her professional commitments, she carries out sharing sentient blogs by maintaining top-to-toe SEO aspects. Follow more of her contributions in SmartBusinessDaily

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Gadgets for Your Office

5 Awesome Gadgets for Your Office

When you are working, you spend most of your time in your office and probably deal with daily puzzles of work while you are sitting at your desk. Sometimes you face situations that you need a lot of time to solve, but the thing is often you do not have that time. So in order to make your experience at the office a lot nicer, and the daily to-do tasks way easier to handle, technology can give you a hand. In today’s world, technology helps save more time and do everything faster. So, here are 5 gadgets that will make your office life more comfortable. Here are 5 Awesome Gadgets for Your Office: 1. Mobile signal booster: Since you spend most of your time of the day in the office, it is likely that you will use your phone to make some phone calls to get in touch with your family and friends during breaks or perhaps having important business calls with some of your co-workers or clients. However, when your calls are interrupted, dropped, or do not even get through, it can get pretty frustrating. This happens quite often, especially when your office is located in an area with weak cell tower coverage. So, a way to solve this can be installing a mobile phone signal booster, that helps make the connection up to 5 bars on different distances. It’s small and easy to install, here is the complete guide on mobile signal boosters. 2. Power cable box: When you are getting work done, you don’t just limit yourself to your computer alone, you use many other electronic devices like your phone, your tablet, or anything else related to your job. Imagine what charging each of them will look like and how many cables and outlets are going to be needed for that. To make things look a lot neater and to have more space to operate with, you can get a power cable box. Power cable boxes help unite all the gadgets together and charge them together. This will help save much more time you.   3. Wi-Fi scanner: Depending on the nature of your job, at some point, you will have to deal with some paper documents that need to be scanned to have them in your computer for later on. This can take a lot of time, especially when the scanner is somewhere away from your desk and you have to walk all the way out there to scan your document. A cool gadget for this is a Wi-Fi scanner. It’s a small device that perfectly fits in your hand so you can easily use it to scan what you need in a short period of time.  In order to scan a document, you will just have to swipe your hand across the document so that the device can capture every detail on it, and then you’re done. 4. Dual Monitor Extender: Sometimes working with one monitor is not enough. This happens especially in cases when you’re multitasking or you have to look at a couple of materials at the same time as you get your work done. Having one monitor makes the task difficult since you get the feeling that it’s becoming a little small for your big activities. In order to make it work with bigger opportunities, you can get a dual monitor extender for yourself. It has two extra monitors on each side and they are quite big to help you work. They can be attached even to your laptop. This way you will have 3 monitors to work with and multitask as much as you need. 5. Smart Coffee Machine: Office work is all about getting it done with a cup of coffee in your hand. Coffee keeps you refreshed and ready to function for the rest of the day. But what if it’s not there when you need it? What if you need to make it yourself every single time and postpone your work because of it?  Sometimes making coffee takes too long, or you simply don’t have the time to do it because you have too much work. In that case, a smart coffee machine will come for help. It’s a gadget that you can control using an app on your phone. You can set a time at which the machine will make the coffee, and you can even customize it to match your preferred taste of the coffee. This way you can make coffee no matter your location, and the device even lets you know how many cups of coffee you can make. Now that you know some gadgets, make the most out of them and enjoy your workday! Of course, there are more gadgets yet to emerge in technology and surprise us, but until then these 5 ones are still doing the job of making things easier. Read More:  1. How To Choose The Best Printer For Your Office 2. Best Office Design Trends For 2018 3. Choosing Open Office Space Vs Cubicle Office Space

Choose the Best Printer

How to Choose the Best Printer for Your Office

Most things are digital now, so people tend to overlook the necessity for printers. Despite technology, have you ever found yourself in a situation in which you needed to print a certificate or picture so badly? People still need to print things, and for that, printers are needed. Getting a printer does not fix the problem right away, though. You must know the type of printer that is right for you. With the variety of printers out there, it can be difficult to determine which printer to purchase. Nobody, especially a business owner, likes to make the wrong purchase. Here are some pointers on choosing the printer that best fits your needs. Inkjet Inkjet printers are some of the most affordable printers. They are small and common. They are used mainly for printing documents and pictures. Inkjet printers are improving recently, and their printed materials have been becoming difficult to differentiate from the printed materials of better types of printers. Old models of inkjet printers use inks that smudge and smear easily, but newer models use inks that do not smudge and smear easily. These improved models of inkjet printers can also print at high volumes just like better types of printers. Still, inkjet printers are ideal for offices that print only a small amount of materials every day. Laser Laser printers are also common, but they are way better than inkjet printers regarding printing capacity and the quality of their printed materials. Laser printers are also bigger than inkjet printers. They print quickly and do not require the replacement of ink cartridges to print continuously. They are perfect for large companies that have to print large amounts of materials. They can be used by many different employees continuously. If your office is small and does not need to print many things, a laser printer may quickly print high-quality materials for you, but it is basically a wasted investment because it is an unnecessary expense. Copier Some printers have extra features. Copy machines are some of the most common extra features of printers. Both inkjet printers and laser printers have copy machines. Many large companies use copy machines weekly. If you have a large company, a printer that has a copy machine might be perfect for you. In printers that have copy machines, Comparoid recommended. Even if you have a small office and happen to need a copy machine for frequent use, you might need this kind of printer. Purchasing a printer that has a copy machine is cheaper than purchasing a printer and then purchasing a copy machine separately. Scanner Some printers also have scanners. Scanners let you make digital copies of printed documents and printed pictures for storage and sharing. If your business involves paintings, you can also use scanners to send paintings and drawings to emails and posts. Because you can’t post paintings online without scanning them, and you can’t make real paintings online. Simply taking pictures of your paintings is not enough. Scanners are also available in both inkjet and laser printers. Printers that have scanners are accessible and affordable in the nearest shops. You can purchase one and get it to work right away. Fax Machine Some printers also have fax machines. Even though they are now considered old, and many people replace them with scanners, fax machines are still available on the market and used by certain companies. If you prefer to use fax machines instead of scanners, you can find fax machines that come with both inkjet printers and laser printers. Because they are old-school, fax machines are cheaper than scanners. Also, if you have older employees who do not know much about scanners, fax machines can be helpful for your office. Printers that have fax machines are common, and you can find them in most shops. Types of printers may be different from one another, but after some deep research, you can find the printer that is best for you. Unless your business is about printing high-quality pictures, you don’t have to purchase the best printer for all printers. You only have to purchase the printer that fits your budget, but still gets your business moving forward. Choose printers wisely Read  More:  Paper Authority: Basic Tips In Purchasing A Printer 7 Ways To Stop Spending So Much On Printing In Your Business 10 Tips To Design The Perfect Business Card Best Office Design Trends For 2018 Choosing Open Office Space Vs Cubicle Office Space Making Your Office Safer For Workers

GoPro camera

Do You Need a GoPro Nowadays? Is It Worth Buying?

The world has seen astonishing advancements in technology in the last two decades. Like other fields, photography continues to evolve with time. From lighting to cameras, everything has changed for the better. One significant progress is the GoPro camera. The invention of GoPro created a buzz in the world of photography. Everyone was thrilled to know about its incredible features. From portability to wearability, every aspect is fascinating. It has revolutionized the scope of photography and taken it to the next level. After many years of its launch, some people are still unsure whether GoPro is worth the hype or not. This blog will give you an insight into the strengths and weaknesses of the GoPro camera. A. Pros of a GoPro Camera: 1. Small and Lightweight: One of the biggest advantages of GoPro is its portability. It does not require a lot of space in the luggage, and you can fit it in your pocket. Its accessories, like the charger, remote and mount, are also small and lightweight. Source: Pinterest 2. Wearable: The biggest wish of every adventurer is to capture shots of his crazy experiences. The invention of the GoPro camera made this wish come true. You can wear it on any part of your body from head to toe and capture amazing scenes. If you want to shoot moments in water or mid-air, GoPro is the best choice. Source: Pinterest 3. Durable: The GoPro camera is durable which makes it an ideal choice for daredevils. Despite its small size, the GoPro camera is quite strong and capable of bearing immense pressure. Source: Gadget Review 4. Waterproof: The waterproof feature of GoPro is a blessing for all the adventure junkies. You never know how the conditions turn out to be when you travel outdoors so this quality can be helpful. Whether you want to make an underwater video or take a photo in rain or snow, GoPro can do everything. Source: Pinterest 5. HD Videos: Even though the GoPro camera is not built for high-tech functionalities, it surprisingly has some impressive features. One such feature is the high definition video. You can make action videos of excellent image quality and color grading under different lighting conditions. GoPro cameras also come with a built-in stabilization feature to produce crystal clear streaming videos. Source: Cultofmac 6. Wide Angle Shots: Another fascinating feature of the GoPro camera is its ability to take wide angle shots. It has an ultra-wide fisheye look which enables it to capture a broader view in the frame.  It is suitable for landscapes where you want to capture all the objects of the view. You have to come closer to the target to get a perfect shot. Read more about using the fisheye effect here. Source: Digital Trends 7. Wi-Fi Connectivity: Wi-Fi connectivity is a feature that enhances the effectiveness of GoPro. It comes with a Wi-Fi remote that can help you connect to the internet anytime. This will allow you to access the GoPro app where you can use helpful tools to enhance your photos. B. Cons of a GoPro Camera: 1. Battery Life: One of the most significant issues of a GoPro camera is its short battery life. If used regularly, its battery drains out within a few hours. If you are planning to use GoPro during traveling, you should carry a charger; otherwise, you are in trouble. There are ways to fix the battery problem. Like you can use an external battery pack or a battery with a longer lifespan. If you want an all-in-one solution to your battery needs, V-mount batteries are the way to go. Source: How to Geek 2. Responsiveness: Lack of responsiveness of the GoPro camera is an area of concern. Manual controls of GoPro camera are not that convenient. It has a loose shutter, and the software is not that user-friendly. The customization options of GoPro cameras are limited, and they are also not easily accessible. Source: Techspot 3. No Zoom: Another drawback of the GoPro cam is that it does not offer a zoom feature. This means that if you want to get an intimate shot of an object, you have to get closer to it. Source: Video Studio Pro 4. Color Balance: The image quality of the GoPro camera is excellent in brightness, but things can get a bit cloudy in low light. If you take a shot of sunset or sunrise from a GoPro, the result might not come up to your expectations. It does not provide a uniform blend of colors when there is uneven lighting in the shot. Source: GoPro Is GoPro Worth Buying? The main question is yet to be answered whether GoPro is worth buying or not. People will have contradicting views on this question. If you analyze all its pros and cons, you will find out that its positives edge out the negatives. Plus, its price is way less compared to other cameras in the market. Another reason which makes it a good choice is its wide scope and convenience of usage. Conclusion: GoPro is one of the biggest inventions in our generation. With its unique design and excellent features, it has made a mark in the market. It allows you to capture shots of real-time action and can be an exciting addition to your gadget collection. After considering all the aspects, it is safe to say that if you plan to buy a GoPro camera, then you should do so.  It’s definitely worth buying! Read Also: What Is A CMOS Camera? Best Deer Hunting Trail Camera Tips For Scouting Wildlife How To Pick The Best Trail Camera 2019 “Best Guide For The Users”